It Comes In Three's

Chapter 126

Chapter 126

Chapter 126

Lottie’s POV

The hours have passed like an eternity as I wait anxiously at home with Anna.




I called Alex around four, and it’s now seven. My worry escalates with every tick of the clock, unsure of why he had been working this late, especially since the early hours of the morning. It just wasn’t like him.

Finally, the front door opens, and my heart leaps out of my chest as I see Alex, Del, and Jace walk in.

They look utterly drained and worn out, but it’s Alex’s eyes that catch my attention first. There’s a haunting look in them, something I’ve never seen before as a thick churning grows in my stomach.

Something is wrong here… very wrong.

“Alex, what happened to you? Are you all okay?” I rush to him, as Anna fusses over Jace and Del – trying to find answers too which they also refuse to give.

Alex barely registers my presence at first, his eyes distant and vacant as he stares around our home – as though he had just saw this place for the first time.

“I’m fine, doll. Just tired now.” He eventually mumbles, but his voice lacks its usual warmth towards me.

What’s gotten into him… all three of them for that matter? They are all acting weird!


Anna comes over, sharing in my concern. “What happened to them?” She asks desperately, her eyes flickering between the three of them as I shrug.

Del and Jace exchange glances, trying to find the right words as they seem to eventually catch up with what is going on. “It was just a tough day, we all need to sleep. We’ll fill you in on it all tomorrow maybe?” Del says, attempting to brush it off as I look to Anna who furrows her brows.

My heart sinks at the sight of the guys, knowing that something had them all quite evidently shaken up.

Something terrible must have happened, Alex most certainly wasn’t just out doing home visits today, which also means that he lied to me.

“Let’s get you all settled.” I state, giving Anna a knowing look as she makes a move to help Del and Jace into the spare bedrooms.

I’ll get to the bottom of this…

I grab Alex’s hand and lead him upstairs to our own room, setting the security system on the way since he was in no fit state to do it himself tonight.

His movements are slow and lethargic, as he allows me to drag him up the staircase and down the hall. He looks like a zombie, to say the least, and it frightens me to see him like this since he was usually so alert and strong…

Once we’re in our room, I close the door and turn to him, my voice filled with thick worry. “Alex, please talk to me. What happened out there? Why are you like this?” I implore, tears welling up in my eyes now as he sits on the edge of the bed – slumping forward.

He looks up at me, his gaze full of pain and weariness. “I… I did what needed to be done today, Lottie. To protect you and our baby,” he murmurs, his voice cracking ever so slightly.

Anxiety bubbles in my chest, unsure of what exactly he was referring to, as I struggle to find the right words… I need to know more!

“Protect me and our baby? What did you do Alex?” I push out my question, my mind reeling with confusion.

Alex takes a deep breath, closing his eyes slightly, which is when my eyes scan over his whole appearance – spotting the small red stains residing on his clothes.

Is that… blood?

My heart pounds faster before his voice comes again… “You’re pregnant now, Lottie, I couldn’t let them even get near you! Not now or in the future when our kid gets here!” He says, his voice trembling with growing emotion.


Chapter 126

“Alex who… who did you hurt?” My voice becomes a whisper, dread seeping through me at the racing scenarios clouding my thoughts.

What did he do today? When I thought he was at work?

+10% Bonus


“I had to protect you, Lottie. I couldn’t let anyone hurt you or our child. I had to act before they did.” He says, his voice breaking, as my eyes grow wide.

“Who wanted to hurt us Alex?” My voice remains quiet, as I stand before him, watching my broken man seem to shatter completely.

“Lottie they… they wanted to kill you… I heard them with my own ears… I just couldn’t bring myself to tell you because I didn’t want you to be scared!” Alex makes eye contact with me, his eyes watering now – a sight I had never yet seen before.

“Who did Alex? Tell me who!” I push for answers, feeling nauseous at the thought of there being so many people out to seriously harm me.

“Your mother… and that cop that she sleeps around with… I was in Freddie’s pub, and they both met with Freddie only days ago… they then even paid Freddie to have you killed Lottie!” Alex concludes, as I gasp loudly – my hands slapping over my mouth at the news.

Freddie?! Someone Alex trusted! Someone who had even helped me the other night when I was chased! How could this be true?!

“W–What?” A tear falls from my own eye, shock taking over as I open and close my mouth to find the words.

“It was Freddie that was behind delivering those letters to you too! I had to stop them, before they done anything to you Lottie… and so I… I killed them… all of them!” Alex breathes, looking troubled as I gasp loudly.

“Please don’t hate me! It was them or you, and I wouldn’t let anything happen to you again!” Alex runs his hands down his face expressing his discomfort as I blink back my tears – absorbing his words.


Killed them…

Freddie, the cop, my mother?

They are all dead…

He couldn’t have… did he?

“Y–You didn’t…” I find myself saying, my hands trembling in terror.

“Al–ex… they will… arrest you for this!” I panic next, releasing a sob, knowing I could never survive on my own without him, not now, not with a baby on the way.

Alex suddenly stands up, as though something had switched within him, as he rushes towards me – pulling me close into his arms, trying to calm my frantic emotions.

“Shh, Lottie, listen to me, it’s all going to be ok. I made sure no one would ever know it was us. I had all of my men in on the operation and I’m smarter than you think. We handled it so well that it’s near impossible for anyone to get caught for this. They won’t come looking for us, I promise, I’m not going anywhere.” Alex reassures me, his voice desperate to alleviate my fears as I panic and breathe rapidly in his hold.

I cling to him, trying to process the weight of his words. “But… but why didn’t you just tell me that I was in danger? That is was them? I could have helped? Maybe we could have gotten them arrested instead of… instead of killing them!” I question, tears streaming down my cheeks.

Alex looks into my eyes, his own filled with pain. “I didn’t want you to be involved, Lottie, you didn’t deserve the stress. I just wanted to protect you, shield you from the darkness of this world after everything you’ve been through already – especially with your dreadful mother. I couldn’t bear the thought of you getting hurt – especially by her.” He admits, his voice trembling with emotion as he holds me to him.

“We couldn’t have gone to the cops with this either, because your mothers boyfriend would have wormed his way out of it… and he would have no doubt gotten us in trouble for it Instead! That’s how the system works! Any cop that is accused just looks bad on the system, so instead… they would’ve protected him in court even if they shouldn’t have. There was no other way doll, I had to handle it personally.” Alex explains, swallowing the lump in his throat.

“I… I understand… sort of… I guess… but I just wish you had trusted me… I can’t believe you had to k–kill them… it sounds so… so wrong!” I whimper, feeling a mix of emotions – gratitude for his upmost care and protection and hurt from being left in the dark.

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Chapter 126



“I’m sorry, Lottie. I was just so afraid of losing you. If I didn’t act how I did, they would have killed you instead, or at least tried to.” He explains, buiying his face in my hair, holding me close as I continue to cry.

This situation was heavy to process… he has blood on his hands… because of me… because he wanted to protect me…

“I’m sorry… I’m sorry you even met me and had to be in this mess!” I sob out, as Alex rubs comforting circles on my back and bushes me.


“I love you. I wouldn’t change any of my actions for the world. You’re safe, our baby will always be safe. You have to trust me Lottie.” Alex mumbles into my hair, as I listen to his words and attempt to calm down.

I just hope, that although he actually killed them, including my own mother which doesn’t even feel real yet… I just hope that he doesn’t take the fall for any of this.

Alex isn’t a bad person, and I’ll always stand by that.

If Alex said they were planning to have me… killed… and that there was no other way to stop them… then I guess, I believe him.

Chapter Comments

EJ Kincaid

they are so perfect together




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