My Fated Human Luna

Chapter 157

Chapter 157

My Fated Human Luna Chapter 160

13 Save Him

Autumn POV NôvelDrama.Org copyrighted © content.

The minute we arrive outside Maverick’s apartment, Summer is pacing in my mind. “What the hell is up with you”, I ask her. She growls low but before she answers, the door opens on a smiling Maverick. He ushers us inside and when I step through the door the scent of wild flowers invades my nose. Summer is growling as I move toward the man Maverick says is Connor, his best friend. As soon as our eyes meet, the world stops. “Mate” she growls and my heart breaks. He takes my hand and the tingles make my stomach flip. “Hi Autumn, it’s nice to meet you” he says. Goddess, he is gorgeous. “How can he be my mate? He is a human that lives in the city.” “What the hell is wrong with you? He is our mate. I don’t care if he is human.” Summer ranting, pulls me out of the dark hole my mind is traveling down. “Summer, you know me better than that. Ruby is around Maverick every day. We will have no reason to be around our mate so he can choose us.” I feel her anger fade when she realizes why I’m worried. She whimpers and my heart breaks for both of us. I wouldn’t care if he was a blue Martian. The goddess chose him for us and he is the other half of my soul. I realize I’m still holding his hand. “It’s nice to meet you” I say before I go to stand next to Ruby.

Gwen comes over and wraps me in a hug. I’m so glad that she is healed. “Thank you for all you did for me.” I’m just about to tell her she doesn’t need to thank me when she speaks again. “He is one of the good ones. Loyal with a huge heart.” She pulls back, keeping her hands on my shoulders. She smiles and I don’t understand. She isn’t a supernatural, but she seems to know things. I wonder if humans can be empaths. If they can feel the emotions of others. She knew about Ruby’s feelings and now mine. She takes my hand and leads me to the dining room. I take a seat between Gwen and Ruby. Connor sits across from me and Summer is pacing again. “I want our mate Autumn.” “I know Summer, I do too.” I look up and he is staring at me. I can feel the heat in my body just from his eyes on me. “So,

Autumn, what do you do” he asks. I feel panicked by the question. I can’t very well tell him I’m a witch in a wolf pack. “Autumn is a healer. She is the reason we are celebrating tonight. She healed me”, Gwen says as she takes my hand and squeezes it. I look at her and smile. When I look back at Connor, he looks skeptical. “Do you have to go to some type of training to be a healer,” he asks.

I’m not offended but Gwen looks pissed. “Connor, don’t be rude. I don’t care what kind of training Autumn has. Sometimes you just have to believe that something will work.” She smiles and looks at Maverick. “Gwen, I’m sorry” he says, and Maverick chuckles. I can tell that Gwen is important to Connor. She looks at Connor and it seems like they are having an unspoken conversation. “Autumn, I’m sorry if I offended you. Thank you for helping Gwen.” “It’s fine, I’m not offended.” I pick up my spoon and dig into my mashed potatoes. They are delicious. Everything on the plate is delicious. I’m just about to tell Gwen how good all the food is when my mother links me. “I need you to come to where I am now. Use the pendant on your necklace for your location spell. There has been an incident with Archer.” I look toward Ruby and she is deep in conversation with Maverick. Why the hell didn’t they link her? I won’t keep things from Ruby. “Ruby, I have to leave now,” I link her. Her body stiffens and she looks toward me. I take my phone from my pocket and pretend to look at the screen.

Gwen asks me a question but I don’t even hear what she says. “I’m sorry, I have to leave. My mother needs my help with something important. Thank you for dinner.” I stand grabbing my bag. “I can give you a ride wherever you need to go”, Connor says, and I smile. “Thank you, but enjoy your dinner. I will take an uber.” I start to leave the dining room and I can hear footsteps following me. I know without looking it’s Ruby. “What the hell is going on Autumn? No one is answering me.” “I’m not sure but my mother said something happened to Archer.” Her eyes darken “let’s go now.” “Ruby, what about Maverick and the others.” “My brother’s safety comes first.” She comes to stand next to me and takes my hand. I take the pendant in the hand she isn’t holding and think about my mother. My heart drops when I see Maverick come into the room as we begin to disappear. When we reappear, my heart clenches in my chest. “I’m so sorry Ruby.” “I’ll deal with that later. Right now we need to find out what happened to Archer.”

Ruby POV

Autumn and I are in a place I have never seen before. I can scent vampires. I will kill everyone in this coven if they hurt my brother. A million thoughts are running through my mind. Why would Archer even be here? A vampire rushes toward us. “Come with me, I will take you to them.” I don’t hesitate to follow him even if I should. Gemma is losing her sh*t with the thought that someone has hurt our brother. Autumn and I follow the man inside a building that looks like a pack house. As soon as we walk in, I see Archer lying on a couch that is much too small for him. He looks like he is sleeping but I know that it isn’t true. “What the f**k happened to my brother?” I growl looking around the room. “Ruby, calm down. No one here hurt him” Tabby says when she steps into the room. Wesley has his arm around a blonde vampire. A pretty red-headed vampire is kneeling on the floor near Archer. She has his hand in hers. “Ruby what the hell is going on? Maverick looks like he saw a ghost and hasn’t said a word since he came back into the room. Where the hell are you” Jade links me. “Something happened to Archer.” She growls and I’m sure she is pissed that I left without her. “I will let you know as soon as I know anything.” “You better” she says and cuts the link.

