The Alphas prize

Chapter 26: To the death

Chapter 26: To the death

I looked between my sister and the vampires that stood at her side. I could hear the sounds of Cain

and Calyx battling it out from behind me. An overwhelming feeling of dread came over me as I knew we

were screwed; we were outnumbered and unprepared for this. Especially the fact that Adela was a part

of this whole plan. I shook my head and pinched the bridge of my nose. “Adela, I am your fucking

sister; how can you say you are going to kill me? And most of all, why? What the fuck did I do?” I asked

her in absolute disbelief. I needed to know what was going on and why.

She narrowed her eyes at me. “Because I fucking hate you, it’s always about you; everyone loves and

adores you. Dad, mom, Gunnar, everyone in the pack, they talk about you like you are a god. For

example, when you started training with dad and Gunnar, I asked to train too, but they said no, that I

was too weak, that I wouldn’t be suitable. Yet, they allowed you to join, and that wasn’t fair. The

moment Cain took you away was one of the greatest moments of my life. I thought to myself, I am

finally free of her, and it would be my time to shine, but I was so wrong. Everyone constantly worried

about you and your safety; they just wouldn’t shut up about you, proving that things would never

change. I mean, Gunnar even risked his life by coming here to see you, for fuck sake. So, the only way

I can truly be rid of you is to kill you.” Adela stood there smiling now at her revelation.

I was utterly taken aback at her confession, standing there with my mouth agape, “I…I….” I couldn’t

find the right words to respond with at first; as shocks cold grip wrapped around me, “Adela, I am your

sister, I have been nothing but good to you all these years, taking care of you and being there for you

when you needed me most. Everything you just told me was out of my hands. I had never once asked

anyone to treat you as if you were beneath me, and I would never have.” I paused and sucked in a

deep breath before continuing. “Killing me won’t solve anything; if you kill me and someone finds out

that it was you, dad will either banish you or will execute you, and you know I am right. Taking the life of

another pack member, especially one who is family, is forbidden.” I tried to plead with Adela, even

though I was angry with her. I didn’t want her to do this; I didn’t want her to live the rest of her life in

isolation or die.

Her chest heaved, and she clenched her jaw before stomping her foot on the ground. “SHUT THE

FUCK UP!” Adela bellowed out, “It doesn’t matter what you say; I won’t change my mind on this.” She

looked to the vampires on either side of her and pointed towards me. “Hold her.” She said coldly, and

my eyes flickered between the three bloodsuckers, two of which were now closing in on me. Lazarus

stayed by Adela’s side while the other two reached out to grab my arms, but I ducked and slammed my

fist into the first man’s stomach, causing him to keel over. The other man swiped at me with extended

claws, and I swung my leg in the air, the heel of my shoe connecting with his jaw. The vamp let out a

pain-filled groan before collapsing to the ground. The first man got to his feet, and I faced him, ready to

fight, but he stood there smiling, making me wrinkle my nose in confusion, that was until I felt hands

wrap around me, constricting me and holding me in place.

I kicked and thrashed in their hold, but whoever was holding me hit me on the head, and my vision

instantly blurred, making me vulnerable and disoriented now. I watched as Adela approached me, a

wicked grin on her face. “Poor, poor Freja, no one to save you or protect you.” She said while sticking

out her bottom lip. I couldn’t hear Cain or Calyx anymore, causing me to wonder where they were and if

Cain was alright. My eyes peeked over my shoulder as I tried to find Cain, hoping he was close by, that

he could see or hear what was going on. However, Adela was right, there was no one around to help

me, and I was on my own now.

Adela followed my gaze, looking around the trees. “Sorry darling, but your dear mate is probably dead

by now, and if not, he will be soon. Calyx is quite determined to kill that brother of his.” She laughed,

“Just as determined as I am to kill you.” Adela then walked closer to me, and as she approached me,

she held the knife in front of my face, waving it around. The handle was black and red, the blade an

ashy grey colour. I reared back from it as an uneasy feeling stirred inside me from this weapon, and my

wolf growled loudly within my head.

