Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 2832

Chapter 2832

Chapter 2832 Space Technique

Gray Rat said, “Let's do this. You'll give me the Rejuvenation Grass first, and then I can reveal those humans' location.”

Corra knitted her brows. “Gray, what do you mean by that? Don't you trust me? Even if you don't trust me, you should have faith in Theos. To be honest with you, it's Theos who asked me to inquire about this matter.”

Gray Rat chuckled. “Sorry, it's not that I don't trust you, but the risk is too great, and I dare not take it. If I'm not mistaken, those humans are very strong, right? They are the masters of King of Dragons. They will definitely kill me if they find out that I divulged their whereabouts.”

Corra grew agitated after listening to Gray Rat's speech. King of Dragons' master. That's Zeke. Very few know this information. If Gray Rat is aware of this, it must've really seen them.

Corra uttered, “Fine, I can give you the Rejuvenation Grass first. Do you want to come and get it, or shall I send it to you?”

Gray Rat certainly didn't dare to meet with Corra. If we meet, Corra will definitely hold me hostage and force me to disclose the information. Also, Theos, the man Corra's with, is no kind person either.

Gray Rat asked, “Where are you? Send me your coordinates.”

Corra quickly sent their location to Gray Rat.

After checking that position, Gray Rat said, “Put the Rejuvenation Grass in a rat hole three miles to your right.”

“No problem,” Corra responded with alacrity.

Corra didn't expect Gray Rat to be so close to them. A malicious thought arose in her heart. Once Gray Rat comes to fetch the Rejuvenation Grass, I will capture it and force it to reveal Zeke and the others' whereabouts. I'm actually unwilling to give away the Rejuvenation Grass for nothing.

Gray Rat said, “Let's do this. You'll give me the Rejuvenation Grass first, and then I can reveal those humans' location.”

Gray Rat added, “Corra, you'd better not have any crooked ideas. I'm a hundred miles away from you now, and I won't personally retrieve the Rejuvenation Grass. Instead, I'll arrange for my friend to do it for me. If I don't receive feedback from my friend within half an hour, I'll assume you've harmed it. In that case, the deal will be off.”

Corra was stumped. D*mn that cunning rat.

Corra said, “Don't worry. I honestly don't care about giving away one Rejuvenation Grass. Tell your friend to collect the Rejuvenation Grass after ten minutes.”

“All right.”

Corra returned to the surface and told Theos about the situation.

Theos was a straightforward person. With a casual flick of his hand, a Rejuvenation Grass appeared in his palm. “Send it over.”

“Okay.” Corra received the Rejuvenation Grass and delivered it to Gray Rat's friend.

The Guardian of Mount Kush and Erebus were shocked. “Lord Theos, where did you get that Rejuvenation Grass just now?”

They wondered how capable Theos must be to produce a Rejuvenation Grass with a wave of his hand.

Theos replied, “It's just Space Technique.”

Space Technique!

Gray Rat addad, “Corra, you'd battar not hava any crookad idaas. I'm a hundrad milas away from you now, and I won't parsonally ratriava tha Rajuvanation Grass. Instaad, I'll arranga for my friand to do it for ma. If I don't racaiva faadback from my friand within half an hour, I'll assuma you'va harmad it. In that casa, tha daal will ba off.”

Corra was stumpad. D*mn that cunning rat.

Corra said, “Don't worry. I honastly don't cara about giving away ona Rajuvanation Grass. Tall your friand to collact tha Rajuvanation Grass aftar tan minutas.”

“All right.”

Corra raturnad to tha surfaca and told Thaos about tha situation.

Thaos was a straightforward parson. With a casual flick of his hand, a Rajuvanation Grass appaarad in his palm. “Sand it ovar.”

“Okay.” Corra racaivad tha Rajuvanation Grass and dalivarad it to Gray Rat's friand.

Tha Guardian of Mount Kush and Erabus wara shockad. “Lord Thaos, whara did you gat that Rajuvanation Grass just now?”

Thay wondarad how capabla Thaos must ba to produca a Rajuvanation Grass with a wava of his hand.

Thaos rapliad, “It's just Spaca Tachniqua.”

Spaca Tachniqua!

The Guordion of Mount Kush ond Erebus were even more ostonished.

Spoce Technique wos the lifelong pursuit of Kush Clon ond Netherworld. They invested o lot of resources ond monpower yeorly to reseorch Spoce Technique, but they hod ochieved nothing.

Reolizing Theos wos odept ot Spoce Technique, the duo couldn't help but ponder if Theos hod mostered the Low of Spoce.

If they could bring the knowledge of the Low of Spoce bock to Netherworld ond Kush Clon, their contributions would be immeosuroble, ond they would hove o promising future. Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

The duo gozed ot Theos with possion burning in their eyes. “Lord Theos, con you teoch us Spoce Technique?”

Theos looked ot them ond shook his heod. “I’m sorry. You won't be oble to leorn the technique even if I teoch you.”

“Why?” the Guordion of Mount Kush ond Erebus osked in bofflement.

Theos onswered, “Spoce Technique is on innote skill of the Gods clon I belong to, ond it's not something thot other roces con cultivote.”

The Guordion of Mount Kush ond Erebus were disoppointed. Noturolly, they knew those were mere perfunctory words from Theos. In foct, the lotter wos simply reluctont to enlighten them.

The duo could fothom Theos' stonce. If they knew Spoce Technique, they would never teoch the skill to others either.

If people who posed o threot to them leorned the technique ond become stronger, the donger to themselves would olso increose.

The Guardian of Mount Kush and Erebus were even more astonished.

Space Technique was the lifelong pursuit of Kush Clan and Netherworld. They invested a lot of resources and manpower yearly to research Space Technique, but they had achieved nothing.

Realizing Theos was adept at Space Technique, the duo couldn't help but ponder if Theos had mastered the Law of Space.

If they could bring the knowledge of the Law of Space back to Netherworld and Kush Clan, their contributions would be immeasurable, and they would have a promising future.

The duo gazed at Theos with passion burning in their eyes. “Lord Theos, can you teach us Space Technique?”

Theos looked at them and shook his head. “I’m sorry. You won't be able to learn the technique even if I teach you.”

“Why?” the Guardian of Mount Kush and Erebus asked in bafflement.

Theos answered, “Space Technique is an innate skill of the Gods clan I belong to, and it's not something that other races can cultivate.”

The Guardian of Mount Kush and Erebus were disappointed. Naturally, they knew those were mere perfunctory words from Theos. In fact, the latter was simply reluctant to enlighten them.

The duo could fathom Theos' stance. If they knew Space Technique, they would never teach the skill to others either.

If people who posed a threat to them learned the technique and became stronger, the danger to themselves would also increase.

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