The Alphas prize

Chapter 23: Snooping

Chapter 23: Snooping

Cain POV:

I rounded my desk and sat in my chair; Ryder entered my office and closed the door before

approaching my desk.

I glared at him for interrupting my moment with Freja. “You better have a damn good reason for

disturbing me,” I said in a low and dangerous tone.

His eyes flicked around the room, avoiding my stare. “I apologize for interrupting, sir, but it’s about

Calyx. I overheard him speaking with Samara about joining him.”

My eyes widened and confusion wrapped around me. Samara had always been loyal to me, and to

think that she was conspiring with my brother to kill my mate and me, threw me for a loop. I shook my

head, refusing to believe this. “No, that can’t be right Ryder, she would never do something like that.

Samara has always been a loyal pack member.”

Ryder sighed heavily. “I know, sir, she has been an upstanding pack member, but I heard Calyx tell her

to meet him later today to discuss the plans.” So he Informed me, regret lacing his tone.

I was taken aback by this new information; first, my own brother and now other members of my pack

were conspiring against Freja and me to take us out and kill us. My head was spinning with everything,

and I could not comprehend it all entirely. I pinched the bridge of my nose as I tried to think of my next

move and how to handle this shit show of a situation, as my father would. Taking Freja out tonight was

probably a bad idea, but if something happened to either of us, I didn’t want to waste this valuable time

we had left together and show her the man she deserves.

I stood from my chair and started to pace the room. “I want you to get a few of your most trusted men

together and have the men follow them both, don’t tell them why; just instruct them to follow Samara

and Calyx. Freja and I will be going out tonight, and I don’t want anyone to find out. Any details of

importance you discover, notify me immediately, understood?”

Ryder nodded his head “Yes, Alpha, understood. Will you be taking any men with you tonight?”

I wondered for a moment if I should, but aside from Ryder and Freja, who could, I trust right now? “No,

it will just be us two.”

He was silent for a moment; I could tell Ryder was against this, especially with the threat lingering

around us at this time, but he wouldn’t dare go against my wishes or orders. So, he just nodded

reluctantly. “Be safe, Alpha and I’ll report if needed.”

“Thank you, Ryder.” He then straightened himself and left my office, leaving me there with my never-

ending thoughts.

Freja POV:

I left Cain’s office and went to find Samara, hoping she had found something out or gotten in with

Calyx. As I walked down the hall, I was abruptly grabbed and yanked into a dark room. I started to

thrash around, trying to free myself and was about to scream for Cain when a hand was clasped over

my mouth “Shh, don’t scream, it’s me, Samara.” She whispered before removing her hand and

releasing me. I whipped around to see that it was Samara and was instantly relieved. For a moment, I

had thought this was it, and I was about to die. With everything going on lately, I am constantly on


I smacked her arm “Fuck Samara, you scared the shit out of me.” I scolded her.

Samara gave me a remorseful expression. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to, but I have some news. So, Calyx

overheard me talking about you to some other pack members, about how I wish you would just

disappear, that I don’t like you and so on. He pulled me aside and asked me if I would like to join him in

getting rid of you. Of course, I said yes, and he told me to meet him later today to discuss his plans and

things in further detail.” She told me, a little excited about things.

I chuckled lightly at her, glad that I had someone I could trust to help me with all of this. “That’s great,

Samara, but are you sure you are ok with doing this?” I asked, a little concerned regarding her safety.

She waved me off. “Yes, I am sure. I’ll be fine, plus we need to get to the bottom of this one way or

another, and I like having you around; you’re not so bad.” Samara smirked playfully.

I smiled at her. “Ok, but if you feel unsafe, get out of there, promise?” I said sternly.

Samara rolled her eyes. “Yes, I promise.” She looked at her watch, and her eyes widened. “Shit! I have

to go; I am supposed to meet with him in 20 minutes.” She started towards the door, but I stopped her

before reaching for the handle. She looked back at me, a bewildered expression on her face. “Thank

you for doing this Samara, I truly appreciate it, and I couldn’t have asked for a better friend,” I said

honestly and wholeheartedly.

She smiled. “It’s my pleasure, Luna.” Samara then hugged me before leaving the room and leaving me

to wonder if this was indeed a good idea. I was worried for Samara’s safety and apprehensive that this

whole thing was a mistake, that Gunnar was right. I waited a few moments before leaving the bedroom,

hoping no one would see me, but just as I closed the door and was turning around, I ran straight into

what could only be described as a brick wall. However, to my dismay, it was the same man that had

disrupted mine and Cain’s fun time earlier.

He stared down at me, and I craned my neck up to glare at him. “Fuck giganto, that felt like running into

a brick wall,” I said while rubbing my forehead.

