The Seductress


Wayne steps out of the car and shut it close. Puffing out tiredly he stalked to their apartment door and walked in.

“Wayne” Miguel greets as he gets into the living room.

“Hey ol’ man” He smiles tiredly at him. Susan and Fiona chattering voice drifted from the kitchen and he sighed. Miguel had decided to spend a few weeks with them before moving back to Los Angeles.

He lodged into an hotel nearby and he made sure he was always around to keep Susan and Fiona’s company. Fiona couldn’t be any more happier and has began to return to her old self again.

“You look exhausted… Work’s draining you out?” Miguel raised a brow.

“No Miguel, I just need to rest that’s all, tell mom I’m not gonna have dinner….. Goodnight” He says listlessly and stalk to his bedroom. The comfortable atmosphere greeted him once he closes the door and he sighs, kicking of his shoes immediately.

Why does he feel like Stacey would go on with whatever thing she was doing?.

He badly wants to forget what she had said but he couldn’t. Her words rang out in his mind, keeping him restless as he settled in for the night.

What if he finds out what she said was true, what if she’s really evil?. Wayne rakes his hair in agitation.

Evil doesn’t seem to go well with someone as beautiful as Selene. He just hoped Stacey was wrong, he really hoped so. He’s getting attracted to selene in ways he couldn’t understand and if it was the truth, he doesn’t know how he’d take it.

The pounding in her head only increased as Selene watch tons of messages pop on her screen as regard her earlier resolve. She glanced at the table clock and it was well past midnight. She sighed and itched her eyes before fixating her gaze on her phone.

She had texted a lot of them and she didn’t have to wait too long before they started responding to her messages. Pictures upon pictures of guys popped on the screen of her phone.

She had asked a maid to bring in a full jug of coffee and right now she had a cup in hand while the jug sat on the nightstand, half filled.

Emotions geared her on. Making her want to find those guys earlier than usual. She should get done with this. Once and all. Even if it meant staying up all night to go through thier pictures then hell she’d do just that.

Memories of the way Wayne touched her assailed her and she tried not to let it take over her sanity.

What had he done to her in just a short period of time?. His eyes, smirking face and firm build was what could make a girl stomach churn-it made her stomach churn.

She leaned back as she began to study every photo. She knew them. The faces of her rapists was one that had stuck to her like a leach, and even if they suddenly grow horns, she’d still recognise them right away.

Hours seemed to pass slowly, tiringly. She had looked through almost all the pictures they sent her and she still couldn’t find them. They seemed elusive and that only made her anger deepen.

Her back aches terribly and she was having bags already. The jug of coffee was empty and she was feeling dizzy. Tried as she could she to stay awake, she couldn’t. She leaned against the headboard and soon she had drifted off to sleep, phone in hand and lips parted open in weariness.

Zoey sat behind the wheel of their office car as she drove to work. The morning sun streamed in and the bustling around them did nothing to stop the uneasy feeling she felt. Melissa sat beside her and was running a comb through her bangs.

What they had found out last night was scary as well as surprising. It appeared Stacey was creating an article about Selene.. And something about her being a witch. it was darn scary and Zachary Campbell seems to be a part of it too. Stacey hadn’t retuned that night. She texted she would be sleeping over at an hotel. That had given them ample time to go through her laptop.

“What do you think she wants to do with that article Zoey” Melissa cuts through her stream of thoughts and she spares her a glance.

“I don’t know” She shrugged. “But what I’m sure of is that she’s doing this for Wayne, her love for Wayne is getting a lot more intense than expected.” Zoey shakes her head as she rounds a turn.

“Good grief!, why does she have to be so adamant on getting Wayne to herself, it’s high time she snapped out of her dreamland Zoey!” Melissa spat out, annoyed at Stacey’s obsession.

“So what are we gon do with what we discovered. Do we leave her and watch her ruin someone else’s life all because of some stupid thing she has for Wayne?. If Selene is in love with Wayne and he his too why can’t she just back off, there are thousands of hot dudes in Miami” Melissa palmed her temple as cars zipped past them.

Zoey chuckles lowly. “Leave that to me girlie, We can’t blow our cover yet, we need to also go through her phone, and if I found out she’s gone further with her plans, then I’d be glad to do whatever I wish to do with it” She gave her a sly smile before rounding a corner and stepping on the gas.


Selene woke up with a start… and a groan. she clutched at her head and yawned groggily.

“Shit!” She cuss, wincing at the dull pain at her neck. The coffee had done more harm than good. She pushed the covers off her body and swung her legs out of bed. She had slept off while looking through the pictures. She sighed, angry at the fact that her search was futile. But she wasn’t planning on giving up. She rummaged through her drawer for some aspirins and threw it into her mouth, pushing it down with a can of water.

She stripped off her clothings and walked to the ensuite. Minutes later she emerged with a towel draped around her self and stalked to her closet.

She dressed up in a body fitting skirt and top before running a brush through her hair. Wayne would be here to pick her anytime soon and she couldn’t wait. She loved the way he stared at her, complimented her off how she pretty she looked or the times he stole a quick kiss from her. It seemed natural. Like a boyfriend- girlfriend thing.

Her phone dings as she applied make up and she retrieves it from the bed. More pictures pops on her screen and she scrolled through them, sighing inaudibly. A photo catches her attention and she pause to stare at it. She dilates her eyes and zoom at it. A tanned skin guy smiling widely stared back at her.

“Motherfucker!” She scowled at the screen. She fist her palm as anger surged through her. She’s found one of them. Hell!, she just did.All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.


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