Sold To The Ruthless Alpha

Sofia Escapes

Dominic’s POV

Have you ever been in a situation where you think that you have everything under control, but it turns out that you are completely clueless and helpless at the same time?

I am not prepared for this situation, it looks like I have underestimated the demon wolf and know I look like a complete idiot in front of my boys. I don’t know who to blame for this. I blamed my wolf, I blamed Allen and at the same time, I fucking blame myself. Why the hell would they do this to me, why hide these important details from me when they both knew that Sofia’s life is in danger, I mean, our whole lives is in danger.

We arrived at the island, right on time I was so excited because everything was going well, perfectly well. I spotted my sisters at the beach, they were having fun, sitting on the beach recliner chairs, with fruits and chilled drinks. They seemed okay, and that put my mind at ease because it meant that everything is okay and Sofia is still lying unconscious in the room. The guys were still unhappy when we left because they don’t know if the girls are alive and safe, but when they spotted them at the beach, their faces beamed with bright smiles. It’s so good to see them smiling again. Even if they still look a little grumpy, I could tell that they are a huge step away from their former sad looks, and I’m glad that I was able to get everyone to loosen up before we stepped foot on this island.

“Get your things together, we have the cure and we are leaving this island in a few minutes.” I told my sister when we touched down. I was hoping to get a little bit of excitement from them, considering the fact that they never wanted to be here. But all I got was their Snickers and frowns as they glared furiously at me.


Why are you starting at me that way, don’t you want to go back home?

I thought that is what you wanted, I thought you would be happy to leave this island and come back home?”Text © by N0ve/lDrama.Org.

“You don’t get to push us around as you please, Damien. We have our own lives to live, you can’t put our lives on hold because of you and the women in your lives. You need to man up and make things right because I would not be made to run Hither Skitter because of you. I’m not doing it anymore.” Sonia let out Furiously.

“Come on, sis. You know we weren’t doing this for him in the first place. We did this because of Sofia, and if the situation arises a second time, we would do the same thing over and over again, because we love her.” Tonia conceded, eyeing me angrily.

“And by the way, Damien. Since we are talking about the girls in your life, it’s only right that I ask you about that whore that you love screwing, right?” She added mockingly.

“Yes, Damien. Where the hell is Stacy, is she still warming your bed, is she still in the pack house?

You know she can’t remain in the pack house when Sofia returns, Sofia does not like her, and neither do we. Honestly, I don’t know what you see in that stupid whore, what has she done to you, why can’t you just let her go?

She deserves to be punished for everything she has put us through, she deserves to be locked up in the dungeon, she deserves to be…”

“She is dead!” I screamed out in anger, stopping her from ranting so much. They both looked at me in shock, with their mouths opened wide. They want to say something, but they seem to be short of words. All they could do is to stare at me with eyes and mouths wide open.

“Look, I don’t have time for this, I can stand here and stare at you all day. Just get your things together, we were getting off this island in a few minutes.” I let out firmly before turning to head into the house with a few of my boys and Allen Cole, the sorcerer. I asked them to get ready in a few minutes because I actually thought that we would be able to inject the cure into Sofia without any delay, but we were too late and the worst part of it all is that my wolf never said anything about this to me, even Allen Cole did not tell me about this and I know that he knows what is going on. He may be weak because of the wolfsbane in his system, but he is still a sorcerer and he must have sensed that something was wrong because he made the demon wolf, he created the demon wolf. But the idiot said nothing, he kept mute and watched us go into the house, and that was when I knew what was happening.

Immediately, the door was opened, and I was hit with the pungent smell of blood that had me scrunching my face in disgust. My boys perceived it as well, you could see the shock on their faces as they all looked around in shock, trying to find out the source of the smell, but we couldn’t find anything. I turned to Allen Cole, and he has no reaction at all, he was just calm about the whole situation. He looked as if he knew exactly what was going on, but he didn’t say anything about it, nothing at all.

“I can smell your fears, leave now if you cannot keep your emotions in check. We don’t know what is happening here, I won’t have you fueling the demon wolf with your anger, so keep your emotions in check or get the fuck out of here.” I yelled out in anger. They are werewolves and not mere humans, they should be able to control their emotions in times like this.

