Sold to my crush

The birth of my father’s daughter

Lily’s POV

“She’s stable now but we still need to keep her here for a while to monitor her for any internal bleeding or anything at all that might surprise us”. I heard a foreign voice speak in a professional tone.

“But she is going to be okay right?”. I heard a familiar deep voice ask in a hushed tone.

“Yes she is”. The foreign voice responded with confidence etched in his voice.

My eyes were still closed as I tried to shut out the conversations that were had around me in ‘hushed tones’.NôvelDrama.Org owns this.

I groaned inwardly as I came to the realization that I could no longer get a grasp at the peace and tranquillity I once had moments prior. The darkness was soothing and I had no care of the world.

As my eyes fluttered open, the huge lights hanging above my head blinded me immediately and so I hissed loudly drawing the attention of the people around.

“She’s awake”. They all scampered around me. “Are you okay?”. The familiar deep voice amongst them asked in a soft feather like tone.

I groaned loudly as i felt a sharp pain hit me in my head. It felt like a truck had suddenly started ramming into me repeatedly.

“Please give her some space”. The foreign voice spoke again as he approached me.

I looked around the room I was currently in as my eyes had adjusted to the harsh lights. My hands were sore and I looked at them to find the source of it only to find needles attached to it.

I sighed as I looked around the plain white room filled with numerous beeping machines. I was in an awful looking gown and the air smelt like antiseptic and blood so I did not need a soothsayer or a prophet to tell me that I was in a hospital.

The main question now was why.

Why was I in the hospital, what happened to me.

I looked at the other three people who stood in the room observing me. My eyes went from the older man dressed in a white dress shirt and white pants. His eyes held so much worry and I began to wonder if it was because of me. He looked like he wanted to come over to me and comfort me or more so comfort himself. I remember seeing a look of relief in his eyes when I had woken up.

I looked to his side to find a younger man that looked just like him except for his Grey eyes which were different from the older man’s brown eyes. He was like a younger version of the older man. The very built body, the brown wavy hair but the older man had a bit of white hair on his head.

The younger man also had the look of worry in his eyes but his was more prominent than the latter. He looked disoriented and frustrated. His tie was hanging loosely from his neck and his sky blue shirt looked like he had been in a fight that he lost and his hair looked deselved like he had been in the jungle for months without a comb and he had been using sticks to try to even them out.

He eyes held so much pain and regret. He also looked like he was holding him self back from running towards me.

My eyes swept over him and landed on the woman sitting over at the white couch. Her demeanor was different from the others. She looked nonchalant and indifferent to whatever was going on around here.

I looked at her wavy curled hair that looked like she had just stepped out of the hair salon down to her freshly manicured red nails that she kept staring at and her fitted purple dress that showed off her long legs. She was stunning but there was just something off about her.

I looked up to meet her eyes and then I found it. She looked at me with so much hatred like if she could, she would just bash my head with a golf stick.

As I continued staring back into her eyes a flash of everything that happened before hit me and my head ache increased.

I remembered all that transpired between us, all the despicable and callous words she said to me.

I remembered how hurt I was and all I felt before passing out in my room.

I groaned loudly again as the pain increased. “Are you okay?”. The foreign voice who I now registered was the doctor asked.

I wanted to respond that I was fine until I suddenly thought of my child. I held my stomach tightly as I looked around in panic. “How is my baby?”. I asked in a rushed tone.

“Your baby is fine”. He responded with a smile. I sighed in relief as I continued hugging my stomach tightly. As long as I had my baby, everything would be alright.

“We still have to keep you here for a while to monitor your progress.” He said again with a smile while picking up a board from the table.

He asked me some questions and continued taking notes while the others simply stood there watching us.

“That’s all for now.” He finished. He turned towards the others and flashed them a smile. “You can see her now but one at time. The rest can wait outside”.

They all looked amongst themselves, communicating without words, perhaps they were mind linking. The woman just hissed and walked out leaving the men behind.

Both men gave themselves a curt nod before the older man walked out with the doctor behind him.

I was now alone with the handsome young man.

He stood in that same spot staring at me trying to act confident but I could see right through him. I could see his hands shaking lightly and the nervous look of confusion in his yes. He looked like he didn’t know whether to remain in that spot or move closer.

I never removed my eyes from him. I guess he finally made a decision as he moved closer to me and took a seat close to the bed.

“B… baby”. He said in a shaky voice. “Are you okay?”. He asked with immense worry etched in his voice. “I was so devastated when I found you on the floor, I’m so glad you’re okay. I don’t know what I would have done with myself if anything happened to you.”

I just stayed quiet as I watched him. His eyes were red and he looked like he was seconds away from tearing up. It was hilarious to watch.

“Please say something”. He cried out as he made a move to touch my hands but I pulled away.

“What are you trying to do?”. I asked harshly as I stared at him in confusion. Why was he trying to touch me hands.

“I’m sorry Lily but I just wanted to touch you to know if you’re truly okay”. He said while sniffling. The handsome young man was shedding tears by my bed and begging to touch me.

