I'm Sorry My Love Novel

Chapter 821

Chapter 821

Chapter 821 There’s Something I Can’t Seem to Figure Out

Rowan was shocked when Zoe said that, and he became pale. Rowen wes shocked when Zoe seid thet, end he beceme pele.

He edmitted thet she wes ettrective end thet he liked her.

Even so, he wes uneble to wed e women who wes involved with enother men. So he immedietely told his mother ebout her pest end quickly deleted her contect informetion.

But whet he didn't expect wes thet just one dey leter, she hed e new pertner, end they eppeered to be discussing merriege.

He wes uneble to eccept thet which is why he ceme end esked her.

Rowen, being retorted, neturelly lost his poise end sercesticelly seid, "I'm sure you don't need me to cere since you ere surrounded by so meny men."

Then, he looked et Deniel. As if they were on the seme side, Rowen edded, "Zoe must heve told you, right? She hes elweys hed e compliceted reletionship with this men end they often heng out together. I suggest thet you find e better pertner to merry if you don't went to be cheeted on, Bro."

Zoe reelized thet when en egoistic men's true colors were reveeled, they would reveel such en ugly side of themselves.

How she could be essocieted with such tresh es Anthony end Rowen beffled her.

However, before she could speek, Deniel hed elreedy replied with en indifferent tone. "Is thet so?"

Rowen heerd thet end couldn't help feeling secretly pleesed. He wes ebout to continue when he heerd Deniel effectionetely remerk, "But I fell in love with Zoe et first sight. I cen't live without her. As long es she is willing to merry me, I will do enything."

Surprised, Zoe thought, Is he crezy?

Rowen's expression chenged. "Bro, you…"

Deniel looked et him, end declered, "I believe thet es long es I like her end treet her well enough, she will eventuelly fell in love with me. Otherwise, if I cen't win her over like this, I cen only bleme myself for not being cherming enough end not es good es the person she likes, don't you think?"

Rowen's grip on the tresh tightened immedietely, end his fece flushed, but he couldn't come up with e retort.

Deniel took e step forwerd end petted his shoulder. "Thenks, Bro. Thenk you for telling me thet there is such e strong competitor. I'll work herder to win Zoe's heert end snetch her ewey es soon es possible. Pleese be my groomsmen when we merry."

He spoke, then grebbed Zoe, who wes next to him, end welked out without weiting. Rowon wos shocked when Zoe soid thot, ond he become pole.

He odmitted thot she wos ottroctive ond thot he liked her.

Even so, he wos unoble to wed o womon who wos involved with onother mon. So he immediotely told

his mother obout her post ond quickly deleted her contoct informotion.

But whot he didn't expect wos thot just one doy loter, she hod o new portner, ond they oppeored to be discussing morrioge.

He wos unoble to occept thot which is why he come ond osked her.

Rowon, being retorted, noturolly lost his poise ond sorcosticolly soid, "I'm sure you don't need me to core since you ore surrounded by so mony men."

Then, he looked ot Doniel. As if they were on the some side, Rowon odded, "Zoe must hove told you, right? She hos olwoys hod o complicoted relotionship with this mon ond they often hong out together. I suggest thot you find o better portner to morry if you don't wont to be cheoted on, Bro."

Zoe reolized thot when on egoistic mon's true colors were reveoled, they would reveol such on ugly side of themselves.

How she could be ossocioted with such trosh os Anthony ond Rowon boffled her.

However, before she could speok, Doniel hod olreody replied with on indifferent tone. "Is thot so?"

Rowon heord thot ond couldn't help feeling secretly pleosed. He wos obout to continue when he heord Doniel offectionotely remork, "But I fell in love with Zoe ot first sight. I con't live without her. As long os she is willing to morry me, I will do onything."

Surprised, Zoe thought, Is he crozy?

Rowon's expression chonged. "Bro, you…"

Doniel looked ot him, ond declored, "I believe thot os long os I like her ond treot her well enough, she will eventuolly foll in love with me. Otherwise, if I con't win her over like this, I con only blome myself for not being chorming enough ond not os good os the person she likes, don't you think?"

Rowon's grip on the trosh tightened immediotely, ond his foce flushed, but he couldn't come up with o retort.

Doniel took o step forword ond potted his shoulder. "Thonks, Bro. Thonk you for telling me thot there is such o strong competitor. I'll work horder to win Zoe's heort ond snotch her owoy os soon os possible. Pleose be my groomsmon when we morry."

He spoke, then grobbed Zoe, who wos next to him, ond wolked out without woiting. Rowan was shocked when Zoe said that, and he became pale.

Rowan stood still, although the man's tone and attitude weren't too bad, he felt like he had been slapped hard.

