Sold to my crush

This Lily

Lily’s POV

I was startled awake by a knock on the car window. I looked around lazily until my eyes landed on Alex who just kept his gaze at me. I rolled my eyes and looked away as I leaned back on the window.

Alex was behind the wheel and I was strapped to the passenger seat. Alex’s window wounded down to reveal his father’s brown eyes peering in. “You’re okay to take her in yourself ?”. Mr. Dankworth asked gesturing to me with a nod. I had only then realized that we were in the parking lot of the house.

I was discharged from the hospital earlier and Alex and his father were called to pick me up. They arrived and cleared the hospital bill before entering into separate cars. I was helped into Alex’s car after throwing fake tantrums while pretending to not remember him nor my marriage.

It was really hilarious to watch cause why did I have to beg and scream with my legs up in the air for the hospital to keep me instead of going with them.

My dear husband almost cried as he also begged me to go with him. Professing his undying love and devotion to me. He explained how much we were in love with each other for years and how the news of our baby even made our relationship even better.


They would cry, beg, cut their wrist and still lie to your face.

I’m glad I still have my memory else this was how I would’ve been tricked.

Alex sighed and turned towards his father. “Yes, we’ll be alright.” He responded.

“Alright. I have to go now.” Alex’s father said as he retracted from the car window back into his car and zoomed off.

Alex exhaled harshly before winding up his window and unlocking the car. I sat quietly as I watched him slowly leave the car and walked around to my side.

I waited for him patiently and just when he had gotten close enough to touch the door handle, I pulled the door open harshly and jumped down from the car.

He hissed harshly as he rubbed the spot on his head where the door hit him. For a second my heart melted and all I wanted was to place him on my thighs and rub his head softly until he feels better.

I was snapped out of my stupid thoughts when his face morphed into it’s usual expressionless form and long gone was the look of pain. He didn’t deserve my kindness.

He was still Mr. nonchalant and Mr. nonchalant doesn’t get anything nice. I wonder why men always think that the Mr. nonchalant category is better than Mr. obsessed. They don’t get that a woman would always pick a man that would literally do anything for her and give her the world instead of a grown ass man who acts like he is on his menstrual cycle every day.

What’s with the whole attitude and mode swings. What do you mean one minute you’re acting like you love me and need me and then the next you hate my guts and you don’t want me. The inconsistency is not giving at all.

I expected a reaction from him but he just stood quietly with his hands in his pocket, not even throwing me a questioning look for my action. I tried desperately to not also give any reaction to show that I was annoyed but I couldn’t help but roll my eyes.

I wanted to break him, to have him show all emotions known to mankind and even more but it had not happened yet but I wouldn’t give up just yet. I shut the door of the car harshly before storming into the house with him hot on my heels.

“Please slow down, you have to be careful.” He called out to me but I ignored him and continued walking.

I yelped as I suddenly felt myself lifted above the ground. “What the heck are you doing?!!”. I screamed as Alex had caught up with me with his long strides and carried me up in bridal style.

“The doctor said you shouldn’t be stressing.” He replied casually.

“So walking is stressing now?”. I asked with raised brows.

He didn’t respond at all. He just kept his face straight forward and continued the journey into the house.

“Put me down!!!”. I screamed at him but he didn’t respond. The silence he was giving me was really pissing me off. I hated the silence so much because it gave me no choice but to stare at his well chiseled face as I enjoyed the warmth of my body pressing on him. As I felt his embrace I didn’t realize how much I had missed this man. How much I had missed his well toned and hard abs that made me drool every time I saw them.

I admired his perfectly sculpted jaw and his beautiful hair. I fought the strong urge to put my hands in them and play with them.

I admired how his plump lips looked from down here. I imagined pulling him in and kissing him fervously. I admired his Grey eyes and his annoying long lashes and how they fluttered every time he blinked. I wondered why he had such long lashes that was technically of no use to him and there was I struggling to grow mine.Belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

Please don’t give me that look cause I know you’re already judging me but don’t be so quick to judge me if you haven’t ever had a Greek god for a husband that you had to stay away from.

I only said I was going to teach Alex a lesson, I didn’t say I was going to be Jesus and turn water to wine. I couldn’t possibly kill or suppress all my feelings for Alex in just a small amount of time. I truly loved him and it would take a while to let go of what I feel for him but for now I would enjoy his delicious scent as I nuzzled into his chest.

We were going up the stairs when he planted a gentle kiss on my forehead. The kiss was so gentle and feather like it made me only crave him more. Why wasn’t he like this all time. Why did it have to end like this. I really wanted to love him with all my heart and let him love me too but I guess it was never meant to be.

