Sold To The Ruthless Alpha

Allen’s Truth

Damien’s POV

“Don’t worry man you are going to be fine. As much as I hate you right now, the fact remains that I do not want to see you dead. I’m not a monster, Allen, I just want her back alive and I know you can help me save her and that is why I brought you along. I actually placed some cool pictures of us around the room, I’m hoping it’s the first thing that she sees if she wakes up, I want her to remember all the good times we shared and I want it to be a reminder to her that she is not a monster. I also placed some pictures of her family as well, it would be damn nice to remind her that she has a family that truly loves her and care about her. That should give her something to fight for, that would motivate her to keep a leash on the demon wolf so it doesn’t control her. She won’t hurt us, I promise, she is stronger than you can ever imagine, we just need to get the cure to her before she dies. She won’t let that demon to take control, I trust her completely and I know that she would fight, that demon with everything in her, she would never let it win.” I told him calmly, trying to assure him that everything would be fine. He has been so gloomy since I took him away from his house. I never gave him a chance to say no, I did not give him a chance to escape. I can feel the negative aura emanating from him, I know that if he continues this way, his anger would only be our downfall because the demon wolf would feed off his anger and it will have more power to subdue Sofia and defeat us in battle. That is why I tried to have this pep talk with him, But he burst into hysterical laughter, laughing so hard that it seems like he is actually mocking me.

“Do you actually believe that?

I mean, are you trying to convince me or you are trying to convince yourself?

In any case, I think you should keep saying it, Alpha Damien. Maybe if you say it repeatedly, you may believe it.” He let out in a mocking tone, laughing at me. We were at the airport, getting ready to depart for the island. We finally got everything ready, I’m going to make sure that he doesn’t stand a chance to attack anyone ever again. He is a werecayote, and he is not to be trusted. After we save Sofia, I will make sure that he never has a chance to recreate the formula for creating a demon wolf. This time, I will destroy everything myself, and I’ll make sure I strip him of everything that gives him the power to make charms and hurt people. I had other activities to attend to, the guys were monitoring the engineers as they try to fix a few technical faults on my plane. Of all the times to be acting up, this stupid plane chose this particular time when I needed it urgently. It developed a few technical faults and the engineers are fixing it up as fast as they could so we can leave this place and go down to the island. I am supposed to be there monitoring their activities but I had to put them aside so I can personally watch over this bastard and make sure he doesn’t try anything stupid. I am pretty sure that would take to his heels at the slightest opportunity that he gets and he could hurt us in his attempt to escape. He could hurt me and he could hurt my boys as well, he is a sorcerer, a powerful one at that, if I don’t monitor him properly and administer the wolfsbane and mountain ash. That is the only way to keep him weak and defenseless until I get him to face the demon wolf and save Sofia. The guys are scared of him, and on the other hand, he is also scared of them because he knows that his life is at stake. I can hear his heart beating so fast. We are several miles apart, but I can still hear it from miles away. I couldn’t let any of them get to that island, the demon wolf will simply feed on their fears and kill us all. I had to find a way to cheer them up before we get on that plane, it’s either they get over their fears, or we are all dead.

“By the way, Allen. I’ve been wanting to ask you, why are you doing this, why the hell would you want to destroy my pack?

I saved your life, for fuck’s sake, I helped you get away from the rogues, why on earth would you pay me back this way?” I asked him.

“Saved me?

Saved me?Content rights by NôvelDr//ama.Org.

I never needed to be saved by you or anyone else. I was doing perfectly okay with the rogues. We had a plan, we were going to Mark our territories and form a pack. I had it all figured out, I was going to be the Alpha, I was going to lead my pack to greatness.” He yelled in my face, causing me to gaze at him in surprise because I have no fucking idea what he was talking about.

“What the hell are you talking about?

The rogues are bad news, Allen. They killed and pillaged several packs. Do you mean to tell me that you were in charge of their operations all along?

How could you be so mean and stupid?” I retorted.

“And that is where you are wrong again, Alpha Damien. They weren’t doing bad stuff anymore, they were ready to quit their bad ways and follow me. The things they took from other packs are things we need to set up our pack. They didn’t kill anyone that didn’t look for trouble or cross our paths. They were just securing our territory, we were forming a pack, you idiot. I had it all figured out, I was going to be an Alpha, and everything would have been so perfect. But you just have to come along and ruin it. How could I possibly let you retain your title and pack when you are the reason why I don’t have any.” He spat out in disgust, taking me by surprise because I thought we were actually doing him a favor when we saved him from the rogues.

“You can’t steal territory from another pack, Allen. The lands and properties you were laying claim to belong to another pack. How was I supposed to let you keep those things?

And don’t you dare put the blame on me, Allen. You seem to be forgetting that you begged to be saved, you claimed you were a hostage and you asked us to get you out of that hellhole, why the hell did you lie?”

“What the hell did you expect me to do when two Alphas had us surrounded? I saw you slaughtering all my warriors, I had no fucking choice.” He responded.

