The Couple

Chapter 38: Insulting Olivia

Chapter 38: Insulting Olivia


I was scared to see him here, not because I was afraid of him or his other side but because I don’t

know what Harris might do. He deliberately took me to the same restaurant as them. He is keeping an

eye on me and now maybe even on Chris. I need to send him away.

The way he reacted, I could feel his pain in my heart, I could sense his anger towards Harris. But

unfortunately I couldn’t calm him or relieve him. I felt his love when he hugged me and rubbed my back.

I melted as soon as he touched me. Only his presence relaxed me. His touch and words did a magic

which no one can understand. He gave me the strength which I lost throughout the week. I know I have

to protect my love and my best friend with their family who cares for me. I have to help him find the

traitor in his pack.

I pushed him away and talked rudely. He tried to comfort me while I only gave him the pain. It hurt my

heart so much that my vision became blurry because tears started forming in my eyes. I sent him away

but as soon as he left I couldn’t control myself and fell on the floor and my tears flowed down. Soon, I

was crying my heart out. My mind was flashing his betrayed and hurt eyes in front of my eyes

continuously. I asked for his forgiveness in my heart, I didn’t dare to speak out loud. I don’t know how

sharp his senses are. I couldn’t stop myself crying or asking for forgiveness sitting on the floor until my

phone rang.

It was Harris. I just hope he doesn’t know that Chris came here to talk to me. I picked up the phone still

sobbing and heard him laughing. I was so annoyed that I wanted to throw away my phone again but

last time it helped him. He gave me a new phone with a tracker installed to it.

“I was doubting that you must have told your boyfriend everything till now but hearing your cries

relieved me. You can’t imagine sweetheart how scared I was for you. You know I was finding my ways

with your friend Mary who is pregnant. It would be fun hurting her which might result...” I couldn’t stop

myself to hear him complete his sentence. I didn’t even want to think of the consequences.

“No, please don’t hurt her or her baby. I didn’t tell Chris anything. Please don’t harm h...” Before I could

say anything else, he again started laughing and hung up the phone.

I looked down at the blank screen absentmindedly for sometime and then dialled for Mary. She didn’t

pick at once and my worries started getting worse. I dialled again and again for 2-3 times and then

finally she picked up when I was about to lock my apartment’s door.

“Hey Celia, What’s up?” I sighed as soon as I heard her calm voice. I was ready to leave for Dante

house without thinking of the consequences until I heard her safe and sound.I leaned against the door

and took a deep breath to calm myself.

I unlocked the door and went in before replying, she spoke again without any reply from my side.

“Hello, are you still there?”

“Yeah, I am here.”

“Oh, I thought you forgot after dialing me. So, how come you called me this late? Is everything alright?

You are good right? You want to talk about anything you know.” I do want to tell you many more things,

Mary but I can’t. I am sorry. I went to the dining table for some water.

“Yeah, just wanted to inform you to keep Chris in control. He came here just to threaten me.”

“What? Threaten you? But he told me he had a date night with Olivia, then how come he went for you.

Why would he threaten you, he loves you Celia.”

“Yeah, he loves me so much that he went on a date with Olivia. I know how much he loves me.” I said

sarcastically and hung up the phone annoyed. I was thinking that he went out with Olivia as a friend. I

was just trying to convince myself that he doesn’t have anything going on with Olivia, that they are just

friends but here he is ignoring me going on dates with her. What the fuck, she is married. Is this his

love for me?

I threw my hand on the table and sent everything on the floor. I threw a chair in the air, they collided

with the wall nearby and broke. I got myself in this danger to save him and his pack for what, for his

betrayal. I am suffering here and he is going on dates with his ex-girlfriend there.

I threw my dress away and went to bed naked angrily. I couldn’t bear the clothes anymore. I dropped

the ac to the lowest as it was too hot here, I couldn’t sleep and just laid there tossing and turning on the

bed all night.

After breakfast, I started writing down the things I noticed yesterday at dinner, like his allergies or his

food habits. My dad, being a chef, always said that you can tell a lot about the person and his health.

He told me a person with allergies is careful about what he eats and orders one or two dishes in

particular every time to make sure they don’t eat anything harmful for them.

I was thinking of Harris and how I could sedate him for my benefit when my phone rang. It was him and

I just want him to disappear right now like half of the population vanished from Earth after Thanos

snapped his fingers wearing Infinity Gauntlet. I was staring at the phone ringing beside me and the call

dropped. I got back to my work when my phone beeped for an incoming message. I checked my phone

only to find Jeanne in her balcony sitting on her swing reading a book and sipping coffee. And then

another picture popped up with a shooter aiming at her from somewhere far away. Freakingly, I dialled

him back but he rejected my call.

