The Alphas prize

Chapter 22: A visitor

Chapter 22: A visitor

Cain’s upper lip twitched. “You are not welcome here, and I had made that clear previously.” His tone

was deep and vicious.

Gunnar straightened himself, not showing any signs of being intimidated. “I wanted to see my sister

and ensure she was still alive.” He snarled.

Cain narrowed his eyes. “Well, as you can see, she is alive and well.” He gestured towards me. “It is

time for you to leave now,” Cain said through gritted teeth.

Gunnar took a threatening step towards Cain. “I am not leaving yet, not until I’ve had the chance to visit

with her and ensure she is safe here.” However, my brother was not easily intimidated, and I was

thankful for that because I wanted more time with him.

Cain’s canines started to protrude, his nostrils began to flare, and he looked ready to pounce; this was

my cue to intervene. I stepped out from behind Gunnar and stood between the two of them.

“ENOUGH!” I shouted, “I will not stand here and watch you two try to kill each other. If either of you

cares about me, you will stop this bullshit right now.” Cain glared at me, and Gunnar just smirked like

the cheeky bastard he is; he loved to cause shit storms. I rolled my eyes at him, then turned my gaze to

Cain, who was still raging with anger.

I placed my hand on his chest, trying to calm him and ease his wolf back down. Cain stiffened, and his

full attention was on me now. “Cain, he is my brother. Please let him stay for a while; it has been some

time since I have seen him, and it would mean a great deal to me. He isn’t a threat to me, you or the

pack.” I said, pleading with him to reconsider.

He narrowed his eyes at me and remained silent; his focus then went to Gunnar for a beat before

coming back to me. “Fine, but you only have an hour, and two of my enforcers will be following you

both.” His final words were directed at Gunnar as he stared him down. I brought my hands up and

cupped Cain’s face, staring into his eyes. “Thank you; this means more than you can imagine,” I said

softly before kissing him. Cain deepened the kiss, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me

against his chest. Finally, he reared back but didn’t let me go. Cain leaned down. “You're going to pay

for this.” He whispered in my ear, and my thighs squeezed together. Cain then let me go and took a

step back. He glared at my brother intensely, and his lip twitched slightly, then he walked away, leaving

two enforcers behind, while the others followed him back to the house.

I turned around to Gunnar, and he raised a brow at me. “Care to explain what the fuck that was?”

I shrugged. “What?” I asked, acting incredulous to his question.

He gave me a deadpan stare. “Don’t play dumb, Freja, you know what I mean.”

I sighed. “Well, it turns out that Cain is my mate.” I lowered my shirt slightly, revealing Cain’s mark.

“And we have mated,” I said, in a low voice, knowing he would scold me.

Gunnar stood there staring at me, shock evident on his features. “You’re joking, right?” He asked in


I glanced towards my shoulder. “Does it look like I’m joking?” I understood that this was hard for him to

believe, but the proof was there.

His nostrils flared slightly, and his features hardened. “Did he force you?” He asked through gritted


I shook my head “No, he didn’t, Gunnar.” The Cain I had gotten to know since coming here was

different from the one that my brother knew.

His brows drew together as his eyes narrowed on me. “Has he hurt you?”

I shook my head again. “No, Gunnar, do you see any kind of indication that he has hurt me,” I said

while spinning around, so he could examine me. Cain had been a little rough initially, but he never

actually hurt me.

He groaned as we started to walk around the yard, taking our time and savouring this visit with each


“Does he treat you well? Are you alright?” Gunnar continued to fire off question, after question,

regarding my wellbeing.

I huffed. “It was a bit rough between us at first, to be honest with you, but things are slowly getting

better, and I’m ok, I promise.” I smiled at him, hoping to ease some of his worries.

He stopped and placed his hand on my shoulder. “I hope you are not lying to me, just to protect him or

something,” Gunnar questioned.

I snorted, “No, I am not lying to brother; I couldn’t lie to you of all people.” And I had meant that I had

never kept anything from him or lied to him; it was something I couldn’t bring myself to do, not with him

at least.

Gunnar stared at me for a moment, then gave me a curt nod. I nudged my shoulder into his side

playfully, trying to lighten the mood a bit. But, instead, he smiled at me and nudged me back.

I peered up at him. “How are things at home?” I asked.

He rubbed the back of his neck and sighed. “Not so good, to be honest. Dad is drinking all of the time,

Adela is constantly disappearing, and mom fell into a bad state of depression for a while, but she

seems to be getting better, day by day.” Gunnar informed me in a low and distraught tone.

I stared at the ground, wishing I could be there for everyone or at least be able to help them. “How are

you doing?” I asked, realizing he didn’t mention himself.

Gunnar exhaled sharply. “I miss you, kiddo; it's not the same at home without you.” He confessed the

truth etched on his exhausted features.