He wanted to touch me to know if I was okay?. Men would always be Men.

“Do I know you?”. I asked staring at him skeptically.

He looked at me in shock for a minute like I had said the most ridiculous thing he had ever heard.

“What do you mean baby?”. he asked chuckling nervously.

Was he dumb or something. I just asked a simple question. “Who are you Sir and why you are here?”. I asked again with raised brows.

“Lily stop playing. It’s me Alex, your husband.” He exclaimed with a dry laugh.

I laughed heartily while he stared at me in confusion. “Me, married?, you must be mistaken. Please leave now.”

“H.. how, I don’t understand. I’m your husband. Don’t you remember?”. He stood up as he explained in a panicked tone.

“Please leave, I don’t know you.” I screamed at him.

“But I’m Alex, you’re my wife.” He tried to assure me again but I just started screaming.

“Leave me alone!!!.” I continued screaming until the doctor and the older man rushed inside.

“What’s going on here. Please move aside Sir”. The doctor took the position of the young man as he tried to calm me down.

“Are you okay?”. The doctor asked in a soft tone.

“Yes but I don’t know these people”. I said pointing at the men at the other end of the room.

“What!!”. The older man exclaimed wide eyed.

“What you mean baby. It’s me Alex”. The younger man sighed in frustration.

“It’s alright. I’ll get them out for you.” The doctor responded calmly before turning back to them men.

“What do you mean get us out. I’m her husband for fucks sake!!.” The younger man who had been calling himself Alex, screamed at the doctor.

“But she doesn’t know that.” The doctor responded calmly but I could tell he was holding himself back from blowing up on their faces.

“Earlier you said she was okay so How could she not remember me?.” His tone had reduced and now he sounded calmer. He looked in so much worry and confusion like he was just wishing this was a nightmare and soon enough he would wake up.

But that was far fetched cause this was our fucking reality.

“Yeah, why can’t she remember us?.” The older man added.

“These things are common and ..”

“My wife doesn’t know who I am and you’re saying it is common!!”. Alex screamed at the doctor cutting him short. His eyes were red and his fists were balled tightly.

“Please let me finish Sir.” The doctor said through gritted teeth. I knew he was fed up.

The older man squeezed Alex’s hand gently but Alex shrugged it away immediately like it was acid that touched him. That was really weird but I didn’t dwell on it.

“Most times when people fall, have traumatic experiences or have minor incidents, they tend to loose their memories for a while. It is not temporary, with time things would start coming back to them.” The doctor finished.

Alex sighed and ran his hand over his face for the ninety fifth time since he entered this room again. “So how long are we looking at?”. He asked.

“It’s not certain. It differs based on the person.” Alex groaned as he heard this before taking a seat with his eyes trained on me. I could see so many emotions trailing in his eyes all at once. It was beautiful to watch.

“But I suggest you don’t force her to remember anything, just give her time. Take it one day at a time or she might just loose her memory forever.” The doctor explained.

“No, that would be terrible.” Alex exclaimed with his head now in his hands.

“Then please take my advice and give her some space for now.” The doctor said as he ushered them out of the room.

The older man shook his head sadly and stared at me for a while before moving out of the room.

Alex on the other hand just sat there unmoved staring into my soul as if it would automatically change it anything at the moment. He had gone through a rollercoaster of emotions from denial to anger to sadness and then probably acceptance.

As I watched thousands of emotions that I had never seen before swell in his eyes all in one day, I was so glad I did what I did.

I knew exactly who he was. I knew who they all were. I knew that he was my long time crush who never saw me until he was forced to be my husband through a contract marriage. I knew that he was man I had always loved but never reciprocated the same feelings for me.

He was the man that irritated the hell out of me. He confused me more than anyone else I had ever met. He intimidated me to the point where I can’t even think straight. I forget how I breathe every time he looked at me and half of the times I forget how to speak whenever I’m around him.

He was one of the most enigmatic and arrogant men I had ever met.

From the very first day I met him, he made me question things about myself that I didn’t even know were a part of me. It was always like I saw a new world inside of myself that I wanted so desperately but I never thought i could be a part of. He amazed me, fascinated me and he was all I could ever think of. He was my everything.

But that wouldn’t be the story anymore. Henceforth, I and my baby would be my everything. I deserve love and I deserve to be loved.

The pain I can see in his eyes right now are nothing compared to all he made me go through. I wonder why I kept loving someone who would never see me.

He blinked his eyes as he tried to fight back his tears. I couldn’t care less about whatever was going through his mind. It was his mind after all, he could think whatever.

“I will see you later Lily.” He said in almost a whisper before walking out of the door.

Of course you would. I would be everywhere and no where at once. I was done getting played, now I’m going to take control and play this fucking game like a professional.

No one would be exempted, including my father and Chase. They would all get a taste of their own medicine.

I was done playing this soft girl shit and having people play in my face. Now it’s time to be my father’s daughter.

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