The kiss nearly melted my heart until a voice halted his steps. “The slut is back”. Susan said in a sing song voice.

“Mother please”. Alex groaned.

“No, let me down.” He was about to open the room door when I stopped him.

“Lily please let’s just get you in, you need to rest.” He pleaded.

“See how you forced my son to carry you like you haven’t got legs of your own.” She spat out. I could only imagine the ugly look on her face and I couldn’t wait anymore to see it myself.

“Put me down Alex!!!.” I screamed at him as I struggled to get free from him.

He sighed and let me down when he saw I was adamant. I straightened my scrunched up dress and walked down the stairs in calculated steps until I got in front of Susan.

“What were you saying again?.” I asked with raised brows and daring eyes.

“I thought you couldn’t walk yourself. I knew you were pretending just so my son could carry you. That’s how far you would go for my sons touch. So pathetic!!”. She spat with folded eyes.

I chuckled darkly as I eyed her up and down. “If I understand you clearly, you’re either a crazy woman who is obsessed with her dear son and is desperately craving her sons touch that’s why you’re so pained his hands are all over me and not you or you’re just a needy woman who’s upset that she doesn’t have a man who worships her and she’s upset when someone else is getting some. So tell me which one is it?.”

“Lily stop it!!.” Alex screamed from the top of the stairs.

“you did not just say that to me you slimy bitch!!”. Susan screeched like a true crazy woman that she was. Her eyes looked like it was about to pop out of it’s socket and it made her look even more crazier than she was.

“Oh please.” I rolled my eyes at Alex before turning back to his mother. “The truth hurts doesn’t it”. I said those exact words she had said to me the other day while staring deeply into her eyes.

She looked at me wide eyed in shock. “You stupid bitch!!. I know you’re pretending. You didn’t loose your fucking memory. You’re just a fraud.” She screamed out. “Come here Alex and look at this woman, she’s a liar, she’s trying to deceive us.” She continued.

“Please the both of you should stop this nonsense!!.” Alex said as he had walked down the stairs to stand in between i and his mother.

“Tell her to watch her mouth. I won’t have this filthy slut insult me in my own house.” Susan screamed while jutting a finger at me.

“Or else what?. Look old woman”. Susan gasped and I swear her jaw touched the ground. “I don’t know exactly who you are and I don’t care to know but I won’t have you insult me again. I won’t take it from you”. I stated firmly never losing my eye contact with her.

She looked around confused like she was looking for something, I bet it was her jaw.

She had her hands in her hair as she stared at me in first surprise then anger and then pure hate. I was used to that look by now so it didn’t affect me. “You’re going to stand there and watch this useless, good for nothing, daughter of a whore insult your mother??”. She yelled at Alex.

“Don’t you dare involve my mother in any of this. You have no right to bring her into this matter.” I yelled at her. My eyes were red and my fists were balled. It was the little morality I had left that held me from beating her ass for calling my mother. I would tolerate anything but not an insult to my mother.

“I would do whatever I please”. She said with a sinister chuckle. She knew she hit a spot and she was loving it but she didn’t know that she wasn’t speaking to the same Lily she spoke to last time. This Lily would eat her raw and alive.

“Of course you would. That’s why you go whoring around because you’re desperately seeking for a man’s love.”

“You bitch!!”. She screamed as she charged at me but I held her hands and intercepted the slap she was about to give me.

“Enough!!”. Alex yelled at both of us, as he pulled us apart.

I was super pissed at Alex, like he was just standing there watching us like we were his favorite eight o’clock show. It was pathetic and a huge ick.

“You would never raise your hands at me ever again.” I yelled at her. There was no way I could take a hit from this woman.

She looked at me with so much anger blazing in her eyes. She looked like she wanted to pull her perfect hair and cry, I couldn’t help but laugh heartily at it. She couldn’t bear it anymore and she stormed out of the sitting room.

I continued laughing heartily basking in my little win until I noticed the other specimen in the room.

“I can’t take this anymore. I’m leaving.!!” He yelled and turned around to leave.

All I wanted to do was just drag him by his balls and spit on his face. His attitude was really disgusting. Where was all his masculinity at?. “That’s right. Run along like the little coward you are.” I yelled from behind him.

As he stopped in his tracks, I couldn’t help the smirk that formed on my face but that smirk was wiped off my face as he turned around, storming towards me with anger in his eyes. “Say that again, I dare you.” He grabbed my chin roughly as he shoved me to the wall.

I gasped at the sudden harsh movement. I was trapped in between him and his hot breathe fanned my face as he heaved heavily.

Now that’s why I’m here.

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