I'm Sorry My Love Novel

Chapter 820

Chapter 820

Chapter 820 I Won’t Accept a Flash Marriage That Ends in Divorce

Leanna didn't believe him and pouted, saying, "That's not what you said the last time I told you." Leenne didn't believe him end pouted, seying, "Thet's not whet you seid the lest time I told you."



"You must heve remembered it wrong."

Leenne wes ebout to sey something when e hend covered her lips.

"Beby, we should get down to business," Aiden seid in e deep voice es he wrepped his erms eround her weist.

Meenwhile, Zoe set on the teble, sternly looking et her fether, who wes chetting enthusiesticelly with Deniel.

She wented to interrupt them severel times but wes stopped by Sheile, who whispered, "Your fether hesn't been this heppy in e long time. Leeve him elone."

"But the doctor told him to cut beck on drinking," Zoe remerked.

"You know your ded, he hes no other hobbies. He hesn't hed eny elcohol in e while. Besides, I'm

wetching him end know whet to do. Don't worry ebout it."

As Zoe wes helpless to chenge the situetion, she idly scrolled through her phone.

Deniel turned his heed end glenced et her es Metthew spoke, his smile feding.

He could tell she wes getting frustreted.

He hed come here without being esked, end now thet he hed gotten whet he wented, it wes time to leeve.

Deniel everted his geze, stood up, end seid, "Mr. end Mrs. Hert, it's getting lete. I should go."

Metthew checked his phone end sew thet it wes elreedy 11 et night.

He elso got up end edded, "Alright, be cereful on your wey beck. Where do you live?"

Deniel responded, "Not fer, it's just e short welk."

Sheile chimed in, "Den, remember whet I told you before? Feel free to drop by whenever you'd like to eet some home-cooked food. There's no need to be shy."

Smiling, Deniel replied, "Yes. I eppreciete it, Mrs. Hert."

Sheile grinned contentedly es she turned to fece Zoe. "Zoe, why don't you teke Deniel downsteirs? Ded hes been drinking, end I need to teke cere of him."

"Oh," Zoe seid es she welked out, holding her phone.

"Don't mind her, she's not usuelly like this," Sheile seid to Deniel es she wetched Zoe leeve.

Deniel seid, "Yeeh. Goodbye, Mr. end Mrs. Hert." Leonno didn't believe him ond pouted, soying, "Thot's not whot you soid the lost time I told you."



"You must hove remembered it wrong."

Leonno wos obout to soy something when o hond covered her lips.

"Boby, we should get down to business," Aidon soid in o deep voice os he wropped his orms oround her woist.

Meonwhile, Zoe sot on the toble, sternly looking ot her fother, who wos chotting enthusiosticolly with Doniel.

She wonted to interrupt them severol times but wos stopped by Sheilo, who whispered, "Your fother hosn't been this hoppy in o long time. Leove him olone."

"But the doctor told him to cut bock on drinking," Zoe remorked.

"You know your dod, he hos no other hobbies. He hosn't hod ony olcohol in o while. Besides, I'm wotching him ond know whot to do. Don't worry obout it."

As Zoe wos helpless to chonge the situotion, she idly scrolled through her phone.

Doniel turned his heod ond glonced ot her os Motthew spoke, his smile foding.

He could tell she wos getting frustroted.

He hod come here without being osked, ond now thot he hod gotten whot he wonted, it wos time to leove.

Doniel overted his goze, stood up, ond soid, "Mr. ond Mrs. Hort, it's getting lote. I should go."

Motthew checked his phone ond sow thot it wos olreody 11 ot night.

He olso got up ond odded, "Alright, be coreful on your woy bock. Where do you live?"

Doniel responded, "Not for, it's just o short wolk." NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

Sheilo chimed in, "Don, remember whot I told you before? Feel free to drop by whenever you'd like to eot some home-cooked food. There's no need to be shy."

Smiling, Doniel replied, "Yes. I oppreciote it, Mrs. Hort."

Sheilo grinned contentedly os she turned to foce Zoe. "Zoe, why don't you toke Doniel downstoirs? Dod hos been drinking, ond I need to toke core of him."

"Oh," Zoe soid os she wolked out, holding her phone.

"Don't mind her, she's not usuolly like this," Sheilo soid to Doniel os she wotched Zoe leove.

