My Fated Human Luna

Chapter 156

Chapter 156

My Fated Human Luna Chapter 159

12 My Beloved

Constance POV

As I make my way toward the Scarlett Rose Pack, the nerves are threatening to get the better of me. “Constance, do you want me to speak to the wolves,” Jeremiah asks. I appreciate his offer, but Danica was right. I need to start taking my role in the coven seriously. Our father focused so much of his energy on Danica and Milo that I felt less than. I trained just as hard, but it was never good enough for him. Danica never made me feel that way. She has always been an amazing sister. She could have become just like him but instead she was like my mother and sister rolled into one. I will be a second in command that she can be proud of if it kills me. “No, but thank you Jeremiah. I need to do this for Danica and the coven.” He nods and I realize we are close to the border. I hear wolves growling and I take a deep breath. We come off behind the trees and they bare their teeth at us. I raise my hands to try to show them that we are not a threat. One of the wolves shifts and I can’t help the smile that spreads on my face. They are not modest creatures, that is for sure. “State your business now” he growls out. “We request an audience with your Alpha.”

“I’m sure our Alpha is too busy to meet with the likes of you.” “Excuse me” I say with more attitude than I should. I know how wolves feel about our kind, but I had hoped this pack might be different. “I can scent that you are part of the vampires that attacked us a few nights ago.” “That was a mistake and I’m here to make things right. Can you just let your Alpha know his mate is here.” “What the hell are you doing?” Jeremiah whispers. “Our Alpha has a Luna, so that makes you a liar. Why shouldn’t I rip you apart right now for the attack?” F**k, Danica said he was an Alpha. “I am requesting an audience with the Alpha of Scarlett Rose. Doesn’t wolf law say you have to inform your Alpha of my request.” He looks pissed but his eyes cloud over and I know he is linking with someone. He looks back at us. “Follow me and if you try anything, I will not think twice about ending you both.” He turns and Jeremiah

mouths “nice.” I roll my eyes and follow the wolf. We enter what I assume is a pack house. He leads us up stairs and down a long hallway. When we reach a door, he knocks and pushes it open. He steps aside and I walk in first. A handsome man that is in his mid forties is sitting behind the desk. His aura leaves no doubt that he is an Alpha.

Despite his title, his eyes are kind. “Please have a seat. My guard tells me that you’re requesting to speak with me.” The door opens before I can respond and a beautiful woman who is very much human walks in. Despite being human, her aura is impressive. “Did I miss introductions” she says as she comes to stand next to the Alpha. She places her hand on his shoulder and I assume she is his Luna, though I am shocked he accepted a human. “No love, not at all. I am Alpha Lake Solace and this is my mate, Alpha Gabriella Solace.” He places emphasis on the word mate. I’m sure the guard told him what I said. This pack is definitely different. I have never in my life heard of a human Alpha. “Now my guard tells me that you are the Alpha’s mate.” “I meant no disrespect, Alpha. My name is Constance Bryer of the Gold Moon Coven. This is Jeremiah Dobbs, the coven’s advisor. It really is a long story and I fear we have gotten off on the wrong foot.” He smiles, settling my nerves a little. “I don’t feel disrespected nor does Alpha Gabriella.” I look at her and she is also smiling. “Now tell us what brings you to our pack” Alpha Gabriella says. “My sister’s beloved is part of this pack. I came on her behalf to bring him to our coven.” I wait to see shock or disappointment on their faces but I see neither.

“Your sister is our son’s mate”, Alpha Lake says. Why is it that you are here in her place?” “We have had a bit of an incident at the coven. The douchebag who wants to take my sister as a chosen beloved, has involved black magic against our members. The soldiers that didn’t follow him are unconscious. She didn’t want to leave them unguarded and at the ba**ard’s mercy. I volunteered to come to get her beloved. There is more to the story, but I believe Danica should be the one who explains everything. His plans affect your pack as well.” He growls but I can tell it is not at me. His eyes show he is linking and I expect my sister’s beloved to join us, but a woman appears in the room. I’m sure I have shock on my face. The woman laughs “so Alpha Lake tells me we are going to be family.” She sticks out her hand and I place mine in hers. “My name is Tabby and Lake tells me we have a witch problem.” “Tabby,

I will try to get Archer back here, but I think you should go with Constance and Jeremiah now. See if you can help the soldiers and we will alert you when Archer and Wesley have returned.” “You trust us just like that.” As soon as the words leave my mouth I want to kick my own a*. He smiles “no, Tabby read your intentions when you shook her hand.” I look between them and they smile.

Jeremiah and I both stand. We both bare our necks to the Alphas before we move to stand next to Tabby. She takes my hand and motions for me to take Jeremiah’s. “Picture the forest outside your coven” she says. I close my eyes, picturing the trees outside the coven and when I open them again, we are there. I hear retching and I realize that Jeremiah is puking in a bush. I try to hold back the laughter. “It’s hard for some people to get used to teleporting” Tabby whispers in my ear. “Jeremiah are you alright?” He stands and glares at me. “Not a word to anyone.” I can’t help the chuckle that escapes me. We cross into the coven lands. It still feels so eerie with no one moving around outside. Jeremiah heads toward Anthony’s cottage and I lead Tabby to the barracks. When I open the door, Danica is sitting on a chair in the corner. I hate how defeated she looks. As soon as she sees me she stands. Her eyes flash red when she realizes I’m not alone, but it isn’t her beloved. “What the hell is going on?” “Calm down Danica. Tabby is here to help. She is a witch, who is a member of the Scarlett Rose.” Her body seems to relax at my words. “A witch in a wolf pack” she says like a question.

