It Comes In Three's

Chapter 125

Chapter 125

Chapter 125

Alex’s POV




“Hey Alex! How has your day been? We’ve done everything you wanted us to do – our little team worked great together!” Lottie’s gentle tone meets my ear as I smile slightly when hearing how excited she was about her first official day on the job.

“Amazing, doll! I’m glad you had fun! I have one last house to visit today and it’s an hour outside of town, but after that, I’ll head back for you ok?” I lie, feeling guilt surge through me despite knowing that it’s for the best.

“That’s a long day for you!” Lottie comments, as I sigh, knowing she would think this wasn’t normal for me.

“Yeah I know, it’s because of everything that’s happened recently, I’ve been behind on my house visits with some of my top clients. After today, I’ll be caught up though.” I reply briefly, hearing her hum in response.

“Sure! Well Anna and I might just head back to our place and wait for you there? We will lock the doors and everything when we get there so don’t worry!” Lottie giggles next, as I nod, understanding that they would want to head home without me.

“I’ll have one of my guys drive you both home then that’s the deal ok?” I bargain, feeling that they would be safer that way as opposed to getting a taxi. “Yeah whatever makes you feel better Alex! I’ll see you when you get back – I love you.” Lottie replies, before the cop decides to groan loudly from beside me as he stirs in and out of consciousness.

I smash my fist against his face, earning a grunt as I knock him out again, as the car swerves slightly from the ordeal.

“Alex what the hell was that?!” Lottie rushes out, as I chuckle – trying to play it off as best I can.

Why the fuck did that pig have to make a noise right now?! Couldn’t he have waited two more minutes for me to end the call at least?!

“It’s nothing doll, don’t worry about it! Tristan just walked into a glass door!” I lie, as one of the men in the front bust out laughing.

“O–Oh! Ok then!” Lottie laughs lightly, as I breathe out steadily thankful that she had bought the lie. Copyright by Nôv/elDrama.Org.

“Love you, I’ll see you soon!” I state, before she gives me one last goodbye and I end the call with her.

I lean back in the seat, closing my eyes momentarily, grateful that everything so far had managed to go to plan.

“That was a close one eh?!” Tristan, the one I had used to help me in my lie laughs out, gaining my attention as I chuckle and agree.

That was a close one… but at least we are almost at the harbour now and we can finish this shit off.

Not long now until justice will fully be served once and for all…

As soon as word gets back to Tommy, and the little bastard realises that he has nothing going for him inside of prison – with his allies on the outside now all dead that will be enough revenge for me.

I smile at the thought, as I text one of my free men – asking him to pick up and take home Lottie and Anna from the office.

We finally approach the harbor, my mind racing with the events of the day. It’s been a rollercoaster of emotions, but we’re almost there… with adrenaline pushing us on to finish what we’ve started.

I don’t have very long to carry out our plan, not with Lottie waiting for me at home now

none the wiser to what I’ve been up to all day.

We park up in the deserted car park, before exiting to find the private boat I had booked awaiting us.

We drag the cop from the car, as the two guys help me – pulling him across the gravel and towards the entrance to the boat.

“Del, how’s our guest doing?” I ask when seeing him, referring to Lottie’s mother, who was now tied up and fully conscious on deck.

Del glances back at her, a smug smile on his face as he chuckles. “She’s not too happy Alex, but she’s not going anywhere. We tied her in tight!” he replies as I nod my approval.

Chapter 125


Moments after, Zack and Jace pull up, as they exit and rush towards us – knowing that they were the last to arrive to the scene.


We can now set sail with everyone on board…


As we leave from the harbour, with one of my men confident that he can somewhat drive this thing, my plan slowly falls into place as perfectly as it could have.

Lottie’s mother’s eyes dart between all of us, her fear evident when seeing us toss the battered cop onto the deck in front of her.

She’s now realizing that she’s completely outnumbered and out of luck, and that there’s no way out of this for her now.

They’ve made a terrible mistake coming to this town… they don’t know what they’re dealing with out here… because we run this fucking place!

“You are all fucking crazy!” She screams, as the men all laugh at her outburst. How ironic? When she started this whole mess in the first place!

I turn to see the harbour growing further away, before Zack helps tie up the cop to another chair – his head lolling forward as they sit him up.

Clarissa, Lottie’s dreadful mother, looks disappointed in her cop boyfriend – as she scoffs at the sight of him – clearly bothered that they had both wound up in this mess.

“Something troubling you?” I raise a brow, as the boat rocks gently against the water – driving us further out to the deep.

“Your fucking presence! You are the worst thing that ever happened to Lottie – you’ve ruined everything!” She spits at me – showing her distaste for my success in this situation as I shake my head down at her.

With that, the cop grumbles yet again, finally regaining his consciousness at the appropriate moment this time – just when we need him awake.

We watch on, as he moans in pain – picking his head up and looking around at his new surroundings – absorbing it all.

Moments pass, before he eventually regains his full composure, noticing that he was now on board a boat, sailing out to the deep waters of the sea where he will meet his fate.

The cop’s eyes widen in shock and fear as he realizes the gravity of the situation. He struggles against his restraints, but it’s useless. He’s completely held at our mercy…

“You’re… you’re all dead for this! You can’t get away with this – the cops at my station will find me!” He shouts, his voice trembling as he grows furious.

