Mated With Five Boys

Chapter 8: Mr.PDA.

Chapter 8: Mr.PDA.

"Heaven can be found in the most unlikely corners"- Mitch Albom,

The Five People You Meet in Heaven "I'll walk you to the office so you can pick up your schedule,"

Rylan spoke next to me, guiding me through the narrow hallways.

This school was nothing like the schools back in New York.

It was tiny in comparison and there are far fewer people.

The lockers were all painted the same cherry red color with a small silver padlock placed on every single one.

l received many curious glances seeing as this is such a small school everyone is probably well- acquainted and I stick out like a sore thumb.

I followed Rylan around the school, making our way to the office.

I tried to ignore the whispers of the other students as we passed them.

"Who is she?"

I heard a girl say to her friend that was standing next to her.

I turned my head to look at the blonde headed girl who had just spoken, both she and her friend was now staring me down.

I quickly looked away from them and focused my attention on Rylan’s back once again.

As we neared the office I noticed the big black letters that were embedded on the wall.

In some sort of fancy font, the wall read: "Welcome to Irvine High School, Home of the beloved Falcons."

So I guess I'm Falcon now.

Not my favorite type of bird, but at least it sounded cool.

Rylan grabbed and opened the office door and we both walked in.

"Ahh Mr.Summers, what a pleasant surprise."

The secretary greeted Rylan as we entered.

"Hey, Donna"

He smiled kindly at her.

"How's your dog?"

He asked.

"Bailey is doing just fine, thanks to you of course."

Donna looks up at him gratefully.

"It was no problem, I couldn't just walk away when he was caught, tangled up in the fence."

Rylan shook his head dismissively.

I stood quietly behind Rylan as he talked to the secretary, I guess he had saved her dog or something along those lines, I wasn't really paying attention.

"This is Mia Morrison, It's her first day here."

I perked up at the sound of my name and looked over at both of them.

"Oh yes! You are the transfer student from New York! Rose called and told me to be expecting you."

Donna spoke cheerfully.

If Donna was a color she'd be a bumblebee yellow.

"It's nice to meet you.’ I offered her a smile that she gladly returned.

"The pleasure is all mine."

She told me.

"I've taken a look at your grade cards from your previous schools and it seems you do exceeding well in school, despite the fact you've constantly have gotten reroute to new schools."

Donna babbled.

She was right though.

I actually do very well in school.

I've always looked at school as a way to escape my real life, at least for eight hours a day that is.

"As you've probably seen, Irvine is not the biggest school out there, so we don't offer very many advanced classes, which you should be placed in, but fortunately, I placed you in a few senior classes."

She told me, handing me a piece of blue paper.

I glanced down at the paper that held my schedule, I felt excitement flutter inside me thinking about getting back to school.

You're such a nerd.

Irvine High School 2016-2017 Locker Number: 231 Locker Code: 8-76-16 Name: Mia Marie Morrison Grade: 11th Student Schedule.

Period 1: 12th grade English - Mrs.Porter

Period 2: 11th grade Mathematics - Mr.Segal

Period 3: Art Class - Mrs.Moore Lunch

Period 4: 12th grade Biology - Mrs.Locke

Period 5: Physical Education - Mr.Crane

Period 6: 11th grade Government - Mr.Hipp

Overall I wasn't disappointed with my classes, even though I still had to take I a stupid math and PE. class.I would much rather have an extra English or science class any day.

Rylan snatched the paper out from my hands and started examining it.

I saw a smile wash onto his flawless face as he looks up to me.

"We have gym and government together Fruit Loop."

He fist pumped into the air.

"Great, just what I wanted,"

I said sarcastically, joking with him.

I took back my schedule, folding it neatly and sticking it into my pocket.

"Walk me to Mrs.Porter's room?"

I asked Rylan, having no idea which one of these many hallways would take me to my English class.

"I thought you'd never ask."

He said trying to mock a love-crazed school girl.

I gave him a weird look at his failed attempt to imitate a girl's voice.

I shook my head at his childishness as we started walking down the hallway opposite from the direction we had come from before.

As we were walking Rylan told me to meet him outside in the parking out after last class and he'd take me home.

I didn't understand why we couldn't just walk to his car together since we both had government together as our last hour.

"I would walk with you to the car, but I have to go to the locker room and grab my baseball bag."

He told me.

I looked up at him confused.

Can he read my mind? How does he answer all my questions without me even asking them? Wait he plays baseball? "Yes Mia, I play baseball."

I could hear the amusement clear in his voice.

I gasped, it’s official he can read my mind.

"I can't read your mind love, but I do have ears that can hear you talking to yourself."

He laughed.

"What am I thinking about right now?"

I narrowed my eyes at him still not convinced.

He was definitely using some type of black magic or witchery.

"How the hell am I supposed to know."

He scrunched his eyebrows together.

