Coming Home For Christmas

Chapter 6

A Few Days Later.

Tknow all of you parents out there have heard of the saying silence is golden unless you've got kids, then silence is just suspicious’ Now hate silence, so much so that I've got a special app on my phone with different sounds on it that helps me to sleep at night Normally, I don't have to worry about silence or the house being quiet when my kids are home because they're always making some kind of noise, especially Dayton.

My youngest boy was recently diagnosed with ADHD which explains so freaking much about him because the kid is incapable of sitting stil or staying in one place for too long and he never stops talking.

Carmella was the one who had actually insisted that I should get him tested for it because he was exhibiting many of the signs attributed to ADHD.

Ididn't believe it a first because I had just assumed Dayton was hyper naturally but then she showed me the list of ADHD signs or symptoms on the official NHS website and I was blown away at how accurate it was.

‘The reason why I'm bringing this up is because when my babies are home, it's never quiet and they're always making some type of noise but for some strange reason today they're not and all three of them are unusually quiet and they've been acting strange, in fact, they've been acting like this ever since I picked them up from school.

Many parents would probably be happy to have a bit of silence but not me and I'm starting to feel concerned that something may have happened or something is bothering them.

Tknow nothing has happened in school because the school would've told me, unless something happened and the. Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

teachers dort know about it No, that's not possible because the teachers are like hawks in that school and besides, the kids would've told me if something was bothering them Tknow this because they re completely incapable of hiding anything from me or at least I thought they were.

Urght 1 groaned in annoyance as 1 wondered what the hell was going on with my kids Just go and ask them if you're feeling so concerned, Lacey.

My inner self taunts me and 1 know I should go and speak to them but I also know that children aren't exactly keen on telling their parents everything, especially if they re hurt or upset.

Tlet out a sigh as head upstairs to see my three bundles Thad just got to the top of the stairs when I heard the hushed voices of my kids coming from the boy's bedroom.

Tknow t's not nice or polite to eavesdrop on anyone, especially my own kids but I don't care right now because they're acting weird and as their mom, I've got every right to go to any means necessary to make sure they re ok and they're not hiding anything serious from me.

“Can we trust him?" “I don't know, Lo" “Ithink we can trust him, I mean what's he got to lie about? besides, he did say that he had overheard his mum and dad talking about us” “But what if he's lying?" “Like I said, why would he lie? he's got no reason to lie to us, Dayton” Teddy says sassily and just know my little princess was rolling her eyes as she said it.

Twas startled when out of nowhere there was a loud banging sound which T knew was Dayton playing on his drum kit.

“Stop it, Dayton, do you wanna alert our mum?" “Oops, sorry” “Whatever, so where were we?" Logan says and my heart damn near stopped when I heard what Teddy had to say next

“We were talking about this Logan Black dude being our dad” What the f**k?.

How in the goddamn hell do they know about Logan? Tve never spoken about Logan or mentioned that he's their dad, there was no need to because the triplets have never once asked me about their dad, so why now? where's all of this coming from?.

“Do you think he is? do you think Eljah is telling us the truth?" Elijah? what's he got to do with this? “He's got no reason to lie to us, Logan” “What did he say again?? I can't remember” Dayton asked and swear I heard Logan curse to god under his breath “He said he overheard his mum and dad talking about us and she said how we all look exactly ike this Logan guy, mainly me” That f++4*g woman Tknew I should've been concerned with how Tiffany was looking at my babies the other day but I honestly never thought anything of it, now I know it's because she had noticed the resemblance between my kids and the world's most infamous billionaire playboy.

Fuck, I'm 50 stupid.

“Wow, you do as well, look”

What the? “Oh my god, we do look just like him as well" “Do you think that's why mum named you Logan?" “I don't know, wait. who are those two guys with him?” “Well, that guy is called Ryker Black and he's Eljah's dad, I know that because he showed me a picture of him one.

time at school” Wait, Ryker is Eljah's dad.

1 can't believe this mean, it would explain me seeing him at the school the other day if he is.

“The other guy looks like our mummy, what does it say his name is?" “Hmm, let me see_ it says Justin Carpenter” “Do you think he's related to us as well?” “Doubtful, our mum's surname is Wright, not Carpenter” “Well, maybe she changed it" That's it, I've had enough.

Sometimes I wonder if it's a good or bad thing that I've got three children who are overly smart child prodigies.