“Oh, I think we can very much so get away with this. I think your wife back home, will be devastated to read that you ran off with your receptionist after having a long term affair…” I pace back and forth before them, as he continues to fight and struggle against the ties.

“You know, I even found a guy that has already mastered your hand writing and signature to a T! Not to mention that your wife already has her suspicions about you two am I right? She won’t question it for a minute!” I confirm, my voice ice–cold as he loses his shit before me now.

“You little fucking prick! None of them will believe that we both just disappeared and ran off! You’ll pay the consequences of this believe me!” He retaliates, as I smirk.

I doubt that very much…

Lottie’s mother glares at me, a mix of fear and anger held in her eyes. “You’re a monster! How could you do this to your own girlfriends mother? Does Charlotte even know about any of this? She wouldn’t have me tied up like this regardless of what I’ve done!” Clarissa fumes, as I actually laugh at her argument.

It was crazy to see her pretending to actually have a normal relationship with Lottie… especially after wanting her to be murdered only days ago!

It’s humorous to see that with the shoe being on the other foot, it’s a different reaction!

I chuckle darkly. “Sure, Lottie will save your life after you asked someone to end hers – are you seriously that fucking delusional? You thought you could get away with anything by having a cop on your side didn’t you? Well you chose to stir up trouble in the wrong fucking town with the wrong fucking people! You are and never will be a true mother to her – dead or alive!” I remark, scoffing out my words.

I fucking hate this woman…


Chapter 125

+109 Bonus

“Fuck all of you! You’re no better than us by doing this shit! Stop pretending to be the good guys here when you are all petty criminals yourselves. The cop retorts, his bravado fading as he senses the imminent danger.


“Oh, we’re much better than the both of you actually,” Jace chimes in. “Because we actually plan our attacks out properly unlike the pair of you! Instead of leaving it in the hands of a pathetic drunken pub owner! Did you both seriously think Freddie of all people would actually be successful in hurting Lottie? How fucking foolish!” We all laugh at Jace’s words – infuriating the tied up pair with our mockery even more.

I walk over to the cop, leaning down and staring into his eyes. “Last chance to cooperate. Tell us if there’s anyone else involved in wanting Lottie dead and maybe we will show you some mercy.” I demand.

Both of them turn their faces, staying defiant, refusing to give in to our threats… suit yourselves!

My patience wears thin with them both.

This is the last straw…

“Fine,” I shrug briefly, my voice low and dangerous. “You’ve made your choice.”


I turn to Zack and Del, who drag two heavy bags across the deck towards them both, causing their eyes to widen in both fear and anticipation of what I was doing now.




Jace then wraps two large belts around their waists – as they struggle and fight against him to the best of their abilities – finding no success.

“Fill them with rocks.” I wave my hand in boredom, as Zack and Del open the bags and retrieve large boulders and stones – moving to fill the waist belt pockets with them.

“S–Stop this! This is insane! Y–You can’t!” Lottie’s mother cries out suddenly, the realisation of what I had planned for them both finally sinking in.

“You can’t just toss us into the sea and that’s that! Stop this act right now!” The cop. hollers loudly, gritting his teeth and becoming dishevelled.

I can… and I will!

“You don’t think I will? After you paid one of my own to have my pregnant partner killed?!” I rage, earning a sharp gasp from Clarissa with my


Some of my men turn to me too, their eyes wide with surprise at the news since many of them didn’t know about it yet…

“She’s… shes fucking pregnant? How foolish!” Clarissa’s tone holds deep distaste for the news, sending a final jolt of rage through me before I step forward and send a hard kick to her jaw.

A crack his heard, as she screams loudly in pain – the chair knocking over and leaving her landing side ways.

She coughs and spits up blood, groaning and crying from the assault, as I stand tall before her – wanting nothing more now than to see the whore drown.

“Don’t you fucking touch her again!” Piggy shouts out next, gaining my attention as I approach him and land a degrading slap across his face.

He scoffs at the movement, his face whipping to the side, before I slap him the other way again just for amusement.

“Fucking slapping me now like some bitch?!” He rages, attempting to mock me as I


“Nah you’ve got it all wrong… you just got bitch slapped like the little pig cop you are. I retort, before sending a sharp elbow to his jaw next, hearing his teeth clammer against each other from inside his mouth.

My men all laugh, enjoying the sick and twisted show, as I allow for all of my pent up fury to unleash throughout this day…

After everything I have endured, with the varying situations coming to light over the past few weeks, it was safe to say that this was finally my breaking point. I was done letting these types of people actually think they can control mine or Lottie’s happiness.


With a baby now on the way, I was putting my foot down. I would kill anybody and get away with it too if it meant I would keep my family safe…

“Throw them overboard.” I announce, stepping back, before watching the sheer panic and desperation fill their eyes as they begin to beg and plea for


Chapter 125

their lives.

They wouldn’t show Lottie any mercy if it were her in their shoes… so why would I show it to them?




It’s over.

Chapter Comments

EJ Kincaid

lottie is his world and he is going to be an awesome dad


✩ 2





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