“Hello my darling.” I heard Nonno’s voice behind me, making me tear my eyes away from the beautiful scenery. This garden had been my place of solitude for days now. I came here everyday, praying to God that this pain and burden in the form of anger, got lifted from my heart. I felt so miserable and hurt. It had already been 6 days since I left home, and had still not gotten over the pain of his betrayal. I knew he didn’t love me, but didn’t we agree to remain faithful in our marriage? Or did he say all of that to me, just so I would open my legs to him?

“Good afternoon Nonno.” I forced a smile on my face as I turned to look at him. The moment he looked at me, his face fell.

“Bianca, when you’re hurting, I’m hurting as well.”Content from NôvelDr(a)ma.Org.

“I really want to get it off my chest, but it’s just not working.” I sighed.

“I don’t expect you to so easily forget the fact that your husband cheated on you, my dear. But then, you have not spoken to anyone in days. Your friend and parents are worried about you. Your new family would have been equally distraught but thankfully, they know you’re here with me.”

“But why do you even bother with this plan of yours?” I sighed. “Making Manuel jealous by using Anthonio, wouldn’t make me feel better. The only thing that makes me feel better these past days has just been my trainings.”

“Which is part of my worries.” He sighed. “Your belly is getting bigger, and I do not want you overwhelming yourself just because that foolish grandson of mine decided to cheat on you. And in respect to Anthonio, I’m not trying to use him to make Manuel feel jealous. I just want Manuel to feel the pains of being defeated. The thought that Anthonio must have taken you with him, is enough to make him mad with anger and rage. He ought to feel the same pain you’re feeling.” He ground his teeth. “I spoke to Mia today.”

“You did.” I nodded. “So how is she?”

“She is okay, knowing that you are with me. She also let me know that Manuel has been locked up in his room for days now.”

He has?

“He has?” I muttered, to which Nonno nodded. “He hasn’t been going to work?” I asked again.

“According to Mia, he hasn’t since you left. And that is all I am after. I need to make sure he feels worse pains than what he has made you pass through.” He sounded really petty saying such, and it made me give a small smile. “I would discipline and punish him as much as neccessary my dear. All I’m just asking is that you don’t leave him.” He pleaded.

I inhaled and exhaled deeply. It was weird, but the thought of leaving Manuel even after finding out that he cheated on me, had never really crossed my mind. I definitely knew it was going to take a long while for me to get over what he did, but I didn’t really think of leaving him. Now that I think about it, shouldn’t I just leave? For the sake of my child. My baby deserves to be born in a family filled with love.

“Also, there is something else Mia told me.” He sighed, making me look up at him.

“And what could that be?”

“Well, she said Manuel had been insisting that he didn’t cheat. She wants to talk with you.”

“Nonno,” I sighed. “I’m sincerely not ready to speak to anyone just yet. I really hope you understand.”

“I do understand you my dear. I do.” He nodded.

“Thank you.” I gave yet another fake smile. “If you don’t mind, I would be in the sparring room, just incase you need me.”

“Go easy on yourself please.” He rushed out. “Don’t put so much strain on your body.” He ordered, to which I nodded in obedience. I walked away from the garden and made my way to the very room that had literally absorbed my anger and wrath for the past five days.

After I had boxed with the dummy for about half an hour, I began to feel tired and took it as my cue to leave. I walked to my room and was very happy to soak myself in the jacuzzi filled with warm water that made my muscles relax. I don’t know for how long I remained in the bathroom, but I eventually stepped out and dabbed my body dry. I looked at my naked body in the mirror and realized I had changed a whole lot. I was very pregnant at the moment, my belly protruding much more. I stayed in my position for a couple of minutes, asking myself what to do. Or rather, asking my baby what to do. Should I pick up my phone and talk to my parents or…. Maybe I should just lay in bed and sleep instead. I was still in my train of thoughts when a knock came on the door. I quickly put on my robe and went to get the door. It was Nonno. He held his phone to his ears as he looked at me.

“Nipotina, Martina said you were back in your room.” Martina was one of the maids working in Nonno’s mansion.