Dorit get me wrong, I'm insanely proud of all three of my babies, it’s just right now, it doesn't feel so good.

Twalk over to the boy's bedroom and I open their door.

“Hey kids, are you ok?" “We're fine, mummy” Teddy says as she quickly closes her laptop.

“Really? then why are you all so quiet?” “We're always quiet, mum” Dayton says as he bounces up and down on his bed.

“Dayton, stop bouncing on your bed, you don't wanna hurt yourself like last time, do you?" “I don't care, mum" “Oh, 50 you don't mind wearing a cast on your arm again or maybe itl be your leg this time?" Task him and he immediately stops bouncing “Thought so" ‘The last time Dayton bounced on his bed, he fell off it and broke his arm and it was a nightmare having to deal with him for the several weeks afterwards because he kept complaining about his cast irritating him and his arm being itchy,

“And you guys are never quiet, at least not all at the same time, there's always one of you doing something noisy” 1said whilst trying not to narrow my eyes at my noisiest child Dayton.

“I played the drums earlier” “Yeah for like two seconds before Logan stopped you, Day” Teddy says and he rolls his eyes “What's going on, guys? why are you being so quiet?” Tlook around at each of my kids who were all acting suspiciously as they looked at each other Twas hoping they'd talk to me about what's bothering them even though I knew it would be hard for me because I'm the bad guy in our little story and I didn't want them to hate me for keeping their dad from them.

“We were just talking about our dad, mum and why we dorit have one” Teddy says and 1 didn't miss the look of sadness in her eyes or the sound of it in her voice.

“Kids, where is this coming from? you've never asked about your dad before now” “That's because we thought there was a good reason why we never had a dad, besides, there are loads of kids at our school who don't have a dad or a mum’ Logan says stoically which I didn't like at all.

1don't like how he hides what he's feeling from me, it's not normal

“You guys do have a dad, of course you guys have got a dad, you weren't delivered to me by the baby stork”

I said and they chuckled.

“Its's a really long story why he's not here with us, kids” Its not really but it’s better than saying mommy had a one-night stand with her brother's best friend and she left before her lfe and future could be decided and controlled without her say so.

“Is it because he's important and the world needs him more than we do?” Dayton asks me sounding sad and my heart broke for my kiddies.

“No, that's not it, 1 mean, your daddy is important but that's not the reason why he's not here with you guys” “How do you know, mum?" Logan asks me.

“Because I've known your father for a very long time and I know that there's nothing and nobody in this whole world ‘who is more important to him than his family” “Except for us” Logan says looking down and 1 immediately get up and kneel down in front of him.

“Logan baby, that's not true” “Then why, mum? why isnt he here? if family is so important to him then why isrit he here with his kids? doesn't he care about us?" Logan asks angrily and I let out a sigh.

Ok, it's time for me to be the bad guy.

“Logan, the reason why your dad isn't here with us is because. its because your dad doesn't know about you, Logan" Isayin a sad and pained tone.

All three of my kids snapped their heads up and looked at me with shocked expressions and I swear I also saw a look of betrayal in their eyes as well which felt like a knife stabbing into my heart, a stab that I deserved if I'm being completely honest with everyone.

“What do you mean he doesrit know about us, mum?” Dayton asks and I take a long, deep breath in before telling them the truth, well, a watered-down version of the truth.

Isit down and grab hold of Logan's hand as Dayton and Teddy snuggle into my sides; “Ifound out 1 was pregnant with you guys a month after I was with your dad..there was a lot of stuff going on at the time which Ill explain more to you when youre grown and you can understand it more._but just know that I was going through a lot and 1 decided to leave America because I needed a break from everything and everyone” “Including our daddy?" Teddy asks and 1 lower my head because I honestly didn't know how to answer that question.

Logan wasn't the reason why 1 left but he would've been the reason I would've had to stay if our families learned that Twas pregnant with his children “Mummy. is this our daddy?” Teddy asks me as she shows me a picture of Logan Black on her phone, a man who is undeniably the father of my three gorgeous children

My heart skipped a beat seeing his handsome face, his slicked back and perfectly styled blonde hair, his handsome smile which is showing off all of his perfect, pearly white teeth and those eyes. those beautiful light blue eyes of his Fuck, he's so perfect “Yes, princess. that's your dad”

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