I twisted in the vampire's hold, struggling to free myself, but he only held onto me tighter, nearly

breaking my ribs. Adela held the knife to my face, pressing the cold blade against my cheek. “This

blade will make sure you die and stay dead. Don’t worry, though; it will be quick but not painless.” She


I wanted to plead with her again not to do this, but deep down, I knew it would be pointless. The look

that now loomed within my sister’s eyes was one I had never seen before, a look of sheer hatred, a

look of madness.

I sucked in a deep, shuddering breath. “Adela, you don’t want to do this; you’re just angry and lashing

out. I’m giving you this chance to walk away, and I’ll forget everything.”

Her face softened. “Really? You would forget that all this happened and forgive me?” She asked me


I nodded my head and gave her a caring smile. “Yes, I would,” I told her honestly.

Adela pursed her lips and appeared to be considering my offer, but then she started to roar out with

laughter. “Not going to happen, but nice try. I will not walk away from the opportunity to watch your

blood spill all over this forest floor.” She growled.

Thunder was now starting to boom around us, and lightning lit up the night sky, signs of an impending

storm. Just like the one that we now faced, a storm between siblings.

She smiled broadly. “Goodbye Freja, I won’t miss you.” I closed my eyes, readying myself for the

plunge of the blade, but it never came, and suddenly, I was released, collapsing onto the ground.

My eyes shot open, and I looked around me, wondering what was going on. Adela lay on the ground,

her hand to her head and all three of the vampires were battling it out with none other than my dear

brother, Gunnar. I was surprised by his arrival and curious as to how he knew that I needed him but

relieved that he was here, here to save my ass. Gunnar was relentless as he fought with the vampires,

not faltering one bit, as he continued to land punches and kicks. For a brief moment, I was afraid for his

life, that he may be outnumbered, and I don’t know why I was, as my brother was fighting with the

strength of a dozen men.

Gunnar’s gaze landed on me. “Get the fuck out of here, Freja.” He yelled at me before shifting into his

large and stunning wolf. Gunnar’s wolf was broad and tall, a ferocious black beast with white ears, a

unique trait. I had always admired his wolf for its beauty and strength.

Gunnar lunged forward and began to tear through the vampires, ripping them to pieces. I looked over

to Adela, who was glaring at me. “You fucking bitch, see what I mean.” She gestured to Gunnar, “He

would give his life for you and even hurt me, just to save your ass!” Adela bellowed out while shaking

with fury.

Her chest was heaving, and her eyes darkened. I opened my mouth to say something but was quickly

cut off when Adela lunged for me, a look of insanity on her face. My eyes widened, and I rolled away

from her, causing Adela to land on the ground face first, with a thud. I got up from the ground and stood

to my feet, standing in a defence position.

Adela stood to her feet and lunged for me again, but I didn’t move fast enough this time, and she

collided with me. We tumbled around on the ground, sticks and leaves flying all around us. We came to

an abrupt stop as we crashed into a large tree. My wolf was howling and growling inside of me, itching

to be freed, to take out the threat. Adela and I rustled on the ground, both of us standing to our feet


My body tensed, and my lip twitched as rage started to boil within me. “Adela, that’s enough! Stop this

shit now!”

Her eyes narrowed on me, and she didn’t say a word, just snarled, as she dove for me once again. As

she closed the distance between us, I gripped her by the hair and slammed her face into the tree,

disorienting her. Then, I grabbed the back of Adela’s shirt and brought my knee up, connecting it with

her nose. She groaned loudly in pain as she flopped onto the ground.

I took a step back from her, being cautious, and my wolf snarled, clawing at my insides now. “Adela, we

can end this now; end it before one of us doesn’t walk away,” I told her in a dark and cold tone.

My warning meant nothing to her, as she started laughing, “You are right, one of us won’t walk away

from here, and that’s going to be you!” Adela cried out before she shifted into her wolf, and I quickly

followed suit, allowing my beast to come out.

