One Night With Mr Braxton

Chapter 30 – He needed a quick bath before returning to Talia!

” Mr Braxton, the board of directors are here, waiting for you arrival. When would you be coming in? ”

” Mr. Braxton, a call will suffice, a lot of threatening conversations are going on here. What do I do?”

” Mr. Braxton, the board has ordered your arrival in Thirty minutes or your immediate dismissal.”

Messages poured into Asher’s phone while he remained in front of the surgical facility of his home, waiting for Mr Carson’s final words as regards to the surgery. Somehow, the surgery has been going on for the past twelve hours and he didn’t know what to think.

There was a supposed meeting scheduled to hold with him and the family heads regarding the situation but he was smart enough to know it was an attempt to get him out of the way.

After much research, Asher was in the wonder of what possessed them into thinking they had actual rights over him. He was the only heir of the family and knew he wouldn’t stand for such insolence as the case maybe.

His assistant informed him of the emergency and important meeting of intervention – as they tagged it, not to mention at the dead of the night. He didn’t say a word of reply after receiving the message and left the countless others ignored.

Asher believed his instincts which told him it was best not to show up until he had concrete information about the state of the Steele Lady and solid news on the one’s responsible for such evil acts against her.

On the other side of things, Mrs Braxton was in her home, awaiting news from her supposed in-laws. After a news broadcast of a large fire which broke out in the hither parts of the country, she felt even scared.

The fire was so huge and its intensity was something bothersome. With little research, she found out that it was the supposed axis of which the Steele lady was held and from that moment, her heart was hanging off her palms.

For the elderly lady who kept receiving news on just why and how everything was playing out in the company, was even more panicked and desperate for something. Anything.

She just needed to be assured of the fact that the girl was safe and Alive and At that moment, a call came in from the Steele family. It was Mrs Steele.

” What is going on? I’ve been awaiting your call for the longest time! Are you alright? And the girl?” She asked, very impatient and desperate.

” I’m sorry.” Mrs Steele said, and after a brief pause, she broke out into a sob. ” I’m sorry. My daughter is dead. They killed her. Those people, they k-killed my child.” She struggled to speak, aiming to sound as devastated as possible.

” No…no! They didn’t! It’s impossible! She has to be alive! Tell me she’s alive!”

” I’m sorry. I have to go.”

Mrs Steele immediately ended the call, not wanting to have to go into too much detail. She didn’t know just how much longer she could keep up the facade and decided it was best to play safe and go by the books.

” How did it go? Did they buy it?” Talia made herself known the moment her mother dropped the call.

” She has to. There’s no other option.”

Talia was a bit thrown off by her mother’s curt reply. She had a lot of questions which were pending from the day before and she’d hoped to get answers today but it seemed like it wasn’t the best time either.

” Don’t just stand there. You might as well ask what it is you want to know.” Her mother said, casually flipping through a news magazine.

” I saw the news. Did you do that? How did she die? What happened? ” She asked, very keen to know.

” The fire was a last minute thought. I needed to distract them enough to do something before destroying them all.”

Talia was confused. ” I don’t understand. distract them? Who did you want to distract and why? How does it correlate to the general picture?”NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

” Oh my beautiful Talia. You should learn to stop worrying your pretty head over things like this. They are way too deep and nasty to get involved with, Okay?” She implored, staring at her daughter as though urging her to understand.

” You are going around in circles. I’m a full grown adult and the heir of the Steele Shoes! I reserve the right to know what’s going on as a member of the family and you know that. I’m almost twenty-four and yet it’s the same story. When is it ever going to change? Is it ever going to change?” Talia lashed out. No doubt, she felt terrible, left out and sometimes flat-out-useless.

Her mother always seemed to keep the most important bits away. She felt like she never got insights on anything crucial or important to the business. She had no idea whatsoever of what was going on and although sometimes she didn’t care, this time around, she cared enough but was sidelined and given the same old story.

” Fix your tone, Talia. I would not condone any form of disrespect from you,” Mrs Steele was quick to put her in place. ” I have told you countless times, you shouldn’t bother yourself with things that are not expressly related to you. At the right time, you will understand.”

” I get that. I do. But can you just please, for once, trust that I can handle this and tell me what happened. I could tell from afar that there’s something more, something’s missing and I can’t seem to get my fingers on it.”

” What are the updates on the collection? News reaching me is that you are demanding more money than allocated. What’s going on?”

” Oh, that’s how it’s going to be? You are just going to act like I don’t matter? Even when that wench’s dead? You still prioritize her over me in death? ”

Mrs Steele stood up with clenched teeth, hitting herfists on the table. ” You will not mention that name again. Have I made myself clear, young lady?!” She bellowed, causing chills of fear to get on the arms of her daughter.

” I have to go.”

Talia retraced her steps out of the office, holding back tears and dialing the number of her fiance. More than anything, she needed to get even farther away from her home. It was gradually becoming clear that she might never be able to reach that clear state of agreement with her mother and needed a break.

” Hey babe, can I see you?” She asked, her tone very quiet.

” Are you okay, baby? ”

” I don’t know…”

At this time, her voice was quivering and Colton, despite having his arms full with the bosoms of his secretary, noticed.

” Are you crying? baby? Where are you?”

” I’m coming to you. I need you.” She said and immediately ended the call, believing he already got the message.

” I’m sorry sweetcheeks. I need to go now.” Colton said to his secretary, who was sprawled on the table, giving him a good look at the goods she had to offer.

” But we were just getting started! I barely have enough time with you these days.” The lady said with a pout, seductively running her fingers through his naked torso.

” I know, believe me, but this is clearly very critical. I promise to make it up to you, okay?” He spoke with his palms over her face and a swift kiss. ” Here you go, that’s ten thousand, take care of yourself for the night.” Colton said, handing over a wad of cash stoked in his drawer and getting up to his feet.

” Thank you so much, sweetie! Are you sure you don’t want to go again before you get to her needy ass?” She asked again, feeling green but grateful nonetheless.

” Don’t say that, Okay? I’ll see you later.” He said dismissively and walked into his bathroom. After the activity he’d just embarked on, he needed a quick bath before returning to Talia. If he was lucky enough, maybe he’d be able to trick her into indulging him in a much needed bang session.

That was the least she owed him for interrupting the good thing he had going on.


Asher just finished speaking with jason. they had both relayed information on the happenings on each of their ends and none spelt good news.

Jason had been up and about, finding out the people responsible for dropping the Steele lady and the hands behind it while Asher was home, unmoved from his station as he watched his doctor and some nurses do their job.

It was in the final hours of the surgery and it was only a matter of time before news concerning the surgery got to him.

Mrs Adams, doing her job, countlessly offered him something to eat, prepared a bath and whatnot but it all came down the drain of rejection. Ever since her working with the Braxtons, she never saw such dedication from Asher towards anyone but his birthmom.

Although she was very swiftly replaced with the current matriarch by his father, they always seemed to bump heads with each other here and there. It was worse during the early days but as time passed, she believed Asher grew complacent about her and even more tolerant.

Asher’s phone chirped and upon picking, the words he heard pushed him up on his feet.

” Madam collapsed! Mr Braxton! Madame just collapsed! “

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