Rejected Little Secret by Lisj

Chapter 60

Chapter 60 

In a small clearing, Sammy, Nadia, and I stood, our breaths quick and shallow as we readied ourselves to transform into wolves. With a hint of both fear and excitement in her trembling voice, Sammy asked me a question. 

“Are you ready?” 

With a nod, I could sense the intense throb of my heart in my chest. I replied, my voice laced with a tinge of confidence, but the uncertainty inside me was hard to ignore. 

“As ready as I’ll ever be.” 

As inhaled deeply, I shut my eyes and concentrated on the physical metamorphosis taking place within me, the sensation of my body contorting, bones realigning, and muscles elongating, as I shifted into the form of a wolf. It felt like a surreal and unsettling encounter, as if her very essence was being disassembled and reassembled into a new configuration. 

As my eyes fluttered open, I was met with the sight of the world through the golden orbs of a wolf, my senses immediately heightened and my instincts razor–sharp. With each breath, the cool night air filled my lungs, while the earthy scent of the forest mingled with my fur, grounding me in the present 


Their transformations complete, Sammy and Nadia stood tall beside me, their wolf forms radiating a sense of strength. 

Sammy and I tightly grasped our bags in our mouths, biting down on the straps with determination to keep them securely fastened. It was a challenging and arduous task, but we knew that safeguarding our belongings was imperative. We couldn’t risk losing them, especially when we were on the verge of reaching our destination. 

Nadia couldn’t be trusted to take on the responsibility; she was known to abandon others, prioritizing her own needs. Even now, she was trailing behind us, struggling to keep up with Sammy and me who were in the lead. 


With that, we set off into the darkness, our wolf forms blending seamlessly with the shadows as we navigated through the towering trees. As we ventured into the forest, its seemingly endless expanse unfolded before us, a mysterious landscape teeming with both peril and promise. Despite the overwhelming urge to retreat, I pushed onward, fueled by a deep–rooted instinct that refused to be ignored. 

As we pressed forward, the density of the trees gradually diminished, and a refreshing breeze brushed against our skin, indicating our proximity to the outskirts of Blackacre. Within me, there was a growing sense of anticipation, a glimmer of hope that burned fiercely even in the face of impending darkness. 

Out of nowhere, a sharp yelp broke the silence of the forest, causing Sammy and me to jerk around in surprise. A wave of despair washed over me when I laid eyes on Nadia, witnessing her wolf form writhing in excruciating pain, her hind leg caught mercilessly in a bear trap. 

Without hesitation, I transformed back into my human form, feeling the adrenaline surge through my veins as I hurried to Nadia’s side. Her fur–covered cheeks were stained with tears as her cries and howls of anguish reverberated through the trees.” 

“Nadia, hold on,” With trembling urgency, I urged, my voice betraying the fear that consumed me, as I knelt beside her. “We’ll get you out of there, I promise.” 

Nadia’s hind leg was ensnared in the cruel jaws of the bear trap, the metal teeth sinking deep into her flesh with a sickening crunch. Her fur was stained a dark crimson as blood oozed from the wound, creating a pool around the merciless grip of the trap. The puncture marks left behind a gruesome sight the torn and mangled skin, exposing the raw, torn muscle underneath. With each passing moment, the wound bled profusely, staining everything in its path with dark, red streaks. 

As Sammy joined me, I could feel a gust of wind behind me as she transformed into her human form. Her eyes widened in shock as she carefully examined the trap that had captured Nadia, her face revealing the depth of her worry, Anxiety was evident in her pale face and I 


16:41 Wed, 19 Jun GB 

Chapter 60 

“We need to act fast,” she said, her voice urgent. “She’s bleeding badly.” 

The sight of Nadia’s injuries made it painfully clear just how much pain she must have been in. The trap had bitten down hard, causing a deep wound that seemed to throb with each rhythmic beat of her heart. The unbearable pain caused her leg to tremble involuntarily, the muscles spasming relentlessly as she struggled to push through. 

As Nadia looked up at us, her eyes betrayed the depths of her fear and anguish, silently begging for our assistance. There was little de could do to alleviate her pain, as the trap was tightly clasped and any attempt to release it would only worsen the harm. All we could do was work quickly, our hands moving frantically to stop the bleeding and provide some relief from her pain. 

With trembling hands, I reached out to inspect the wound, my heart sinking as I felt the jagged edges of the deep gash that marred Nadia’s leg. The tor and ragged flesh surrounding the puncture marks was marked by the presence of blood and debris. The sight was horrifying, leaving me overwhelmed by a profound sense of powerlessness and hopelessness. 

“We need to stop the bleeding.” With a sense of urgency, Sammy’s voice trembled as she tore a strip of cloth from her shirt that she had packed in her bag. “Hold her still, Maya.” 

As I nodded, my hands trembled uncontrollably, making it difficult to grasp the mechanism that held the trap closed. With trembling fingers, I struggled to release the metal jaws that clamped down on Nadia’s log, the sound of her whimpering adding to the desperation in my heart. Finally, after a wrenching twist, the trap snapped open, and Nadia’s leg was released, the sound echoing through the air. Her painful whimper echoed through the air as her body shook, the blood from the deep gash seeping out and marring her once pristine fur. 