We were both in wolf form now. My wolf was almost twice the size of Adela’s petite, golden brown wolf,

but she matched my wolf's intensity. We started to circle each other, both of us snarling, growling and

exposing our teeth. Then, unexpectantly, a loud and vicious roar rang through the trees, distracting us

from each other.

The roar had sounded familiar, it sounded like Cain, and I swear, my heart stopped as panic soared

within me, fearing that he was injured or worse. Adela took this opportunity of me being distracted and

barreled into me, sinking her teeth into my side. My wolf yelped in pain, but she quickly recovered,

kicking Adela away from us and biting down on her hind leg. Adela let out a whimper of pain, and my

wolf continued to bite down, sinking our teeth further into her skin. Then, we swung her around,

releasing Adela from our hold. Adela flew through the air and slammed into a tree, causing her to

shriek out in agony upon impact. Her frail body now lied on the ground, and my wolf stalked over to her,

hackles raised and snarling.

As we neared her, she appeared to be defenceless, writhing on the ground in pain, but just when I

thought this was over, she swiped out a paw and scratched my face. This was the moment that my wolf

snapped, the dark side of her taking over, and I knew what was going to come next. My wolf growled

before sinking her teeth into Adela’s neck and twisting, breaking her neck and ending her life.

Cain POV:

Freja and I walked back to the bike when we realized it had been trashed, and my fears came to

fruition. I knew Calyx was going to strike soon; I had just hoped it wouldn’t be when she was around or

when we were unprepared. But of course, my brother was a fucking snake, who loved to go for those

that were vulnerable, so he could better his chances of winning. However, my brother was no match for

me, and I was ready for him.

Freja gasped, grabbing my attention. “What the fuck?” She spoke.

My wolf was stirring within me, the urge to protect our mate growing. I looked down at her. “We need to

leave, now!” I said in a deep tone, my wolf on edge.

We had been running for just a few minutes now, but we weren’t fast enough in human form, and I

knew if we shifted, we could get back to the house more quickly, where she would be safe. So, I

stopped and looked at her. “Do you think your wolf could keep up with mine if we were to shift?” I asked


She didn’t hesitate to answer me. “Yes, she can. I think it's best if we shift too, we will make it back to

the packhouse faster.” I nodded in agreement with her, glad she wasn’t arguing with me on this. We

prepared ourselves for the shift but stopped before it could take effect as the sound of a snapping

branch grabbed our attention.

I whipped my head in the direction of the sound, but there was nothing there but trees. My wolf and I

were becoming anxious and tense at the idea of Freja being in danger because of us. Freja came to

my side, and I could sense the small amount of fear she was experiencing. I gazed down at her

affectionately, hoping to reassure her that things would be alright, but something in the distance caught

my eye, a figure coming out from behind a tree, and that figure was my brother.

Calyx smiled. “Hello, brother.” He said while taking another step towards us. Every muscle in my body

tensed up, and I moved Freja behind me so she was out of harm's way.

My upper lip twitched as a snarl sounded from me. “Calyx.” I said through painfully gritted teeth, “What

are you doing here?” My tone was deep and growly.

Calyx grinned. “You know exactly what I’m doing here, don’t you, brother?” His gaze focused on Freja.

“So do you, Freja.” His attention turned to Freja now. I followed his line of sight and glanced over my

shoulder, looking down at her. She remained silent and just looked away from me, telling me that he

was right and she had known about Calyx. Freja looked back into my eyes with a scolding expression,

and I huffed, knowing I was just as much in the wrong here as she was. Neither of us was innocent,

and both of us had hidden things from each other.

I raised a brow. “You are right. I know why you are here and what you are here to do, but I must ask, Belonging © NôvelDram/a.Org.

why are you doing this, Calyx?” I questioned my brother as anger coursed through me, and my wolf


Calyx’s face held a furious expression now. “Because I am supposed to be Alpha, not you! I am the

oldest, and the title of Alpha goes to the oldest.” He bellowed out, shaking with rage.