I tried to reach out to my wolf, Scott, but he wasn’t responding to me. He was there, I can feel his presence, but there is something wrong with him, he was not acting like himself it felt as if he just had a serious fight against a stronger opponent, and from the way he is feeling, it was obvious that he was defeated by his opponent, who ever it might be. I’ve never seen him this way before, I’ve never felt this weak and defeated in my entire life. All my life, I’ve always been a tough warrior, I have never lost a battle with anyone, and I have never been defeated, well, until now.

“Spread out guys, find out what is wrong, and secure the building, Tread carefully so you don’t get us all killed.” I ordered my boys. They nodded and went ahead of us, going in different directions, searching for anything or anyone that could be the cause of the stench of blood on this house.

“You, come with me,” I ordered Allen, and I led the way, going straight to Sofia’s room. As I got in deeper, the stench of blood got stronger and now I’m forced to believe that Sofia may be in danger, or worse still, she may have lost against the demon wolf, and our lives could be in danger. I love Sofia, but there is a part of me that is praying that the second one will not be true. I hope she is able to hold on a little longer, I can’t let her lose to the demon wolf, she must not lose this battle no matter what. That is my hope, that is my prayer, but I was disappointed.

Yeah. I felt great disappointment when I pushed the door to her room open and found it empty. Sofia was not on that bed, and she was not in this room either. I finally got to see where the stench of blood was coming from. It is the doctor that I left behind to keep an eye on her while I go in search of the cure. He was lying in a pool of his own blood, the room was scattered, which means that he put up a fight, but he had no chance of defeating the demon wolf. He had claw marks on his face and chest. Even his stomach was torn open by a set of large claws. He is a werewolf, so I know he is going to survive it because he had no poison in his system. It would take time, so much time because he wasn’t looking good at all. But he is definitely going to survive this. I saw her footprints, or should I say paw prints. The footprints came from where she attacked the doctor. At first, it was paw prints, huge paw prints. I’m guessing it belongs to the demon wolf because it is too huge to belong to any other wolf on this island. It took a few steps away from the body, then it shifted into its human form which happens to be Sofia. She walked around the room and then she shifted once more and walked towards the window. The window was broken, it’s obvious to see that she had jumped out of the window and run into the woods.

“The ship!

She is going to take the ship!

After her!” I screamed in confusion as I realized that my fears have been realized, Sofia could not defeat the demon wolf, it succeeded in suppressing her, and now it is in control of her.

“Dwain, go back to the beach and check on my sisters.

Ralph, lead the guys through the woods and search for her, I’m right behind you, I’ll meet you soon.” I instructed them. They turned around and sprinted in different directions, going to carry out my instructions. Once they were out of earshot, I turned to Allen and glared furiously at him, backing him up against the wall,

“You have five seconds to tell me exactly what is going on here or I swear I’m going to rip off your head, right here and right now. I can smell your fear, Allen. I can hear the sound of your heart beating faster than an athlete that just finished racing. Something is wrong, and you know what it is. Now spill it out already!” I yelled at him.

“W… W… We… We can’t save her, Damien, there is no way she can survive this poison, it would kill the demon wolf and it would kill her as well.” He let out nervously while trying to put some distance between us so I don’t punch him in the fucking face.

“What the hell are you talking about, Allen?

I thought I made it clear to you that I wanted to save her, why the hell would you make a potion that would kill her, are you fucking insane?” I yelled in frustration, grabbing him by his neck, blocking the inflow of air. He struggled to untangle my hands from his neck, but I had him in a firm grip and I refuse to let him go. I only released him when he was just about to pass out from lack of air. I threw him down, a little too roughly, and I ignored the look of disdain in his eyes as he struggled so hard to get back on his feet.

