Resisting the Alpha Triplets by Cara Anderson

Chapter 75 by Cara Anderson

Ch. 75 Alpha Quade

Mallory’s POV© NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

I was barely awake but already my stomach roiled and heaved. I rolled to my side and emptied its contents onto the floor. Fuck, carrying triplets was already doing a number on my body. I couldn’t help but wonder what I would go through by the end of this pregnancy. I would be as big as a house.

I groaned as I pushed myself into a sitting position and tried to pry my eyes open. My eyelids felt so heavy, like they’d been glued shut and I needed toothpicks to hold them apart. I wanted to pull the covers over my head and go back to sleep. But if I did that, Cary or Clay would be left to clean up my mess and that wasn’t fair.

It took a minute for the room to come into focus, But when it did, all I could do was blink in confusion. Where was I? And how did I get here? Did we stay at a hotel instead of returning to Black Moon? And where were my mates?

The room was opulently appointed, clearly high-end. I knew my mates had money and could easily afford a hotel of this caliber. But they were nowhere to be seen and it didn’t make any sense that they would leave me alone in a strange place. They would never leave me or their pups unprotected. There had to be a guard outside.

A shiver rippled through me as an uneasy feeling sat heavy in my gut. I padded over to the door and attempted to pull it open but it wouldn’t budge. So I pounded on it with my fist to get the guards attention.

“Hey! Is somebody out there? Can anyone hear me?” I shouted.

Nothing. Complete silence.

“Raven? What’s going on?” I reached for my wolf but didn’t respond.

This wasn’t right. I couldn’t remember how I’d gotten here. I couldn’t remember anything after the ultrasound and my mates’ faces lit up with joy at learning we were having three babies instead of just one. But what I knew without a doubt was they would never leave me locked in a room alone without telling me first.

“Somebody open this fucking door!” I yelled, banging again and kicking the wood.

I wouldn’t be able to break the door down. I was too weak from lack of nutrition and too exhausted from all the pregnancy hormones. But that didn’t mean I could scream my lungs out.

A quick scan of my surroundings told me there were no windows and no other doors in the room. In other words, the only way I was leaving was if someone came along to let me out. The thought should have terrified me, but all I could think about was keeping my babies safe.

Finally, light footsteps sounded in the hall, growing louder as they grew nearer. Whoever it was stopped right outside my door and the sound of metal clanking together, probably keys, rang out. The lock clicked open and a woman not much older than myself pushed inside.

“Luna,” she greeted, “my name is Evelyn and I will be your personal Omega. Alpha Quade has asked me-”

She cut off, sniffing the air. Her eyes zeroed in on the vomit pooled on the floor next to the bed.

“Are you ill?” She asked with what

appeared to be genuine concern.

“Probably a side effect of whatever drug he gave me to bring me here.”

There was no way I would tell her I was pregnant. No telling what she would do with that information. “Please, you have to help me get out of here. My mates-”

“I’m afraid that’s impossible.” She interrupted. “Alpha Quade would never let me take his Luna out without his private guard present.”

I looked over her shoulder, noticing the two warriors standing in the doorway for the first time. My heart sank like a rock to the pit of my stomach. I’d suspected Quade was behind this, but hadn’t wanted to believe it. Now there was no denying the truth.

“I’m not his Luna!” I growled, barely restraining myself from stamping my foot like a petulant child.

“Of course you are dear. Now let’s get you cleaned up and into some presentable clothes. Alpha wouldn’t like to see you looking so disheveled.”

“Then maybe he should consider not having me drugged and kidnapped next time.” I snarked.

Most likely she was fully aware of the circumstances that brought me here. But I was going to call attention to it every chance I got. If there was even one decent bone in her body, maybe I could wear her down with guilt.

In the meantime, I would play along with her. I clearly wasn’t going to escape from inside that room. Following her would at least give me the chance to look around. Maybe I could find another way out.

The hall she led me down had multiple doors, all of them shut. So I had no opportunity to determine what they were, probably more bedrooms or maybe an office or two. Was he holding other people prisoner in them or was I the only one with that privilege, I wondered.

We rounded a corner and the hall opened onto a sweeping staircase with views of the floor below. We didn’t descend however, but crossed the landing and headed down the opposite hallway. More closed doors greeted me until Evelyn finally stopped in front of one, pulling out her ring of keys to unlock it.

She pushed the door open and stepped aside, ushering me in before her. My eyes roamed the four walls, landing on another door. But before I could wonder where it led, Evelyn solved the mystery for me.

“You’ll find everything you need to shower and freshen up waiting for you in the bathroom. I’ll return shortly to help you dress for the evening as well as do your makeup and hair. You’ll find the closet fully stocked but I’ll be bringing your gown for the evening so no need to put anything on.” She instructed.

She backed out of the room and reset the lock, effectively imprisoning me again. I headed straight for the bathroom, hoping to find a window I could climb out of, but of course that would have been too easy. All I found was a massive walk-in shower and a luxurious looking claw foot tub.

