I was still asleep, but the sweet feeling I kept getting down there slowly pulled me out of my slumber. God, why was it feeling sooo good when I wasn’t doing anything? Was I horny in my drean or what? I was already awake, right? My hand immediately reached down there, but instead of touching my pussy, I was touching hairs, then… a head? I needed no one to tell me what was going on at the moment. My eyes fluttered open, and I looked down to see Manuel literally eating my pussy.

“Oh God!” I released a moan as his tongue continued to flicker against my clit. His lips were actually french kissing my vulva, and that action made me want to faint from excess pleasure. How was it possible that it could feel this good? Was this how good he felt when I sucked him the other time?

He looked up at me, our eyes locking, while his tongue continued to give me sweet pleasure. I couldn’t even hold his eyes long enough, before placing my head back on the pillow and closing my eyes as I revelled in the ecstatic feeling. He didn’t have to keep on for long, before I felt myself high up in the clouds in no time.

“Ahhh!! Yes!” I moaned out. “Oh God, I’m cumming!!” I groaned, unconsciously picking up a pillow and covering my face with it as I had my release. I felt all my energy drain out of me after that. When my breathing became stabilized, I took the pillow out of my face and looked around. It looked like it was already morning. Probably the early hours of morning. I turned to my side to see Manuel laying beside me and staring.

“Good morning pretty head.” His husky voice resounded in my ears. My cheeks definitely went red in embarrassment. That was definitely a mindblowing way of waking your wife in the morning. He slid closer to me and placed his large arms on my waist. “I’m sorry.” What was he sorry for??! There was nothing to be sorry for! “I just couldn’t help it when I saw your cleeaannn pussy.” He dragged, making me chuckle as my face got my redder.

“I liked it.” I muttered shyly, looking everywhere else but at him. I felt his hand on my chin, pulling my face towards his.

“What I like is how innocent you are, yet a wildcat in bed. You satisfy me greatly. I’m glad you enjoyed it, was worried for a moment.” He sighed

“Worried?” I asked, making a confused face.

“Hmmm.” He nodded. “You see, I’ve never really done this before, annnndddd, I was quite skeptical if I would do it to your liking.” No wayyy!

“You’ve never done this before.” I repeated.

“Yes. Why do you sound like you don’t believe me?” He queried.

“Welll… for starters, you dated Francesca Ferrari.”


“And she is a literal sex appeal. You both would have tried out a lot of things while you dated. I heard you were together for 4 years.”

“Why didn’t the person who gave you this piece of information, also tell you if I had given her a head before?” He asked, making me laugh. “Listen, Francesca and I may have dated for years, but she hasn’t been able to satisfy me the way you have done for just 5 months. Did I tell you that when we left the island, I would always imagine making love to you, while with her?” My eyes widened at his revelation, and he smirked. “Trust me, you had me baaaad.”

“Just when did you start to love me?!” I flared up. How could he have felt this way about me since then, yet felt it okay to let me go after our stay at Moscow?

“Calm down babe.” He chuckled, pulling me closer by my waist. “The thing I am beginning to realize is, I actually started developing feelings for you since our first time together.”

“When you say ‘first time’, do you mean the day you strode into Alexander’s office unexpectedly, making me act like a creep?” I gave him a side glare and he bursted into laughter.

“No, not that! But we would definitely have a conversation concerning that!! Now I understand your reaction towards me that day. You had been soooo happy to be seeing your celebrity crush for the very first time!” He laughed, kissing me all over my face as I tried to push him away in fake annoyance.

“Get off me!!”

“And I turned out looking wayyyyy hotter in person.” He laughed, making me roll my eyes at him. Was he being serious right now?

“I’m hot too, you know?” I mumbled and he pulled his face away from my body, then shot me a warm smile.

“Of course you are, baby.” He bent, pecking me on the lips. This was just so unreal! I still couldn’t believe Manuel was here, and that he was being so sweet and professing his admiration for me. It pushed me to ask him again.

“You haven’t told me when you started liking me though.” I sighed and he nodded in agreement.

“True.” He muttered. “Back to our pre~existing conversation, I meant the first time I was inside you.” He whispered the last part, looking into my eyes. “The fact that you were a virgin had literally thrown me off balance. I couldn’t believe it.”

“But you were rather very eager to tag our moment together as ‘casual’?”

“Jeeezz!!” His eyes literally popped out of their sockets. “Are you being serious right now?! I was about asking you to date me, but you cut me off with those silly words of yours, and I quote. ‘I have a boyfriend!’ Boom!” He yelled into my face, making my own eyes go wide. Was he being serious at the moment?

