Claimed By The Don

Chapter 48

Ava p. ov.

Time went by swiftly right now, we are sitting in the waiting room in the hospital waiting for my name to be called, I fidgets with my nails.

“Calm down will you. You’re making me anxious too.” Tricia placed a hands over mine stopping my fidgeting.

“I can’t, I’m too nervous.” I breath out shakily.

I picked up a magazine from the table in front of us to distract myself, I mindlessly flickers the pages not really reading it. I came across an article expressing agruements for and against abortion.

They were stating the negative effects of abortion on the female population, and how it’s has lead to many deaths.

I threw the magazine back on the table, I scoff folding my arms over my chest. I’m not going to change my mind and most definitely not over some agruements.

“Why the long face.” Tricia look between me and the magazine on the table.

“I saw an article against termination.” I reply with a snort.

“You are not going to change your mind, are you?” I know Tricia does not support my decision for an abortion, but still could not convinced me otherwise.

“Look Ava, as your friend I’m supposed to support you. But I’m going to remind you, do you really want to kill your child. A baby made from the love you and Vincenzo has for each other? Your own flesh and blood? Ava please don’t do this, it will ruin your peace of mind.” Tricia persist. The words shook me but before I could dwell on it, a nurse called for me.

“Mrs Alfonso the doctor will see you now.” I nod then stood up.

“Are you coming?” Tricia shook her head no, I frown slightly but nod and left with the nurse.

I took a deep encouraging breath before entering the doctor’s office.

“Welcome Mrs Alfonso, I’m doctor Vivian.” We shook hands briefly.

“So… You want to run a test?” Doctor Vivian raised an eyebrow to confirm her words.

“A pregnancy test.” I confirm.

“Ok, when was your period due?”

“Yesterday.” I answered swiftly, she stare at me blankly silently telling me it could be late.

“Only yesterday?” She asks, I nod again. “What makes you so certain your period isn’t a few days late, just as it could have come a little early.” She question, resting her hands on her desk and giving me a look that says I should have waited for a few days before coming.

“I know It’s not coming.” I sniffles, I’m no longer in denial and I’m ready to face this head-on.

She frown but didn’t say anything, she reaches into her drawer. “Take this to the toilet.” She’s says handing me a pregnancy test kit.

I stood up and left doctor Vivian office, I peek down the corridor to the waiting area, Tricia’s back was to me. She sat still, her head in hand and her feet tapping on the floor gently.

I look to the left and saw a door with the sign ‘Ladies restroom’ on top of it. I Hastily entered, I did my business and exited the restroom.

Five minutes later, I’m sitting in front of Doctor Vivian staring at the test which is neatly kept at the other side of her desk. She taps away on her keyboard, while I frantically tap my foot on the floor to distract myself.

I held my breath when she reaches over and picks the test up, looking down at it briefly before turning her stare on me.

“It’s positive.” She simply say holding it up for me to see. I already knew it would come out positive, but seeing the confirmation makes it even more of a reality also flaming up the hurt and caged annoyance I was feeling.

I can’t bring myself to cry though, my eyes were suddenly dried up.

“I want an abortion.” I said looking her in the eyes. “Can you please make arrangements?”

“I’m sorry if I’m out of line but you’re married.  So I’d like to know if your husband is aware of the abortion, to prevent accusation of terminating his child without his knowledge.” Doctor Vivian tone was polite but her expression was anything but polite, her stare wasn’t judgemental but curious.

I know that me being married would be an obstacle but it won’t stop me too. She sighed and continue when I didn’t say anything.

“I know I shouldn’t be interfering but it’s also my job to give you the options.”

“Which are?”This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“Adaption, support. There are plenty of single mothers out there who still manage just fine, and even though you are getting a divorce. Your parents are there to support, so I’m certain you would manage just fine.”

I cringe, she does not understand my situation. Nobody does. She’s right though. I would be look after by my mom…. If I was still single, but I’m not. I’m married and that too to the most dangerous man I’ve ever met.

“I want an abortion.”I repeat. The thought of having an abortion breaks my heart, I couldn’t even forgive myself for it when I haven’t even done the abortion yet. And if Vince comes to know about the abortion it will kill him, I’m almost positive he will kill me too.

I know he loves me and won’t hurt me that easily but I’m also crossing my limit.

But having a child now scares me to no limit.

“Right.” She sighs. “We would do a scan for you to know how far you’ve gone.” She starts tapping on her keyboard again, while I sat there feeling small and stupid.

“The hospital will give you plenty of information with regards to after care and side effects.” She said stretching out some prescription for me. “Here you go, we will see you on Wednesday.”

“Thanks.” I murmur, taking the prescription from her. I left her office, I lean against the wall outside the her office. I sudden feels sick, sweats breaks out on my forehead and loads of saliva invaded my mouth, I’m going to throw up.

I dart across the corridor and dropped my weight against the wash hand  basin, and emptied my stomach. I braced myself as I continue to retch.

“Ava!” Vince panicked voice bounce off the wall, heavy footsteps came in my direction. I felt his warm large palm cupped my back and gently rubbing on my back, his other hand pull my hair from my face. I slumped on the sink resting my weight on my arms.

Why the hell do they call it morning sickness when it attacks me randomly throughout the day.

“Baby are you okay?” Vince turn me around to face him, he looks stressed and restless. I can imagine how worried he must have been through all the tantrums I’ve been throwing, his Mafia businesses is enough to stress him out and I’m adding to it without considering how worried he will be.

With all the dangers that lurks around his life style and with the number of times I’ve been attacked, I should be within his sight. So me being away from him must have been really worrysome for him, I wants to ease his mind. Go back home with him and let him protect me his way, but he won’t realize his mistake and amend his way.

He might do worst than this if I let it slide easily.

“Why does she look sick.” He snap at doctor Vivian, who look horrified and gaping like a fish on dry land.

“I’m fine Vince.” I pull his face to me, his eyes soften from the glare he was throwing at the doctor.

“Like fuck you are okay.” He said bitterly. “You are so paled, I’m taking you to my doctor.” He made to carry me.

I’m so not going to meet his doctor or my plan to hide the pregnancy from him would be revealed.

“I’m not pregnant.” I said halting his movement. Slowly he stand to his full length, brows rose in question.

“Leave us.” Vince command without tearing his heated stare from my face, I averted my stare from him since I couldn’t look him in the eyes. Both the doctor and Tricia both stare at me with mouths wide open, shock at the lie that came out of my mouth.

They both left the bathroom still shock.

I gulp nervously, his stare on me is piercing and harsh. I couldn’t meet his eyes afraid he might find out the truth.

“Look at me.” He command, from my line of view I saw his fists clenched tightly. He release one of his fist and lift my chin up for me to meet his eyes.

“I dare you to look me in the eyes and repeat that bullshit.” He almost growl, gripping my chin a bit too tight. I wanted to tell him the truth, He look almost broken. The pain and hurt swirling in his eyes is enough to want to ease him.

Gathering all the courage I could muster, I step away from his reach taking in deep calming breath and looking him straight in the eyes.

“I’m not pregnant.” I repeat to him, watch as the hurt consume him. My heart felt heavy with sadness seeing him in so much pain, a lump form in my throat as I fought back the tears that threatened to leak out. I reach to comfort him but held myself back.

What have I done?

Why am I even doing it? For my career? What am I even saying, is my career more important than my own flesh and blood?

On one hand I couldn’t think of having a baby right now, but on the other hand I couldn’t bring myself to abort my baby.

What I’m I to do!!!

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