Mated With Five Boys

Chapter 9: Saving Me.

Chapter 9: Saving Me.

"When someone is crying, of course the noble thing to do is to comfort them.But if someone is trying to hide their tears, it may also be noble to pretend you do not notice them."- Lemony Snicket

The day passed without a single hitch, besides the whole Axel incident that happened during first period.

Turns out I had Biology with Angelo, math with Kina, and lousy PE with both Rylan and Axel and even Camila was in gym class as well.

I grabbed the same notebook that Mrs.

Porter had giving me (I had to use the same notebook for every class.) and looked over at Rylan who was standing next to me.

He picked up his government notebook and shoved it into his bag, which made me mentally cringe.

His bag was a mess, he had loose papers that were cramped and scattered into his bag, and the few papers that did manage to get into folders were sticking out from the corners.

His lack of organization made me uncomfortable.

"Tl meet you at my car, okay?"

Rylan said, putting the landfill I mean, bag over his shoulders.

"Yes, Sir"

I mock saluted.

We walked over to the door and waited for the bell to ring so we could leave.

"There are 3 minutes left of class, none of you should be lining up at the door.What are we? In kindergarten?° Mr.Hipp spoke from his desk.

"Besides, I dismiss you, not the bell"

He added on.

I sighed annoyed, Mr.Hipp was an older man that took his job way too seriously.

He had light grey hair that looked like he hasn't brushed it in weeks and silver I glasses that rested at the border of his nose.

"If the bell doesn't dismiss us, then what's the point of it even being there?"

I huffed quietly to myself.

Apparently, Rylan had heard what I said because he started crackling at me.

I glance over at him from the corner of my eye over to him, satisfied that I made him laugh.

After the long torturous 3 minutes, the bell finally rang.

I've never been so glad to get out of a class in my life.


Mr.Hipp stopped us.

The whole class simultaneously groaned and turned our attention back to our wicked government teacher.

"Have a great day"

He smiled evilly at us.

What a dirty rotten teacher.

The students rolled out of the room, entering the hallways that were crowded tight with kids going in every direction.

I looked around for Rylan but I lost him in the sea of people, it's moments like this where I wished I had better genetics.

If I wasn't so dang short I might be able to see where the hell I needed to go.

In all honestly, I'm not even sure how to get back to the main entrance of the school that Rylan and I entered this morning.

How was I suppose to get back to his car when I had no idea where it's at? As the hallways cleared I tried to find something that I remembered seeing earlier this morning, but nothing looked familiar.

I let out a deep sigh, what am I going to do now? I kept walking the now completely emptied halls until I finally saw a set of double doors that led outside.

I pushed them open and walked out, from the looks of it, I'm guessing I'm at one of the sides of the school.

At least you finally made it outside.

I couldn't agree with myself more.

I started walking in the direction that I thought was where the front of the school was when something grabbed my attention from the corner of my eye.

I looked over at the mysterious shadow that was leaning against the wall of the school.

I squinted my eyes to try to get a better look at them but it was too dark, the shadow of the school masked them well.

From how large the person was I'm certain it was a guy or maybe, a rather large girl.

"Hello, Mia."

The deep voice said, stepping out from the darkness.

Immediately recognized the boy from English class, I don’t know what his name is though.

He had black hair that laid easily on his head and hard, piercing blue eyes, that for the record looked hollowed out.

He also had a cigarette placed between his lips, which made me frown.

Cigarettes are disgusting.

I watched as the tanned boy steadily walked towards me, looking at me as if I was below him on the food chain.

He was wearing a cheap black leather jacket with a dark grey shirt underneath it and a pair of plain blue jeans.

I don't like this.

I felt my heart rate increase, what's this dude problem? Just walk away.


My breathing hitched in my throat when a sinful smile took over his face.

He threw down the half-smoked cancer stick to the ground, stomping on it and walking even closer to me.

RUN! Panic flooded my body and for once, I listened to the annoying voice in my head and ran.

"Oh no you don't"

The boy grunted, chasing after me.

Adrenaline forced my legs to go faster but it was no use.

I felt his rough hands grab my arm, yanking me into his large body.

"Now where do you think you're going?"

He asked, the same foul smile forming on his ugly face.

"Please, just let me go."

I looked up at him with pleading eyes.

"Don't do this, I begged.The vile man looked me in the eyes and laughed in my face.


I screamed, already knowing what's going to happen.

"Rylan! Help!"

I yelled out, trying to escape his strong hold.

"Shut up, you stupid cunt!"

He gritted his teeth, putting his nicotine covered hands over my mouth.

"Nobodies going to help you now."

He whispered in my ear.

I pushed my hands against his chest, trying to create enough space for me to slip away but again my action went to no avail, he was just too strong.

The man just smirked at me, walking me backward, pinning me to the wall.

"You're so sexy, babe."

He purred, taking his free hand and placing it on my stomach.

I swallowed the hopeless feeling that was trying to crawl up my throat and continued to lash at him.

I shook his hand away from my mouth.

"Please, stop,' I begged him again won't tell anymore, I swear."

I tried reasoning with him but it didn't work.

"You talk too much."

He grunted, putting his nasty hand back over my mouth.

His actions ignited a fire inside me.

I took all my rage and bite down on his finger, which I soon wished I didn’t because the taste was horrific.

"Ouch! You stupid bitch!"

He yelled out in pain, smacking me hard on the cheek with his rough hand.

Tears started forming in my eyes from the force he used to smack me.

I felt his hand that was resting on my stomach make it's way up to my breast, running his hands over them.

Disgust hit me like a bomb, numbing my body to his touch.

Tears ran down my now red cheeks, I closed my eyes tightly and prayed for him to leave.