“Hmm.” I nodded, opening the door wider for him to come in. Instead of walking in, he shook his head in negation, and pointed at the phone he held to his ear.

“Alexander wants to speak with you. He says it’s urgent.” I knew I already made it clear that I didn’t want to speak with anyone, but considering the situation of things between Alex and Bella before I left, I felt the need to actually take his call. Most importantly, I wanted to know how he was faring because finally, I could understand the way he felt.

“Alright, let me have it.” I stretched out my hand and collected the phone from Nonno, who walked away immediately.

“Bianca.” I heard Alex call, and I released a sigh. “How are you doing?”

“Not so differently from you.” I answered honestly.

“Hmmm. You’re not supposed to be feeling the way I feel.”

“But why not? We both are passing through the pains of getting betrayed by our spouses, not so?”

“Well, I think that is where you are getting it all wrong.”

“What?” I muttered, already thinking if I made the right decision by accepting to speak with him.

“First of all, promise me you wouldn’t hang up the call. Please.”

“I cannot guarantee that.” I said.

“Fine then. But just let me speak for a moment. There is something you really ought to know.”

“If Manuel asked you to…”

“Trust me, I haven’t seen Manuel in days. He isn’t even speaking with anyone.” I didn’t know how I felt, hearing that particular information from him. It seemed more believable. “So can we talk?” He asked again and I nodded.

“Yes.” I said when I realized he couldn’t see me nod.

“Great! So the actual truth is…..” And that was how our conversation began.



“So when are you returning home?” Nonno asked me, and I couldn’t even say a word. I probably felt stupid for being too quick to make assumptions. After my conversation with Alexander yesterday, I finally felt myself getting better. For the first time in a whole week, I slept soundly.

“I’m not sure.” I whispered, avoiding eye contact with him.

“Don’t tell me you feel embarrassed now?”

“I definitely feel embarrassed Nonno.” I admitted. “I truly hadn’t given Manuel a benefit of doubt. I didn’t even let him speak before flying off to Sicily.”

“But it isn’t entirely your fault. Indeed, all you saw were too real to be a lie. Anyone would have acted that way as well.”

“But he went through all of that, just to make sure I don’t get hurt in the future. I have put him through so much pain, just as I have caused myself this whole week. Alexander says he hasn’t had any solid food to eat ever since I left.”

“Stop blaming yourself.” Nonno smiled warmly at me. “If we are going to lay blames, then I deserve to be blamed as well. I should have tried to hear him out as well, after you called me that morning.”

“I shouldn’t have just called Anthonio and made it seem like he had taken you. It’s unlike me to just make drastic decisions like that. But that’s exactly what it means to care for someone. The slightest thought that you were hurt, had made me equally hurt.”

“Oh, Nonno.” I hugged his sides and muttered my thanks. Truly, no one else took care of me as much as the man did. A week ago, when I had gone into the bathroom in the mid hours of the morning and called him, he had been worried to hear me crying. After narrating all that happened, he simply told me he had a plan, and asked me to come over to his penthouse immediately. I had done exactly as he asked, not bothering to call Massimo. I was very suprised when I got to the estate gate, only for the security guards to almost pose as an obstruction. I couldn’t blame them though. It was weird for me to be driving out of the estate so late at night. I was about calling Nonno when Anthonio’s call suddenly came in. At that point, I wondered why Anthonio was in the picture, but I definitely trusted whatever plan Nonno had.

On getting to the penthouse, there was already a driver waiting to take me to the airport. Nonno had convinced me to leave for his mansion in Sicily, promising to join me there the next day. I was very relieved to not see Anthonio, but felt sad that he already knew that the choice I made instead of him, had broken my heart into a thousand pieces. The next day, Nonno joined me in Sicily just as he had promised. He informed me that he was going to stay with me for as long as I wanted to be away. I couldn’t be more grateful, knowing I had his support in every situation.

“It’s fine.” He cooed into my hair. “But you have to return home to your husband and sort things out. You both were wrong in one way or the other, so it isn’t entirely one person’s fault.”

“Hmmmm.” I smiled, hoping to be with Manuel soon. “Tomorrow then. I should be home by tomorrow.”