I dialled him again but he kept rejecting until the 5th-6th call only to laugh and humiliate me. His laugh

wasn’t only daunting but also frightened me thinking what his evil mind can think of.

“I thought we were playing games where we ignored each other. But it seems like you already accepted

defeat. Okay, let’s start aga...“

“Please, please, please I beg of you. Don’t hurt her. I am sorry, please don’t hurt her.” Belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

“Next time ignore me and I will send you the body instead of pictures. You’re taking me too lightly and I

am not liking it. Let me order them to shoot your best friend so next time you won’t think of anything


“No, No, please don’t let me do anything. I will not do anything stupid from now on. Please, don’t tell

them to shoot her.” I begged him and by now I was crying. Between my sobs, I kept repeating ‘please’

and ‘no’. I couldn’t bear the guilt of danger hanging like a sword over my friend because of me.

I didn’t realize when he hung up the phone and I was just left repeating those two words in between my

cries. When I got my courage back and went into the bathroom to wash my face and calm myself. I

dialled J’s number and to give her a hint that something is wrong so she has to be alert and protect

herself as well as her family. She picked up at the second ring and sounded really calm even joyful.

“Hey, vampire girl. You finally got some time for me. So, is it because you missed me or just missed me

too much?” She giggled.

“The latter one, I miss you too much.” I chuckled but she guessed something was wrong.

“Are you alright? You just sounded like you were done crying. Do you want to watch twilight?”

“I do.”

“So, your place or mine?”

“I am afraid we can’t meet. I am busy with all the preparations as Mom and dad are visiting me this

Monday for 3-4 days. And I also have to take time out for Harris, my new boyfriend.” I hope she gets

the hint because my parents’ visit was never an issue for me. When I was studying at NYU, my

parents’ visited me many times but I never prepared much or anything special for their visit and Jeanne

knew this fact.

“They both are coming finally. Oh gosh, you’re having your first dinner with my family the day they

arrive. I don’t take no as an answer.” She was so excited with the news of my parents’ coming. She

went off well with my mother from the beginning. I just hope she noticed what I tried to show her.

“I don’t know I have to ask them and Harris too.” I tried to show her that Harris is becoming a danger


“Oh, okay, ask them and then let me know how it goes.”

“Yeah sure. Okay then talk to you later. Take care of yourself and your family.” I never asked her to take

care. We never do such formalities, even we laughed when friends ask each other to take care of them.

‘If I can take care of myself then why do I need you? Take care of me and I will take care of you.’ This

was what Jeanne said when I said take care to her for the first time.

“I will.” And I hung up the call. I just hope she gets what I tried to tell her. I was just about to get up to

make lunch for myself when my phone started ringing. It was an unknown number. I ignored it but when

I thought of Harris I picked it up immediately. I don’t trust him, just to torture me and mock me he can

do such foul plays.

“Hey, its Olivia.”

“Hey Olivia.”

“Last night, we decided to have lunch but I think it’s a bit late for today and tomorrow I will be leaving

for my home back. Can we meet for coffee today at 6?” I was startled by her proposal. But maybe

Jeanne asked her to invite me so we can talk or maybe they can help me.

“Yeah sure.” This was my hope to warn the Dante family. She told me about the cafe we are going to


I had my lunch. It was like a ray of hope for me to be a mediator between me and Chris or Jeanne. I

was preparing for our meeting when my phone rang again. I picked it up absentmindedly without

looking at the caller’s id. It was Harris again.

“Hello sweetheart.” My heart sneered at his name. I checked the caller again to confirm if its really him

or am I dreaming because I thought it was enough for today to mock me.

“Hello Harris” ‘The beast’

“So, I am informed that Olivia, your new best friend, called you. How is she?”

“She is good.” I completely forgot that before I will meet her, he will get to know about our small talk. I

hope he won’t restrict me from meeting her. I need to play safe to protect me as well as the Dante

family’s secret.

“So, when will you both meet and where?” I gave him the details because opposing him won’t benefit

me anything. Either way he will know the location and time, so its better it comes from me and without

his any new threat.

“I will take you there, be ready.” He hung up before I could say anything more. I didn’t try anything and

got ready to meet. I wore a blue shirt with a black jeans. I refrained from wearing a dress so I can hide

the paper in the waistband of my jeans. I know Harris will check my pockets and bag for such things so

I made sure he won’t get it.

