The Couple

Chapter 37: It suits her, being a Luna

Chapter 37: It suits her, being a Luna


The day I left her apartment after telling Heaven my truth, I didn’t see her. I tried calling and messaging

her but she never responded. This time I didn’t plan anything for our meeting, I wanted to give her time

and space to think and sink in the truth. Forcing her into this relationship or pack won’t help us. Even I

asked Mary to not talk to her much and let her decide on her own.

But I didn’t think that she would not only ignore me but also hangout with Harris. When I heard those

rumors of them being together, I didn’t believe them and thought they were just spread by Harris to

annoy me even more. I remember the day Tyler called me after lunch time and informed me how

Heaven left Harris's cabin and ran to her home. When I reached her apartment, it was unlocked and

she was lying behind the door on the floor unconscious.

I took care of her and even made soup with the help of Mary but she threw me out of her apartment. I

even planned to stay overnight so I can take care of her and talk with her. But I had to return, the whole

night I was tossing and turning thinking about what had gone so wrong that she didn't want to see me.

It didn’t stick to me till next morning that it could be because of Harris and their meeting.

I asked Tyler to investigate the matter but no one knows what happened between those two in that

office that noon. Everyone was out for lunch and no one was there. No one heard anything, they just

saw Heaven running out and leaving the office with her stuff. I noticed that day she almost brought her

stuff home. But then why did she go back.

It was all my fault, I shouldn’t have left her alone. I shouldn’t have agreed to her when she wanted to

serve her termination period. I should have paid the compensation money even though she refused to

accept my money, it was all my fault and this is what I got in return. Heaven doesn’t want me in her life.

It was Wednesday when Bryan informed me that same day Harris returned from Cincinnati. But he

can’t find who he met and what happened there. He stayed at a hotel there with full security, and met

someone daily but whom Bryan couldn’t put a finger on. None of his ways worked. I tried my

connections with other packs around that area but no. I failed to get the information and I couldn’t think

of another reason. This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

Heaven didn’t even talk with Little or Mary for much longer on the phone. Sean informed me that one of

Harris’s men is always following Heaven around the town. Probably he is also keeping a tab of her

phone records because of which she is maintaining her distance with me and my family but no worries

Heaven soon I will get hold of the matter and you would not need to tolerate that man.

I was handling the matter of Harris when Ethan informed me that Blake is coming with Olivia to resign

the peace treaty. It has been a year since we met. I know Olivia is my ex-girlfriend and I shouldn’t think

of meeting her let alone get excited about it but we became good friends after we broke up and it was

about 10 years ago.

Although we have been just friends for 10 years, Blake, her husband or should I say her fated mate still

doesn’t trust us together. We never met after they found each other 4 years back until either of us

visited each other to resign the peace treaty which is yearly. We never meet until he is present in the

room or we’re in a public place. I know he just brings her here because Luna accompanies her alpha to

make the relationship strong, otherwise I doubt he will bring her here back even to let her meet her


I was almost jumping to see her again after the whole year. It was like meeting an old friend for me. I

wanted to share the news of finding my mate but what will I tell her that my mate isn’t talking to me and

there are rumors that she is dating someone else. But still that didn’t kill my excitement.

They both reached here with five of their warriors on Wednesday evening. I was waiting for them at my

house where they had their dinner with my family and then left to spend the night at the inn. I made all

the arrangements for them to stay there, it was basically owned by Sean’s family and managed by his

elder brother and him until I sent Sean for some pack work. They both are my pack warriors just like

their father which is the reason Uncle opened the inn under their name so they can guard our guests.

I spent the day with Blake and talked about the matters. No, I didn’t hint him about anything going on in

my pack and my life except the part where we spotted a rogue and our discoveries about him. I tried to

investigate if there is anything similar happening in other packs but nothing.

I wanted to ask him if I could meet my friend who was sent away for shopping with Lisa with some

guards. But I dropped the idea as I know he might not allow me to meet his wife but will also take her

and never let her return. So, I let Olivia handle him. I know she will handle him and fix everything. I

decided the time with him to resign the treaty and left the guest house as they will leave soon for

Olivia’s parent’s house for dinner.

