One Night With Mr Braxton

Chapter 64 – What have you done this time?

Asher was seated at the head of the long dining table while Jason sat by his right, closest to him. The men sat while the maids set up the table with more food than they could eat.

” Where is she?” Jason asked as soon as they were alone.

Asher’s response was automatic, and his tone sounded displeased. ” What business do you have with my wife?” He asked immediately.

” Don’t be such a killjoy.” Jason scolded, holding a disgruntled look, ” Why isn’t she here with us?” This time, his tone was serious.

” Again, what business do you have with her whereabouts?” Asher didn’t care, He should know him by now. Jason shook his head and maintained silence. Jason didn’t miss the occasional lingering gaze of Asher towards the stair area. He seemed like he was waiting for something. Someone.

The next time, a maid came around, bearing what seemed like dessert, he asked his question. ” Why isn’t Mrs Braxton here for dinner?” Jason left little to be defied while the maid looked between the two men like a deer in headlights, unsure what to say.

Asher withdrew his gaze, silently permitting her to speak; ” S-she is in her chambers. Mrs Braxton ordered her dinner be sent to her p-privately.” The maid explained, stuttering between words.

Jason nodded in understanding, letting the poor maid scurry away before he fired his next question. ” What have you done this time?”

Asher was mid-chew when he heard the presumptuous question. He swallowed hard, ” What’s that supposed to mean?” He asked, already picking offence.

” You and I know what I’m talking about. Why isn’t she here? Why is she avoiding you, Ash?” Jason pressed, undeterred by his friend’s hostility.

” What makes you think she isn’t avoiding you? After all, you are a stranger to her. Not me.” Asher spoke with gritted teeth, offended at his effort to question him and his marriage. ” What is it to you anyways? You met her for two seconds and suddenly know everything about her?”

” No. I’ve known you for a decade, and I know that this has you written all over it. I’m not stupid, Asher.” Jason corrected, trying his best to maintain self-control. ” This isn’t about her, and you know it. Whatever happened is making you restless, and that’s a clear sign that you fucked up, and you know it.” Jason fired, breaking Asher’s resolve word by word.

Asher was frustrated. ” I’m not restless, genius. Can we eat?”

” Listen, I’m in no way trying to intrude in your business. I’m just looking out for you. Remember how valuable she is, It’s way too early to be in the dog house, it’s your freaking honeymoon, for goodness sake.”

On hearing Jason’s declaration, Asher was taken aback. ” Whatever. I’ve got this. Mind your business.” He said, cleared his throat, dropped his fork and continued, ” I’ll leave you to your meal. Enjoy your dinner.” He stood up and headed for his office with a filled mind.

” Classic Asher, running away from the truth,” Jason muttered before digging into his food. He’s done his part. The ball was in his court.Belongs to © n0velDrama.Org.

Meanwhile, Asher hastily entered his office, pondering his successive line of action.


Emma halted, looking around for the light switch. The hairs on her neck stood and her senses sharpened when a woodsy scent found its way into her nostrils, and the room illuminated. Emma went rigid and felt a presence behind her. Undoubtedly the reason behind the sudden out-pour of light.

She turned around, expecting someone, but her hopes were dashed at the presence of Mrs Adams. ” I apologize for the late dinner.” She said and urged the maidens behind her into the room.

Emma followed them with her eyes as they pushed in a trolley filled with mouth-watering dishes. Her stomach growled in cue, and she couldn’t help but wonder if it’d been them all along. ” How did you get in?” The words fell out of her mouth before she could stop herself.

Mrs Adams held her gaze, communicating the need for patience while the dinner table was set up in the intimate living area. Within two minutes, everything was set, and the maids were on their way out. ” I had help.” She said, giving a blanket answer.

Emma couldn’t be bothered to get the raw truth from her. She knew what she felt. He came around. Why did he leave so soon? And without a word. ” Whatever,” Emma muttered under her breath. She was done wondering about the strange man she held a contract with. If he needed to speak, he knew where to find her.

” Your belongings have been neatly arranged in the closet.” Mrs Adams spoke while Emma made her way to the table. ” Which, of course, is situated in your bedroom.” She added upon seeing Emma’s wandering eyes.

A barely heard -oh- slipped out of Emma. ” Right.” She managed to say, wearily eyeing the door to the said room.

” Also, You’ve been granted asses to a new phone and laptop, which have been set up in a corner for your use.” Mrs Adams rolled out perfunctorily.

