The Alphas prize

Chapter 27: It was always him

Chapter 27: It was always him

I stood there, hovering over Adela’s lifeless body and gazed into her soulless eyes, wishing I could

have done more to save her from the pain she felt. I crouched down beside her body and closed her

eyes shut before kissing her cheek, then I whispered. “I will always love you, Adela, and I forgive you.” I

wiped away the wayward tear that streamed down my face and stood back up.

Glancing around at my surroundings, I could no longer see Gunnar or Cain or anyone else for that

matter. I started to walk North, hoping I would find someone, and I did, but it was the last person I

expected to see here. I came to a dead stop, blinking rapidly and thinking that I was imagining things

as I stared into those familiar eyes. “Erik?” I said aloud. He rushed over to me and engulfed me in a

longing hug. “I have missed you so much, Freja,” Erik whispered sweetly, and I had missed him too. I

reared back, “What are you doing here?” I asked him, baffled by his presence.

Erik released me but held my hands in his. “I am here to save you, Freja, to free you. Adela told me

that she had a plan to free you from Cain, and I asked to join her, but I swear I didn’t know that she

meant to harm you.” He said with pleading eyes. Erik’s hand came up and caressed my face, but when

he touched me, my wolf growled, and a sense of wrong swirled within my belly. I pulled back from him

and took a step back, putting some distance between us.

I was unsure of what to believe, and he didn’t seem himself. I gave Erik a commiserating stare. “I don’t

need to be saved, Erik. Cain is my mate, and I am happy.” I said truthfully. At first, I hated Cain and

resented him for bringing me here, but as time passed by, I’ve grown to love this pack, as well as Cain.

Erik’s expression was one of shock. “You don’t mean that, do you?” He asked me, bewilderment in his


I gave him a sympathetic look, knowing this would be difficult for him to hear and understand. “Yes,

Erik, I do. I love Cain, and this is my home now; I am not going with you.” I said sternly, telling him the

reality of how I felt.

His eyes darted around, and his hands balled into fists at his side as his breathing quickened. Erik’s

fury showed on his facial features, and I took a step back, feeling uneasy suddenly. His nostrils flared,

and Erik’s jaw was rigid now. “No! You do not love him; you love me, Freja. Cain is a fucking monster,

and you are coming home with me, back where you belong!” He bellowed out, then reached for my

wrist and gripped it tightly, attempting to drag me along with him, but I didn’t move an inch. Instead, I

dug my feet into the dirt to keep me grounded as he tugged on my arm, and I jerked back, trying to free

myself, refusing to go with him.

Erik whipped his head around to glare at me. “Stop being a child, and let’s go!” He growled out, but I

wouldn’t move.

He tugged me towards him again, but this time with more force, causing me to fall forward and into his

arms. Erik threw me over his shoulder with ease. “If you won’t come with me willingly, then I will just

have to carry your ass.” Erik started to walk, holding onto my legs firmly, but my arms were free, and I

began to pound on his back. “Put me down and let me fucking go, Erik!” I spat out, anger lacing my


However, Erik just continued walking, paying no attention to me or my attacks. I swung my arm back

and hit him in the head with my elbow as hard as I could. He stumbled before dropping me to the

ground, and I landed on my back with a thud. I could hear him groaning, and as I picked myself up, I

noticed he was wobbling, holding his head in his hands. I didn’t want to waste a moment, as this was

my chance to get away from him, but when I stood to my feet and started to run, Erik grabbed me by

my shoulders from behind, then slammed me face-first into a tree. My head bounced off the tree

harshly, and my vision blurred. Erik took my hands and held them behind my back while the other hand

entwined in my hair, gripping it tightly before he pressed my face further into the rough bark.

I groaned from the pain, and I could feel blood dripping down my face now. “Erik, please let me go,” I

said in a soft and pleading tone, hoping that he would realize his mistake.

He turned my head slightly and pressed his face against mine. “No, I will not. You are mine Freja

Forrester, not Cain’s or anyone else’s, and you will come with me willingly, or I will knock your ass out

and drag you back home.” Erik whispered in a dark tone, one that he had never used with me before.

I sucked in a deep breath. “I am not your’s Erik, and I am not Cain’s either; I am his mate, not his

property. I will not be going back with you, as I don’t belong there anymore. I belong with the Dead

pack now and with Cain, the one that I love.” He deserved to know the truth, and although I didn’t want

to hurt him, it had to come out.

A menacing growl vibrated up from his chest as his hold on my hair and hands tightened immensely.

“Fine, but if I cannot have you, then no one will,” Erik said with promise.

He pressed me further into the tree, and the bark dug into my skin, causing me to hiss in pain. I threw

my head back and cracked him in the nose. Erik fell to the ground and landed on his ass, holding his

bloody nose. I pushed myself off the tree and attempted to run, but Erik grabbed my leg, causing me to

trip and land face-first on a rock. The impact knocked me out for a few seconds, and when I came too, I

was on my back, with Erik on top of me. He had a venomous expression as he straddled me and kept

me in place.

I squirmed beneath him, trying to buck him off me, but it was no use, and I was trapped beneath him.

He snarled and bared his teeth at me, probably hoping that would scare me and I would cooperate with

him. However, his actions didn’t frighten me, and I continued to fight him. Erik reached for my wrists,

trying to grab ahold of them, and I swatted his hands away before punching him in the jaw. I prayed to

the moon goddess for her assistance, as my wolf and I used all our strength to get free.