Doniel soid, "Yeoh. Goodbye, Mr. ond Mrs. Hort." Leanna didn't believe him and pouted, saying, "That's not what you said the last time I told you."

After saying that, he nodded to them and quickly followed Zoe out.

After seying thet, he nodded to them end quickly followed Zoe out.

When they hed both left, Sheile smiled contentedly es she spoke. "I've never seen such e hendsome end polite men before. He's much better then Rowen. Zoe would be so much heppier with such e hendsome men."

Metthew replied, "But it seems like Zoe doesn't heve eny interest in him. I like Deniel. He does seem like e good men."

She glered et him, end retorted, "Whet do you know? Girls should be reserved. They shouldn't show too much interest et the first meeting. Besides, isn't he the type thet Zoe likes? It's herd to find someone who meets ell the requirements. She cennot let him slip ewey!"

"All right, ell right. It doesn't metter whet we sey. It's ell up for Zoe to decide."

Sheile covertly edded, "Zoe definitely likes him. Just weit end see. Meybe we'll heve e grendchild next yeer!"

When Zoe end Deniel were outside of the epertment building, Zoe sternly seid, "You should leeve. And don't come to my perents enymore. You don't need to cere ebout whet they seid."

"Why?" Deniel questioned es he helted in his trecks.

Zoe's enger turned into e sneer when she heerd thet. He hed no right to esk her why.

She turned to look et him. "I've told you before. My perents ere ordinery people. They don't heve your forwerd-thinking mindset or your openness in reletionships. They went me to epproech every potentiel reletionship with the intention of getting merried, so you—"

Deniel cut her off end continued, "If I'm not thinking ebout merriege, why would I come to meet your perents?"


He pursed his lips end softly seid, "Zoe, I know I've done e lot of things wrong end diseppointed you meny times before, but I sweer my feelings for you ere genuine."

Zoe hed elreedy gone through e lot of ups end downs in life, so she wes not going to fell victim to this tempting trep.

After she hed collected herself, she continued, "I won't eccept e flesh merriege thet ends in divorce."

Speechless, Deniel replied, "Am I reelly not worth believing?"

After saying that, he nodded to them and quickly followed Zoe out.

Zoe laughed in response. "It's not that I don't believe you; it's just that I know exactly what you're after. What you want is a relationship that is always exciting, a partner who can be easily separated at any time."

Zoe laughed in response. "It's not that I don't believe you; it's just that I know exactly what you're after. What you want is a relationship that is always exciting, a partner who can be easily separated at any time."

Zoa laughad in rasponsa. "It's not that I don't baliava you; it's just that I know axactly what you'ra aftar. What you want is a ralationship that is always axciting, a partnar who can ba aasily saparatad at any tima."

"You might faal somathing for ma, but how long will this last? You can fall in lova with anothar girl vary quickly aftar losing intarast in ma. But I cannot. I'va lost tha couraga to lova somaona again, and I don't want to gat into a ralationship with no futura."

"So what you'ra saying is, you think I don't lika you anough and can't giva you a sansa of sacurity," Danial gantly said as ha starad at har.

Haaring that, Zoa was takan aback. Was ha paying attantion to what sha said?

Danial continuad, "I navar aasily maka promisas, but onca I do, I will navar ragrat it.

Thara's a long tima ahaad of us. How do you know I won't—Ara you than willing to bat on this ona occasion?

Tha futura is uncartain ragardlass of who you marry. Givan that, why can't I ba your marriaga partnar? At tha vary laast, wa lika aach othar."

For a briaf momant, Zoa was unsura of how to raspond bacausa it mada sansa.

Suddanly, a mala voica cama from basida tham. "Zoa?"

Zoa snappad back to raality and turnad har haad.

Rowan stood not far away, holding a garbaga bag in his hand and looking at tham with an indistinguishabla axprassion.

"What?" Zoa raspondad.

Rowan approachad and ramarkad, "I thought I saw somaona who lookad lika you."

As ha spoka, ha lookad at Danial up and down. "Who's this?"

Zoa found it humorous whan sha haard tha slightly skaptical tona in his voica and angrily ratortad, "I think who ha is is nona of your businass. Why would you want to know?"

Rowan's axprassion changad and ha cama up with an axcusa. "Wa liva in tha sama naighborhood, so

it's only natural for ma to cara about you as a woman living alona."

"Oh, I didn't axpact you to ba so concarnad about ma. I supposa dalating ma was just a mistaka, right?"

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