“Great! That sounds just great!” He grinned. We were still in our comfortable embrace when Nonno’s phone rang out. Immediately, he picked it up and smiled. “Your mother in law.”

“Hmmm.” I nodded and pulled away from his embrace. He answered the call and put the phone to his ear. I was very surprised when he narrowed his eyes and frowned. “Is anything wrong?” I muttered, but he seemed to be more interested in whatever Mia was saying at the other end of the line. I just hoped all was well.

“What do you mean by that? How?” He queried, his forehead creasing into lines. Okay, something wasn’t alright. “Call Luigi immediately.” He ordered, before nodding at whatever Mia had said in return. Luigi. By Luigi, did he mean the family doctor? Something was definitely not fine, making me worry all the more. He was on the call for some more minutes, before finally hanging up.

“Nonno is anyone hurt?” I asked the moment he dropped the phone on the table in front of us. He released a tired sigh before looking at me.

“My dear, I think I may have gone a bit too far this time.”

“How? What happened?”

“Manuel passed out just this morning.”

“What?” I muttered, my heart falling to the pit of my stomach. “W.. what is the matter with him?!” My heartbeat accelerated. “Please I need to get back home now.” I said without even thinking, standing to my feet immediately.

“Calm down.” He stood as well and held my shaky hands in his. Why I was so scared? Manuel had always been my definition of a strong man.

For him to have passed out, only meant it was something serious. My husband wasn’t alright and here I was in another side of Italy, doing what??!!!

“He would be fine. You shouldn’t panic that much in your condition.” He adviced. “Doctor Luigi is already with them and has confirmed Manuel would be just fine. So calm down, okay?”

“Hmmm.” I nodded, slumping onto the bench. “But what happened to him?” I asked in evident worry.

“Apparently,” Nonno sighed. “He has been mentally and emotionally stressed, which led to him having a strong fever. But he is very stable now.” He patted my back. He was mentally and emotionally stressed? That was unlike Manuel. What was I supposed to make of that? Was he that way because of me? “We should be able to fly to Milan tomorrow.” Nonno assured. “For now, you should get some rest. I need to take care of a few businesses.”

“You are stepping out?” I asked.

“Hmmm.” He nodded. “But I’d be back before you know it. You want anything?” He asked, and I managed to flash a small smile. He knew just how to make me feel like a baby.

“Ice cream.” I muttered and he chuckled.

“That’s fine then. I would just call Martina to escort you to your room…”

“I can manage on my own.” I quickly rushed out. Nonno couldn’t keep treating me like a fragile glass. He eyed me closely for a moment before speaking.

“If you….”

“I insist.” I cut him off again and he started laughing. “See you when I return Nipotina.” He waved and walked away, before suddenly turning to me again. “Make sure you don’t worry about Manuel. He is fine now.”

“I hear you.” I sighed and waved at him. “Bye Nonno. Come back quickly.”

“I would be out and back before you blink!” He yelled out as he walked further away.

“Seriously?!” I chuckled.



My consciousness returned, but I was suprised to feel someone’s arms around my waist. That was very unusual, but there was just something about the way this person held me. It felt very familiar. On a normal day, I would have screamed for help, but I remained calm. At least, the steady breathing of this person made me realize he or she was fast asleep as well. I inhaled deeply, taking in the extremely familiar scent as well. Oh God! Now I was dreaming too. I had spent the entire evening with Nonno, hoping for tomorrow to come already, just so I could go see Manuel. Now, I had woken up in the middle of the night, literally dreaming that he was here with me. But someone was definitely in my bed with me, that wasn’t a dream.

Slowly, I opened my eyes and turned to whomever it had been in my bed. My breathe hitched the moment I saw him. Manuel? …. how? This wasn’t real. I stretched out my hand to feel his face, and I realized he was truly here in the flesh. When?! Just then, his eyes fluttered open, making me hold my breathe in tension. We looked at each other for sometime, but he wasn’t saying a word, making me question my senses, if he was truly here with me.

“Manuel.” I called, wanting to see if he was going to respond. I was shocked when he did.