Once again, I pondered where Cain was. Wondering if he was hurt, if he was even alive, and I could

only hope that he was alright and would reach me before Erik either killed me or took me away from


“Ca…” I tried to yell for Cain, but Erik slapped a hand over my mouth and silenced my pleas.

He glared down at me. “Shut the fuck up!” I bit down on his hand, causing blood to trickle into my

mouth. Erik ripped his hand away from my lips and stared at the teeth marks before lifting his hand into

the air and backhanding me across the face so hard; I spit out blood.

I turned my gaze back to him and grinned wickedly before spitting in his face. “Guess I am finally

seeing your true colours, huh, Erik?” I said in a dark, soft tone. My wolf was close to the surface now

and trying to force the shift, yearning to eliminate the threat.

His upper lip twitched, and once again, Erik cocked his arm back and balled his hand into a fist, aiming

for my face. I closed my eyes and tilted my face to the side to shield myself, but nothing happened and

then suddenly, Erik was lifted off of me. I opened my eyes and watched as he went flying through the

air, landing almost ten feet away from me. I peered up and was relieved to see my monster of a mate

standing there, looking all broody. Cain’s breathing was erratic, and his muscles were tense as the

sweat glistened on his sculpted chest. Finally, he looked down at me, and the tension eased slightly. I

gave him a soft smile, and my eyes began to burn as I resisted the urge to cry, thankful that he was

alright and alive.

Cain knelt beside me, his eyes frantically roaming up and down my body, inspecting every inch. Finally,

our eyes locked, and we both smiled, happy to see each other alive. His hand came down and

caressed my face, lightly grazing his thumb along my bottom lip.

I looked deep into his eyes and swallowed roughly. “It’s nice to see you again,” I said jokingly and


Cain shook his head at my words. “Come on, get your ass up; we need to leave.” He said, standing to NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

his feet before extending his hand out for me to take. I gripped onto his hand, and he carefully helped

me up, holding me tightly in his arms as I stood on my feet. Cain’s arms wrapped around me,

blanketing me in his warmth and making me feel at ease. Then, he loosened his hold and leaned back,

staring into my eyes. “We need to go, love. Are you alright to walk?” He asked, concern in his tone.

I nodded my head. “Yes, I think so. Maybe, not too sure, if I am being honest,” I said, joking with him

and also telling the truth. My legs were sore and a bit numb. Cian gave me a deadpan stare, clearly not

in the mood to be joking around. I grabbed his hands and tried to remove them from my body.

However, Cain stopped me and held me tighter to him. I raised a brow at his actions, and he huffed, not

wanting to let me go, but he did, very reluctantly. I stabled myself on my feet and didn’t fall over. Cain

observed me intently. “Are you good?” He asked me as I wobbled slightly.

I nodded my head. “Yes, I am fine,” I reassured him with a smile.

He gave me a curt nod. “Good, then let’s go.” Cain took my hand in his, and we started to walk.

However, we didn’t make it very far, as an angry voice made us come to an abrupt stop.

“Where the fuck do you think you are going? You are not taking her from me again!” Erik boomed from

behind us.

Cain looked down at me, a frustrated expression on his features, before turning us around. “I am taking

her home, and she was never yours to keep.” He said bluntly while gritting his teeth.

Erik’s eyes widened, and his jaw clenched tightly. “Freja is mine, not yours, and she is not going

anywhere with you.” He was shaking with anger now, but Cain matched that intensity in greater


Cain straightened himself and was radiating with Alpha dominance now, “She is not yours; Freja has

always been mine. She is my mate, and I will die before I let you take her from me.” He shouted

furiously, making me cringe a little from the deep tone in his words.

I put a hand up, silencing them both, and now their focus was solely on me. “Both of you shut the fuck

up! I am not yours.” I pointed at Erik. “And I am not yours either.” Next, I gestured to Cain, “I am mine; I

am not some object or piece of property that you two can fight to the death over. I don’t belong to

anyone but myself. That being said, though.” I peered up at Cain with tender eyes. “You are my mate,

and a piece of my soul belongs to you. Just as it always has and always will.” I told him honestly.

Cain smiled and winked at me before looking at Erik, his expression neutral now. “We are done here,

and we are leaving.” He looked down at me once again. “Let’s go, love.” I didn’t say anything in

response; I just smiled and nodded in agreement. We started to turn around when a loud and

menacing growl roared throughout the forest. I knew it came from Erik, but I didn’t turn around to look

at him, as I had seen a new side to the man I had grown up with, a side that had broken a piece of my

heart. Cain’s body turned slightly, and he peeked over his shoulder, then suddenly, Cain grabbed me by

the arms and swung me around, placing me in front of him.

He looked down at me with an apologetic expression, and to say I was bewildered, was an

understatement. I had no idea what was going on or why he was shielding me. He groaned slightly and

squeezed his eyes shut before looking at me again. Cain’s eyes looked heavy now but filled with love.

A smile spread across those plump lips as his hand came up and caressed my cheek. “I love you,

Freja, and you were the greatest prize I ever received.” He said softly before collapsing onto the

ground. I tried to hold him up, but he was too heavy, and as he fell to his knees, that’s when I saw the

knife sticking out of his back, the same one that Adela had tried to kill me with earlier.

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