I nodded my head and gave him a half-smile. “I know what you mean; I miss you too, you big lug.” I

chuckled, and Gunnar snorted, “How’s Erik doing?” I knew I shouldn’t be asking about another man

that I had previous relations with, but at one point, he was my friend and meant a lot to me.

Gunnar raised a questioning brow. “Honestly, I haven’t seen him since you left. I asked some of the

other pack members if they had seen him or knew if he was doing ok, but they hadn’t seen him either NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

or heard from him, not even his parents.”

My shoulders slumped at the realization that my family and good friend were all falling apart, and it was

all my fault. It saddened me that I couldn’t be there to comfort them and just be with them again.

Gunnar stopped and turned to me; he lifted my chin with his fingers so that I was looking up at him.

“Hey, everything will be fine and don’t you dare think that any of this is your fault. Do you understand

me?” He said firmly, but that was so much easier said than done.

I just nodded my head. “Yes, I understand; it just hurts Gunnar, knowing that things are falling apart at

home and there is nothing I can do to fix it.” Tears were now brimming my eyes.

He exhaled heavily. “I know.” Gunnar then pulled me into him and hugged me tightly; it was that giant

bear hug that I had missed so much.

After giving ourselves a moment, he finally released me and glanced around the yard. “So, do you like

it here?” He asked while gesturing around us.

I shrugged my shoulders. “It's not home; I’ll say that much.” I scoffed. “But I’m adjusting.” I peered

behind us and noticed the guards were only a few feet from us, I didn’t want them to hear anything, so I

closed the distance between Gunnar and me. “I need to ask you something,” I said quietly.

He looked at from the corner of his eye and arched a brow. “What would that be?”

I glanced back at the guards again before saying another word, “Someone is trying to kill Cain and me.”

I whispered.

Gunnar stopped dead in his tracks. “What!” He said rather loudly and grabbed the guard’s attention. I

waved the guards off and smiled, reassuring them that everything was fine.

I glared at Gunnar. “Shh, be quiet big mouth. I don’t want anyone else to find out right now, not until I

have figured a few things out first.”

He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply before narrowing his dark gaze on me. “Does Cain know about

the situation?” Gunnar asked in a clipped tone.

I avoided his gaze like it was the plague and ran my hand through my hair. “No,” I said quietly and


His nostrils flared, and his eyes widened, anger clear as day on his face. “Are you fucking kidding me?

You need to tell him Freja, he has a right to know, and Cain will protect you.”

I huffed. “Yes, I know, and I will tell Cain after I find out who they are working with and what their plan

is.” I needed to know these things before proceeding or telling anyone else, as that information may

help us.

Gunnar groaned loudly. “Freja, this is your life we are talking about, not something small and

insignificant. So why do you always have to do things the hard way? Why do you always have to get

yourself into trouble or put your life at risk?” He was whisper yelling at me now, frustration and worry

lacing his tone.

But my dumbass just had to stir the pot, and so, I smiled. “Because it's more fun that way. Now, have

you heard of anything? Like about Cain’s pack? Or about another pack possibly planning an attack?

Also, what course of action would you take in this situation?” Gunnar had always been good at sniffing

out the threat, pun intended, and his advice was something I needed for this.

He pinched the bridge of his nose, remaining silent for a beat. “No.” He finally answered me, “I haven’t

heard of any rumours or anything of interest. Except, one of the guards in our pack had told me

something that I thought was a bit odd.”

My brows pulled together in confusion. “Our pack? What do you mean?”

“Well, apparently, when one of our guards was making his rounds, he had overheard Adela and Erik

talking. He said they were talking about you and Cain, that Erik said he would get you back, no matter

what.” So he told me, a curious expression on his features.

I pondered this information for a minute; it couldn’t be Erik working with Calyx because it was a female

in the woods. I was sure of it, and my sister is too soft to do something so cruel.

Gunnar put his hand on my shoulder and squeezed, bringing me out of my thoughts. “I wouldn’t think

too much of it, and I would talk with the other members within this pack about the person of interest.

Find out their motive, their reasoning for wanting you both dead, where they are going and for how

long. But Freja, you can’t do this on your own; what if something happens?” The concern was etched

on his face, I didn’t want him to worry him, but I knew he still would. I just hoped he wouldn’t tell Cain,

not yet, at least.

I smiled at him. “I’m not alone, and I have someone that I trust helping me, so please don’t worry.”

He narrowed his eyes and cocked a brow. “Who?”

I shook my head. “I can’t tell you that, but listen, I’ll be fine.” I tried to reassure him.

Gunnar closed his eyes, inhaled deeply through his nose and shook his head at me. Suddenly, the

guards that had been following us were now approaching us. “Apologies, Luna, but the Alpha says that

your time is up, and he is requesting to see you in his office.” The tall and burly man informed me.

