Reyona’s Revenge

I Will Make It Up To You


“Hi,” Reyona responded with a semblance of a smile and gestured at the space beside her on the bench.

Maxwell sat, and they were both silent for a while.

Reyona could feel his eyes on her, but she didn’t look away from the cascading fall of water in front of her.

“How are you doing?” he asked eventually.

“Like I am about to sign my life away,” she said automatically.

Then, still without looking at him, she waved her hand airily and said “That was a silly joke. Toria must have influenced me,” she added with a dry chuckle.

“You told her.”

“I have to tell someone,” she said defensively. Then, before he could say anything, she continued, “You do not have to come, you know. I already told you that.” she said, still without turning to him.

“I just wanted to see how you were doing,” he said, still turning to her.

Reyona turned towards him, then she immediately wished she hadn’t because there was something in his look at that moment that was not doing anything good for her.

It also didn’t help that the onset of her dream chose that moment to rear its head as well. She almost looked away from him in embarrassment but stood her ground as she said airily “Well, I am flattered by that. As you can see, I am fine. Like I said, you didn’t have to come.”

His hand moved towards her like he wanted to hold her hands, but when she stared at the movement with a questioning gaze, he stopped and asked “Why did you change your mind though?” He ran his hand through his hair before he continued. “I mean, you’ve made it very clear this past week that nothing I do will make you change your mind, and suddenly you are on board? I don’t understand you.”

Reyona shrugged as she said “Well, I don’t think you need to understand me. You only need to know that I will do as you want and that is what matters. Let’s go sign some documents, you get the kids to be in your custody, and we can all move on with our lives.”

“Why do you sound like that though?” Maxwell asked with exasperation.

“Like what?” Reyona asked innocently.

“I don’t know… you sound like…” Maxwell stood up abruptly from the bench, tucked his hands in his pockets, and walked towards the fountain.

Reyona firmly took her eyes from the direction it wanted to stray and turned her head away.

Why on earth did everything he wore have to fit him so perfectly anyway?

“Are you sure you want to do this?” he asked suddenly as he turned towards her with an inscrutable look on his face.This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

Reyona has had it with him.

“Okay, you are the confused one right now. You brought the idea, and have been on my case for the past week with all your promises and all just to get me to accept it. By the way, I still think you are a big asshole for offering to compensate me with any amount or asset that I want. That aside, here I am telling you that I would do it, and you look like you want to back out.” she tossed her hands up in the air as she stood as well. “What is wrong with you?”

He gave her a long look as she stood there with her chest heaving from her sudden anger. He took a step towards her, then stopped abruptly.

He clenched and unclenched his hand, then he turned away from her again.

He turned towards her swiftly again. “You haven’t answered my question. Do you really want to do this? With me.”

“You really want the answer to that?”

He nodded.

“Of course, I don’t want to do this. If my mind, conscience, intuition or whatever would let me be at rest if I just watched them go like that, do you think I would be doing this? I don’t want my name attached to yours or have to lie to the authorities, but I already gave my word, didn’t I? So, please stop asking me silly questions and let me know when we are doing this. The earlier this happens, the faster I can put it behind me!”

She was breathing hard by the time she was done.

She had no idea why his statement of “With me” had bothered her so, but that was th truth of the matter. It bothered her. And she hated it!

His eyes were hooded as he nodded and said “I see. Will tomorrow be fast enough for you? I wouldn’t want you to be around me for longer than you can tolerate.”

Okay, why the hell was he making it sound that way?

“What time tomorrow?” she asked, even as she wondered how it could be that fast.

“Let me verify and reach back to you, okay?” he said gravelly


“I assume I will be able to reach you when I want to pass the message across.”

She rolled her eyes at his reference to the momentary blocking she had done with his number again three days ago when he wouldn’t leave her be. “Of course, I am not an idiot.”

“I know. I just want you to know that I appreciate the fact that you are doing this.”

“I am doing it for the kids,” Reyona said lamely.

She didn’t know why she had to make that clear, but there was just something about the way he was looking at her that was in contrast with his tone.

She wanted him gone as soon as possible.

She wanted this over and done with.


He walked towards her and suddenly stretched his hand towards her. “I am looking forward to a happy cooperation with you, Ms. Dexter.”

Reyona hesitated, but then she placed her hand gingerly in his.

She almost sucked her breath in at the tingly sensation that raced from where their skins touched and coursed through her body.

It didn’t make things easy for her when he held on to her hand and said huskily, “I am really sorry for proposing this.”

Okay, what…

“I am going to make it up to you,” he said softly while looking into her eyes.

Reyona momentarily forgot that her hand was still in his as he asked “Do you want me to give you a ride home?”

Reyona’s throat was suddenly too dry, or maybe it was her tongue that seemed not to know how to form the right words. She swallowed noticeably and said “It is just a short walk. I am… fine.”

Before she could pull her hand out of his, he nodded and gently turned her hand over in his.

The continuous slight brush of his thumb over her sensitised skin was something she had to tell him to stop too.


He placed a lingering kiss on the back of her palm and immediately let go of her hand.

“I will see you tomorrow, Reyona.”

With that, he left her.

Reyona stood still in the same spot for a while as her momentarily blank mind filled with cascading thoughts all of a sudden.

A look of disbelief was evident on her face as she slowly lowered herself back on the bench.

She placed her hands on her face with a rushed sigh of “Oh my God”

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