His Nasty Little Pussy

Chapter 134

He was still alive, but then the room seemed to be spinning, and he blacked out. When he opened his eyes again, he found that he was in a wooden box. He had no idea how long he’d been there, but he had to get free. He pushed the top of the box but there was no give whatsoever. Then he remembered his abilities and turned intangible. He sat up and discovered that his head was just clearing the ground he’d been buried in. After standing and climbing out of the coffin, he looked around. He was in a forest, with no clue as to where it was.

He reached up, and his sword was still there. He guessed that no one could steal that. Then he remembered the locator, and sure enough, he still had it. When it was activated, it was telling him that his target was due east. He started to run and found that he could now run even faster than before. It didn’t take him long before reaching the edge of the forest and discovering the mansion he’d been attacked in was just a mile ahead.

His thoughts as he ran were of Candy and how she must still be in pain. He had to stop the witch at all costs. How was he still alive, and why, were the main thoughts that entered his mind, but such questions could wait. Soon he was approaching the front of the mansion again, only this time it would be different. As he passed through the door, he saw two vampires ahead of him. He lifted his arm and reached for the sword. Once in hand, he ran forward and with an arcing swing, he cut through them both. Their tops seemed to be detaching from the rest of them at first, and then they suddenly turned to dust.

He ran up the stairs and did the same to everyone he knew could see him. Until now, he’d gotten lucky as they weren’t prepared for him, but as he entered the same room as before, four vampires were blocking his path from the hag who stood behind them. The chanting started up again, only this time he didn’t wait to be told what it was. He moved with a purpose and sliced the air with speed and meaning. The vampires might be able to move fast, but they’d have to be quick to avoid the blade that could barely be seen as it passed through the air.

His first target wasn’t quick enough, and the dust coming from his corpse filled the room around him. They attacked him together, and he was somehow able to dodge each of their attacks. He kept swinging and caught another one, and then he did something unexpected. He ignored the two remaining vampires and ran straight to the hag. Before she could even move, she felt the blade at her throat.

“Goodbye,” was all he said as his sword cut through her neck and severed her head.

The vampires had stopped behind him and then backed up. They had failed and saw no reason to die for a lost cause. In a moment, they were gone. Dale allowed them to leave as they weren’t his target, at least not on this day. He reached down and took hold of the doll that was still in the witch’s hand. He pulled out two pins that were sticking in its chest, and he could see a long hair wrapped around it. He gently untied it, before dropping the doll onto the floor. He had no way of knowing if that was all he had to do but decided to wait outside. Within twenty minutes, Candy was coming down the driveway.

“I’m sorry it took me so long, I was trapped for a while,” he said as she got nearer.

When she reached him, she placed her hand around his neck and squeezed hard.

“I’m sorry too, Dale; I wish I could’ve been here. I genuinely like you and would’ve enjoyed working alongside you in the coming years,” she said as a tear formed in each corner of her eyes.

“Wait, please,” he managed to say.

Uncharacteristically, Candy loosened her grip enough to allow him to speak.

“Why are you doing this?” he said.

“Of all my abilities, I have one that allows me to see through certain things and find the truth. I knew as soon as I saw you that you’d been turned into a vampire,” replied Candy.

“So, it worked. I was in deep trouble, Candy. The blood was being drained from me, and the only thing I could think of doing was to bite the vampire, thereby making myself one so that I could finish what I started. When I came to, I found that they’d buried me out in the forest. I quickly came back here to take the witch out, but I didn’t know for sure that I’d been turned,” said Dale as he sat down heavily on the ground.From NôvelDrama.Org.

Candy was conflicted; she knew that she had to take him out, but she also knew that he’d saved her. She didn’t know what to do.

“Tell me, Candy; is there such a thing as a good monster? I mean, I don’t feel evil, and I certainly don’t want to kill anybody,” said Dale.

“That may be true now, but there will come a time when you’ll want to feed on the blood of a human,” replied Candy.

“Couldn’t you procure the blood I’ll need from time to time so that I never have to go that far?”

“I could, but there is no precedent for a monster becoming a monster slayer.”

“Well, how about this; if my image ever appears between the two cubes, you take me out. If not, we carry on as before,” suggested Dale.

Candy thought about it for a minute and then came to a decision.

“Up until now, you haven’t done anything evil, and provided I supply you with the blood I know that you’ll need, I see no reason why that should ever change. However, I might receive a call on this matter, and I’ll have to follow any decision that’s made. The powers that be probably already know what’s happened to you, but I doubt they’ldecideon as to what to do about it anytime soon. Until then, we will carry on as before,” said Candy.

Dale stood up and thanked her before they both left to return to the hotel.

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