Flashbacks came running through my head, it's crazy how every man’s hands felt the same.

Suddenly, the dark haired boy was ripped off of me.

I cautiously opened my eyes to see what had happened.

I gasped from the sight in front of me, laying on the ground, out cold, was my attacker with a murderous Axel delivering punch after to punch to his face.

I stood in place still in shock over what I'm witnessing.

Axel paid me no attention because he was still carrying punches to cigarette guy.

I snapped out of my trance and quickly ran over to Axel.

"Axel, stop! You're going to kill him!"

I shouted, putting my hand on his shoulder.

He quickly snapped his head towards me, he had a thunderous storm raging in his eyes.

The homicidal look on his face made me cower away from him, removing my hand from his broad shoulder.

Axel stood up, getting off my sleeping assailant.

"Are you okay?"

I flinched when he brought his hands to the sides of my neck, making me look up to his dark eyes.

His big hands were warm and surprisingly softer than I thought they'd be.

He seemed to noticed my movements because his hands quickly dropped and a frown carved his lips.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I whispered, looking down to the ground.He nodded his head "let's go."

He muttered, walking away from me.

"Where are we going?"

I called after him.

"I'm taking you home."

He replied, still walking away.

"What about him?"

I asked, raising my voice so he could hear me.

"Leave him,’ Axel said over his shoulder.

I looked back over at the shameful guy laying on the ground.

Leave him? What if he wakes up and goes to the police? I don't want Axel to get in trouble because of me.

"Now Mia,’ Axel said in a hard voice.

I sighed and started walking towards Axel, who just got into his car.

I walked to the back parking lot of the school and made my way to his car.

Axel had an all-black, two-door, Mustang.

I only know the model of the car because of the horse on the front grill.

l opened the car door and climb into my seat, putting my seatbelt on in the process.

I then looked over at Axel, he had an unreadable expression on his face.

"Did he hit you?"

He asked, putting his hand on my chin and turning my head to see my cheek clearly.

I pulled my face away from him, partly because of the tingling sensation his finger was causing on my face, and partly because I was simply embarrassed.

I just looked down at the floor of his car, I nodded my head slightly because I felt like I was going to ery.

I didn’t know exactly why I was going to cry, but! knew if he kept speaking to me or looked at me too closely the tears would Pour out my eyes and sobs would fly out of my throat.

I was grateful when Axel didn’t say anything and just started up the car and drove off.

The drive was quiet, which sent my mind into a whirlpool.

I could still feel his hands on me like claws that have been embedded in my brain. Exclusive © content by N(ô)ve/l/Drama.Org.

I felt so useless compared to that man, I couldn't do anything to defend myself.

"Teach me to fight."

I blurted out, looking over at Axel.

Whose face is back to the emotionless mask its always been.

"Excuse me?"

He asked, furrowing his eyebrows together.

"You heard me, teach me how to defend myself? I told him, trying to sound more confident than I felt.

I was mentally praying he'll say yes.

"No,' Axel spoke, his hard eyes glued to the road.

"Please Axel, I can't feel that helpless again, not anymore,’ I whispered, my voice getting caught in my throat.

He looked over at me with his dark eyes less hard than usual.

"What's in it for me?° He asked, looking back at the road.

What's in it for him? I don't have money or anything of value for that matter.

What could I give him? And then it hit me.

"I'll do your English homework for the rest of the year,"

I told him.

"Plus, you wouldn't have to trouble yourself about coming in and having to rescue me again.

I continued.

He stared at me for a few moments before answering.

"Fine, we'll start tomorrow after school, no excuses."

He spoke, accepting my offer.

"And this doesn't mean we are friends."

He stated.

We pulled into the driveway of Rose's house, I looked over and saw that Rylan’s car was parked right next to us.

He is probably worried sick.


I say, getting out of his car.

I don't want to be your friend anyway.

"Oh by the way"

I start.

"Thank you, for you know, saving me; I said awkwardly.

Axel shook his head and restarted his car.

I shut the door and watched him back out of the gravel driveway and leave.

I looked back over the house and took a deep breath.

I walked to the front door and open it quietly, hoping nobody would notice.

I snuck inside and started heading up the stairs when someone calls my name.

"Mia? Is that you?° Rylan asked, his voice coming from the living room.

I bolted up the stairs as fast as I could, Rylan couldn't see me like this.

I ran up both flights of stairs and ran into the bathroom next to Axel's room.

I closed the door and locked it, I leaned my back against the wooden door and closed my eyes, trying to control my panting.

But every time I close my eyes I just see his face and feel his hands on my body, making me feel even dirtier.

I walked over to the mirror and looked at myself.

My dark brown hair was a frizzy, sweaty mess and my blue eyes looked ghostly.

My cheek was a reddish-purple color, indicating it was, in fact, going to bruise.

You're helpless.

You provoked him.

You should have left when I told you too.

My blood started to boil at my own thoughts, in a fit of blinded anger I swept my hands across the bathroom sink, sending everything falling to the ground.

I knocked the toothbrushes, toothpaste, hand soap, all of it onto the floor.

I walked over to the shower and turned the cold water on, I then stripped down naked and got into the shower and slid my back down the side of a wall.

I brought my legs to my chest and let the cold water hit my back, hoping it would wash away the feeling of his hands on me.

But I knew it wouldn't.

Tears started to blur my vision and I made no effort to stop them.

The tears started rolling down my face, mixing in with the water.

A sob wracked my body, sending me shaking.

I tried to control my breathing but it was no use, the tears wouldn't stop.

I just sat there crying all my anger and desperation out.

It wasn't my fault.

It wasn't my fault.

It wasn't my fault.

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