“My angel.” He whispered, his hand caressing my cheek softly. He was truly here with me! “I missed you.” He muttered, looking deeply into my eyes and making it difficult for me to say a word. I had started to feel those tingles all over my body. I just couldn’t help the way I loved this man.

“I missed you too.” I finally found my words, as I leaned into his sweet touch. He looked so suprised when I said I missed him as well. Well, I did. The next thing he did was to cover the space between our faces, and place his lips on mine. I wondered why he wasn’t making any moves to kiss me. I had missed having him so close, and the last thing I wanted was for him to tease me now. Our breathing intermingled with each other’s and when I couldn’t take it anymore, I stuck out my tongue and licked his lips, hoping he got the message I was trying to communicate to him. He did, because the next minute, he was pulling my lips into his in a sizzling kiss.

We both sighed into the kiss, probably going through the same emotions at the same time. I suddenly pulled away when it occured to me that he was ill just this morning.

“How are you?” I rushed out, as I gathered as much air as I could.

“I’m fine.” He sighed, rubbing the tip of his nose against mine, and making me close my eyes in pleasure. I missed him sooo much. “But I’m better now that I’m with you. Please do not ever leave me again. I’d go crazy if you do.” He pleaded, capturing my lips for yet another kiss. My hands pulled against his hair as our kiss intensified. The emotions I had been feeling initially seemed to have doubled after hearing the last words he said to me. Now, I felt like my heart was about to burst from excess love anytime soon. He climbed atop me, not breaking off the kiss as his hands explored every part of my body. I noticed he was trying to be as gentle as possible, and I knew why. My belly was now getting a lot more bigger, and he was scared he’d suppress the baby. Wanting him to relax during the next couple of minutes, I gently tapped his arm.

“Hmmm?” He asked, breaking off our kiss.

“Get off me.” I rushed out, but quickly completed my statement when he frowned slightly. “I want to be on top of you.”

“Okay.” He whispered, quickly getting off me and sitting on the bed, in a way that his back rested on the headboard. “Come.” He held my hand and pulled me closer.

He brought me closer and carried me onto his thighs. I was now straddling him, but couldn’t make any other move as we just locked eyes for a while.

“You came.” I whispered, tears clogging my eyes.

“That is because I couldn’t stay for another day, without you.”

“Oh, Manuel.” I cupped his cheeks and leaned in to kiss him again. He brought out his tongue to deepen the kiss and before I knew it, the short gown I had been wearing went off. I also didn’t realize when his boxers had gone off. The only thing I remember was his cock gently sliding into me.

“Oh God!” I moaned out. “Oh myyyy God!” I yelled out in pleasure as I whined my waist atop his cock. How was it possible that this feeling always felt new and better?

“My pretty head.” He groaned into my neck as he thrusted into me from beneath.

“Hmmm…” I hummed in response, my arms tightening themselves around his neck.

“My… world.” He groaned out again, making my feet tingle, as well as my belly. His thrusts, only making the physical and emotional pleasure unify.

“Ahhh!!!” I yelled out in ecstasy, my pussy movement atop his cock becoming faster. I was about cumming, and I couldn’t hold back.

“Bianca… Bianca…” He reached for my face and pulled me downwards, so we could share a kiss. “I love you.” He whispered, before capturing my lips in a gentle kiss that was in contrast to how fast my pussy was going against his groin. His words had me feeling like my world had just been tilted.

“Oouuu!!” I squealed, tears seeping out of my eyes as my brain registered what he had just said to me, over and over again.

“Please…” He whispered against my lips as we both chased our orgasm. “Tell me you….” He paused his words all of a sudden, releasing a loud groan. “Bianca tell me you love me too….” My brain seemed to have gone on a long vacation because the next second, my pussy was clenching his cock, and our bodies violently shook against each other as we had our release.

It took a couple of minutes to get off our high. After I became calm, I looked up at him and cupped his cheeks with my palms, leaning in to give him a sound kiss. A kiss that was definitely able to portray how much I felt towards him. “I love you too.” I muttered after breaking off the kiss, and we smiled at each other. God! This was one experience I wasn’t going to forget in a while. The man I love, loved me back!

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