As I returned home, I could see Jeanne’s worried face. I asked her through a mind link if everything is

okay, if Greg did something to upset her then I can cut off his balls. She chuckled as I said it to her. She

shook her head and sighed. I know she has been upset lately and worried about her friend. She wants

to meet her, talk to her but she doesn’t talk to her for long let alone meet her. She is screaming from the

first day that she can’t be Harris, it is not possible and we need to do something. Trust me, I want to do

something but before that I need to know why she is doing this and what is going on in her life.

After dinner, I and Ethan left for the woods. There we met Mason, my commander with Blake and his

warriors already present. We were standing right now in front of the shelter which is my pack's hidden

office. I and Blake are facing each other while our respective pack mates are standing behind us and

checking for anyone approaching although we know because of the wolf’s fear no town mate dares to

come here and never at night. Mason handed over the wooden box to Ethan. Ethan came in front and

stood aside between us. He pulled out a silver dagger from the box which has a carving of Moon

Goddess over its handle, along with one red cloth from his pocket. One of Blake’s pack marge also had

a similar red cloth. Ethan handed me the dagger.

I cut my hand carefully with it making sure to not make a deep cut. After making a cut in my hand, I

passed the dagger to Blake who did the same with it. We put our hands together such that our cuts

were in touch. Ethan and one of Blake’s men came forward and sealed our hands in those two red

cloths. We both looked up towards the Moon while everyone else kept their eyes at our sealed hands.

“Under the light of Moon, with the blessings of Moon Goddess, in the presence of air, near the water

and above the earth we will promise each other that like each year we promise to not be a threat to the

other or his pack. We bind not only each other but our packs in this blood oath.” We both chanted and

then looked at each other with a smile.

We might have differences now but once we were also good friends. Being alpha’s kids we met and

bonded frequently. We might not be best friends or like brothers but have been each other’s well

wishers who look up to each other.

Ethan tied the red cloth on Blake's hand while one of Blake's men tied their red cloth on mine. And we

both signed each other’s register which has the oath written and our signatures from previous years

already there. We both hugged and left for our places with our pack mates without looking back. It is

considered a bad omen, so we went straight to our places while Mason took a different route and met

Blake mid way in the woods and dropped them at the inn safely.

The next day I received a message from Olivia informing me about the time and place. I informed

Ethan and Mary about my plan. I know Mumma might not say anything but she doesn’t like me hanging

out with Olivia. Although she liked Olivia at first and also wanted her to be my fated mate but when we

found out that we’re not fated she started avoiding Olivia and always wanted me to forget her and look

for my mate. Now, I have my mate. I don’t know how she will react. So, I informed Mary instead of her

and went to my personal cabin in the woods to get ready.

I reached the location on time and she was already there waiting for me with her bodyguard standing at

some distance noticing the happenings in the surroundings. Nothing new for me, each time Blake let

me and Olivia meet alone without him he sent a guard with us to protect Olivia from whom, me? It

makes me sick and it is one of the reasons we both drifted apart. I was happy when I found out that

they both are mates but now I miss my two old friends. She can’t be herself with me like before

because of our stalker. She can’t share her feelings, can’t tell me sorrows or happiness. In previous

years, many times I felt she wanted something else but never did it or said it because she is a luna now

or Blake doesn’t let her. I felt sorry for her but I am also bound to not protect her. She was my pack

mate but not anymore and most importantly she is a Luna of another pack.

“Oli” I shouted as right now in this public place I can take the advantage and be friends instead of alpha

one pack with luna of another pack.

She hugged me and I hugged her back. We pulled back and went inside with her holding my one arm.

We were talking and laughing. We were carefully aware that her bodyguard was following us and

hearing, watching us. We didn’t notice Harris and Celia sitting at one of the tables until Harris called me


I didn’t expect them here. Is the rumor true that she left me for this bastard who tormented her. No it

can’t be true. I need to know the truth. I could see her shocked and frightened but there was also a

relaxation which I couldn’t understand. Harris came to hug me but I wanted to strangle him right now.

