His Nasty Little Pussy

Chapter 133

All of that left Dale with a lot to think about, but as he lay there thinking, he soon fell asleep. He awoke to a sound coming from the bathroom and got out of bed. He opened the door to find Candy lying on the bathroom floor groaning. She looked as if she were in pain.

“Candy, what’s wrong?” shouted Dale rushing to her side.Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Someone is using voodoo on an effigy of me. They somehow managed to get some of my hair or something else that belonged to me. I’ve felt this before, many years ago, and it turned out to be a witch. The locator found her for me but aaah…”

She suddenly doubled up again and couldn’t speak anymore. Dale held her and then asked her if he could use the gadget to look at their next target. When the pain died down a little, Candy brought it out and handed it over. Dale had seen how she’d used it once before and did the same thing. The smoke-like substance began to form a shape, and sure enough, the picture of an old hag appeared between the cubes. “I need the locator so that I can take her out.” Candy reached behind, and suddenly the locator appeared in her hand. Dale took hold of it, and it immediately pulled him towards the door.

“Stay here, Candy. I’ll track her down as quickly as I can and take her out,” said Dale.

Candy tried to call out, but the pain stopped her; besides, Dale was already out the door and running down the corridor. Once outside, Dale discovered something he didn’t know. He was running and realizing that he was moving extremely fast. He figured it must be that there was no mass or resistance from the air to slow him down. Pretty soon he was homing in on the location, which turned out to be a large fenced-off mansion. He walked through the gate, appreciating just one of the abilities he now possessed.

When he reached the front door, he walked through and was aware almost immediately that the people he saw inside were all watching him. He didn’t know how they could see him, but they weren’t his target so, for now, he ignored them. He put the locator away and began to search the building.

It was when he passed through into an upstairs bedroom that he discovered what he was looking for. Directly in front of him and standing in front of the window was the old hag he’d seen in the monster imager.

“I’m here to end you,” he said as he reached up for his sword.

“We’ve been expecting you, young man,” she replied calmly.

Dale suspected there was more to this than met the eye, but he didn’t know what it was. Just then, he could hear chanting coming from various parts of the room. He stepped forward, ready to take out the witch but suddenly felt strange. He stopped walking, looked around, and when he didn’t see anything, he took another step. Then he felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to find a young man.

How is he able to touch me? thought Dale.

Just as he was thinking that, the same man pulled him backward and slammed him into the door. Dale was dazed but conscious and tried to regain his footing.

“You may be wondering why your powers are deserting you, young man. I think before we kill you, you deserve to know whom you are up against,” said the old hag from across the room.

Dale managed to stand up, only to find two men blocking his path. He could still hear the chanting and knew that he was now solid and unable to use his gifts. The sword had vanished from his hand as he hit the door. He guessed that it had probably returned to its scabbard, budaredre not reach up for it. Besides, he wanted to learn a little about whom he was up against.

“We’ve known about your kind for some time now. However, what we didn’t know was when our turn would show up on your list of things to kill. I came up with a spell that would inform me when I was to be next. I knew that wasn’t enough though, I needed allies. I knew that the only ally I could ever hope to get help from was another one of your targets. After all, they would appear on your list sooner or later. I then devised a spell that would make you corporeal and at the same time vulnerable, which is what the chant you hear is doing. I see you looking at the men before you. I’m guessing you’re trying to work out what kind of monsters they are,” said the old hag.

Dale was curious as to what they were, but he wasn’t about to admit


“Well, let me tell you. You’re in the presence of vampires.”

Dale looked shocked; he wasn’t even aware that vampires were real. Candy had never mentioned them, and he assumed that the reason for that was because they were fictional characters, or so he believed.

“You look surprised, I’m guessing that you’re new to all of this,” she said.

Dale could see a doll in her hand as she lifted it in front of her.

“Of course, stopping you was only one part of the plan. We had to stop your bodyguard as well. We needed to stop her first. You may or may not know this, but the succubae are a most formidable enemy. They are even stronger than vampires, which is the main reason the vampires were willing to help me. Now then, it is time to die,” she said with a smile.

The vampires on either side turned to face him. He quickly reached up for his sword, but his hand was blocked from reaching it with a speed that surprised him. Then one of the vampires bit his neck, and he could feel the blood being drawn out at an alarming rate. He was going to die and he knew it, but even though he knew that fact, he still wanted to live. His mind raced as to what he should do, and then an idea occurred to him. He’d always heard that to become a vampire you had to be both bitten and to have tasted the blood of the vampire biting you. With that in mind, and being so close to the vampire that was sucking out his blood, he opened his mouth and bit the vampire’s arm as hard as he could. He just managed to taste the blood as the vampire pulled away, and he fell to the floor in a heap.

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