“Autumn, I’m going to heal Archer, but I need you to do the protection spell around the coven. I am stronger than the evil f**king witch that did this but she had some type of boost to her magic. I need to keep my strength in case we need to deal with them again.” I look at her confused. “She isn’t working alone and we need as much time as we can to figure out who is involved.” Tabby says. I nod and Autumn turns to head back out of the mansion. “Wesley go with her. You link me immediately if you see anything suspicious.” “Yes, Alpha,” he says. The woman follows him and I step closer to Archer. I make eye contact with the woman holding his hand. “He is my beloved. I will not leave him.” I smile “I don’t expect you to, but we need to give Tabby room to heal him.” She stands and steps back but never takes her eyes off him. Tabby steps forward and places her hands on Archer’s chest. A white glow engulfs his body and after a few moments it’s gone. Archer’s eyes start to flutter open and I let go of the breath I didn’t know I was holding. When Tabby steps back, the woman rushes over, taking his

hand again. Tabby smiles at me. I’m so happy that Archer is alright and he has found his mate. I still need answers to how and why he is here, but we can discuss that later.

Danica POV

When I hear the wolf call Ruby Alpha I’m shocked. I have never heard of a pack allowing a woman to be in charge. I don’t have time to focus on that as I rub circles on my beloved’s hand. I need him to be alright. I am going to kick his a** for taking the energy ball that was meant for me. When I find that ba**ard I’m going to rip his throat out. Ruby steps closer and I expect her to force me away from him. I’m grateful when I see kindness in her eyes. I step back and say a prayer to the goddess to guide Tabby’s magic in healing him. I watch as he is surrounded by light. It takes everything in me to remain rooted to this spot. As soon as the light is gone, his eyes begin to open and I rush back to his side. I take his hand in mine and the tingles let me know that he is here with me. He turns his head and when he sees me he smiles. Ruby rushes over and we help him sit up. Once he is sitting up, she punches him in the arm. “What the hell was that for Ruby?” “I don’t know. How about you being unconscious?” “So you hit me after all I’ve been through” he says, being funny. “Now that you’re fine, absolutely,” Ruby says. I can’t help the laugh that escapes me. He looks in my direction and pulls me up on the couch next to him.

I hit him in the other arm and this time Ruby laughs. “Ouch, what the hell” he says. “Don’t you ever get hurt for me again.” He pulls me to him and crashes his lips against mine. I didn’t expect our first kiss to be in front of his sister. I can’t help but kiss him back. I hear a door latch. When I pull back we are alone. I can tell that he is getting a link before he stares back into my eyes. “I will protect you with my life even though I know you are a bad a** who can handle yourself.” He pecks my lips and I realize I don’t even know his name. “Beloved, what is your name?” He smiles “Archer Atticus Solace.” “My name is Danica Diane Bryer. I am the leader of the Gold Moon Coven.” He takes my face in his hands. “I, Archer Atticus Solace, accept you, Danica Diane Bryer, as my beloved and mate.” I can’t help the warmth that spreads throughout my chest at his words. “I, Danica Diane Bryer, accept you Archer

Atticus Solace as my mate and beloved.” I can feel the bond starting to form and I’m so grateful to the goddess for bringing this man to me before anything happened I couldn’t take back. My father could have cost me my beloved with his lies.

Ruby POV

When Danica punches Archer in the other arm, I can’t help but laugh. I like her already. She will be good for Archer. I think she will keep him on his toes. They start to kiss and Tabby and I slip out of the room. I link Archer to stay in the coven until we have a meeting tomorrow. As we head down the stairs, Autumn is walking toward us. Wesley and the woman that I assume is his mate are following behind her. I can see the sympathy on Autumn’s face. I’m sure she is thinking about Maverick. I have to go and deal with what he saw. “Wesley, I want you to remain here with Archer. Do not leave the area of the protection spell. I have something to take care of, but we will have a meeting tomorrow to discuss how we move forward.” “Yes, Alpha,” he says. “Cut that sh*t out Wesley.” He smirks, “Ruby, this is my mate Constance.” “It is very nice to meet you” I say, taking her hand. “I promise we will get to know each other when I have more time.” “Of course, Alpha.” “That goes for you too Constance. You are family now. Call me Ruby unless we are in a formal setting. I haven’t even had my ceremony yet.” I shoot a look at Wesley.

I turn to Tabby and she puts her hand up. “Go, I’m sorry I had to interrupt your dinner.” I smile and head over to Autumn. “Autumn, this is not your fault. I would have had to tell him anyway.” I wrap her in a hug. “Can you teleport us outside his apartment door?” “Of course,” she says. As soon as we are outside the door, I take a deep breath. I link Jade to meet us in the hallway. After a few minutes, Jade and Brooklyn come out into the hallway. “What the hell happened” Jade whisper yells at me. I give them the short version and Jade punches my arm. “Next time you take me.” I chuckle “fine, I want you to go back with Autumn. I need to talk to Maverick about what he saw.” I explain what happened quickly and Jade is excited. I wish I shared those feelings right now. I have no idea how this is about to go.

They teleport and I’m left alone in the hallway. “You can do this, Ruby. He is meant to be ours.” I smile loving my wolf for her pep talk.

I knock and it feels like forever before the door opens. Gwen smiles, “Ruby, I didn’t expect to see you again tonight.” “I was wondering if I could speak to Maverick for a moment?” “Of course you can.” She loops her arms in mine and leads me into the living room. Maverick and Connor are sitting on chairs with a drink in their hands. Connor gulps down what’s left in his glass before he stands. “I’ll see you tomorrow man” he says to Maverick before he heads for the door. “Goodnight Ruby” he says over his shoulder. “Goodnight Connor”, I say. “Well, I’m exhausted. I hope to see you soon Ruby”, Gwen says before she hugs me and heads for the hallway. I turn back and Maverick is staring at me. I can’t read his expression and the tension in the room is suffocating. I can feel Gemma’s nerves adding to my own. I finally break the silence. “Maverick, I know it is hard to understand what you saw earlier, but if you let me I will explain everything.”

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