Reyona’s Revenge

Name On Paper

“I am going to do it.”

“Reyona!” Toria called her urgently.

“I am sorry, Toria. I…I just can’t look away. I don’t know how and when it happened but these kids have become important to me in a way. I can’t just look away now. I wouldn’t look away if there is any way I can help anyone even if it was not them but…”

“Oh my God, Reyona,” Toria said in a sympathetic tone. “Do you think this is because they are Thomas’s kids? Are you still hung on him, Reyona? You know you can tell me, right?”

“No,” Reyona said emphatically. “This is not because of him.”

“Then why would you do such a thing? This is going too far. How can you marry a man I don’t even think you like because of kids that have nothing to do with you?”

“I just want to help,” Reyona said quietly.

There was silence on both ends for a while, then Toria asked “Do you think you might love him?”

“No, this has nothing to do with that. It is temporary and it is not even real. Once they have looked away and taken their eyes off the kids, everything would go back to how it was.” she said tonelessly.

“Oh, Rey,” Toria said in a heartfelt tone. Then she sniffed as she said, “You know you are going to get hurt either way, don’t you?”

“Hurt? No, I am not. I already told you this has nothing to do with feelings. We would barely even see each other. All he needs is my name on paper and that will be all.”

“That goddamn bastard is the cause of all this!” Toria said as she started sobbing.

“Toria?” Reyona called her urgently as she felt her eyes misted over as well.

“This is all the fault of that godforsaken ex of yours! I hate him for putting you through all these. You would never have had to be thinking of doing something as sacred as marrying someone on fake terms. I know you, Rey. This is just not right.” her sobs were increasing at this rate.

“Toria, you don’t have to do this, okay? Please, I am sorry for not telling you about how things have been right from time. I am…stop crying, will you? This is not so bad, you know. It is not like I am signing away my life. You can just see it as one of those times when we go to charity events and all that. This is just another way of helping. You would do the same.”Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

“No, I wouldn’t. I wouldn’t fake-marry a man for anything!”

For lack of a better thing to say, Reyona said “I thought you like him.”

“Well, I don’t dislike him. And I even thought there was something between you too, but not that I want you to marry him because of your cheating ex-husband’s children! How crazy is that?!”

“It is temporary, Toria” Reyona could manage a smile as she realized that Toria’s anger had stopped her initial sob.

“I don’t care. You are still doing too much for them. Nobody should have to do this. Not you! And I just know you are going to get hurt somehow too!”

“You have a psychic ability now?” Reyona attempted a joke.

“Not funny,” Toria said emphatically.

“Okay, I am sorry.” Reyona said.

Despite how she had been in a knot earlier before she finally decided to call her sister, her situation didn’t look as dire as it seemed initially.

Must have something to do with sharing what she had been harbouring from those who loved her.

Her heart ached when she thought of her parents.

“Toria, we have agreed that you are not going to tell Dad and Mum, right?” Reyona asked gingerly.

“When is the fake marriage?” Toria asked instead of answering her question.

“I don’t know yet. It will be very soon, I think. I have not told him about my decision yet. You are the first person I am telling.”

“Yay, lucky me,” Toria said humourlessly.

Reyona ignored her jibe and said almost to herself. “It should be between now and next week though. The arrangement for their new home will be between that time, so we will have to act fast.”

“I can’t believe this. My sister is getting married in less than a week and I am just knowing.”


“I know. I know. Not real. Well then, I guess you will talk to the groom and then tell me when it will be?”

“Toria, you don’t have to.”

“What? Now, you don’t even want me to be there for you on that day? First, I can’t tell our parents that their daughter is getting married, and now my sister doesn’t want me at her wedding?”

“Toria, you know for sure that this is not a real thing. We are just going to sign papers, that’s all.”

“You will let me know the date,” Toria said firmly.

Reyona knew there was an “or” behind that statement. Since she was suddenly too tired to find out what it was, she simply said. “I will let you know the date.”

“Thank you,” Toria said blandly.

A pause.

“So, how is…?”

“No, you are not going to do that. We are not going to just slide on to another conversation like this is just a normal thing. Besides, I am still mad at you!”

“I already said…”

The disconnecting tone was what greeted Reyona’s statement.

“What…?” Reyona stared straight at the fountain in front of her.

She knew there was no point in calling her sister back right then.

She was not only angry and hurt, she was scared for her.

She leaned her head back and stared into the starry sky.

“Am I doing the right thing?” She asked out loud like she was expecting a sign from the universe.

After looking unblinking at the stars for a while, she looked down at her phone again.

Reluctance showed on her face but then she muttered. “What will be the point in waiting?”

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