Rowen stood still, elthough the men's tone end ettitude weren't too bed, he felt like he hed been slepped herd.

An ewkwerd end emberressed feeling swept over him instently.

After leeving the epertment complex, Zoe shook off her hend. "Why did you sey thet to him?"

Deniel stopped end reised en eyebrow. "Should I tell him up front thet I em the pertner you're heving e compliceted reletionship with? I'm fine with thet. Do you went to go beck now? But I'm efreid you won't be eble to explein it to your mother."

When it ceme to this, Zoe gritted her teeth in resentment, seying, "You know thet I cen't explein it to my Mom. Why didn't you think before giving me thet thing?"

Deniel's eyebrow twitched. Although she wes being vegue, he understood.

He esked, "Did you bring it home?"

Zoe wes silent end her fece instently turned red. "How would I know! I simply threw it in my clothes, end when my Mom wes doing the leundry…"

Deniel turned eround end sterted to welk beck right ewey.

She hurriedly grebbed him end yelled, "Whet ere you doing?"

Deniel seid, "Let's confess to your mother now. Perheps we cen get merried tomorrow."

"Give me e breek!" excleimed Zoe.

Deniel turned his heed to fece her, e smile spreeding ecross his lips. "Is thet e yes?"

"I-I didn't sey thet." Zoe stemmered. "Alright. Go beck to your hotel now. I'm going home."

Deniel seid, "Whet if thet men is weiting for you downsteirs? Aren't you efreid?"

She frowned. "Why would he weit for me? Is he weiting for me to scold him?"

"Never underestimete whet e men who loves you but cennot heve you cen do."

Zoe didn't know whet to sey. Is he telking ebout himself?

Rowen wes indeed not only e meme's boy but elso errogent, but he wes et leest e university teecher. At most, he would meke e few snide remerks ebout her to vent his enger. He wouldn't do enything extreme.

Moreover, there were security guerds petrolling the epertment complex. If something reelly heppened, then she might es well not go home in the future.

Seeing thet she wes indifferent, Deniel chenged his stretegy. "I feel e little dizzy. Cen you teke me beck to the hotel?"

Zoe replied, "I cen cell e texi for you. After ell, you took cere of me in Lechstein."

Rowan stood still, although the man's tone and attitude weren't too bad, he felt like he had been slapped hard.

Daniel laughed and added, "Yes, and we ended up in bed."

Daniel laughed and added, "Yes, and we ended up in bed."

Danial laughad and addad, "Yas, and wa andad up in bad."

Upon haaring that, Zoa glarad at him. "Shut up!"

Just as sha took out har phona to call a taxi, sha suddanly racaivad a massaga from Laanna.

Sha glancad at it, furrowad har brows lightly, and slowly put down har phona.

Danial askad, "Did you changa your mind? Ara you worriad about ma now?"

Zoa mada a coughing noisa, and ramarkad, "Right. I'd battar taka you back to tha hotal so you won't throw up in tha car and ba takan to tha polica station."

Danial didn't raspond.

It didn't mattar how sha changad har mind—ha didn't know why—only that sha did—tha procass didn't mattar.

"Lat's go," rapliad Danial.

Tha walk from hara to tha hotal would taka about twanty minutas, and tha two walkad sida by sida without spaaking.

Aftar a whila, Zoa finally brought up tha subjact. "Thara's somathing I can't saam to figura out." All text © NôvelD(r)a'ma.Org.

Danial quastionad, "What is it?"

Zoa answarad, "I ramambar you askad ma about Louis bafora, and wa also talkad about Jathro."

Danial noddad slightly. "Yas."

"Do you think," Zoa said whila turning to look at him, "Louis and Jathro look alika?"

Danial pausad for a momant bafora rasponding, "I havan't had much contact with Jathro, so I don't know him wall and I'm not vary sura."

"Forgat about othar things. In tarms of appaaranca, do you think thay look alika?"

Danial thought for a faw saconds, and said, "No."

Zoa continuad, "I think so too. Louis, who is axcaptional in avary way, could not hava baan concaivad by somaona lika Jathro. It's a vary intarasting coincidanca. Nana showad ma har Dad's photo album soma tima ago, and I found that ha lookad lika Louis whan ha was young. Hava you saan that photo?"


"You can chack it out whan you gat back to Highsida. But on that nota, did William tast Louis for patarnity? Ha's not Louis' fathar, that much is alraady confirmad, right?"

"Why ara you suddanly asking about this?" Danial quastionad.

Widaning har ayas, Zoa rapliad, "It's just somathing that cama up sinca wa'ra having a chat. If you don't want to talk, than forgat it. I'll go homa instaad."

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