Coming Home For Christmas

Chapter 5

‘Dear Miss Lacey CARPENTER, you and your children Master Logan CARPENTER Junior, Master Dayton CARPENTER and Miss Teddy CARPENTER have been cordially invited to attend the annual Carpenter Christmas festivities in Manhattan, New York These words have been running through my mind ever since I opened that goddamn letter last night and I've been feeling many different emotions ever since.

At first, Twas shocked and angry that I was being invited to my family's annual Christmas event I couldn't believe they had the nerve or the brass balls to think that I'd actually wanna spend the most magical and happiest time of the year around Luca and Dylan.

Yes, six years have passed and I've moved on and I'm happy now in my new life but I've sill got a lot of anger and bitterness in me towards those two assholes Talso felt confused as I thought about how my grandparents had found out where I was living so that they could send me this invitation which then led me to nearly having a panic attack when I realised my grandfather clearly knew more about me and my kids than I'm comfortable with One of the reasons why I felt this way is because the kids and I were referred to as Carpenters on the invite, not as Wrights which is our official legal name and also because my former name had been capitalised on each of our names,

Its almost like my grandfather is trying to tell me that he knows I've changed my name and that I can do this as many times as I want but I'l always be a Carpenter.

Another reason is because this was sent to me through the post which the last time I checked can only be done if there is a valid address and stamp on the envelope which means that my grandfather knows where Iam? but what I want to know is how long has he known? and why is he doing this now?.

‘There's also the fact that they know about my kids which is impossible because only one person from my previous life knows about them and she wouldnt tell my family about them.

Right now, I'm on my way to pick up my kids from school and I can't wait to see their cute litle faces.

My babies are the only ones who can cheer me up when I'm feeling down or I'm in a bad mood and I know it won't take them long to put a smile back on my face when I see them.

Tpark my car and get out before heading towards the entrance where my babies come out Normally, Id converse with some of the other parents while I'm waiting but I didn't feel like it today, so 1just stood on my own and waited Unfortunately, a few feet away from where I was standing was a trio of women who are so snotty and up their own asses, they think they're better than everyone else here because they ve all got rich husbands and live luxurious lifestyles ‘They also love to look down on people and judge them and it seems that I'm their target today which is very unfortunate for them.

“Girls, do you see that girl over there in the black coat with the fur on the hood?" “The one with the red scarf?" “Mmm-hmm, she's another one who's got no daddy for her kiddies”

‘The leader says earning gasps from her two minions.

“How terrible is that? these skanks seriously need to think long and hard about the kids they're producing and how they ll feel growing up without a dad before they open their legs to every Tom, d**k or Harry” “Right? I bet she doesn't even know who the father of her kids is” “Girls like that shouldn't be allowed to conceive, i's not fair to the child if they're bom to only a one-parent household” Thats it walked over to the Sanderson sisters who were all laughing and didn't notice my presence until 1 was standing in front of them and that's when their fake sides came out “Hey Lacey girl, how are you?" “Oh, T'm fine, well, at least Twas until overheard you three gossip queens talking about me and my kids" Tsaid with a fake smile on my lips which was just like theirs “Oh Lacey honey, we weren't gossiping, we were just wondering why we've never seen the triplet's father that's all is._is he still around?” If you are not reading this book from the website: Ss com then you are reading a pirated version with incomplete content Please visit and search the book title to read the entire book for free The lead b***h asked me looking all smug and I smirked back at her.

Its time to teach this b***h a lesson.

“Actually no, he was killed in action whilst fighting for this country”

Tsaid and they all gasped in horror.

“Oh my god” “Tm so sorry” “Really? I can't believe that, is that true?" They all asked sounding genuinely remorseful and guilty.

“No, it isn't but there are a lot of single mothers in this world who are single because their men have either died or maybe they're traveling for work and they don't need nosey curtain twitchers like you three out here judging them because you believe they don't have a dad for their kid just because you havent seen him’ Tsay and swear saw a look of guilt flash on all three of their overly botoxed faces.

“Now answer me this, how would you all have really felt if my kid's dad actually was in the army and he had died defending this country and you're over here gossiping on the school grounds about three innocent kids whose dad is dead were any youngin could hear you and go and taunt them about it, hmm?" “We. we're sorry” Urghtl, T hate that word.