He arched a brow. “Are you alright?” He questioned in a deep, baritone voice.

I wrinkled my nose. “Yes, I’m fine,” I admitted, being a little honest. My head hurt a bit, but nothing I

couldn’t handle.

The man nodded his head hesitantly. “Good, pay better attention to your surroundings next time, Luna.”

He said firmly, almost as if he was scolding me. What he said and how he had said it reminded me of

Gunnar, making me miss him even more. The large man was right though, with everything going on

right now, I needed to be on my toes.

I nodded in agreement. “Your right; I will be more attentive,” I said assuredly.

His brows pulled together slightly before he curtly nodded his head and continued down the hallway

towards the staircase. I stood there, thinking about the last good memory I had with Gunnar; it was our

training session on the day before the final battle. Since coming here, the memory had been my

cushion, something I reflected on many times to get through this life-changing reality. This whole

situation had been a mind twister; it had been hard on me. Especially in the beginning and I had felt

lost at times, but thinking of my family was what helped me to get through it. Now, things are even

tougher with the new threat in the air. Yet, somehow, I feel stronger and more confident; I feel like the

warrior I was born to be as a woman and a wolf. I know things will be alright; Cain and I will get through This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

this and prosper, like the Alpha and Luna that we are.

I headed towards the staircase, and as my foot was about to hit the first step, I stopped, feeling the

urge to go into Calyx’s room, wondering if I could find more on him, something that may help me. I

knew he was supposed to be meeting with Samara right now, and this would be my chance to sneak in

there and get some answers.

I looked all around me, carefully focusing on the darker areas. I didn’t see anyone around or hear

anyone close by; I reared back from the stairs and cautiously walked towards Calyx’s bedroom. I

gripped the handle of the door, glancing around me once more and turned the knob. I was kind of

surprised that his door was unlocked; it made me wonder if I would even find anything if he were this

trusting. I pushed the door open and closed it behind me but left it slightly open so I could hear anyone

coming. I slowly observed the normal-looking bedroom.

The walls were light blue, hardwood flooring, modern style furniture and a large bed, with white

blankets that neatly hugged the mattress. Not very many nick nacks throughout the room; it was plain

and simple.

I approached the white dresser and pulled out the top drawer. The clothes were skillfully folded in the

drawer, throwing me off. I didn’t think Calyx was such a well-ordered individual; he didn’t seem like that

type of person. I carefully moved the clothes around and searched for anything but came up with

nothing. I continued to search through all the drawers and came up with nothing. There was a

nightstand next to the bed, and I explored that next, finding nothing again. As I closed the table's small

drawer, I heard a clunk. I pulled the drawer out again and closed it again, hearing the clunk once more.

Finally, I pulled the drawer all the way out, and a small key landed on the floor in front of me. I put the

drawer back into the table and closed it. I grabbed the key and began to examine it; the key was

completely foreign to me, especially when I wasn’t familiar with any of the keys for this place. However,

if I was right, this was for a padlock.

I stood from the floor and glanced around the room, trying to find something to which this key may

belong. I froze, hearing someone in the hallway walking towards the room. I quickly stuffed the key into

my pocket and bolted towards the door, casually opening it and closing it behind me. I walked out,

acting as casual as I possibly could.

“What the fuck were you doing in there?” A thunderous and angry Cain bellowed out, and I knew I was


“Nothing, I was looking for Calyx,” I said casually, trying to hide the fact that I was just in there snooping

around his brother’s room because he is trying to us kill both.

Cain stormed up to me and moved me aside before bursting into Calyx’s room. Although, of course, it

was empty, he glanced around the room and sniffed the air for a moment, then his head whipped

towards me. “Why are you looking for Calyx?” He questioned as he sauntered menacingly towards me.

My breath hitched for a beat, becoming more and more turned on with each taunting step he took

towards me. Cain looked so delicious at this moment, and the urge to have him was overwhelming. His

chiselled chest peeked out from the few open buttons at the top of his white shirt, the soft material

hugged his muscular biceps, and his dark locks were tousled, giving him a rugged look.

I shook my head quickly and cleared my throat, saying the first thing that came to mind. “I was going to

ask Calyx to take me to see Samara.” I lied.

His brows pulled together as he glared down at me. “No, if you want to go somewhere, Ryder or I will

take you. Calyx will not be accompanying you anymore.” He said in a firm tone.

I was a little unsure of how to answer him. “Oh, why is that?” I fully agreed with him, I didn’t want to be

alone with Calyx, but I didn’t want Cain to know, not yet. My eyes trailed off from his, roaming down his

beautiful body. Cain chuckled softly. “My eyes are up here, love, and because I said so, don’t argue

with me on this.” His tone was firm and deep.

