The Seductress


Zoey tiptoes down the hallway towards Stacey’s bedroom and Melissa trailed behind.

“C’mon Zoey stop whatever you’re planning on doing! Stacey would be mad if she finds out!” Melissa groans, poking her back.

Zoey clucks her tongue and turns the knob. The door opens and she grins.

“Hell she didn’t lock it up this time” Zoey says and steps in looking around the bedroom.

“Stacey would kill us if she finds out we are going through her stuffs Zoey” Melissa warns.

“Jeez mel could you drop it already… there’s no how she would find out unless you wanna be a blabber beak and spill it to her!” She rolled her eyes and moved to the nightstand. She stared down at the laptop on top and nods.

“Yeah, This is the laptop she’s always glued to all day. She skips works and always feigning sick. What is she up to huh?.” Zoey voice out and sits on the bed, placing the laptop on her thighs. Melissa puffed out and plonk down beside her.

“You think she’s hiding something?” She asks Zoey as she watch the laptop booth on.

“Not just hiding something Mel, but i feel she’s up to something or why is she always skipping work, feigning sick and always going out?. it looks suspicious mel and I must know what she’s up to” She expound and stared at the screen.

“Fuck!. she set a passcode on it!” Zoey groans and palms her cheeks.

“Woah!, she never does that, now I think I’m getting curious too” Melissa says and folds her arms.

Zoey itched her hair as she thought of a possible passcode. Infact Stacey has never been a fan of password and if she ever has one it would be easy to decipher.

She tried her birthday year and sighed as it didn’t unlock. Melissa exchanged looks with her.

“How about her grad year, she had used that once you know” she suggested and Zoey smiles.

“That should work!” She voice out and punched in

the password.

“Shit!” She cussed as it declined access again.

“Godammit Zoey this should probably make you back off. let’s get the hell out of here Stacey might be here soon!” Melissa spat out already getting off the bed.

Zoey shut her eyes, wracking her head for the right passcode.

“Alright one last trial and if it doesn’t work I’m out” Zoey pleas and stared at the screen. A small smile crept up her lips.

“Wow!, I’m so dumb!. I’m sure she would have used anything pertaining to wayne as her passcode.” Zoey chortles and punched in Wayne’s birth year.

“Gotcha” She laughed as it opens. Melissa gasps and resume sitting beside her. Zoey dilates her eyes as she clicked on the email icon.

“I heard her talking to someone about emailing Wayne some stuffs. I couldn’t hear her clearly but she sounded serious” Zoey explains as she scrolled down different mails.

She stops on the one sent to wayne and clicked on it. It opens and Selene pictures pops on the screen. Zoey knots her brows and scroll down the pictures. She shot melissa an alarming look as she goes through each of them.

“Ain’t this Selene’s pictures?, I mean the hottest bitch in Miami?” She mutters as she scrutinizes the pictures carefully.

“Hell who wouldn’t recognize her! But why does Stacey have her pictures!, and jeez Mel, I can make out her palms in one of the pictures they are full of blood!” Zoey runs a palm down her face and placed the laptop on the bed. Scared to her wits. What does all this mean?.

“Melissa!. For all we know Stacey is not a fan of Selene. And this looks like Stacey was stalking her. We need to find out what she’s up to. I’m sure this has to do with Wayne and it looks bad.”

“So w-hat are we gon-na do?” Melissa stutters, clearly not in approval of what she was doing. Zoey gets off the bed and stride to the door, she took a cautious look down the hallway before slamming the door shut and returning to the bed.

“Easy mel, we just have to keep checking her laptop who knows we might stumble on something” Zoey says and grabs the laptop. Melissa clamped her lips shut and heaved.Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Alright, I just hope we don’t get caught” She mutters and joined Zoey on the bed.


Stacey looked around the plush restaurant and her heart raced tremendously. Goodness!, did Wayne really book this sort of restaurant for thier dinner date?.

Her heart almost exploded with joy at the thought of Wayne giving into her request. Maybe he finally saw that she loved him and he was already falling for her too.

Hell she doesn’t care about his age. Even if she’s way older than him, it doesn’t matter. She smoothened down her red shoulder length hair and stared at the entrance for the thousandth time.

Thankfully she had dyed it days ago and it had concealed the annoying grey hairs that was coming earlier than expected. She’s just thirty five dammit!.