"That's exactly what someone who could read mind would say"

I gave him my rebuttal.

"You're too cute Pumpkin’ Rylan laughed, throwing his arm over my shoulders.

Everything he had just done made me want to crawl out of my own skin.

How hard is it for people to understand that I don't like to be touched? "Here's Mrs.

Porter's room, Rylan said coming to a halt.

He finally lifted his arm away from me, which I was grateful for.

"Thanks, Ry"

I really did appreciate everything he has done for me since I've met him.

"You don't have to thank me for anything Mia."

He replied back, holding so much honesty in his eyes.

"I got to go, Coach is holding a meeting for the baseball boys, Rylan said, sighing in the process.

"Have fun!"

I mocked, as he rolled his eyes and walked off.

I was about to enter my class when suddenly a familiar mop of dark hair caught my attention from the corner of my eye.

I turned my head to see if my suspicions were correct, and like always they were.

My eyes looked down the hallway to see Axel walking towards my direction.

I frown slightly when I saw the girl that he had his arm wrapped around.

Who was she? I'm shocked he hadn't pushed her away or said some rude insult to her yet.

The girl was beautiful, she had light auburn hair that made its way a little past her shoulders and light brown eyes to go along with it.

She definitely made me feel self-conscious.

I focused my attention back on Axel, He still had the same unbothered look on his face as always.

Suddenly his eyes snapped to mine, trapping me in place.

A wicked smirk formed on his lips, I wasn’t sure what he was planning but I can already tell it wasn’t going to be enjoyable for me.

I watched as Axel pushed the copper-haired girl against the lockers, attacking her with his mouth.

She moaned slightly against his lips, tangling her finger in his hair.

I wasn't sure why, but I felt as if he was kissing her to show off in front of me.

Which didn't work, I don't feel anything for Axel.

It was more disgusting if anything, making out should be done in private, not in the middle of the school.

Strangely enough though, I had this weird desire to run my finger through his brown-blackish hair.

It does look really soft.

I quickly tore my eyes away from them, shaking my head to get rid of my crazy thoughts.

He wrapped his hand around your throat! Do you not remember that? I tried to talk some sense into myself.

You're the one that adores him even with his hands wrapped around your throat.

Ido NOT adore him, not even in the slightest.

I've only known him for a few days, you can't adore someone in only a few days.

Not mention his rude, arrogant, and above all: extremely scary! "Morgan! Deacon! Break it up."

A teacher yelled at them.

So I guess the girl's name was Morgan.

I walked into English and took a seat up in the front of the class, my favorite spot.

Not because I wanted to be the teacher's pet but because it's less likely I'll get distracted and I might actually learn something.

English has always been my favorite subject, science being a close second, everything else I just put up with.

The bell rang and kids came flooding the into the room like a pack of wild animals.

They all rushed to their seats so they wouldn't get counted as tardy.

Mrs.Porter walked into her class a bright smile plastered to her face.

"Good morning cla-"

She was rudely interrupted by the door swinging open.

Everybody's head snaps to the door, wanting to see who was late to class.

To what I'm sure is a surprise to no one, it was Mr.

PDA himself.

"Nice of you to join us, Mr.Deacon."

The teacher remarked sarcastically.

But Axel didn't say anything and walked to the back of the class and took a seat.Mrs.Porter then turned to me, my eyes widened.

"Welcome to my class Mia."

She told me, then walking to her desk and sitting behind it.

A sigh of relief left my mouth, thank goodness she didn't want me to introduce myself.

I hated teachers that made you introduce yourself and make you share your interests in front of the whole class. Têxt belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

It's none of their business what I do and don't like.

After a good ten minutes into the lecture about how we are going to begin to read "The Five People, You Meet in Heaven" by Mitch Albom, when a scrunched up paper ball flew past my head.


Someone muttered from behind me.

I choose to let it go and regain my attention to the teacher.

I began writing the notes into the notebook that Mrs.Porter had giving me because I didn't have one for myself, I even had used her pencil.

I was excited to start reading this book, I'm pleasantly surprised that I haven't read it before.

As I was taken down notes I felt something hit me in the back of my head.

I turned around and looked at the people behind me but nobody seemed suspicious, they were all taking down notes that were on the board well, everyone except for of course Axel, he was doodling on the table not paying anyone any attention.

I looked down at the floor and saw another balled up piece of paper lying on the ground by my chair.

I leaned down and picked it up, I carefully straighten out the crumply paper as quietly as I could and rolled my eyes when I read what it had to say.

"Did you enjoy the show, Angel?"

There is only one evil teenage boy that calls me Angel.

I turned around in my chair to look at Axel, who was already watching me with that stupid smirk on his face.

I looked him in his enchanting brown eyes and smirked to myself as I re-crumpled the note and letting it fall out my hand back to the floor where I had found it.

I then faced the right way in my seat and finished taking down my notes before class ended.

This was going to be a long year.

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