Emma was stunned by that. She’d thought of getting a phone, but Mrs Adams went ahead of her. Once again, she marvelled at the ability of the woman who stood before her. ” Thank you.” She whispered, unable to say anything else.

” Just doing my job.” Mrs Adams tried and gave a failed representation of a wink. More of a weird blink, but who cared? Not Emma.

” Right,” Emma said, holding off a smile.

Mrs Adams headed her way, ” I’ll leave you to dinner. If there’s anything, use the phone, line 2.” She directed before finally exiting the room, leaving her to her devices.

” Uh.. okay?” Emma muttered after the door shut. ” I guess I’ve got to figure out what that means.” She said to the air and dug into her food.

A few minutes later, Emma was done eating and proceeded into the hinder parts of her new living area. As expected, the door was unlocked, and she pushed it open. What she saw took her breath out of her lungs. Red petals of flowers led to the bed. The bed held a pool of flower petals, structured to form a heart on the excellently lain bed.

Emma didn’t know why she was surprised. Nor did she expect the kind of reaction that overtook her. Her eyes stung, and for the first time since she jumped into the drama that had fast become her life, she sat on the floor and allowed herself a moment of weakness, letting a few tears drop leak from her eyes. She was finally alone, yet all she could do was cry. Emma felt pathetic.

Her moment of weakness didn’t last long. She didn’t let it. She had an assignment, a new purpose in life, and she’s gone too far to stop now. Having sold her soul to the devil, it was only acceptable she pursued and made full proof of the assignment she’s been called to do.

She was a designer. A passionate and zealous one who had her wings cut off by the very ones the world deemed to be her family. There was no time to spare giving in to fickle feelings and emotions. This was her chance to make something of and for herself. Something that would stand for her even after her time as Asher’s wife.

At the moment, she had one month to herself. One month to lay a solid foundation for the future she would lead in time. There wasn’t time to be caught up with childish emotions for silly gestures. The fact that she was alone on her supposed wedding night was a testament to the future.

More than anything, she was grateful to Asher for aiding her in remaining focused on the price. She wouldn’t forget the earlier encounter in a hurry and felt well-informed of her stand, despite the few kisses that had caught her off guard. A case she planned to address as soon as she was in an opportunity to air her barely needed opinion- as he’d heavily implied.

Emma diverted her eyes from the bed. A laptop and phone were by the drawers; beside the king-sized bed. Her feet moved of their own accord, and in a few seconds, she was in front of the bed, picking up the items and placing them on the nearest table before her.

Time flew, and soon she had a workspace and fell asleep while browsing certain things. Asher tarried in his home office, reluctant to go and face her. He felt like she didn’t want to see him because of her decision to eat dinner alone. At least, that’s what he thought.

Asher finally entered the room at quarter to midnight. He worked the whole time, wondering why he felt needy for his wife. He didn’t even know if he was still her husband. That is, a fake husband. He couldn’t hold her back if she decided he was too much of an asshole for her.

He scrunched his face at the unkept table in the living area before proceeding into the bedroom. Asher was unprepared for the sight that greeted him- Emma sprawled across a laptop, head placed on a desk. He knew she slept off while on her computer but decided to believe she’d been up, waiting and consumed with thoughts of him, just as he was her.

With quick soundless steps, Asher got closer, observing her closely. A loose hair parted from her messy bun, slightly covering her eyes. His mind chanted one word- Beautiful. At that moment, she looked so beautiful it hurt to wake her up. He didn’t want to take that serene look, peace away from her. Not ever.

His body moved of its own accord, unconsciously obeying his heart. Asher took her in his arms like a baby, scared to cause even the slightest discomfort. Upon taking her, her arm dropped, hitting the laptop, and he froze.

His heart thundered, and his brains went haywire. How could he explain his act if she woke up? Only when Emma mumbled some incoherent words and drifted back to sleep did he finally relax? His gaze caught the laptop’s lit-up screen, and naturally, he swiftly took in the content of her research.

Afterwards, Asher took her to bed, carefully placed her under the covers and stepped back immediately, glad she didn’t wake up; and he got to see her before he left. He knew better than to share the bed with her and opted for the next best thing- A glass of wine and a night on the couch. Both of which he couldn’t do until he eased his heart of its desire.

He crouched beside the bed and muttered words that he never expected. He placed a chaste kiss on her head afterwards and dimmed the light. It was time for that glass of wine.

” I’m sorry.”

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