Sold To The Ruthless Alpha

Sofia/The Demon Wolf

Still Damien’s POV

“Don’t even think about it, Alpha Damien. Your aura is ineffective for now because your wolf is exhausted from fighting the demon wolf. It tried to save your mate and it got defeated. Using your aura on me is a fucking waste of time and energy because it ain’t gonna work, man. What the hell is wrong with you?” he asked me firmly, making my eyes go wide in shock. I kept gazing at him like a fucking moron and I wondered if he has suddenly gone bonkers.

“How dare you?

How dare you speak to me in that tone, are fucking insane, are you courting death?” I howled in annoyance, my eyes blazing in fury as I glared dangerously at him. Then I recalled that he just told me something about my wolf, Scott, that I never knew.

“Wait, did you just say that my wolf is injured and weak?

How the hell did you get to know about that?” I asked him curiously, eying him suspiciously.

“I may be weak because of the potion you keep injecting me with, but I’m not dead yet, and I’m not stupid either. When you told me that your mate, Sofia, was struggling with the demon wolf, I knew she would not be able to defeat it on her own, so I gave you an amulet that would send your wolf to rescue her from the demon wolf. I knew you would never believe me if I told you that I wanted to help, so when you asked me for all my magical amulets and bracelets, I handed you the one that could help you save your mare as well. Although, if I’m being honest, I have to say that it was a terrible mistake and a waste of my time. As it turns out, I think I underestimated the demon wolf, you may be an Alpha wolf, but you are definitely not a match for the demon wolf. While we were on the plane, I felt your aura fading away slowly, and I knew that your mate was in danger.” He confessed sadly.

“What the hell is wrong with you, why didn’t you say anything to me?

We could have found a better solution, we could have gotten her faster and she wouldn’t have had the opportunity to hurt or maim anyone. Now, look what you have done, Allen. See what your silence has caused us.” I scolded him angrily.

“Are we going to stand here and argue all day long while the demon wolf rips every single one of your warriors apart, before escaping on your ship?

Yes, I hid so pretty important details from you and now we are in deep shit because of me. But you have to trust me, Alpha Damien, you need to know that I truly want to help. I’m sorry about the part I played in this matter. But you have to act now if you want to save your mate, you need to help me get back to full strength. The truth is that I hated you for destroying my plans, and I was willing to do anything to destroy you. But when you disobeyed the king and told me about the rogues, I knew you were not as cruel as I thought you were. Let me help you, Alpha, Damien. Let me save your woman.” He told me calmly, sounding so sincere. I would have fallen for this bullshit, but then I realized that he is the leader of the rogues, he betrayed them once, so I’m pretty sure that he won’t betray them again.

“Nice try, Allen. But I’m not falling for it. Not now, not ever. I’m feeding you to the demon wolf, better you than me. And once it has torn you into shreds, then I would gladly use this potion on the demon wolf, and if Sofia does in the process, I would be consoled by the fact that she got to the chance to take her revenge on you before she died. Now get your ass moving before I rip off your head right where you stand. My wolf may be weak, but trust me, I can still take you down in the twinkling of an eye. Now get your ass moving.” I ordered fiercely.

“You are making a nice mistake, Alpha. You will never be able to save her without my magical powers. I created that demon wolf with magic, and it can only be destroyed with magic. Let me help you, Damien, I can help you.” He pleaded desperately. I gazed at him for a few seconds, wondering what he could be planning and why he is so desperate to help me save Sofia. But no matter how hard I think about it, I still came up empty. I couldn’t find any good reason whatsoever that could make him help me. All that came to my mind is that he has an ulterior motive for trying so hard to help Sofia. He must be up to something bad, and I intend to find out exactly what he is planning. I decided to let him move on with his plans because that is the only way that only way that I can find out what he is planning and I’ll probably be able to save Sofia as well.

“You are sure this is going to work, right?” I asked him with a raised eyebrow, making him feel like I’m truly interested in what he is about to do.