“Sorry’s just a word, next time think before you speak, words are very powerful, especially when they re taken out of context and they can ruin lives, so make sure from now on that you use your brain before you open your mouths, do you hear me?” warned them and they nod their heads.

Tthen walked away when I heard the school's bell go off

Tsmiled brightly when I saw all three of my babies coming out together and as always, Teddy is smack bang in the middle of her two big brothers.

Logan and Dayton have always been super over-protective of their little sister and always make sure she's safe and protected from any danger “Mummy” My kids shouted as they ran over to me.

“Hey babies, ho. ave you all had a good day?” Task after hugging each of my babies “Yeah mum._.ooh, guess what?" “What, my love?" “Some.” Teddy started but was interrupted by one of the moms “Excuse me, Miss Wright” “Yes”

Istood up and looked at the woman in front of me.

“just wanna say thank you for raising three amazing kids" “Oh erm, th_thank you" Tsaid confused Talready knew I had amazing kids but I was confused as to why this woman was thanking me for it “T'm Eljah's mum, Tiffany, 1 found out today that he's been getting bullied by a group of boys because of his autism” Little bastards.

“But today your children stood up for him and protected him from the bullies” “Really?” Task as look down at my three bundles who are standing there looking very proud.

“Yes mummy we did and we told those boys that you shouldn't bully people because that's just nasty and wrong but you really shouldnt pick on kids like Eljah, he may be different but there's nothing wrong with that” Teddy said and Tiffany smiled at her.

“Thank you, Teddy, you're such a wonderful little girl" “Thanks, ma'am” Teddy thanked Tiffany who looked back at me.

“just wanted to thank your babies and thank you for raising such lovely and considerate kids, it's every parent's nightmare that their kids will be bullied but that fear is heightened when your child is ASD" Tiffany says with a smile and I didn't miss how she kept narrowing her eyes on Logan.

Why is she looking at my baby like that?.

“Youre welcome, Tiffany" “Anyway, I've gotta go, Ill see you around, say goodbye Eljah™ Elijah looked at us and just smiled as he waved his hand.

Tiffany and Eljah then left the school grounds through one of the entrances and we left through the one which is closest to my car “Ok, my little superheroes, get in and put your seatbelts on" “Ok, mum” ‘They all say in unison while I put their backpacks and lunch boxes in the boot of my car Twas closing the door when a car passed by me and I had to do a double take as my heart almost stopped beating ‘when saw someone familiar in it.

‘There's no way, why would he be in London? “Mummy, can we go, please? I'm hungry”NôvelDrama.Org holds this content.

Dayton's voice says snapping me out of my shocked state.

“Yes baby, I'm coming now” 1 quickly forget all about who I think I saw and chalk it up to someone just looking like him.

Tthen get in my car and drive back home.

“Mum, can we get some McDonalds for dinner?" “Sure, we haven't had one in so long” My phone started ringing and I smiled when I saw it's my best friend Carmella “Hey, Carm” Tanswer using my Bluetooth.

“Hey, Lace, how's my beautiful bestie and my gorgeous godchildren?” “We're good, how are you and the family?” “We're all good, well, except for my momma” “Why? what's wrong with her?” Task her and she groans “She's just being pissy because I refuse to come back home, I told her Til come back when my bestie decides to” “Which will probably be never you do know that, right?”

“Yeah, 1 know" Carmella says in a high-pitched voice and I chuckle.

Carmella moved to London a few weeks after I did and she's been staying with me ever since helping me out with not only with the kids but also with work as my assistant.

Her family weren't happy with her decision and she allegedly told them ‘well, I'm not happy with that jackass Dylan Tate playing peekaboo with his sexuality and messing with my bestie, so I'm going and nobody can stop me’.

“When are you coming back to London anyway? I thought you were only going back home for a few days for your cousin's wedding?” “Babe, Tl be back when my mom stops playing hide and seek with my damn passport” She says and 1 burst out laughing.

“That woman's insane” “You can say that again, Lace” We talked for a few minutes until Carmella had to go so that she could try and get her passport back from her mom Treally hope her mom doesn't keep it hostage for too long because I need my bestie back here with us.

‘The kids and I miss her like crazy.

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