Claimed By The Don

Chapter 47

Ava p. o. v

I woke up to voices yellings in a distance, it was dull so I ignored it at first and went back to sleep snuggling deeper into the warmth of the bed.

I groan annoyed when the yelling drew near my room, I yawn and stretch out my suddenly aching bones back to position. I’m still feeling sleepy and want nothing more than to give into the sleep.

“Move Girl! I know she’s in there.” My eyes snapped open, that voice was familiar. It’s was Vince’s. But how was that possible, how did he know where I am. He sounds angry from the way his voice seethe.

“No! She doesn’t appreciate seeing you right now, when she’s ready she’ll come back to you.” Tricia affirms in my defense. I sat up abruptly, immediately regretting it as dizziness hits me almost making a wave of nausea swept over.

But I pushed it down, now is not the time to feel nauseous and satisfy Vince intention for me. I need to stop Tricia before she gets herself into Vince bad side, Although Tricia is a brave and fearless girl but Vince can be very adamant too.

“You don’t get to tell me when to see my Woman.” The loud bang on the door made me flinch in both shock and fright, I jump down from the bed and hastily make my way to the door. I fear for Tricia as the possibility of what that bang was. I swing the door open coming face to face with my pissed husband and a Tricia who wasn’t by any means frightened but was dragged out of the way by  Dario.

He was the scared one as he was aware of how much danger Tricia was putting herself by hindering Vince. All eyes was set on me, no one saying anything for a while. Either they were too shock to see me, which by the way was just Vince and Dario that was shock. But the surprise look on Tricia’s face was that I had come to face Vince, well I can’t have her offending Vince if she hasn’t already done that.

“It’s alright Tricia, I am going to face it sooner or later.” I assured her as she gave me e questioning look, I appreciate her concern but I need to deal with this mess head on.

“What are you doing here?” I asked coldly, I glare at him for thinking he could just come here after what he did. He steps closer but I move away from his reach, knowing better that to step back and into my room and be trapped.

“Mommy!” Marco voice had me diverting my gaze to where he was standing and innocently grinning up at me. I didn’t realize he came with them, smiling at him I get down to his level hugging him. I kissed his cheeks as he did mine before pulling away slightly.

I could not understand how this bundle of joy was able to accept me as his mother willingly, it must be that he crave a mother figure.

“How is my baby boy today?” I ask ruffling his neatly styled hair.

“I’m not fine, Dad said you are angry with us that’s why you left.” Marco pout upset at the thought. I glare at Vince harshly, why would he tell that to a kid. Looking back at Marco look more upset, I pulled him into my arms.

“I wasn’t angry at you.” I kissed his head, I sigh suddenly feeling drain.

“Then why did you leave.” Marco accused still not convinced. I wanted to strangle Vince for filling marco’s head with lies.

“I didn’t leave you, I just needed space to clear my head.” I pause. “I promise I won’t leave.” I raised my pinky finger to convince him, it worked. As he grinned brightly jumping into my arms again.

“Okay, so are you coming home with us?” He asks hopefully, I suddenly realized that’s the reason Vince brought him here to help convince me to come home.

“You want to stay with me?” He nods eagerly. “Then you will be staying with me here for the time been.” I smiled at him which was returned with the biggest smile I have ever seen from Marco.

“Thanks Mom.” He managed too excited.

“You’re welcome, now why don’t you go play with Auntie Tricia, I have to talk to Daddy alone. Okay?” I suggest, Tricia took Marco and left with a brooding Dario trailing after them.

I know Tricia has her own problems to sort out but instead of being a help to her, she always end up giving me a helpful hand whenever I’m having a hard time putting aside her own troubles. We need to have a conversation of what really happened between Her and Dario, but first I need to deal with Vince.

Clearing my throat, I fold my arms under my boobs pushing it up in the process. I glare at him as his gaze were locked on my pushed up breast, I cough to gain his attention to my face.

“How are you doing?” I rolled my eyes at his question. I don’t think he’s asking after me but rather his child whom I’m supposedly to be carrying. His stare lingers on my stomach for a while, confirming my suspicion.

“What are you doing here.” I repeat my previous question completely ignoring his question.

His jaw ticks and his lips pulled into a scowl, he ran his fingers through his already disheveled hair annoyed that I had brush him off. I squeak in surprised as I’m suddenly lifted off my feet, Vince carried me into my room slamming the door shut with his leg.

I jump away from him the instant he placed me on my feet, I glare at him. I felt light headed from the sudden movement, but manage to get a hold of myself not wanting to give Vince anything for him to think that I’m truly pregnant.