She had arrived thirty minutes earlier, she was scared he might come before her and she couldn’t bear the thought of him waiting for her.

She sipped anxiously on her glad of water and waited for him to show up. She didn’t have to wait too long because minutes later she watched the double doors of the restaurant swing open and Wayne, dashing as ever walked in.

“Oh my!” She purred as she stared at his perfect body. She returned her gaze to her drink, he must catch her staring.

Wayne looked around the restaurant and finally spotted Stacey. He sighed, stuck his hand into his pants pocket and stalked to the table. In as much as he doesn’t wants to be here, he had to see her.

He needs to find out how she got those pictures and he needs to find out what she’s up to.

“Evening Stacey, I see you’re early.” He greets as he gets to the table, taking the seat opposite her. Stacey smiled, showing off a silver tooth.

“He-y Wa-yne, I didn’t know you were h_ere already” She stuttered, trying to keep calm. Wayne stopped himself from rolling his eyes at her. A waiter approaches thier table and takes thier order. They both settled for just drinks. Wayne didn’t have the time to eat and Stacey was too anxious to eat.

“So Stacey I’d be very quick so we wouldn’t waste out time here, it’s about Selene, and the pictures you sent” He started immediately the waiter drops their order and leaves.

A deep frown settles on Stacey’s face which she didn’t care to hide. He called her here just to talk about the pictures.

Godammit!, who the fuck is Selene that he was so concerned about her. She tried to push away the sight of Wayne kissing Selene and she gave him a faux smile.

“What about it Wayne, you don’t believe what you saw?” She blurt out, taking a sip of her drink to hide her anger. Wayne sighed and shook his head.

“That not important right now Stacey, how did you get the pictures?” He says impatiently. Stacey sighed and sets the cup on the table.

“Easy, I was stalking her, and please could we drop this talk about Selene and focused on what we came for.” Stacey says trying not to lose it. The mention of Selene usually makes her stomach churn.

Wayne chuckled lowly.

“But that is what I came for. I really wanna know why you’re stalking her and what you plan to do with those pictures.” Wayne grits out.

Stacey clamped her lips shut in anger. So he came here only because of Selene. What the fuck is wrong with him??

“Fine Wayne seems you think Selene is a goody two shoes I’d tell you what she is!. She’s a witch Wayne. A blood thirsty witch. she’s gonna make you fall for her just as she did to Zach and then she’d use you as she pleases!” Stacey reveals and watched Wayne expression go dark.

“For you to know so much about her that means you’ve been poking your nose Into her business Stacey. Selene isn’t who you think she is, and even if she is that ain’t your business. So stop whatever thing you’re trying to do and focus on getting yourself a fiancee okay!” Wayne tried to keep his voice down but few people were turning to stare at them.

Stacey froze to her seat, surprised that he’d say such hateful words to her. Wayne sighed and brought his voice lower.

“Look Stacey you’re not getting any younger and you should quit chasing wild dreams. I don’t mind being your friend if only you could see me as one. Stop trying to ruin other people so you could prove to me that you love me. It doesn’t work that way and no matter what you do, we can never be together okay?” Wayne says calmly but anger bellied his words.

Stacey felt tears prickle her eyes as he slipped out a few dollar bills and slipped it across the table.

“Goodnight Stacey” He says and got off the chair. Stacey watched him walk out of the restaurant and what she felt was anger, pure anger. He’s right she’d never be able to get him. And if she can’t then no one will.

Selene head throbbed painfully as she sipped on her cup of coffee. It was late at night and yet she couldn’t sleep. Wayne occupied her mind and the thought of getting rid of her last two rapists made sleeping far from her. She stared down the city through the wall to ceiling glass windows and sighed. Good grief!, She’s tried all her possible best to find those guys but it wasn’t working.

The fact that wayne was getting suspicious of her only made her restless. She was falling crazily for him and she couldn’t afford to lose him. No one would want to be with a blood thirsty girl like her and she was determined no one would know.

She drained her cup and returned to the huge bed. She slipped under the covers and picked up her phone

She can’t give up just now. She would go back to the tons of messages countless guys usually sent her. She’d text every single one of them back, requesting for thier pictures and she. would go through every one of them. If luck was on her side she would find them, and they had better be ready for her. None of those bastards would go scot free. They’d pay with their blood… she’d make sure of that.


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