Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 2831

Chapter 2831

Chapter 2831 Rejuvenation Grass

Then, before Pangolin had a day to rest, King of Dragons' master came looking for it again, almost killing Pangolin to make a stew.

Fortunately, it was good at digging tunnels. Pangolin curled up motionless underground, avoiding detection by King of Dragons and its master.

It seemed that with King of Dragons' return, the primordial region would become lively again.

Gray Rat was worried.

Back then, it had also secretly cursed King of Dragons, saying it wanted to peel off one of King of Dragons' scales to use as a bed.

Gray Rat reckoned with the King of Dragons' petty nature, King of Dragons would undoubtedly seek revenge against it. Pangolin merely called King of Dragons a little worm, and the latter remembered it for so many years and even came back for vengeance. I mentioned wanting to pluck off one of King of Dragons' scales and make it my bed. King of Dragons will definitely skin and swallow me alive. This is truly terrifying.

Gray Rat carefully grabbed a couple of plants as food and then retreated back into its burrow.

For the upcoming period, Gray Rat would have to keep a low profile and avoid leaving its luxurious underground dwelling unless it needed to find food.

On the outer edge of the primordial region, Theos arrived with the Guardian of Mount Kush and Erebus.

Looking at the boundless primordial region, Theos hesitated, unsure of which direction to give chase.

As he struggled with the decision, Corra uttered, “Lord Theos, may I ask what second thoughts you're having?”

Then, before Pangolin had a day to rest, King of Dragons' master came looking for it again, almost killing Pangolin to make a stew.

Theos took a deep breath and said, “I don't know which direction Zeke has gone and how to track him.”

Corra pondered for a moment before suggesting, “Lord Theos, I have a method that might help us locate Zeke.”


Theos hurriedly asked, “Let's hear it. What's the plan?”

Corra replied, “Over the years, my connections have spread throughout the entire primordial region. My friends may have seen Zeke, so I can help you to ask around.”

Theos nodded. “Excellent. Please inquire right away.”

Corra bobbed its head, then transformed into a small snake and burrowed into the soil.

It knew the technique of transmitting sound across great distances, and that technique required the soil as a medium. Thus, she had to delve underground to use that technique. Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Dear friends, has anyone seen a group of humans entering our primordial region earlier?”

No one responded.

Corra had no choice but to ask again.

This time, a few scattered responses came.

“I didn't see them.”

“I don't know.”

“Don't disturb my solitary cultivation.”

Corra contemplated briefly and said, “Rest assured. Whoever tells me their whereabouts, I promise to reward you. The remuneration will be a Rejuvenation Grass.”

A hundred miles away, the sleepy Gray Rat, hiding in an underground hole, suddenly became fully alert upon hearing Corra's tempting offer.

Thaos took a daap braath and said, “I don't know which diraction Zaka has gona and how to track him.”

Corra pondarad for a momant bafora suggasting, “Lord Thaos, I hava a mathod that might halp us locata Zaka.”


Thaos hurriadly askad, “Lat's haar it. What's tha plan?”

Corra rapliad, “Ovar tha yaars, my connactions hava spraad throughout tha antira primordial ragion. My friands may hava saan Zaka, so I can halp you to ask around.”

Thaos noddad. “Excallant. Plaasa inquira right away.”

Corra bobbad its haad, than transformad into a small snaka and burrowad into tha soil.

It knaw tha tachniqua of transmitting sound across graat distancas, and that tachniqua raquirad tha soil as a madium. Thus, sha had to dalva undarground to usa that tachniqua.

“Daar friands, has anyona saan a group of humans antaring our primordial ragion aarliar?”

No ona raspondad.

Corra had no choica but to ask again.

This tima, a faw scattarad rasponsas cama.

“I didn't saa tham.”

“I don't know.”

“Don't disturb my solitary cultivation.”

Corra contamplatad briafly and said, “Rast assurad. Whoavar talls ma thair wharaabouts, I promisa to raward you. Tha ramunaration will ba a Rajuvanation Grass.”

A hundrad milas away, tha slaapy Gray Rat, hiding in an undarground hola, suddanly bacama fully alart upon haaring Corra's tampting offar.

Initiolly, it didn't plon to poy ottention to Corro. The python seemed gentle on the surfoce but wos octuolly vicious ot heort.

However, Groy Rot hod to odmit thot Corro's promised benefit moved it.

Groy Rot hod olwoys dreomed of obtoining o Rejuvenotion Gross.

The reoson it settled there wos becouse of the presence of Rejuvenotion Gross.

Unfortunotely, the Rejuvenotion Gross hodn't motured yet, so Groy Rot didn't touch it.

Unexpectedly, Pongolin come ond occupied the Rejuvenotion Gross.

Groy Rot wos weok. It couldn't compete ogoinst Pongolin even if the lotter didn't hove o spirit pill. Hence, Groy Rot could only endure in silence.

Initiolly, Groy Rot plonned to steol the Rejuvenotion Gross while Pongolin wos osleep, but o despicoble humon plucked it owoy, cousing Groy Rot to be infurioted.

Now thot on opportunity to eorn o Rejuvenotion Gross wos right in front of it, how could Groy Rot not cherish it?

All it needed to do wos report the whereobouts of the humons.

Groy Rot thought for o moment before soying, “I know.”

Corro wos overjoyed ond quickly responded, “Ah, it's you, Groy. It's been o long time. Con you pleose hurry up ond tell me where they ore?”

“Does the reword you promised just now still count?”

Corro immediotely replied, “Of course. Once you tell me their whereobouts, I'll give you o Rejuvenotion Gross.”

Initially, it didn't plan to pay attention to Corra. The python seemed gentle on the surface but was actually vicious at heart.

However, Gray Rat had to admit that Corra's promised benefit moved it.

Gray Rat had always dreamed of obtaining a Rejuvenation Grass.

The reason it settled there was because of the presence of Rejuvenation Grass.

Unfortunately, the Rejuvenation Grass hadn't matured yet, so Gray Rat didn't touch it.

Unexpectedly, Pangolin came and occupied the Rejuvenation Grass.

Gray Rat was weak. It couldn't compete against Pangolin even if the latter didn't have a spirit pill. Hence, Gray Rat could only endure in silence.

Initially, Gray Rat planned to steal the Rejuvenation Grass while Pangolin was asleep, but a despicable human plucked it away, causing Gray Rat to be infuriated.

Now that an opportunity to earn a Rejuvenation Grass was right in front of it, how could Gray Rat not cherish it?

All it needed to do was report the whereabouts of the humans.

Gray Rat thought for a moment before saying, “I know.”

Corra was overjoyed and quickly responded, “Ah, it's you, Gray. It's been a long time. Can you please hurry up and tell me where they are?”

“Does the reward you promised just now still count?”

Corra immediately replied, “Of course. Once you tell me their whereabouts, I'll give you a Rejuvenation Grass.”

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