I rolled my eyes at Cain’s “Request” but was overwhelmed with sadness that I had to let my brother go

now, as it wasn’t enough time together.

I looked to the guard. “Ok, thank you.” I turned my gaze to Gunnar, a sad smile resting on my features.

“It’s been so nice to see you, brother, and I have truly missed you.” I stretched my arms out and stood

on my tiptoes while he bent down and wrapped those big arms around my petite frame. We embraced

each other in a suffocating hug, one that was full of love and care.

I squeezed him a little tighter and whispered, “I’ll see you again soon, I promise.” I told him with


We finally pulled back from one another, and Gunnar smiled before being escorted off the pack

territory. I stood there watching him leave, wanting more than anything to follow him, to go back home

with him. However, my home and family were here now, with Cain and the Dead Pack, and they

needed me more than anything right now. I felt like it was my duty to protect the pack members and to

protect Cain.

I walked back to the house and proceeded towards Cain’s office. I stood in front of the door for a

moment, wondering if an argument was about to pursue. Then, finally, I knocked on the door and heard

his gruff voice bellow from the other side. “Come in.”

I opened the door and stepped in, closing the door behind me. “You wanted to see me?” I said with a


I could tell Cain was angry, as his jaw was tightly clenched. “Why was your brother here? On my

territory and against my orders?” He asked through clenched teeth.

I huffed in annoyance. “Gunnar already told you the reason for his visit. He just wanted to see me and

ensure I was doing well. Because he cares about me and misses me.”

Cain’s nostrils flared. “Your brother was told not ever to come here, and he disobeyed the terms of the

treaty by doing so.” He hollered.

I straightened myself. “So what are you going to do? Kill him? Kill my family? My pack members? Am I

now banned from ever seeing my family again, just because I am your mate?” I growled out, beyond

frustrated now, and my wolf agreed; we were tired of being treated like prisoners.

Cain stood from his chair; his eyes were near black now. “Your brother knew the terms of the treaty.

But, unfortunately, he chose to go against those terms, and the consequences are on him now.”

My chest began to heave as anger boiled up inside of me, and I slammed my hands down onto his

desk. “So he deserves to die, just because he wanted to see me? If that is the case, then you will have

to kill me too. I will not stand by a man who kills his mate’s brother over something so fucking stupid.” I

spun on my heels and stomped towards the door, but before I could reach it, I was hauled back and

slammed down onto Cain’s desk.

Cain hovered above me, fury emanating from him. The veins in his neck were protruding, and his eyes

were pitch black now. “How many fucking times do I have to tell you to stop walking away from me

when I am speaking to you?” He snarled.

I had never been afraid of Cain until this moment; this was a side of him that I hadn’t seen yet. A side of

him that was truly a demonic beast, even my wolf whimpered and retreated to the back of my mind. I

remained silent and avoided his soul, destroying gaze. However, Cain cupped my chin roughly and

forced me to look at him. Cain’s eyes bore into mine; a furious look was evident on his handsome face,

but then, it faded, and a glimpse of remorse took over.

He released my chin and sighed heavily. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have reacted like that; I shouldn’t have

scared you. However, I will let your brother’s disloyalty slide this time and this time only.” He said

sternly, “The next time he does or anyone else from your old pack, I will not let it slide, understood?”

I nodded my head. “Yes, thank you.” I was grateful that he had suddenly changed his mind but still felt

angry and upset with him.

He brought a hand up and cupped my cheek with it, gently caressing my skin with his thumb. “If you

want to see your family, just ask, and I will take you,” Cain said softly.

My brows shot up. “Really? You’re not lying?” I asked.

Cain snorted. “I am not lying.” He said while smiling.

I reached up and wrapped my arms around his neck. “Thank you, that means more to me than you

know.” He wrapped an arm around my back and pulled me in tighter to him, while the other arm held

his weight above me.

Cain loosened his grip and reared back a little, then cleared his throat. “I have something to ask you.”

He said shyly.

I tilted my head slightly. “What?” I was curious to know why he seemed embarrassed.

He cleared his throat again and avoided looking at me before quietly saying, “I would like to take you

out on a date, if you will go with me, of course.” Cain finally looked at me, and it was clear that he was


I smiled brightly. “I would love to go on a date with you.” Now, this side of Cain was the one I wanted to

get to know and be with forever.

Cain released a lung full of air and smiled. “Good, I am glad. We will be going tonight, be ready by

7:00.” He stood to his full height now, brimming with excitement and happiness.

I was feeling overly happy about tonight; I was excited to know the plan. “Ok, I’ll be ready. Should I

wear something certain? And what are we doing?” I asked, hoping he would spill.

He wagged his finger at me. “Tsk, tsk, my love, you will just have to wait and find out. Wear whatever

you like; you look beautiful in anything.” Cain smirked.