“Of course, it is going to work, I just need you to inject her with wolfsbane. That would make her weak enough to let me cast a spell on her to transfer the demon wolf into another body, that way we can kill it with my potion before the second victim succumbed to its manipulation and gets too powerful to be destroyed. You’ll be there when it happens, all you have to do is to use the syringe on me immediately the demon wolf leaves her and possesses my body. I would use my emotions to lure it out, it would never be able to resist me when its host is weak. This is the only way, Alpha Damien, I would never lie to you, I promise.” He let out calmly, trying so hard to sound very convincing.

“Fine, let’s do it. We don’t have any choices and we are running out of time already. Let me have the serum.” I told him firmly, stretching my hand to receive the box that contains the cure he had made. I am sincerely hoping that he actually came with the right potion, otherwise my plans will never work. I transferred the serum into a syringe, and I packed it up in my pocket. Then I reached out and opened a drawer by the side of Sofia’s bed. I pulled out a gun and tucked it into my pants, before shoving a few bullets into my pocket as well.

“Just in case you try something funny when you succeed in transferring the demon wolf into your body. It might not kill you or the demon wolf, but it would certainly slow it down long enough for me to rip off its head and set it ablaze.” I let out with a smug smile when I caught him staring at me curiously as I packed my gun and bullets. He nodded nervously, and I could hear his heart beating faster. This only confirms my suspicions that he is planning something stupid. I smiled at his stupidity, but I didn’t say a word to him. I simply handed him his amulets and bracelets, then I led the way, leading him out of the house, following the same path that my boys just went through. After running for a few minutes, he shifted into his beast, screaming loudly as he purged out the potion out of his body. I ignored him and kept going forward, searching for their trail. It wasn’t long before I saw them, they look just as bad as the doctor we had found in the house. Some of them look even worse than the doctor, it is safe to say that she had dealt a number on them. She went all out on them and she injured them badly.

“You are stronger than this, Sofia. You can’t let it control you this way. Look what you have done, my love. See how you have hurt our people. This is not you, Sofi, and I know that you can fight it. You just have to be strong enough, my love. You have to think about us, think about happy things like I taught you, don’t let it win.” I pleaded softly in an attempt to reach her with my words, but I got no response from her. The woods were as quiet as a graveyard, even the chirping, and singing of birds could not be heard. It is just as if I am the only one here, but I know that was far from the truth. I can feel the hair on my skin prickling, I knew she was watching me, but I just couldn’t sense her exact location. Now I’m truly convinced that Scott is too weak to help me or anyone else for that matter. My senses are poor, too poor. I could see with my wolf’s eyes and I couldn’t sniff her out or even hear her footsteps or heartbeat. But I can feel her eyes on me and I knew for a fact that she is close by, very close if you ask me. She is too damn close for comfort. Since I couldn’t get her to respond to me, I decided to taunt the demon wolf and force it to give out its location. Allen was not here yet, but I’m pretty sure that he is close by, waiting for the right time to swoop in and do his magic. Yeah, I meant that literally.

“You stupid beast!

Find your own woman. Sofia has been claimed already, she beings to me. You have to let her go because she is mine!

I’m never going to let her go, I won’t let you have her. Never!” I yelled out frustratedly, looking around the woods, roaming my eyes around the perimeter, searching desperately for her. But she wasn’t anywhere in sight, it is either she is gone, or she is hiding pretty good.

Ralph, Dwain, we need to look for Sofia, she’s not here anymore, I think she is missing. We need to search for her, right now.” I ordered habitually, but I didn’t get any response from them, that was when I recalled that they weren’t even there. Ralph is lying helplessly a few feet away, nursing his injuries and Dwain is taking care of my sister.


This is so messed up. It’s even worse than I .” I let out in frustration. It seems like everyone has given up on me and is just so frustrating

“Where the fuck are you?

I dare you to come out here and face me you demon!

You were defeated many years ago, I would defeat you again and I’ll send you back to hell. You will not have my woman, and you certainly won’t leave this island alive, that’s a promise, you bastard.This content © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

That’s a fucking promise!

Come out here and face me if you dare, you bastard!

Come out here and show your ugly face!” I kept on yelling continuously, trying to force the demon wolf to give up its position and come out into the open. And it did.