“You wanted asking me to date you?” I asked in total suprise.

“Hell, yes! Do you have an idea how I felt? Not only did you hurt my pride, you left me more hungry for you, and I hated it!”

“And why did you hate that?”

“I never for once believed you would be able to make me want you more. I was MANUEL RUSSO. I literally had women fawning over me. I wasn’t used to be the one who was fawning!” He pouted, making him look so cute. I laughed. “What is funny?”

“The fact you are pouting, and when you said you ‘were’ Manuel Russo. What are you now?”

“Okayyyyy…” He grinned, covering the space in between our lips and dropping a chaste peck. “I am Bianca Russo’s husband.”

“Hmmmmm, I like the sound of that.” I smiled widely, equally giving him a kiss on the lip.

“We are deviating again.” He chuckled. “So I wasn’t used to being the one to want a woman so badly. There were days I’d hope you just showed up at my office under the guise that Alex had sent you on an errand, but you never did, making me slowly go crazy. I was always asking Alex about his personal assistant, until it began to feel weird.” He laughed and I released a forced chuckle. No, this was too good to be happening.

“Why does this feel too nice to be happening?” I blurted out before I could stop myself. We both went silent and it became awkward.

“I do feel like it’s too good to be true as well.” He finally broke the silence, but his calm voice contradicted the statement he just made. “I never really believed I was capable of falling in love, until I met you.” He whispered.

I truly didn’t know how to feel at that point. Was it that look of sincerity in his eyes, or was it the deep meaning of his words? I couldn’t tell which it was.

“And why?” I whispered as I kept my eyes locked to his, readjusting my position on the bed. He simply raised my leg and dropped them onto his thigh, still keeping eye contact.

“Welll….” For a moment, I thought he was hesitant to speak, but he finally let it out. “I had deluded myself into thinking I did not deserve love.” He sighed. I was about asking why, when he beat me to it. “We didn’t really finish our discussion pertaining my Nonna’s death, you know?”

“Yes, I know. I knew there was a lot more you wanted to say to me.” I replied. “And I know it may still be difficult for you to tell me, but I just wanted to let you know I’m willing to wait as long as you want, before deciding to speak about it.”Content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Bianca, I want to tell you all about it now.”

“Then, I’m all ears, love.” I whispered, not even realizing when my hand held his. I was glad when he caressed the back of my palm with his thumb.

“So the last thing I told you was about leaving the military academy after seeing Alex, and Nonna getting hit by an incoming vehicle, right?”

“Hmmm.” I nodded, and he took a deep breathe.

“So after she fell to the floor, the car quickly reversed and drove off with so much speed. I turned to my Nonna who was looking so well and alright one minute before, and I couldn’t believed it was her bloodied body on the ground before me. I cried out in so much anguish and called for help. Almost immediately, the academy gates flung open and Alexander came running towards me with some of the security guards. Alexander’s face had been as white as sheet. One of the security guards quickly checked her pulse and confirmed she was still alive.”

“She was?!” I asked in suprise, and he nodded positively.

“I had felt my hope returning, and silently prayed for nothing to happen to her. She was rushed to the students infirmary in the academy, and was attended to immediately. After about an hour of Alex and I, crying in each other’s embrace as we waited for the doctor to come with news, a nurse finally showed up.”

“She informed us that Nonna was now stable, but we couldn’t go in to see her yet. Then she asked if we were her only family, and we quickly told them otherwise. Somehow, I was able to go through Nonna’s phone and got her sister’s number. Not up to 30 minutes after we called, her sister and her brother in law showed up. I truly didn’t know between Alex and I, or Nonna’s sister and brother in law, which of us were more of a mess. There was literally no one to console the other.” He sighed and I placed my second hand over his hand that was on top of mine. “After some hours, they announced we could finally go to see Nonna, which we did. Mind you, Nonno and our other relatives had been calling her, but weren’t getting any answers. When we walked into the room to see her, she looked so weak and a few machines were connected to her body.”

“It’s a good thing an infirmary had such facilities.” I muttered.

“It was a military school where a lot of students were learning to become military surgeons, so it was understandable. I wouldn’t really call it an infirmary because they had a lot of medical professionals.” He explained. “So back to what I was saying.” He sighed, readjusting his position in a way he sat up, more comfortably.