“Things have changed Alpha, I never knew that this potion would come in handy, I never thought it would be of use to anyone. Stacy had asked me to make a potion that could kill the demon wolf, and when she never came for it, I thought it would never be used again, but I left it anyway. When you asked me to save your mate, you told me she was well sedated and you assured me that she was sleeping. I figured it would still work on her because she is sleeping, she wasn’t supposed to be affected because the demon wolf was just a small part of her, it had not taken control of her. Her wolf would have saved her from this poisonous substance. But now she has surrendered to the will of the demon wolf, the demon Wolf is no longer occupying a small part of her, rather, she is the demon wolf, she has bonded with the demon wolf and it has gotten rid of her wolf. There is no way she would survive this, if we inject this potion into her body, it would kill her first before it even kills the demon wolf because now she is just a fragile teenager with no wolf. We have to find another way to save her.” He let out grumpy, his eyes still glaring daggers at me.

“What the hell are you talking about, what other way?

Look, man, whatever you want to say, I’ll suggest you get on with it as soon as possible. I just sent my boys after her, we need to get there before she kills them all. If you have a way to save her, then simply let it out, man. We don’t have any time to waste, you need to start talking, Allen… I mean right now!” I let out sternly, giving him no chance to stall or give any more excuses.

“Fine then, I’ll make it quick and simple, Alpha Damien. The only way we can save your mate is to have someone else take her place.” He explained calmly. I stared at him as if he was a clown performing on the stage.

“What the hell are you talking about, Allen?

Is this supposed to be a joke or what, how on earth do you intend to replace her with someone? For fucks sake, the demon wolf is already in her, there is no fucking way that she can be replaced, not when the demon wolf has possessed her. Or is there?” I asked him, sounding a bit unsure because there is no way that can be done.

“Yes, Alpha Damien. It can be done with magic. I can lure the demon wolf out of her, and get it to possess another person, but I can’t perform such Magic now because I’m not at full strength. I need you to give me back all my magical bracelets and I need you to quit pumping me full with wolfsbane. I need to be able to shift don’t can flush out the poisonous substance in my body. I need all my powers in order to save your mate.” He told me pointedly. I let out w burst of hysterical laughter, laughing so hard that my stomach hurts.

“You must think that I’m stupid, Allen. You want me to return your magical bracelets and amulets, and at the same time, you want me to stop injecting you with wolfsbane and mountains. You must think that I’m such a big fool Allen, you want me to let you shift into your beast so you can regain your strength and power and then kill us all. What the hell is wrong with you, Allen Cole?

Sofia’s life is at stake, our lives are at stake as well. And all you care about is your stupid amulets and your power. Look here mister, if my boys die on this island, I’ll make sure you are next in line and be damn sure that you will go down before me. You had better stop thinking about yourself and start thinking of a way to get us out of this mess that you created. This is your last chance, Allen, don’t fucking push me.” I warned him fiercely.

“Look, Alpha Damien, I know that we have had our issues in the past and I know that there is no way in hell that you are ever going to trust me ever again. But you just have to believe me, I can’t possibly be lying to you in such a dangerous situation. I just want to make things right, believe me, I’m telling you the truth. I am the only one that can save her, I just need my powers back, you have to believe me. Don’t forget that I created the demon wolf, it is only me that can destroy it.” He explained.

“Yes, Allen. I know you created the demon wolf, that fact is indisputable. What I’m not convinced about is the fact that I need to let you use your powers before you can destroy the demon wolf. For fucks sake, that is just not possible, Allen. For all I know, you could be trying to kill us all. You could take control of the demon wolf and still go ahead and kill us all. I’ll be a fool to let you take control of that demon wolf with your powers, I won’t let you play these stupid mind games with me, Allen. You had better come up with a better plan, or else I’ll…”

“Or else what?” he yelled out in frustration, taking me aback by his outburst.

“Wait a minute, Allen. Did you just snap at me, are you fucking insane?” I responded in the same angry loud tone that he had just used on me. But he looks unfazed by my outbursts, if you ask me, I think he is prepared to attack me or something, I tried to use my aura to subdue him and it just didn’t work.

“Don’t even think about it, Alpha Damien. Your aura is ineffective for now because your wolf is exhausted from fighting the demon wolf. It tried to save your mate and it got defeated. Using your aura on me is a fucking waste of time and energy because it ain’t gonna work, man. What the hell is wrong with you?” he asked me firmly, making my eyes go wide in shock.

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