I heard a burst of cold icy laughter coming from behind me, it has a mocking sound and I had no choice but to turn towards the sound. I thought it would have shifted, I was not expecting it to show me the face of my mate. I turned and there she stood, right in front of me, staring down at me, smirking. She was glowingly beautifully, and she is now standing menacingly in front of me, looking so furious that it scared me a little.

“And here I thought I was beautiful, Damien. Have you always thought this was, have you always seen me as an ugly beast, is that why you kept screwing that whore you brought into our home?

Oh, Wait,

Wrong question.

Is that why you brought me to this secluded island?

You wanted to have the whole house to yourself, you wanted to screw Stacy all over the house. And that is why you kept me here on this miserable island. You kept the ugly beast locked away on this island, while you screw your pretty girlfriend.

As if that was not enough, you also went to my father’s house, and you hurt my family. You hurt them and you killed my brother, Damien, you fucking killed him. You promised to do this my way, you said we would do this together, then you went ahead and broke your promise. You will pay Damien, you will pay for hurting me this way, you will fucking pay for everything you have done to me and my family. I will make you pay. I will kill you Damien, and I will enjoy every moment of it.” She let out in a very hoarse tone that doesn’t sound like her voice at all. It is so easy to tell that it was the demon wolf that was speaking and not my Sofia. How the hell did she find out about my visit to Sofia’s family, and why the hell would she think that I killed her brother?

Oh, No…

It’s the demon wolf!

It’s got to be him. Somehow he must have found out about it and it is twisting the truth to get her more furious. That is how it was able to control her.


He is so damn good, so tricky and dangerous!

“I did not kill your brother, Sofia. I only went to ask them a few questions. It’s lying to you, my love. You have to fight it, you have to listen to me. Lucas is alive, I didn’t kill him, and I did not hurt him. You have to believe me, my love. You have to fight off that demon wolf, it’s controlling and manipulating you, this is not you, my love, this is definitely not you. Fight it Sofia, you are stronger than this, my love. Please, my love, fight it,” I pleaded softly, trying to get her to listen to me. While I spoke to her, Allen sneaked up behind her slowly, he wanted me to distract her long enough so he can inject her with the wolfsbane. It was actually working, I mean, I was ranting to Sofia, or rather, I was ranting to the demon wolf, keeping it distracted and Allen was closing up on her, and a few of my boys were with him as well. The few of them that have already healed and they were coming with Allen, sneaking behind Sofia. I thought everything was going according to my plan. Then I saw the smirk on Sofia’s face, and I realized that we are doomed, she already knows.

Oh my God!


I yelled at Allen and my boys but it was too late. She turned on them so fast, and with lightning speed, she attacked them and flung them in different directions, slashing through their bodied with the sharp claws of the demon wolf. All my boys lay on the floor, nursing their injuries. I got out my gun and I held it out and aimed for her but she was too damn fast, I couldn’t aim straight. How the hell did she even know?

I heard her cackling excitedly, then I managed to turn over and aim straight, and this time, I fired a few shots at her and this time, I managed to hit her with the wolfsbane, but she looks unfazed, she had an evil smirk on his face as she spits out the word,

“You traitor!

You really thought you could fool me, didn’t you?

How could you try to betray me? For fucks sake, I’m your mate! Or don’t you love me anymore, don’t you find me attractive?” She asked me with a scowl, mocking me with her words, staring me down.

“You… You…

Before I could find an appropriate word to express myself, she brought her hand forward and hit me so hard that I went flying the other way. I hit my back on a tree and landed on the floor, howling in pain when I hit the floor.

I’m hurting all over, but all I could think of is Sofia. I can’t help but wonder if it is the demon wolf that is making her treat me this way, or maybe it is just Sofia’s way of venting her anger on me for everything I have done to her in the past. I just don’t know what to do anymore, I can see her strolling towards me majestically, and from the look on her face, I know what to expect, I know I am about t feel more pain than what I’m feeling right now. Scott is too weak to heal me, and my boys are all down and… and… and where the hell is Allen Cole?

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