Danica POV

As I sit and look at my soldiers I can’t help but feel stupid. I should have killed that ba**ard and now my coven is suffering because of my need to be merciful. If my father ever caught someone giving his men orders, he would have drained him dry. I shake those thoughts away because I want to be nothing like him. This is about Milo and I promise that he will suffer for his betrayal. I will not become a cold unfeeling monster. That does not make you a great leader. My mind goes to the beautiful man that the goddess has gifted me. I know nothing of his pack, but I know wolves are not too fond of our kind. I can’t help the insecurity I feel that he will send Constance away. The fear that he won’t want me as his beloved. That he would rather be mated to a she-wolf. The door opens and Constance walks in. I stand

expecting to see my beloved and my heart sinks to see a woman I can tell is a witch standing behind her. The first thought I have is that she must be involved with Milo. When Constance finally introduces her, I feel my body relax.

“A witch in a wolf pack.” She walks toward me and takes my hands in hers. “Our pack is unlike any other and soon you will understand why.” She looks into my eyes and I feel very exposed. “My nephew is very lucky. Now let’s see what we can do to help your people.” She turns facing them and begins to chant. The light leaves her hands and begins to hover over each man and woman. As the light swirls above them, a deep purple smoke is sucked into the light. The soldiers start to move and after a few minutes they are on their feet. Barrett runs over, wrapping me in a hug without warning. “Danica, you’re alive.” I clear my throat and he steps back. Tabby gives me a quizzical look. I don’t respond. I’m sure she is wondering about my relationship with Barrett now that she knows I am mated to someone important to her.

“Why wouldn’t I be alive, Barrett?” “Before that b**ch who was dressed like Elvira appeared in front of us, Milo said that you were either his beloved or you were dead. I knew you would never accept him. Then he told us we could join him or we would die too.” The rage that is flowing through my body is almost too much to take. “I will be back”, Tabby interrupts and she is gone. I can’t focus on what just happened. I need to find out how many of my people followed that ba**ard. “How many soldiers went with him?” I can tell he doesn’t want to tell me how many of the coven members left with Milo. “Barrett answer me,” I say sternly. “My best approximation is twenty-five, but we will need to do a proper count.” I’m just about to order him to gather the soldiers so we can do the proper count when a growl startles me. Constance smiles and I roll my eyes. As soon as we step outside, the most beautiful man I have ever seen is looking at me with eyes as black as night. “Mate” I hear two voices growl and I realize another man is standing behind him. He isn’t looking at me though. Holy sh*t, he is looking at Constance. They both start toward us but he stops before he reaches me. A pit forms in my stomach.

Archer POV

“Archer, I want you to be calm but I need you to return to the pack now” my father links as I am sitting in Porter’s office. He was able to give me three coven’s that are a good starting point to find my mate. “What’s wrong, is everyone alright?” “Yes, but we had visitors. Your mate’s sister came to the pack looking for you.” Lazlo is ready to shift before we even let him finish. “Where the hell is the coven?” “Return to the pack and Tabby will take you and Wesley to the coven?” I quickly explain to Wesley and Porter what’s happening before I head outside and shift. I can feel Lazlo is anxious and I understand why. We have no idea what her intentions are. She could want to meet us so she can reject us. Lazlo growls before he whimpers at my thoughts. As soon as we reach the pack my father and mother are waiting. I can see he is linking with someone. “Congratulations Archer” my mother says, pulling me into a hug. I pray there is a reason for her to say those words. A few seconds later, Tabby appears. She reaches out her hands and Wesley and I take them. When I open my eyes, we are outside a large building that looks like a pack house. Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

I can scent her immediately. “Archer, you need to stay calm.” Why would she be telling me that? I would never hurt my mate. I can feel Lazlo is at the surface. We growl and the most stunning woman steps out of a building. She has beautiful long red hair and her skin is alabaster. “Mate” I growl and I realize that Wesley said it too. F**k no, I am not sharing my mate with him. He is like a brother to me, but I won’t share her. I realize that a blonde woman who has similar features to my mate is walking behind her. Thank the goddess he found his mate. I am so happy for him, but I can’t focus on anything but reaching her right now. I stalk forward and when I’m halfway there I realize that her scent is mixed with another man’s. I stop walking and try to control mine and Lazlo’s anger that another man has touched our mate. I see hurt flash in her eyes and the anger fades. I never want to see that look in her eyes. I close the distance until we are standing right in front of each other. “Mate” I say again. My heart feels like it is going to pound out of my chest. “Beloved” she says and I let go of the breath I didn’t even know I was holding. “You f**king wh*re.” I turn to see where the voice is coming from and a vampire is standing next to a black magic witch. She throws a purple orb at my mate. I step in front of her shielding her with my body. The darkness consumes me, but not before I feel the tingles on my face.

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