I sat up on the desk and grinned. “Aww, aren’t you a kiss ass. I mean sweet.” I laughed.

Cain spread my legs apart with his hands and stood between them. He placed the palms of his hands

on the desk and leaned down, brushing his lips against my ear. “Yes, I am a kiss ass. Because that ass

of yours is too delicious not to kiss.” He nipped my earlobe gently, then released it and started to kiss

my neck with those fiery hot lips of his. Shivers of ecstasy coursed through my body as wetness began

to pool between my legs.

He continued to kiss my neck, slowly working his way down to my collarbone, then the top of my

breast. His other hand was now sliding up my leg, reaching between my thighs and his fingers glided

along the smooth material of my jeans. My breathing quickened as he reached my aching pussy,

rubbing it gently against the fabric.

I ran my hands through his hair, gripping it firmly, then Cain stopped kissing my skin and captured my

lips again, kissing me feverishly. Finally, I released his hair and ran my fingers down his sculpted chest

till I reached the hard bulge hidden in his pants.

Cain groaned with pleasure when my hand made contact; just the slight touch, although through the

fabric, had him even harder now. Then, suddenly, Cain broke the kiss and reared back. “I think it’s time

for your punishment.” His tone was laced with lust.

I arched a brow. “You can’t be serious? You’re really going to punish me?” I asked incredulously.

A mischievous grin spread across his lips. “Yes, I am being serious, and yes, I am going to punish you,

my love,” Cain said in a lust-filled voice.

Cain then gripped my wrists in his firm hold before lifting me off the desk and spinning me around.

Finally, he laid me face-first back down on the desk. My breathing quickened as I waited for his next


I could hear Cain unbuckling his belt, and my thighs squeezed together, knowing what was coming.

“Grip the edge of the desk.” He demanded, and I did so.

My heart pounded in my chest as I listened to the sound of Cain’s belt being yanked from his jeans. My

nails dug into the wood of the desk, and my pussy ached with need.

Cain ran the belt along the length of my back. “You just love to disobey me and misbehave, don’t you?”

He said in a husky tone.

I remained silent, squirming from the anticipation, and I guess Cain didn’t like my silence as he

smacked my ass with his belt. I gasped, and my pussy throbbed upon contact.

“I asked you a question; answer me.” He said in his Alpha tone.

I bit my bottom lip. “Yes, I do,” I admitted to him.

His chest rumbled, and his left hand gripped my ass cheek, squeezing it firmly. Again, Cain smacked

my ass with the belt, and I jolted forward, moaning loudly.

Cain leaned down, pressing his cock against my ass and thrust against me, letting me feel the hard

cock in his pants that begged to be free. Finally, he reached up and hooked his arm around me, then

wrapped his hand firmly around my throat and tilted my head back. “Do you like that baby?”

I ground my ass against his ever-growing erection. “Yes,” I said breathlessly. A low growl rumbled from

him before he nipped on my ear lobe. His other hand reached around my stomach and slid down my

pants, snaking its way into my panties. I closed my eyes and moaned, basking in the feel of his fingers

against my wet folds.

Cain ran his fingers along my soaked pussy, then inserted a finger and started pumping inside of me.

My climax was nearing the edge now, and I continued rubbing against him, needing that friction.

Suddenly, Cain stopped and removed his hand from my pants before rearing back. I gasped in shock

that he stopped when I was so close. I loosened my grip on the desk and looked over my shoulder at

Cain. He lifted his shirt over his head, revealing his beautifully sculpted abs.

Cain then lifted my hips, and both of his hands reached around me. He was now attempting to undo my

jeans button. Just as Cain gripped the zipper of my pants, a knock sounded at the door, causing us

both to freeze.

Cain growled with annoyance. “Who is it?”

A deep voice came from the other side of the door. “It’s Ryder, sir, and I must speak with you.” His tone

sounded serious, emphasizing whatever caused him to disturb us.

I looked over my shoulder again and pursed my lips. “I guess we will just have to continue this later; it’s

obvious that something is going on that needs your attention.”

He stared into my eyes longingly, the urge to continue what we had started battling within him. But,

instead, Cain grumbled a few incoherent words before standing to his full height and putting his shirt

back on. He grabbed onto my hips and pulled me up from the desk, then spun me to face him.

Cainnreached down and did my jeans back up before kissing me on the forehead.

I situated my clothing and started towards the door when Cain grabbed my wrist and stopped me. “We

will continue this later, my love and don’t forget, be ready by 7:00.” He said with a smirk and a wink.

I tilted my head slightly and looked up at him through my lashes as I bit my lower lip. “Yes, sir,” I said

seductively, teasing him.

Cain released a low, possessive growl, and his eyes were flashing black. I spun on my heels and

sauntered towards the door slowly, knowing he was on edge and ready to pounce. I chuckled internally

before opening the door and leaving his office.

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