He arrived at half past five, half an hour so he can confirm there is no foul play against him. He was

checking my purse and pockets. I was anxious about what if he saw that paper hidden in my


“So sweetheart, ready?” I always hate it when he calls me sweetheart even just to mock me, but it

disgusts me. I nodded and followed him.

“I have already booked a table for you both, insult Olivia and come back within 15 to 20 minutes. I don’t

think it takes more than 15 to 20 minutes to insult someone and that is your boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend.

Come let's go.” I was stopped in my tracks hearing his words.

“What? What do you mean?” He turned around to face me with a smirk on his face.

“Olivia is Christian’s friend and I am no fool who lets you meet her and have some chit-chat happily

while you both sip coffee. So,” He grabbed my chin and spoke with gritted teeth. “You can tell her about

me and warn your boyfriend, I won’t let that happen.”

He turned around and left. I went to the dining table to gulp down the water and check if the paper was

placed at the right place. I also left after it, locking the door behind me.

He drove me to the restaurant and showed me the table he booked for us. It was clearly visible from

where the car was parked. The chairs are aligned around the table in a way that Harris can see

everything going on the table clearly through the glass window. I don’t know how I will handover the slip

to Olivia or if she will even trust me and help me pass the slip to Chris or Jeanne.

I was about to leave the car when Harris stopped and asked me to take a wireless speaker so he could

listen to what we talked there in the restaurant. As I left, he wore his headphones and signed me to

move and not delay anymore.

I went in and checked my waistband to get the paper out in my hand in advance. But I couldn’t get it, it

was then I felt something poking on the back of my upper right thigh. I let out a small cry before calming

myself and heading to the table. Olivia was already there waiting for me. I don’t know how I will

manage this meeting. I can’t think of a way to insult her. I felt like standing on a cliff with no place to go

to save myself from jumping in the ditch.

I made my way to her and seeing me she got up from her seat with a smile pasted on her lips. It looked

like a forced one and yet genuine. I don’t know if she is here willingly or forced by someone or just here

because of the promise we made yesterday at dinner.

“Hey” We both took our seats and my eyes traveled out of the window towards Harris’s car. I let out a

sigh and instead of replying to chirping Olivia I just nodded to her.

“Let’s order first then we can talk. I got to know that you’re Jeanne’s best friend. Well, she was a good

friend of mine as well.” She signaled a waitress to come and take our orders. She asked for hot

chocolate milk with vanilla and chocolate cake while I got myself a coffee.

“So, tell me how is it here? Are you enjoying it? I quite loved it here till I lived.”

“What do you want to know, huh? What are you even trying to do right now?” I almost shouted at her

while keeping my voice without bringing too much attention to our table. It felt so bad, insulting her

without any purpose or even grudges. I don’t have a single reason to insult her. She looked taken

aback hearing my words, obviously she didn’t expect that even I didn’t intend to do this.

“What are you talking about, Celia?”

“What I am talking about, what are you doing? Inviting mer here for coffee, what are you trying to do,

huh? We don’t even know each other and you invited me for coffee after just a dinner together. That

was only because Harris asked you to sit with us. I even came here just for him, otherwise I wouldn’t

have come here.”

“Exactly, I called you here to warn of Harris. You said you’re his girlfriend. But do you even know him?

Do you even know what pervert he is? He has been behind your best friend Jeanne since school. He is

not a nice guy to date or even be friends with. If you don’t...”

“Enough of your blames, I know my boyfriend. And I know who he is and what kind of a person he is. I

don’t need you to tell me. And who are you even to talk bad about him, look at you, you have a

husband and are still hanging out with your ex-boyfriend.” She was shocked with her mouth wide-open.

She was not even blinking as if it was her statue, not a alive human. I gulped down the whole glass of

water but still felt thirsty and got her glass of water too. I stood up and ran outside to the standing car

waiting for me. But as soon as I reached near the car, the car sped up and left me standing there in

between the road.

I didn’t have the feet to move and go home or even go back to the restaurant. I didn’t remember that

moment of Olivia, the slip and asking for help from her or warning Dante's family. I was left there

standing in shock not realizing what just happened.



I hope you guys are enjoying the story. Trust me I am trying a lot to make it interesting. Right now my

exams are going on so it is a bit difficult to manage both. I just want to ask you to rate my story and

help me grow more. Leave the comments to let me know how much you like it or how long the chapters

you want.

Share it with your friends.

Thank you for reading and understanding.


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