One Night With Mr Braxton

Chapter 65 – It’s where the magic happens!

Early the next day, Asher dressed for his journey and was escorted by Jason and Mrs Adams.

” I’ll be back in exactly one week. In the meantime, ensure my wife is properly taken care of. I expect constant feedback on the state of things.” Asher said to Mrs Adams.

” Yes, Sir.”

” Oh please, If you want to know, maybe you should try a different less-caveman approach.” Jason’s tone was flat. He let out a yawn. ” Why are you leaving so early anyway?”

Asher withheld himself, ” And what do you propose to be a ‘less-caveman’ approach, Sherlock?”

” I don’t know. Get her number? Send a text. Surely there’s got to be other ways of going about things than this.” Jason spoke like it was general knowledge while Asher let out a sigh. It was too early to deal with this.

He continued, ignoring Jason’s unneeded opinions. ” Ensure her assistant is here before she awakes, including her personal security detail. Also, clear out one of the guest rooms in the house,” Asher looked at Jason, then added. ” I’ll communicate instructions on that overtime.”

Jason seemed offended, ” What? You ignore me and blatantly hold out on me? Cruel.”

” Excuse us.”

Mrs Adams took a bow and two handfuls of steps in the other direction, giving the men some much-needed space.

Asher’s face turned serious. ” I need you to stay here.”


Jason and Mrs Adams watched the fleet of black SUVs leave the compound, Asher was seated in one of them, and it was hard to tell which. The cars were all tinted. He got to the hangar in twenty minutes and flew out of the country.

When the car got out of sight, Jason thought about what they’d discussed and let out a stretch. He had his work cut out for him. A ping sound rang from his mobile, and Asher didn’t disappoint. He read the message with a huff. One more week before he reunited with his family.

Until then, he had an assignment.

Meanwhile, Emma was on the bed. She shifted to her right, and her body dipped into the soft mattress. She squeezed the pillow and sighed in contentment. Everything was soft. She couldn’t remember the last time she slept so comfortably. Everything felt perfect – way too perfect for her continued comfort, and her eyes flew open in milliseconds.

Scared by the unfamiliar but beautiful environment she found herself in, Emma jolted from the bed. Unknown to her, she was already at the latter end of the bed and ungracefully plummeted to the floor. Classic Emma.

” Great.” Emma let out a groan of pain, and memories from the previous day’s events were restored. She grudgingly found her way up and marvelled at the room’s beauty despite the now-scattered flower petals. She caught sight of her laptop and phone carefully placed on the table, side-by-side, and something snapped within her.

She had been seated at that desk last night, researching the first step for her next project. Her face scrunched when she remembered she didn’t close the laptop herself, talkless about getting herself to bed.

Panicked, she unconsciously scanned the room, looking for telltales of his presence but found none. Who did it? Emma pondered, flickering through the table and the bed, measuring the distance and wondering about the probability of sleepwalking into the bed.

That logic was ruled out in seconds. She didn’t remember turning off the laptop which meant someone else did the honours. That person, she suspected, was the culprit of her sleeping soundly in bed, as opposed to the hard desk.

The last thing-person-she observed was herself. She released a sigh, seeing she was still in yesterday’s outfit. Even if she had someone in her space, especially at such unguarded hours, it helped knowing she remained unhurt and untouched. No matter the person, she wouldn’t live with herself if the situation was otherwise.

Despite it all, Emma felt a stroke of regret. The other side of the bed was unruffled, plain and tucked. Whoever it was- code for her fake husband- didn’t spend the night in. He tucked her in and left without a word. Although she wasn’t awake or looking forward to sharing a bed with him, she felt odd about the situation.

Emma jolted at three bangs on the outside door. Damn, how hard did they hit to enable her to hear from the bedroom? Her eyes sauntered to the walls, she read the clock, and her thought process took a 360. How long had they been knocking to bang so loudly on the door?

