Resisting the Alpha Triplets by Cara Anderson

Chapter 76 by Cara Anderson

Ch. 76 Blood Claw Prison

Mallory’s POV

“Gentlemen, would you please excuse me and my lovely bride.” Alpha Quade’s suave tone didn’t betray even a hint of agitation. “She’s obviously overwrought, tired from her long journey and overwhelmed by all the expectations of her new role.”

Some of them men nodded and others just pushed away from the table but all of them left without a word. It was a testament to the level of control their Alpha maintained and the respect he demanded that no one so much as grumbled at being dismissed before their meal. But whether because they were loyal or simply afraid, I couldn’t say.

Once the last man had exited, Quade turned all his attention to me. His eyes burned into me like twin flames, his anger palpable. His large hand circled my upper arm and yanked me down into my chair, Then he leaned over me, his hot breath making my skin crawl as it blew across my ear.

“That was your one and only free pass, my Luna!” He emphasized the title, ensuring I knew my place. “Next time you’ll be punished for your insubordination.”

“You can’t possibly think you’ll get away with this.” I decided to push my luck. “I have mates. I am a Luna. Just not yours. They will come for me.”

“Oh, I’m sure they will. But I wouldn’t hold out much hope they’ll ever find you if I were you.” He sneered.

“Of course they’ll find me. No one hides a mansion of this size. Besides, they know where your packlands are. We’ve been studying them for months.” I decided there was no harm in telling him so since I was already here. No need to sneak in now.

Apparently I’d said something humorous because he laughed. Not just a chuckle. A full on belly laugh.

“Oh sweetheart.” He feigned wiping away an amused tear. “Blood Claw has lots of properties under its umbrella. Who said we were anywhere near the pack territory?”

“What?” I gasped, not having considered that possibility.

“I couldn’t risk taking you anywhere near the pack. Not yet.” He replied. “It was enough that my men saw you here. They will inform the pack of your new position. It will be enough to buy the time I need.”

“Time you need for what?” I pressed, hoping to keep him talking until he said something useful.

“Let’s just say some of the families that remain from your parents’ leadership are less than enamored with my rule of the former Hazelwood territory. Their unwillingness to comply has prevented me from fully realizing all I had to gain from my position as their Alpha.

“Once they see the daughter of their beloved former Alpha and Luna has come home to rule at my side. They’ll be more inclined to share the information I need.” He explained.

“And if I refuse to be a part of your ruse?” I asked, already sure of his answer.

“Then I’ll murder them in front of you, one by one. And when there are none left to threaten you with, I’ll end you too. It would mean giving up on finding the one thing I’ve spent years searching for, the entire reason I attacked your parents’ pack. But at least I’ll have my revenge.”

“What could possibly be worth so many lives?” I demanded.

I had no memory of my life in Hazelwood beyond a few glimpses from my dreams. And even then, I couldn’t be sure they were accurate. But I couldn’t imagine what my parents could have had that Quade wanted so badly.

“That, my dear Luna, is none of your concern.” He snapped.

“Stop calling me that! There is no one here to hear you and we both know its bullshit.” I spit out.

He grabbed my face before I could blink, squeezing my cheeks so hard I was sure they would bruise. And without my wolf to heal them, the evidence would remain for days.

“Don’t ever speak to me disrespectfully again. You will watch your language and behave in a manner befitting a Luna or there will be consequences. Do I make myself clear?” He hissed.

I nodded, unable to speak with his hand wrapped around my jaw. He released me roughly, my head jerking to the side. It took a moment to compose myself before meeting his eyes, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of seeing the tears in my eyes.

“That’s my good girl. Now, let’s have a civil discussion about our future together. It’s only fair I lay out my expectations so you have every opportunity to meet them without earning my censure.” He stated imperiously.

“What expectations?” I gritted out, receiving a stern glare for my tone but thankfully no physical repercussions.

“The rules are very simple, my dear. You do what I want when I want it. You do not disrespect me in front of my pack. You don’t even speak unless directed to do so. In fact, the only time I want to hear from you at all is when I invite you into my bed. Then, you may feel free to scream all you like.” His eyes raked over me lasciviously.

“That will never happen! I’d rather die than let you touch me!” I shrieked, spitting in his face.

I knew it was a mistake before I did it but I couldn’t stop myself. My skin crawled at the thought of him touching me and my stomach roiled from something other than my pregnancy. I never could just keep my mouth shut.

When the back of his hand connected with my face, it hurt like a bitch. Even though I was expecting it, the pain of it was still shocking. I fell to the floor, my head hitting the ground with a sickening thud and stars bursting before my eyes.