“We all asked how she was feeling and the other usual questions one would ask an unwell person. After she managed to mutter her response, the nurse came in and asked us to leave. When we stepped out, Alexander and I hugged each other, the tension within had slowly started to disappear. It was already evening and very clear we were going to sleep over at the infirmary. Alexander suggested we called our parents at the very least, and let them know what was going on. I was very skeptical at first, because there was no way we would inform them, and the rest of the family wouldn’t find out. But to be on the safe side, we went ahead to call our parents and informed them. They were all shocked and asked us not to call Nonno. According to them, the man had been worried Nonna had not answered his calls since afternoon. So they were actually concerned about his health, and didn’t want to risk him breaking down as well. After the call, Alexander ran back to his hostel to get us some change of clothes. He had explained things to his hostel officer, who relieved him of any other duties for the day.”

“As expected.” I nodded.

“So we had both slept off, only to jolt awake from our sleep in the middle of the night. There was a loud noise coming from one of the machines in Nonna’s room, and the doctor and nurses were rushing into her room. Panic filled Alexander and I. We both prayed nothing was gonna go wrong. Nonna’s sister had also woken up and was in a state of panic as well. After a while, the noises for the machine stopped and one of the nurses stepped out, asking for ‘Manuel’. I quickly rushed in and Nonna was literally too calm for someone who supposedly just had a crisis. The only words she said to me was that she wanted not to be taken away from her home. She wanted to be buried in Russia. In her favorite place.” He sighed. “I’m sure you already know where that is?”

“Hmmm.” I nodded as realization set in. Oh myyyy…. That was how Nonna got buried on the island.

“The next second, the machine was beeping again, and her body started to jerk. I held her hands calling for help, but when my eyes locked with her fixed one, I knew she was already gone. The nurses rushed in and tried pulling me out, but I kept resisting. Eventually, they were able to take me out, my face filled with tears. Oh, how much I had cried that night. That was eventually the last day I cried. Until yesterday when I couldn’t take your absence anymore.” He muttered, not able to hold my eyes.

I knew he was the one who needed my support, but I found myself tearing up.

“Manuel.” I muttered as I squeezed his hand in mine. I knew this was a very touchy topic of discussion for him, but I was grateful he was finally opening up.

“I stepped out and it was chaos from her sister and brother in law. Alexander had cried like a baby. In a way, he had blamed it all on the fact we had come to visit him. But then, I knew I was the one to be blamed. If I hadn’t run down to Russia without a concrete plan, all these wouldn’t have happened.” He bent his head and looked up at me once more. “So I was left with no choice than to tell Grand aunt Maria the last thing Nonna had said to me before she died. The woman was adamant about doing as Nonna had said. I also couldn’t find it in me to refuse my dying grandma’s wish. Immediately, we called my father to tell him the news about Nonna. That was the first time I was hearing my big man cry. It made me feel more terrible, knowing the pains I had caused him and the rest of the family.”

“Don’t be like that.”

“He hung up the call midway through his tears, but called early the next morning. He apologized for not being strong enough, and let me know he had informed the rest of the family, asides Nonno. I told Dad about Nonna’s wish to be buried on the island in Moscow, and I told him I couldn’t lay my Nonna to rest in such a public space. I didn’t want her memory being descrated, and her grave being played on, every single day. Even after all that I had said, he insisted that I did as his late mom wished. Then and there, he made a deal with me. He was going to lend me a very huge amount of money. It was my first time handling such an amount. I was going to buy off the island and make it my private space. But in exchange for such an investment, I had to and become new and better. Even if it meant traveling alone to Miami, to join the academy. He was ready to take the fall for me, when the time came to tell Nonno the truth.” He released a hot breathe. “Of course, I accepted, feeling so much guilt. It felt like I had matured in just one day. My Nonna’s death had taught me a whole lot, and I vowed never to put my loved ones in harms way again.”

“Fast forward to a few days later, Greta called with my father’s phone to inform me that Nonno had collasped due to shock. I had instantly gone scared, and asked why. She said he found out about Nonna. Suddenly, the line went off, and I wasn’t able to connect to her anymore. I rushed back to Alexander’s academy in panic, and informed him about the turn of events. He had to take an emergency pardon from school, and with the help of Nonna’s sister, we headed for Italy the next day. Alexander and I headed home, where the house staff had informed us what hospital Nonno had been taken to. Apparently, the entire family were there. Long story cut short, I found out that my cousin had been the one who told Nonno about Nonna’s death, leading to his heart attack.”

“Which of your cousins?” I asked.

“A particular one that had always wanted everything I had since we were kids. He had always envied me for being the favourite grandchild of Nonna and Nonno. He probably felt that telling Nonno about his late wife was gonna make him more loved. How could his thinking be so messed up? He was a grown teenager for crying out loud! That was the lamest thing family had ever done to me. And that was the day my hatred for Anthonio solidified.”

I’m sure my mouth hung open in shock. Now it all made sense.

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