I rolled my eyes. “Fine, whatever you say, Alpha,” I said sarcastically.

A low growl rumbled up from his chest, and he took a taunting step towards me, backing me into the

door. He placed a hand on the door next to my head while the other hand came up and lightly gripped

my throat.

His eyes flickered between those vivid green orbs and those soul-consuming black holes. The corner of

his mouth pulled back into a grin. “Do you need another lesson in proper behaviour, my love?” Cain

questioned mischievously.

My chest heaved, and my legs quivered. The heat was pooling between my legs now, thinking of the

things Cain would do to me.

I released a heavy breath. “Yes, I do,” I said in a whisper.

Cain rubbed the tip of his nose along my neck, leaving small pecks here and there. My legs squeezed

together tightly, trying to ease the urge that was screaming for him.

Cain nipped on my ear lobe. “Well, you will just have to wait till tonight then.” He whispered in my ear

before kissing me passionately and walking away, leaving me a horny mess. I gaped at him as he

walked down the stairs. “Are you fucking kidding me?” I hollered at him, and his response was a hearty

chuckle, one I hadn’t heard before.

I stood there completely bewildered; I couldn’t believe he had just teased me like that and then left me

here unsatisfied. I would get him back for that. I straightened myself and fixed my clothing, then

remembered the key in my pocket. I wanted to go back into his room and look more, but I didn’t want to

get caught again.

I looked at the clock on the wall, and I had 3 hours before my date with Cain. I decided to go into the

library and roam around; maybe I could find something in there that may be helpful. Walking into the

room, I closed the door behind me. I instantly felt a sense of calm here, a sense of belonging.

The room was quiet and not maintained, but it still had a warm atmosphere. I moved about the room,

running my fingers over the dust-coated bookshelves. Then, I noticed at the back of the room, there

was a desk. As I approached the desk, I saw a small lamp, some books, and a picture frame were

sprawled about on the wooden top. A leather chair sat behind the desk; I sat in the chair and glanced at

the picture in the frame. The photo was of two little boys and a man; it was evident that the man in the

photo was Cain, Calyx and their father.

The photograph captured two strong boys and an intense-looking man. I turned my attention to the

books; one was titled “Ryker History,” and the other “Diary.” I picked up the history one first and opened

the book; it was a detailed compilation of Cain’s entire family, past and present. Page after page told

stories of former Alphas and Luna’s, their families, so on and so forth. I flipped through the pages,

glancing at some of them and reading the information written down. I finally reached Cain and his

family’s history page. I read the pages carefully, drinking in every written detail. Everything seemed to

be as expected, just like all the other stories I had just flipped through, except the page about Calyx.

His picture had been marked on, bright red letters now covered half of the image and said

“DANGEROUS” I wondered what it meant and why. I continued to read his page, looking for any kind of

detail that could help me. However, when I turned the page to continue reading, nearly the entire page

had been blacked out; anything important was now hidden beneath the black ink.

Feeling a little defeated and overwhelmed, I turned to Cain’s page and began reading. The page was

detailed, speaking of his achievements and downfalls. As I continued to read, something caught my

attention, Cain’s age; it said he was only 25. So I went back to Calyx’s page, and his age was 28. I sat

back in the chair, a little confused as to why the younger son was Alpha and not the eldest. As far as I

knew, it was always the older son who took the title of Alpha. So why was Cain Alpha and not Calyx? I

remembered what Samara had said previously about the two brothers, and it never really clicked until

now; it was like they were competing for the title, but why?

I put the history book down and picked up the diary; it was old, withered and used. I opened the book,

and the pages crinkled. Page after page had been written on, it was almost complete, except the last

few pages. I turned back to the first page and started to read the entry. This diary belonged to Cain’s

mother, Kasdeya. The first entry spoke of Cain and his training sessions to become Alpha; she wrote

that he was thriving, that Cain exceeded their expectations, and that he was everything they had hoped

for in an heir.

I flipped through the pages, scanning each one, only stopping when I found an entry on Calyx.

Kasdeya had written that Calyx was becoming worse, that he was changing into someone she didn’t

recognize. Then, finally, she spoke of an incident, and since that day, he was never the same. So now I

was left to wonder what incident?

I spent the day in the library, losing time as I lost myself within the pages of this room. Suddenly, I

heard the library door open. I quickly stuffed the book into the desk drawer and started to walk towards

the door. I looked all around, searching for the person that had opened the door, but it seemed as

though I was completely alone. I walked out of the room and headed towards my bedroom; looking at

the clock on the wall, I realized it was now 6:00 pm, and I needed to get ready.

Adela POV:

I was deep in the woods, far from my own territory, leaning against a tree and waiting for Calyx to show.