Nadia swiftly transformed into her human form, her pale skin contrasting sharply with the deep red of the wound on her leg as she let out a cry of pain. As Nadia thrashed and cried out in pain, I did my best to gently restrain her, ensuring she remained as still as possible. In a frantic attempt to stop the bleeding, Sammy worked swiftly, her fingers deftly wrapping the improvised bandage around Nadia’s wounded leg. 

But no matter how hard we tried, the bleeding showed no signs of stopping, as if each thump of Nadia’s heart propelled fresh waves of red liquid from the injury. It was a losing battle, and every defeat weighed heavily on my shoulders, filling me with a sense of despair. 

“There,As she finished tying off the bandage, Sammy’s voice carried a distinct tone of relief. “That should hold until we can get her proper medical 


As I glanced down at Nadia, I couldn’t help but notice the anguish in her wide eyes, a combination of fear and gratitude directed towards me. 

“Hang in there, Nadia,” I whispered, my voice choked with emotion. “We’ll get you help, I promise.” 

Nadia’s wound was treated as best we could manage considering the situation. With caution, Sammy and I aided her in standing, providing support as she grappled with her injured leg. Each step sent waves of agony through her body, but she clenched her jaw and persevered, refusing to let the pain halt her progress. 

With each passing moment on our journey towards the border, it became increasingly evident that Nadia’s condition was deteriorating. With each passing moment, her fatigue intensified, causing her steps to falter and her body to grow weaker and more lethargic 

“We need to find help,” Her voice filled with concern, Sammy spoke, her eyes darting nervously through the shadowy forest. “Nadia can’t go on like this much longer.” 

Through the forest, Nadia’s cries reverberated, blending with the gentle rustle of leaves. Her voice, filled with pain and anger, cut through the air like a sharp knife, each word dripping with venom as she unleashed her accusations upon me. This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

“It’s your fault,” Sobbing uncontrollably, her voice trembled with emotion, and she gasped in pain with every step she took on her wounded and bleeding leg. “I never should have been brought here. I told everyone I didn’t wanna come, but they all forced me. Look at what just happened! I didn‘! want any part of this mess! This is totally your fauly, you bitch!” 

Her words struck me like a physical blow, causing me to wince as I felt the weight of her blame bearing down on my shoulders. While it wi desired to visit this place, my intention was solely for Sammy and me. I couldn’t be held accountable for her being coerced to join uc H the bear trap, her arguished expressions painted a vivid picture of pain, fueling my overwhelining gullo 

16:41 Wed, 19 Jun 

Chapter 60 

“I’m sorry,” I whispered, my voice barely audible over the sounds of Nadia’s anguish. “I never meant for this to happen.” 


Despite my sincere apology, Nadia’s cries of pain and frustration overshadowed my words, going unnoticed. With each word, she unleashed her fury upon me, her accusations slicing through the air like sharp blades. 

“Why did you even want to come here?” she demanded, her voice rising to a fevered pitch. “You knew it was dangerous, but you didn’t give a damn. You just wanted to prove your superiority over others, didn’t you? If this didn’t happen to me but that bitch roommate of yours, huh? Do you really think you’re that much of a badass? Since we were kids, all you’ve cared about is yourself! Same old Maya, never changing!” 

As I listened to her accusations, tears welled up in my eyes, each word hitting me with a painful sting. Sammy’s eyes narrowed with a glare as she openly expressed her annoyance by clicking her tongue at Nadia. 

“Nadia, that’s enough-” 

“I didn’t mean to hurt you,” I pleaded, my voice cracking with emotion. “I just needed a break from everything.” 

There was no sign of Nadia’s anger subsiding, instead, her words grew sharper, fueled by the pain and resentment she felt. With every passing moment, her accusations became harsher and more venomous, making me feel increasingly attacked. 

“Why couldn’t you just leave me alone?” she cried, her voice breaking as tears streamed down her cheeks. “I hate you, Mayal I hate you for bringing me here, for making me suffer like this!” 

Just as I was lost in my thoughts, a voice sliced through the darkness, diverting my attention to a mysterious figure emerging from the shadows. They were big, their muscular frames emphasized by their choice of only wearing trouser shorts, their chests adorned with scars. They eyed us warily, unsure 

of our intentions. 

“What’s going on here? Who are you?” 


“What is the purpose of your presence in Blackacre? Access to this area is restricted.” 

It wasn’t until that moment that I realized we had already arrived at the border of Blackacre. 

Words escaped me as I struggled to explain, a lump forming in my throat, making it increasingly difficult to speak. Just as I was about to reply, Sammy interjected and spoke first. 

“Can you call for Axton? He knows us. Let him know Maya, Sammy, and Nadia are at the border. Make sure to tell him that Nadia’s leg is caught in a bear trap and she needs medical help as soon as possible.” 

Immediately, the man’s eyes lock onto my hair, a flicker of recognition crossing his face. 

“So, I guess you’re Chesnut then?” 


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