Rejected Little Secret by Lisj

Chapter 61

Chapter 61 

“I’m a member of the Blackacre border patrol,” Taking in the scene before him, his eyes widened in alarm as he noticed Nadia’s injured leg. His urgent tone filled the air as he rushed to Nadia’s side, asking her with great concern. “What happened?” 

With each sob, Nadia’s pain became more evident, making it a challenge for her to articulate her thoughts Uncertainty hung in the as Sammy and 1 exchanged worried looks, both of us grappling with the daunting task of conveying the events that had taken place. 

“She got caught in a bear trap,” In a barely audible whisper, I managed to say as the border patrol nodded, their touch gentle as they gently guided Nadia away from us. “We tried to help her as fast as we can, but the trap was stuck, refusing to budge no matter how hard we pushed and pulled.” 

The border patrol’s nod was accompanied by a serious expression, as he carefully evaluated Nadia’s injury. He wasted no time, gently placing Nadia on the ground before swiftly pulling out first aid equipment from his shorts. Taking a deep breath, he started administering first aid, delicately examining Nadia’s leg and meticulously cleansing the wound. 

Nadia’s cries grew louder, echoing through the surroundings, making it hard to believe that his screams wouldn’t alert anyone nearby. No matter how hard the border patrol tried, they couldn’t calm her down. Despite their best efforts, they were unable to secure the bandage properly due to Nadia’s persistent resistance and fighting. 

“The Alpha has already been notified through the mindlink. Our priority right now is to escort her to Blackacre in order to ensure she receives the appropriate treatment,” His voice conveyed deep concern as he spoke. “Alpha Hunt will be arriving shortly. Kindly wait for his arrival as he will be Interested in learning about the circumstances surrounding this event” 

Filled with anger and pain, Nadia’s voice rang out as she accused the border patrol of negligence. Her screams echoed through the air as she desperately wiped the tears from her eyes and wildly gestured with her arms, fingers pointing towards the sky. From the forest, more border patrol from Blackacre appeared, their gazes filled with concern as they focused on Nadia 

“It’s all your fault,” Gasping for breath between sobs, she cried out, her words laced with bitterness and blame. “You purposely left those bear traps out hore, fully aware of our imminent arrival I could have been dead because of you!” 

As Nadia hurled her accusations, the border patrol officer maintained a calm and composed expression, his face betraying no emotion. His response didn’t come right away; he took a moment to gather his thoughts before speaking. Stepping forward, Sammy’s voice conveyed a sense of firmness and gentleness as she tried to calm the situation. 

“Nadia, calm down,” She speaks to Nadia, offering support by placing a hand on her back and providing a comforting rub. With a low growl, Nadia aggressively pushed her away, causing Sammy to lose her balance and tumble to the ground, her eyes locked in a defiant glare at Nadia. Wiping away the dust, Sammy pushed herself back up, determined to keep going. “They were just trying to protect their pack. It’s not their fault.” 

It didn’t matter what was being said because Nadia was lost in herown thoughts. With each passing moment, her berating of the border patrol grew more fiery, her words filled with mounting anger. 

As Nadia’s voice filled the forest clearing, the air seemed to grow heavier, carrying the weight of tension. Her voice, like a dagger, carried the weight of anger as she blamed the border patrol for the bear trap that had caught her leg. The air was heavy with a mixture of fear, frustration, and helplessness, emanating from her and seeping into my own emotions. 

The border patrol’s silence stretched on, his face a mask of inscrutability as he processed Nadia’s words. Despite the flicker of concern in his eyes, he remained composed. After a long pause, he finally spoke in a hushed, resolute tone. 

“We need to talk to Alpha Hunt,” With a sharp tone, he repeated his words, causing them to slice through the tense atmosphere like a knife, while his eyes wandered towards the trees we came from. “We have to talk to him because we can confirm that we never set any bear traps in that area. They were left there by someone with malicious intent, someone who wants to harm us” 

The weight of his words filled the air, leaving us questioning everything Could it be true! The thought crossed my mind were those traps strategically laid out by someone who knew we were coming? 


16:41 Wed, 19 Jun GBG 

Chapter 61 


With a rush of anxiety, I quickly positioned myself next to Nadia, my thoughts spiraling out of control. What reasons would someone have to inflict pain upon us? Did they have Nadia in mind when they planned their attack? With those thoughts swirling in my head, I turned my gaze towards Nadia. Tears streamed down her face, her features contorted with a mixture of agony and rage. My hand trembled as I reached out to her, unsure of whether to make contact with her shoulder. 

“Nadia, we need to go,” I said softly, my voice barely above a whisper, “Let us help you.” 

When I reached out to touch Nadia, she immediately recoiled, her eyes filled with defiance. 

“I don’t need your help,” she spat, her words laced with venom. “This is all your fault, Maya. If it weren’t for your insistence on coming here, none of this chaos would have happened!” 

“Nadia, stop,” I tell her, my tone commanding. “This isn’t helping anyone. We need to focus on potting you the help you need.” 

Just when I thought all hope was lost, the distinct sound of footsteps broke the silence, and I spun around to find Axton sprinting towards us, his worried expression etched on his face. His immediate response was to come to my side, his hands reaching out to support me as he quickly scanned me for any 

indication of wounds. 

“Chesnut, are you okay?” he asked, his voice filled with worry, “I rushed over as soon as I heard from border patrol that you arrived. Did you get hurt?” 