I briefly considered refusing to bathe, fury and a fierce desire to make things as difficult as possible for Alpha Quade and anyone he employed. But a thin sheen of sweat had dried on my skin and my mouth felt like I’d swallowed an ashtray. So I flipped on the shower, telling myself I was ensuring my own basic needs were met, not enabling Quade’s evil plan in any way.

As the hot water coursed over me, I thought back to everything i’d seen along the way to this new room. One thing was blatantly evident. We were in a mansion of some sort and whoever had put it here had paid a pretty penny to do so. That meant people had to know it was here.

My mates would come for me. I just needed to dance to Quade’s tune for as long as it was safe for me and my pups to do so. I knew deep in my soul that Clay and Cary wouldn’t stop looking for me. I had to trust that they would find me in time.

In time for what, was the question. Evelyn insisted I was his Luna. The words of the rogue captive came back to me then. Marry him or die. Before I found out I was pregnant, that choice would have been easy. Death was far preferable than a lifetime tied to such a heinous individual.

But now, everything had changed. I had to protect my pups no matter what it cost me. I just hoped I could find a way to keep them safe that didn’t involve allowing Quade to mark me.

A tap on the bathroom door recalled me from my morbid thoughts.

“Luna, are you almost done?” Evelyn called. “Alpha Quade is very strict about time and he’s only given me an hour to make you presentable.”

I wanted to tell her what Alpha Quade could do with his timeline but reminded myself to play nice. It was the chance I had to find a way out of here because rotting in this room wasn’t an option. Besides, I was starving.

“I’ll be out in a minute.” I called back, turning the water off and wrapping myself in the nearest towel.

“Luna, you look breathtaking.” Evelyn gushed as she perused her handiwork.

Forty-five minutes had passed while she powdered and primped me from head to toe then stuffed me into a skin- tight midnight blue confection. The room had no mirror so I had to take her word for it. All I knew is the dress hugged my curves to the point I could barely breathe and my tits nearly spilled out of the strapless bodice.

“Evelyn, please call me Mallory.” I said, hoping to endear myself to the woman.

“Oh, I couldn’t do that. Alpha Quade wouldn’t like it.” She shook her head no as she spoke. “Now, let me help you into these heels and I’ll escort you to dinner.”

“Dinner?” At least there would be food.

“Yes, Alpha is excited to introduce you to the pack. But tonight will only be a small affair with his council of ranked wolves. No need to be nervous.”

“Of course not.” I mumbled under my breath.

I was only kidnapped against my will, held prisoner, and being paraded in front of his men like a prized cow on display. Not to mention, I was almost certain a Luna carrying another Alpha’s pups was not part of his plan. What was there to be nervous about?

We descended three flights of stairs as Evelyn led me to my impending doom. I memorized every twist and turn along the way but never saw a window or a door that appeared to lead outside. It appeared the entire place was designed to keep people in.

The sound of laughter and boisterous conversation reached me as we neared the dining room. Evelyn left me with the two warriors who’d been our constant companions since leaving the bedroom and entered the room alone. I could hear her clear her throat and all the voices died away.

“Excuse me Alpha,” she addressed Quade. “May I present your Luna now?”

“Please do. I was beginning to worry she might keep us waiting.” A deep, gruff voice answered.

“Go on!” One of the warriors ordered, giving me a small shove in the middle of my back and making me stumble over the ridiculous spiked heels I was wearing.

I righted myself and stepped into the room. The sound of a chair scraping over the tile floor had me gritting my teeth as the man I could only assume was Alpha Quade rose from his seat. I sucked in a sharp breath, taken aback by his appearance.

Finding a young, reasonably attractive man with dark hair and a well-kempt beard where I expected to find an old, gnarled monster was disconcerting. Not that it made him any less of a devil. But it was immediately obvious he wasn’t a weak old man who needed to hide behind his warriors for protection. This man radiated power and could clearly fight his own battles.

“Welcome to Blood Claw Pack, my beauty.” He fixed me with a sinister smile.

He strode over and placed my hand on the crook of his elbow, leading me further into the room. A shudder shook me at the thought of touching the man who had killed my parents, despite the fact I couldn’t remember them. I refused to say a word in acknowledgement as he showed me to a chair, the leering eyes of his men never leaving me.

“Please take a seat, sweetheart. My, I mean, our council are anxious to meet their new Luna.” His voice became silky smooth, like a fine whisky.

I just stared at him, refusing to sit amongst a group of men who hadn’t stopped undressing me with their eyes since I’d stepped into the room. Instead, I let my gaze fall over the man before me in his expensive tailored suit and Rolex watch. When I reached his face, he was wearing a smug smirk that made me want to slap him.

“Maybe I should dismiss our guests, sweetheart. Perhaps you’d prefer to have me all to yourself. What do you say?” He asked arrogantly.

“I say I’m not your sweetheart. And I’m sure as hell not your fucking Luna!”

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