“That is no way for an Alpha to behave, you betrayed and abandoned your own people and that is so not cool. Besides, you are a werecayote, and not a werewolf. You can never be made an Alpha of a werewolf pack because no werewolf would follow you, they will never obey you. The rogues would have turned on you sooner than you think. They were thrown out of their packs for a reason, Allen. They would never have stayed back, they are called rogues for a reason okay? Besides, they escaped from the dungeon and they never came looking for you because they don’t need you, Allen. The rogues do not need an Alpha and if they do need one, it would never be you because you are not a fucking werewolf. Even if I didn’t come along and destroy your plans, even if you succeeded in setting up that pack, you are forgetting that we have an Alpha king. He would never let you form a pack that he never signed off on. It was never going to last, so you need to let it go already.” I told him.

“Wait a minute, were you responsible for breaking them out of the dungeon?” I asked him. He scoffed and turned the other way, ignoring my question. I guess he never knew that the wolves had escaped. His reaction suggests that he doesn’t know that the rogues have escaped. I’m not so surprised about that though, only the king and Alphas knew about it. The King asked us to keep it a secret to avoid upsetting everyone in our packs. If Allen Cole had known about their escape, we would never have found him in his house because he would have taken to his heels immediately. He had made a lot of promises to the rogues, he promised to lead them and protect them. But when the time came for him to prove that he was a true leader, he sold them out and abandoned them to their fate. He betrayed the rogues and now that they are finally free, they will hunt him down and make sure he pays for his betrayal. The rogues were coming for him and he knows that too because he has suddenly gone mute and quiet.

This was not my plan, I wanted to get him to open up to me because I want to get him to cheer up a little bit before we get to the island. It is our disposition when we get to that island that will determine if we would succeed or fail in this mission. Failure is not an option for me, I need to find a way to get him to cheer up, even if it’s just for today. It was a few hours to the island, the engineers are rounding up. In a few minutes, we would take off from this airstrip. How on earth do I get this grumpy guy to cheer up with the little time we have? I brought out one of the syringes and I injected the liquid mixture into his body. He may look grumpy and sad, but he is still a dangerous sorcerer. I can’t let my guard down around him, I can’t let him get away. Don’t get me wrong, I know I’m still trying to get him to stay calm, but it has nothing to do with our safety. I have to make sure that he is unable to use his magic on us. For all I know, he could be faking this gloomy look to deceive me. I tried hard to think of a nice way to tell him to chill out, but I couldn’t come up with anything. So I decided to go with the only thing that came to my mind at the moment, I decided to just come clean and tell him exactly how I feel about his attitude.

“Look, man. I don’t know your deal with the rogues, but I can’t have you going to that island to feed the demon wolf with anger and more resentment. Save your anger until you have a chance to face the rogues then you can unleash hell upon them. But please be warned, the demon wolf would never give you a chance to redeem yourself, but the rogues might be moved to accept you back as their Alpha. But first, you need to keep your emotions in check when we arrive at the island. One wrong move and we are all dead, Allen. This is my mate we are talking about, if anything happens to Sofia, then you will have me to contend with. Trust me, you would prefer an encounter with the rogues than to face my anger. Get your head in the game, Allen. You created this demon so it’s only right that you get rid of it before it hurts my woman and kills us all. I’m not dying today, Allen. I have no plans of losing my life today, so I would advise you to put away every distraction and focus on the task before us. Our lives and Sofia’s life depends on the success of this mission. Failure is not an option, no mistake will be tolerated.” I let out sternly. I did not even realize that I was yelling furiously. I did not even know that I was suppressing him with my aura. I guess I am also letting my emotions get the best of me. When I looked up from him, I noticed that the engineers were done with the plane and they are all standing in front of me, their heads bowed low in submission. I decided to use this as an opportunity to give them the same stern warning that they just witnessed me giving to Allen Cole.

“You saw me treat my mate like a fucking leper, you saw how she attacked us while she was still in the hospital. The demon wolf feeds on our fears, anger, and strife. We can not afford to feed him with our fears, if it takes control of Sofia, it would never let her go. It would kill her and it would kill us all as well.

We have the cure, the sorcerer would give her the cure and we can save Sofia, we can save our Luna, my mate. Now I’m going to say this just once, I am not going to repeat myself. Get that fear and anger out of your minds, our aim is to kill the demon wolf and not to make it stronger. If I sense fear or anger coming from any one of you, I would throw you out of the plane before you kill us all. Keep your emotions in check and get your fucking heads in the game.” I warned firmly.

“It’s time to go. Get him into the plane.” I ordered. I waited to see him being taken to the plane. I must admit that he is acting a bit strange. I can still sense his fear, but it is not as noticeable as it was when we were driving down here. It seems like he has accepted his fate, he looks more willing to help me and I have to wonder if it is because of the way I just spoke to him, or maybe he is still nursing the idea that the rogues were coming for him. I won’t blame them if they came for his head, he is not to be trusted. He only seeks power and wealth, that is why he used the rogues to steal and plunder other packs. That is why he betrayed them without thinking twice about it. He would do the same thing to me if I give him the chance. He uses every opportunity to enrich himself, yet he blames me for his misfortunes.

The audacity!

For all I know, he could be planning something silly. He always has a trick up his sleeve, and I’m guessing that he may be trying to fool me again. But not this time…

Nah, not this time…

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