Celia just shook our hands and sat back in her seat. Harris invited us to join them and I sat down

immediately, just didn’t want to leave Heaven alone with him.

I could not take my eyes off her. I kept staring at her during the whole dinner. Harris always wants to

talk about something and I just gave him the answers to satisfy him or just glared at him to keep him

shut. Olivia and Heaven struck good immediately. I doubt she knows about Olivia.

I even excused myself and went towards the washroom in the hope that Heaven will follow me if she

wants to tell me something. If she is threatened by that bastard then she can excuse herself and tell

me. But no she didn’t come, I doubt if she even tried to come and meet me. I texted Olivia to invite her

for lunch. I went back and sat down. I looked at Olivia and she signaled me, confirming me.

She even asked her once again confirming their plan for their lunch date in the parking lot to calm me

and assure me. Well, being my ex-girlfriend and now a good friend she understands me really well to

relieve my anxiety. She left with her bodyguard while Heaven left with Harris in his car and I and my

wolf couldn't handle her being alone with him.

After we left I couldn’t control myself and went to Skyland apartments instead of my house. I was

waiting eagerly for her around the stairs when I scented her smell as an indication of her arrival.

I pushed her inside without realising that it could hurt her. She fell on the ground and I rushed to her to

get her up but she pushed me and yelled at me.

“Don’t touch me. Why are you here?” I was just looking at her. I hugged her to comfort knowing that

she is in pain and scared. But she pushed me again and got up herself rubbing her right elbow to ease

the pain. Seeing her in pain cut my heart into pieces.

“Why are you here? Leave now. Go and have fun with that red head.” She pushed my chest. I took the

steps forward and hugged her, tried to calm her and soothe herself. I rubbed her back and felt her stiff

body melting in my arms.

“Just relax, I am here. I am all yours. Just relax and let me help you.” But her body got stiff under my

touch again and she pushed me harder this time to send me two steps back. I took a step forward but

she raised her hand to stop me. I love her but she is getting on my nerves with this. Not holding her or

hearing her voice for the last week drew me crazy. I was losing my senses as the days went by. I want

to hold her, protect her, take care of her and love her but she is pushing me away. I just couldn’t believe

that my truth could make her go against me. I wanted to give her time to accept the reality but it seems

like she doesn’t want to understand.

“What the hell, Celia. I wanted to give you time to accept the truth but you just don’t understand it right.

Let me make you understand it.” I pulled her hair to bring her close and make her look at me as she

was avoiding my eyes. She hissed in pain and I left her. I didn’t want to hurt her but I am losing my

patience and senses. I couldn’t think straight now.

“Are you here to hurt me? You couldn’t dare to touch me in front of my boyfriend and here you’re to

show your strength to me. You stand nowhere in front of him.” She had tears in her eyes but she

refused them to fall down and was standing strong in front of me who made rogues piss in their pants

and beg for their easy death. No inferior wolf dared to stand straight in front of me let alone humans

while this human is screaming at me and asking me questions.

“I was here to help you, to get you back, to hold you but you seem more happy with that bastard.” I

grabbed her with her arm and pinched her chin to hold her straight. I might love her fiercy nature and

strong attitude as it suits her being a luna but my wolf couldn’t stand her dominating him. “I think you

deserve that son of a bitch, that is what you get, greedy bitch. You told Little that you want a luxurious

life which he can provide you easily right then let me show you how rich he is.” I left her which made

her stumble as she lost her balance but without considering her I left the apartment. Outside the

apartment, I could hear her crying inside but I didn’t even think to stop and comfort her.

I came out of the lift and breathed a deep breath to calm myself when I heard a sorry in my heart. I

stopped in my tracks to hear more but it was impossible to hear her from here. I heard her sorry again

in my heart but shrugged it off thinking its just my crying wolf and bleeding heart for her and left the

building with an urge to kill Harris.



I realised in Chapter 26 I introduced Olivia as pack doctor and again introduced her as Luna of another

pack after I uploaded the previous chapter. Sorry for the misunderstanding. I changed the pack doctor's

identity to Lisa, Olivia's best friend.

Thank you for reading and do let me if I made some another mistake and how you like the story.


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