I rolled to my side and curled into a ball. Protecting my stomach in case he decided to punish me further. I would have to do better, learn to control my tongue. I couldn’t risk my pups’ safety again.

But Quade didn’t hit me again. Instead, he yanked me to my feet by my hair and snarled in my face.

“Maybe a night in a prison cell instead of a comfortable bed will change your mind.” He threatened. “I’ll make sure the guards know you are off limits. This time. But if you don’t learn your place quickly, I won’t hesitate to let them use you in lieu of payment.”

He bent to bury his face in my neck and breathed deeply, inhaling my scent.

“Delicious.” He murmured, “Are you still a virgin or did you let those pups you call mates have you already?”

I jutted out my chin, refusing to answer. Refusing to speak another word to the monster in front of me.

“No matter.” he chuckled. “When the time comes, and it will come very soon, I’ll be happy to show you what this tight little body of yours needs.”

He dragged me to the door, his fist still gripping my hair. I stumbled along behind him, teetering dangerously on my heels as I struggled to keep up. He wrenched the door open and practically tossed me into the hall.

“Take her to a cell but keep her isolated, away from the other prisoners. And no one is to touch her, is that understood? She is my Luna after all.”Content (C) Nôv/elDra/ma.Org.

“Yes sir, Alpha.” One of the guards acknowledged his order while the other twisted my arm behind my back painfully.

“Let’s go.” He pushed me along carelessly, obviously not giving two shits that I was supposed to his Luna.

After being unceremoniously hauled down several flights of stairs, we finally entered the area where prisoners were kept. The caustic ammonia odor of urine nearly choked me as we walked by cell after cell of inmates. I gagged and my stomach heaved but there was nothing to expel, reminding me I hadn’t eaten.

I was shoved into a cell at the end of a long cellblock. Apparently, the role of Luna did not come with an upgraded cell because this one had a threadbare mattress on the floor and only a bucket to do my business in like every other one I’d seen. I scrambled across the cold cement floor to sit on the mattress, a plume of dust rising around me when I plopped down on it.

“Wait!” I called out to my jailer as he turned to leave.”Could you please ask Alpha Quade if he would send me some food from the kitchen?”

I thought it was worth a shot. There had to be leftovers since dinner was never served and I needed to eat something healthy for the sake of my babies. But all hope of a decent meal fled when the guard leered back at me with salacious intent in his eyes.

“You’ll eat in the morning, same as every other prisoner. And don’t bother asking for anything else or I might just forget what Alpha said about not touching you.”

I stared back at him, not speaking but refusing to let him cower me. He held my glare for a moment then huffed and stalked away. Only once his footsteps disappeared did I dare to move.

I kicked off the ridiculous excuse for shoes I’d been wearing and pressed as close to the cell bars as possible. Rattling the door first but finding it not nearly as loose as its rusted hinges would suggest, I peered as far down the hall as I could see without my wolf to help me.

As instructed, I’d been placed as far from another living soul as possible. At least I could be thankful that it was quieter, away from the other prisoners moaning and crying out. I wondered how many of them had belonged to my parents’ pack, only here to ensure their silence or to punish their lack of cooperation.

“Raven, I really need you to wake up.” I tried pushing through to her again but was met with dead air.

Fuck! What had I been drugged with and why was it lasting so long? For the first time, true panic rose up inside me. She couldn’t be gone permanently. And if she was, what did that mean for my bond with Cary and Clay?

I tried to feel for them, letting my mind stretch along the threads of our bond, but again, I felt nothing. Maybe I was too far away or maybe it was another side effect of the drugs. Either way, I felt the emptiness like a hole in my soul.

Trudging back over to the thin mattress, I flopped down on it again and tried to close my eyes. I needed to rest in order to retain what little strength I had, but my cheek throbbed where Quade had hit me and my jaw ached from his painful hold. Hot tears pricked my eyes at the thought that this could be all that was left of my life.

If Quade wasn’t lying, if we really were hidden away somewhere my mates wouldn’t think to look, would I eventually give in? I couldn’t keep my pregnancy a secret forever. Would I be willing to bargain with him to spare my pups, even if it meant letting him mark me?

What if I never saw my mates again? Or worse, what if they were strangers to me when we met again, reduced to no more than men I used to know by the forced bite of my captor? I couldn’t think about that now. Not when my heart ached for them so desperately.

“Clay, Cary… Colton!” I allowed myself to cry out even for my uncaring mate, a fierce need for all of them saturating every corner of my mind.

I could only pray the Moon Goddess would lead them to me before it was too late.

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