Her unpreparedness was painfully obvious, and she turned around and headed towards the bathroom to make something proper of herself. Who knew the person behind the doors?

Emma yelled a quick- ” Coming!” before entering the bathroom- scratch that- before entering the most magnificent bathroom in her life.

Emma halted, taking in the space with five-star amenities and a balcony. She made to leave the bathroom, wanting a look at the balcony’s view but remembered she barely had time to get herself prepared, talk-less of touring a space that was hers for the next two years. She picked wisely and got to washing her face.


Four individuals were outside the door, waiting with shrewd and confused outlooks as they waited for the door to open.

” I believe I speak the minds of everyone in wondering if she’s alright. It’s been five minutes.” Jason spoke up, eyeing the door warily.

” Maybe she just woke up. She’s a lady. Give her time.” Came the reply of Mrs Adams. ” I’m sorry for the delay.” She added in an apologetic tone, directed at the visitors behind.

” No problem.”

” All good.” they both encouraged with two-syllable replies.

Jason couldn’t hold back, ” That’s it. I’m going in.” He declared and moved forward.

At that moment, the door flew open. Emma stood with a painfully wide smile which faltered when she registered the people before her.

” Um, sorry, I was a little occupied.” She said apologetically, standing rooted in her position.

” No problems. Do you prefer we speak downstairs?” Mrs Adams asked politely, and Emma turned aghast.

” No! Forgive my manners; please come in.” She hurriedly spoke, making her way into the room with a beet-red face.

Jason was the first to enter, ” No need to be embarrassed, dear. I understand if you don’t feel comfortable with our presence here.” He noted, hoping to ease the situation. “It’s where the magic happens.” He added with a wink. Emma nearly collapsed.

Mrs Adams intervened with a barely concealed smile. ” Oh dear, pay him no mind.” She said, letting the visitors in and opening the windows. Natural air and light filled the room. ” He’s just pained because his wife bailed on him.” She added, eyebrows raised.

” I should have known you’d use it against me, Mrs Adams. You’re cruel.” He remarked and took a seat. ” She’ll be here soon,” He added with a grin, and to Emma, he said, ” I can tell you are looking for your husband; he already left. He’ll be back before you know it.”

Emma was tempted to yell out the words-No I’m not! – but was unsure if it was safe to deny her supposed husband. After a moment, she decided she didn’t want to take chances. Not when she didn’t properly know the people stood before her and felt slightly awkward to be in their midst.

” He did?” She asked, playing it safe.

” Ignore him.” Mrs Adams admonished Emma, and to Jason, she said, ” Don’t you need to be somewhere?”

Jason breathed, ” Are you asking me to leave?” When silence ensued, the message was clear. ” No. I refuse to be intimidated. Besides, I can bring value to everything. You need me here.” He added, blowing his horn.

Mrs Adams made to press for privacy, but Emma spoke first, ” Let him.” Everyone’s attention shifted towards her, ” I-I mean, he can’t be that bad.” She added, gesturing at him but maintaining contact with Mrs Adams, who gave her a look as though saying- Are you sure about this?- she nodded affirmative, bringing their interaction to an end.

” You see, she gets it.” Jason’s reaction was immediate. He relaxed into the cushion and winked at Emma, who shook her head with a little smile. Jason was a case- a funny one.

” Right.” Mrs Adams continued, ” This is Benny and Chara.” She introduced, pointing at the duo she brought in with her. Emma nodded, aware of their presence from the get-go. ” Benny is the officer in charge of your security, and Chara would serve as your assistant.”

Emma couldn’t speak for a moment, ” P-personal A-assistant?” She stuttered, confused. Then remembered Asher’s words.

” Hello, Mrs Braxton.” Chara greeted with a polite smile, carefully tucking a strand of her behind her ear. One could tell she was nervous.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - ©.

” Mra. Braxton.” Benny on the other hand oozed confidence and intellect. His abilities are feasible at the first gauge.

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