Mated With Five Boys

Chapter 6: Evil Teenage Boy.

Chapter 6: Evil Teenage Boy.

"Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time.We are the ones we've been waiting for.We are the change that we seek."- Barack Obama

I laid in bed late that night thinking about Rose's words, about opening myself to people.

I don’t understand why I have such trouble letting people in.

I guess that's partly the reason I started writing in my journal because I didn’t trust anyone with my secrets.

And maybe that's because I don't want someone seeing me that vulnerable.

Maybe it's because I'm scared if I start Pouring myself out, I won't know how to stop.

Or maybe it's because I know everyone in my life is temporary, foster parents, friends, teachers, neighbors, and even family.

I remember going to school after my mother died, I was in the second grade, I told my best friend at the time about what had happened.

I still remember the tears that formed in her young eyes as she repeatedly told how sorry she was.

And even with me being that young, I decided then and there I wasn't going to tell anyone about my life, and so I didn't.

I didn't need people's apologies.

I didn't need people feeling sorry for me.

What I needed was my mom back.

The only person I ever told my thoughts to is long gone, and not coming back.

And I'm okay with that.

At least, that's what I had thought before now.

I closed my eyes, trying to force myself to sleep, but it felt like my brain was going 100 mph.

One sheep, two sheep, three shee- who the hell am I kidding? That's never going to work.

Groaning loudly, I grabbed the pillow that was resting next to me and covered my face with it.

Go to freaking sleep Mia.

I stared blankly up at my dark ceiling, my mind racing with thoughts.

My internal clock completely and totally screwed.

Especially since Colorado is two hours behind from New York, where I previously lived.

I closed my eyes for the nine hundred and ninety-ninth time, finally feeling the drowsiness seep into my body when suddenly my walls started shaking.

Living on a Prayer by Bon Jovi started ringing in my ears from the room across from mine.

Axel's room.

Oh, C’mon! I sighed irritated.

Who plays music this late? I'll tell you who, evil teenage boys that's who.

Doesn't he understand how disrespectful that is? How would he like it if I blasted my music this late? I jumped out of my bed, whipping the covers off me in the process.

I marched over to my door, flinging it open.

At this point, I was completely berated.

Who does he think he is! Has he no respect? I stomped right to Axel's room and pounded on his door.

Oh boy, did I have a few words for him.

But his music was playing so loud that my pounding went unnoticed.

Taking it upon myself I wrapped my fingers around the cold I doorknob and twisted it.

Ipushed the door slowly, peeking through the crack.

The courage I just had before washing away.

Do I really want to wage war with Axel? No Mia, you can do this.

What's the worst that could happen? I shook my head agreeing with myself, It's time to take some initiative and stand up to my monsters.

And in this case, Axel Deacon was my monster.

A very mysterious and strangely attractive monster but a monster nonetheless.

I swung open the door fully, ready to give Axel a piece of my mind but immediately got stopped in my tracks.


Axel had his hand balled into a fist, acting like he was singing into a mic.


He then uncoiled his fist and started playing the air guitar.

And did I fail to mention that all he was wearing was a pair of loose-fitting, grey basketball shorts? My eyes widen in shock, I couldn't help the small smile that formed from the sight in front of me.

Axel looked like a completely different person.

"Morrison? What in the fuck are you doing in here?"

His cold voice asked me, turning off his loud music.

I swallowed hard, the smile on my face slowly fell.

Why is he so angry every time he sees me? It's quite rude actually.

I haven't done anything to him.

Okay, Mia here's your chance.

Shaw him he doesn't scare you.

"I-I just"

I couldn't even form my words, he was just too damn intimidating.

You've done blown it.

Why does he have to look at me with those eyes? What's he supposed to do? Talk to you with his eyes closed? My subconscious is a real ass.

"Just forget it, leave."

Axel shooed me off, turning his music back up.

There was something in his voice that didn't sit right with me.

Like what I had to say was unimportant, as if I was troubling him with my existence.

"Actually, I came to tell you to turn your music off."

I stood up straight, mustering up the little backbone I do have.

"Oh really?"

His full pink lips formed into an amused smirk.


I nodded my head, feeling proud of myself.


He stated simply, turning on his blaring music dance again.

"No? What do you mean no!"

I huffed, walking over to his stereo and turning the volume all the way down.

"I mean no."

He said in a "duh" tone.

"It's too loud,"

I stated.

"You can never play Living on a Prayer loud enough."

He rolled his dark brown eyes at me.

"Well I for one, disagree,"

I said poking his bare, tanned chest.

"I can't sleep with Bon Jovi over here shaking my walls,’ I added on.

Axel quickly and skillfully grabbed my hand that I had poked him with and gripped my wrist tightly.

He carefully yanked me towards him, sending me flying into his shirtless chest. All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

I could feel his body heat radiating off of him which sent chills down my body.

"That's not my problem Angel."

He said slowly looking down at me.

My brain refused to function properly with Axel's close proximity, he was invading my bubble.

And surprisingly, I didn't completely hate.

Don't get me wrong, I hated it.

I just hated it a little less than I normally would be this close to someone else.

"H-how is it not?"

I asked him, finally regaining some motor control.

I avoid looking into his orphic eyes, the intenseness in them making me dizzy.My eyes widening when I felt his warm hands wrap around my throat.

My body tensed underneath his touch and my neck tingled.

I made a mistake by coming into his room.

I looked up to his face and waited for him to start tightening his hand around my throat but he never did.

In fact, his grip was loose, gentle even.

Axel studied me, turning his head slightly he almost looked like a confused puppy.

He was probably confused as to why I hadn't begged him to stop or tried to get away from him.

To be perfectly honest I wasn't sure myself.

Maybe it was because this isn't the first time I'd been in this kind of situation and I know if you move and try to get away it will only make it worse and more painful.

It could simply be because I'm not afraid to die, I mean how could be when you spent ten years fantasizing about it? Or maybe it's because I don't think Axel would actually hurt me.

You're crazy! He has you in a chokehold! "Do I scare you, Mia?"

Axel asked me, his hand still around my throat.


I lied looking him in the eye, trying to convince him, and myself for that matter.

His grip suddenly tightens, not hurting me in any way but it was definitely more firm.

Axel then leans his face closer to my mine, his breath fanning over my face.

I could smell the faint smell of alcohol, probably from when he got into the fight at the bar earlier tonight.

He then brings his lips next to ear and whispers.

"I should."

I felt the twisted smile form on his lips, sending shivers up my spine "Now get the hell out of my room."

With that Axel pulls away from me and pushes me out of his room, slamming his door shut.

I stand outside his door, a shaking mess.

What just happened? I walked into the bathroom, which was conveniently next door to Axel's room.

I turned on the faucet and splashed cold onto my face.

That did not go as planned.

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