Shaking my head, I couldn’t help but feel a sharp pang in my heart as I gazed into his eyes filled with concern. I intertwine my fingers with his, feeling the softness of his hands against my face as I press my lips to his palm. As Axton pressed his forehead against mine, I could feel his warm breath against my skin, a comforting sign of relief. I can clearly feel the warmth of his breath on my neck, as he presses his nose against my hair, as if committing my scent to memory, as if reassuring himself of my presence and safety. 

“I’m fine,” I said, forcing a smile despite the turmoil raging inside me. “It’s Nadia. She’s the one who’s hurt.” 

Nadia’s voice reverberated on the ground, a low rumble of anger and pain, 

“Yeah, thanks for noticing. Growling with frustration, she angrily pointed at her throbbing leg, “While your cherished little whore emerged unscathed, leg was left mangled and wounded.” 

Nadia’s words caused a shift in Axton’s expression, his face clouding with anger and his eyes narrowing as he turned to check on her. His voice, usually warm and friendly, suddenly turned serious when he spoke. 

“Fine. Tell me what happened then.” 

Glaring up at him, Nadia’s eyes burned with intense anger. 

“I was just running,” she spat, her voice thick with pain. “Trying to get to your pack. And then my leg got caught in that damn bear trap.” 

Frustration washed over Axton, his jaw clenching tightly, as he absorbed her words. With a commanding presence, he turned to his border patrol, his voice cutting through the air with precision. His finger moved methodically, pointing to each corner of the forest before finally indicating the direction we 

had come from. 

“Check the perimeter again,” he ordered, his tone brooking no argument. “Make sure there are no more traps. And if there happen to be any, make sure to bring them to me. Locate the item that ended up piercing Nadia’s leg, but avoid touching it, including the blood. I need to check for fingerprints. Ami understood?” 

“Yes Alpha!” 

Following his orders, the border patrol quickly disappeared into the forest, their worried glances lingering on Nadia. With his arm securely around my back, Axton leaned in, his nose brushing against my hair as he took a deep breath, releasing a sigh of relief. Turning back to Nadia, his expression became stern as he addressed her. 

“I’ll make sure you get proper medical attention,” As he spoke, his voice carried a sense of firmness, yet there was a gentle undertone, accompanied by a 

16:41 Wed, 19 Jun GBGContent is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

Chapter 61 


smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. Releasing his hold on me, he immediately crouches near Nadia, grasping her jaw with intensity. “But if you ever call Maya a whore again, it won’t be a bear trap that hurts you. It’ll be me.” 

Nadia, Sammy, and 1 exchanged wide–eyed glances of shock upon hearing his words, temporarily setting aside our anger as we stared up at him in disbelief. Axton, usually known for his constant smile, was now wearing a scowl that I had never seen on him before. The last time I saw him this angry was during his fight with Zeke 

Axton then firmly grasped one of his men by the collar, his voice filled with authority as he issued an order, 

“Take her to the infirmary and get her whatever she needs to make her shut the hell up.” 

The man nodded, his eyes darting briefly to Nadia before he effortlessly picked her up. Nadia, who was typically known for her sharp tongue, surprised me by staying unusually quiet, her thoughts kept to herself. Despite her silence, the anger in her eyes was unmistakable, a deep shade of black that seemed to swirl and smolder. 

As the border patrol member carried Nadia away towards the pack’s infirmary, I couldn’t help but feel a heavy weight of guilt settling in my chest. It was true that Nadia’s injury was a result of her own recklessness, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that I bore some responsibility for what had happened. If I hadn’t agreed to come along on this journey, maybe Nadia wouldn’t have found herself in this unfortunate situation. 

Stepping forward, Axton positioned himself between me and Nadia, making it impossible for me to see her being carried away. 

‘m sorry you both had to witness such an unfortunate event,” As Axton spoke, his voice broke through the haze in my mind, his tone carrying a genuine sense of worry as he smiled at Sammy and me. “My hope was that you would experience something more welcoming upon your arrival to Blackacre, rather than this. Rest assured, I’ll make sure that border patrol and my people go the extra mile during your stay.” 

The weight of everything that had transpired felt oppressive, but I pushed through and smiled back. 

“Thank you,” I replied, my voice tinged with uncertainty. “It’s… it’s good to be here. The kindness of the people here reassured me that this place is undoubtedly safe. It was clear that the bear trap was set with the intent to harm Nadia.” 

I could see the mix of emotions on Sammy’s face as she nodded in agreement, echoing my own uncertain feelings. 

“Yeah,” she said softly. “Maya and I were the ones running ahead of her, so there was no way we’d miss the bear trap. If only we had noticed, Nadia wouldn’t have gotten hurt. Alpha Hunt, we really appreciate your hospitality. But…just treat us like any other guests, no need to do anything fancy” 

Axton’s smile wavered for a moment, his eyes darting back and forth between the two of us. “We have and we will conduct an investigation since both the bear trap and Nadia’s injury took place on our pack land. But for now, let’s shift our attention away from any negative topics. I have something to show the both of you.” 

Axton extended his arm, waving his hand towards the lush greenery of the trees. With a gentle pull, he unveiled what lay hidden behind the branch, and we were greeted by a sight of such beauty that it was almost overwhelming. 

“Welcome to Blackacre.” 


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