I puffed out my chest and stood to my full height. “You know damn well know the reason why I am the

Alpha, and you aren’t,” I growled out, my beast on the brink of bursting forward and ripping his throat


His posture tensed, and he stepped closer to us, grinning like a madman. “Yes, your right; I do know

the reason why and it’s because of you. From the day you were born, you have been in my way and

taking what was rightfully mine. After I had gotten rid of dear old mom and dad, the plan was to get rid

of you next, but you grew with power after their death, and things proved to be more challenging than I

expected, then this bitch shows up.” He said, pointing to my mate and my hands balled into fists as a

growl rumbled from the depths of my soul. Calyx then pulled a knife out from behind him and gazed at

it fondly. “This is the knife I used on mom and dad. Now, I’m going to kill you with it.”

I shoved Freja back and lunged for Calyx, tackling him into a tree. The bark on the tree crumbled

around our feet as his back collided with it. I threw punch after punch, my fists pounding into his face,

and the back of his head bounced off the tree with each hit. Finally, Calyx reached up and swiped at my

face with the knife, cutting into my cheek.

All I could see was red now, and my beast took over, forcing the shift. Calyx shifted as well, and now it

was a battle between our wolves, a fight to the death, as neither would give up until the other was

dead. My wolf stood tall and fierce, radiating with his Alpha power. Calyx’s wolf was a dark, grey colour

and smaller than mine, making him no match compared to my wolf. His wolf snapped its teeth at us in

warning and pawed at the ground. My wolf just positioned himself for the attack, growling low and

raising his hackles.

Calyx sprung at me, but I dodged his attack by moving to the right. He slid across the damp ground but

quickly regained his footing and spun around, lunging for us once again. Before Calyx’s wolf could

reach us, my wolf lunged, striking him in the side and knocking him down. My wolf stood over him

before placing a paw on Calyx wolf’s chest, immobilizing him. Suddenly, I heard a yelp, distracting me

from my task, allowing Calyx to get the upper hand on me, and he bit down on my paw, causing me to

release him. Calyx then came at me again, sinking his canines deep into my shoulder. My wolf was

becoming annoyed and enraged now, wanting to end this, wanting to finish him. Noticing a fallen tree to

our left, we dashed toward the tree with Calyx still hanging onto my shoulder by his teeth. As we

neared the tree, I noticed a sharp, broken branch sticking out, and we barreled towards it, plunging the

branch into Calyx’s chest, but also into my shoulder, and I roared out in pain as it sunk into my flesh.

The pain had knocked me out briefly and caused me to shift back to human. Once I came too, I

immediately looked to Calyx, wondering if he was still alive. However, I couldn’t hear his heartbeat

anymore, and his chest ceased to move, telling me he was dead. I placed my hands on the tree and

lifted myself off of the branch.

As the branch came out, I groaned in pain and stumbled backwards a bit before leaning against

another tree to support myself. I looked over at my brother’s body, making sure he was dead, and the

dullness in his eyes told me there was no sign of life left. I breathed deeply, thankful it was all over, and

Freja was safe now, or so I thought. As I stood there, perched against the tree, I could suddenly hear

growling coming from within the distance. The first thought that came to mind was that Calyx hadn’t

been alone and whoever was him, was now after Freja. I pushed myself off the tree and stood up

straight, wobbling a little. I started making my way in the direction of the noises, my vision blurred

slightly, and I looked down at my shoulder, noticing that it was healing but not fast enough, and I was

losing blood. I picked up my discarded shirt and wrapped it around my shoulder, hoping that would


Things were silent now, and I couldn’t tell which way to go. I stopped and listened to see if I could hear

something. After a moment had passed, I could hear voices coming from the east, and I rushed

towards them. As I got closer, the voices became louder, more apparent. I rounded a large tree and

finally found Freja, but she wasn’t alone.

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