It’s almost time for us to go through with the plan, but I have to acquire something before proceeding.

Finally, Calyx emerged from the trees; he strolled towards me, showing off and acting like a big shot. I

played along and pretended to drool over him.

He stopped inches from me; his eyes roamed up and down my body. “Adela.” He said in a low tone.

A slight grin pulled at my mouth. “Calyx.” I had to admit, he was a good-looking man and skilled in the

sheets, but he was a fool.

His expression became neutral. “Plans have changed; we strike tonight.” He said bluntly.

I raised a questioning brow. “Excuse me? And why have the plans changed?” I asked, a little thrown off

at the sudden announcement.

Calyx groaned. “Because Cain knows that I am up to something. I’ve noticed a few guards have been

following me, and now a fellow pack member is interested in joining me, even though I caught her

sneaking into a room with Freja. So, we follow through with the plan tonight. Have you gotten

everything together?” He asked me.

“I am still waiting on something, but I’ll have it before tonight.” I was a little irritated with Calyx and this

sudden change, but I wanted to get this over with anyways.

He nodded. “Good, Lazarus is preparing everything from his side and will be ready for tonight. Also,

I’ve received word that Cain is taking Freja out on a date tonight, and I happen to know where they are

going. So, I think that will be our best chance, to strike them when they are alone and vulnerable. I

have one thing to ask you, though.” He said curiously.

My brows pulled together, and a smile tugged at the corner of my lips. “What’s that?”

“Why are you doing this?” He asked me in a deep tone.

My face fell, and I gave him a neutral expression, “I have my reasons.” I said, not giving him an inch; he

didn’t need to know my reasoning for doing this.

Calyx took another towards me, and I stood up straight, my back flush with the tree. “And what are

those reasons?” He questioned, with a dark edge to his tone.

I narrowed my eyes, and my wolf stirred in my chest. “None of your business,” I said with hostility,

refusing to tell him something that didn’t concern him at all.

His right eye twitched a bit, as did his upper lip, but those expressions quickly faded, and a grin

appeared on his face. “Ok, fair enough. Meet me here tonight at 10:00, and we will initiate the plan.”

He stepped closer to me, but I didn’t move or flinch, not wanting to give in to his teasing tactics.

I straightened myself and smiled. “I’ll see you tonight, Calyx,” I said seductively.

Calyx stood there for a moment, examining me; his eyes bore into mine before he smiled and backed

away from me. I took a step forward, and he stepped backwards, still smiling. To be honest, I was a

little weirded out by him right now, and he gave me this odd vibe. I turned around and headed back

towards home; after I was a few feet from him, I looked behind me, and he was now gone. As I

continued to walk, I began to go over everything that needed to be done to prepare for tonight, and I

hoped that I would acquire the most crucial piece to this plan.

Freja POV:

I looked at the clock reading, 7:00 pm, and I was freaking out. I had never been on a date before; the

closest thing to a date I ever had was with Erik. It was my birthday, and he asked me to go for a walk

with him. We went into the woods, and after walking for a while, we came to a stop. A blanket was laid

out on the ground, and a small basket on top of the blanket. Inside the basket was a small birthday

cake; that was also the day that Erik and I became more than just friends. It was a fond memory, but a

memory of the past and I had a different future ahead of me now, new memories to make with my


I decided to wear a white t-shirt, black leggings and a pair of dark brown boots. I did my hair so that half

was up and half was down. I put on little makeup, just some mascara; I didn’t want to wear too much

and never liked make-up. I checked myself in the mirror again for the millionth time and finally got the

courage to leave the room, mostly because I didn’t want to be late. I walked out of the bedroom and

headed for the stairs.

As I reached the top of the staircase, I saw Cain standing by the door waiting for me. He looked so

good standing there, wearing a fitted black t-shirt and blue jeans. My heart rate spiked at the god-like

man standing there, grinning at me. I skipped down the stairs; excitement, curiosity and now lust all

stirring inside of me. I reached the bottom step and walked towards Cain; he didn’t move, just stood

there watching me intently, desire gripping him tightly.

After a few steps, I now stood in front of him; his eyes roamed over my body. Cain’s arm then reached

out and wrapped around my waist, pulling flush against his chest. A possessive growl vibrated from his

chest as his lips locked with mine, devouring my mouth. He finally released me and looked into my

eyes. “Are you ready, my love?” He asked in a husky tone.

I smiled brightly, beyond ready for this, to create a memory with him. “Yes, I’m ready,” I said with


He stared at me with admiration and satisfaction. A smirk spread across his face. “Then let’s go.” He

stepped to the side and opened the door, gesturing for me to walk out. I glanced up at him, smiling,

then walked out the door.

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