One Night With Mr Braxton

Chapter 31 – Colton felt like the champ!

” Feeling better, baby?” Colton said, leaving a chaste kiss on Talia’s forehead.

The duo were cuddled up in bed after a long round of lovemaking. Talia felt significantly better than she did previously. After waiting for his arrival which took a lot more time than expected, when he finally arrived, there wasn’t any time to speak as they immediately got into it.

An act that came as a pleasant surprise to Colton. Of course, it was just his luck that he didn’t have to play for it in order to get it. In their previous sexual encounters, he had learned the hard way of just how addictive she got when she was in a mood. Especially when angry.

Talia was phenomenal in bed. She took it even farther when she was in such a state and everything was an added bonus to him. The only downside was the fact that when the euphoria wore off, a long conversation followed.

” What were you doing? Why did you take that long?” Talia asked, tucked underneath the cover, bare bodied and cuddled.

” I’m so sorry baby, I had to quickly finish up some things in the office before coming over to you. I knew you were going to have me for the rest of the day so I had to tidy up, baby.” He answered, drawing her even closer to himself.

” But I told you I needed you. I wasn’t in my right mind and all you could think about was finishing your darned job before attending to my needs?! ” Talia sat up, breaking away from his hold. She was beginning to get angry.

” Baby, you know that’s not what it is. There was so much I had to do and I didn’t want to leave anything pending. But that’s by the way, I’m here now and we are having a good time, right?”

” I’m not a fool, Colton! If you think I’m about to settle for being second priority in anything then you are wrong. If I call for you, even if I need a backrub, you come running. Got it?” She said, getting up and picking her clothes.

” Oh come on! This isn’t even the issue! What’s got my princess’s panties in a twist?” Colton sported a teasing smile as he spoke. He couldn’t handle a fight right now. Not after getting the most satisfied he’d been in a long time.

He knew she was begging for a fight but he couldn’t handle any more of her tantrums. Was that a crime?

” Now you are downplaying the situation? Oh come-on Colton! You are not my mother so quit it already. You came in here, smelling all mint and fresh and go on telling me bullshit of having to work? Are you tired of me? Huh? Tell me, are you sick of me too?!”

Talia was in the face of a barely-clothed Colton. Lightly pushing him in an offensive manner and screaming her head off. Colton was lost for words. He preferred his fiance when she was blinded by lust and withering beneath him, weak and sensitive to every single touch.

But of course you can’t eat your cake and have it so he had to go with both sides of the coin that is Talia Steele. He held his forehead and temporarily closed his eyes, trying to think up a way out of the storm.

He opened his eyes, and like magic, he drew her even closer to himself and shut her up with a kiss. She struggled at the beginning part of the kiss but after much persuasion, she was putty in his arms.

Colton felt like the champ! Of course no woman could resist his ploys. He was just too good to be sidelined. His little moment was cut short when his subconscious whispered a name in his mind frame.

Emma Steele.

She was the only woman who despite being utterly in love with him, resisted him so fervently. His moment of glory was brought to an abrupt end by the remembrance of Emma and its aftermath was the abrupt end of the kiss he shared with Talia.

” What are you thinking? ” Talia asked, obviously noticing the disconnect between them.

” I’m sorry babe, I was just thinking about what’s got you in such a terrible mood. I don’t want to be that guy who does nothing when his partner feels down, I want to be there for you.” He covered smoothly, praying that she didn’t pick up on him.

Sighing, Talia took a seat on the bed, motioning for him to sit beside her.

” I had a tiff with my mom.” She said, looking at her fingers.

” It’s okay. I’m sure you all would come around. Just give it some time.” Colton spoke almost immediately. Getting into the role of a supporting fiance.

” You don’t understand. She’s always treating me like some dumb child who can’t handle anything. Emma died and she couldn’t even explain to me how the ordeal went down. It’s just so annoying.” She complained.

Colton was lost for words. Surely he didn’t hear clearly. ” Emma what now? ” He thought aloud and was surprised when she affirmed her statement.

” Emma died yesterday. I’m guessing it was in the fire incident or the kidnapper’s handiwork. Whichever it was, I don’t really know because my mother wouldn’t tell me. Talking about how I shouldn’t be involved in things like that. I’m a full grown adult who is still being treated like a child.”

While Talia went on with her rant, Colton looked like a fish out of water. He couldn’t believe his ears. It couldn’t have been possible. How could he believe that she was dead? He’d seen her only a few days ago!

” Are you even listening to me?!” Talia’s raised voice broke him out of his reverie.

” I-I-I I’m so sorry. I need a break. Let’s see some other time.” He said and with shaking hands, started gathering his things.This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

” Where are you going? I’m not done speaking!”

” I’ll call you.”

With that, Colton dashed out of the place, shaken up from the twist of fate. He’d requested that they help him get a hold of Emma and stop her from doing anything stupid. Did that translate to kidnapping and murder? What sort of people did he get himself associated with?

Colton was shaking from the news and made up his mind to find out what really happened. He needed to know if his little angel had been murdered and by the hands of the people she’d continuously complained about.


” You need to calm down ma. Everything will be fine. Asher is on his way here.” Jason pleaded with Mrs. Braxton, who was on an IV drip after the shock she’d received earlier.

” What is he coming here to do? I don’t want to see him! Everything is over! We lost already! ” The old woman said, paying no mind to the amount of people present in the room.

” Everything’s not lost. We are working on it. All you need to do is sit back and watch how it turns around. Even if you don’t trust Asher, you should at least trust me. I didn’t leave my wife and kid to watch Braxton international fall.” He reiterated, trying to salvage whatever was left of the situation.

Truthfully, the situation was pretty bad. Asher had been dismissed as CEO and the Steele lady was in a tug of life and death. He wasn’t too sure of what that spelt for them but he was determined to make it into something good.

The first step was to recover the faith and health of Mrs. Braxton, because, believe it or not, she had a substantial influence on the situation at hand. An influence that was very pivotal to their situation at the moment.

” I don’t care! I don’t want to see him! He’s been dismissed already! Everything is over! Take me back to Italy! ” She said with the last of her strengths, stressing her point with a raised voice.

Jason was at loss for words. It was obvious that her mind was made up. Her refusal to go into details as regarding why she believed all hope had been lost was still foreign to him.

No doubt, she must have heard about the fiasco surrounding Emma but he didn’t dare to give her false hope of everything being okay when he was yet to confirm it himself.

” Calm down okay, just calm down.” Jason said as he noticed Mrs. Braxton turn red.

Meanwhile, unknown to them, another member of the family had joined the room. As soon as the maids saw him walk in, they felt a sudden wave of discomfort.

How could they not?

The Master of the Braxton family had just walked into the room. Not only did he walk into the room, he walked into the room at such a sensitive moment.

” Ma.” The cold voice of Asher said, his eyes looked stressed but he remained as gallant as a horse.

” Why are you here?! Jason, get him out of here! I don’t want to see him! Get out now!!!”

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