“You left, you left me!” He roared angrily reaching forward and grasps my upper arm and pull me up against his chest. He dip his head down to my neck sniffing it, he placed tiny kisses along my collarbone and the nape of my neck. As always, the hairs on the end of my neck stands up and pleasuring shivers runs through me.

I missed him, I honestly missed his touches and everything about. I so badly want to throw my arms around his neck and press myself against his hard muscles, but I can’t and I won’t. If I want him to stop this his demanding nature I had to resist my urge and not give in to his touches.

“I went crazy searching for you.” He looks up at me. “I thought something had happen to you.” I shallow the thick lump in my throat, fighting my natural instinct to step close to him and lean on him.

“I had to leave to be able to think clearly and not under any influence.” I pulled away from him needing to put some distance between us.

“There’s nothing to think about, you are pregnant with my child.”

“First, I’m not pregnant. And I’ll be staying for some time.” I snapped irritated, I’m not going to make him believe he succeeded in impregnating me which I strongly believe I’m not.

“No! You are coming home with me.” He’s not soft and soothing anymore there’s an edge of anger in his voice.

“You don’t get to decide that, and Marco is staying with me.” I held my ground, lifting my chin and matching his glare.

We stayed in a staring contest for a few minutes, he was the first to break the stare looking anywhere but me.

“Fine! But I’m staying too.” He spoke quietly, knowing he’s losing the argument and accepting defeat. I don’t know what part of I need some space does he not understand.

“No! You’re not, see your self out and send someone to bring Marco’s stuffs over.” I walk into the bathroom and shut the door behind me, leaving him in the room.

My heart breaks leaving him there but that’s what he need to send my message across.

A soft knock brought me from my blank stare on the sink, I frown it’s been almost twenty minutes that I’ve been in the bathroom and Vince is still here?

“Ava are you okay in there?” Came Tricia’s soft voice, I open the door and came out of the bathroom.

“Has he left?”


All I need to do now is go for a check-up and then terminate it if the test came out positive.

I woke up with a start, rushing to the toilet and emptying the entire contents of my stomach. That has been my morning routine since on Saturday, waking up and vomiting my guts out.

It’s frustrating and tiring.

“Mom are you okay” Marco ask worried, rubbing gently on my back and keeping my hair out of my face.

I smile at him but before I could assure him that I’m fine a bile rise in my throat, I threw up everything that was left in my stomach. I was left breathless feeling like I would pass out any second.

“Mommy, we should call Dad. You look sick he can take you to the hospital.” Marco panicked trying to lift me up to my feet. I held his trembling hands and give him a reassuring smile.

“Marco love, I’m fine and I will go see a doctor, but I have to take you to school first.” He nods. I dread today, since it’s Monday and I have to go for my test, I can reschedule but the sooner the better.

After a while I felt that I won’t be throwing up again and I had gathered my strength, I stood up and walk over to where I kept our toothbrush and add paste to it.

I lift Marco on the counter and hands him his tooth brush, he quickly starts brushing his teeth and I did the same.

“Marco strip while I go bring new clothes.” I drop him down. He nods and I left the bathroom to the room, rummaging through his things and settled on a simple outfit as the weather is hot.

I quickly bath and dressed Marco before getting under the shower myself, we were running late for school. And it’s because of my morning sickness, I get myself into a plain blue dress and pull my hair into a high ponytail.

Marco was busy eating his breakfast  when I came out of the bathroom into the room, Tricia had brought our breakfast for us. I quickly ate my food, pick up my bag and marco’s backpack.

I freeze when we enter the living room, I was expecting to see only Tricia. But not only was Tricia not in sight, sitting comfortably in my sitting area was Vince.

He stood up and walk faster to us, a lopside smirk appear on his lips tempting me to kiss it. I shook my head chasing any sexual thought from my head.

“Dad!” Marco exclaimed, he went to hug Vince.

“How are you doing?” Vince ask caressing Marco’s face.

“I’m fine Dad.” Marco chirp.

“You’re ready for school?”

“Yes” Marco nods.

“I’ll take you and Mom.” Vince said meeting my stare, eyes were pleading for me to say yes. But I can’t, I can’t let him come close to me right now.

“No, we are going with Tricia.” I reject his offer rather too bluntly.

“She has left.”

“She did? Or you told her to leave.” I accused, he didn’t answer so I took his silence for an answer. Eyeing him down I took Marco’s hand and proceed to the door

“I’ll take you.” Vince stated flatly gripping my wrist and yanked me back from reaching the door, eyes glaring daring me to reject.

“That’s not necessary, we will take an Uber.” I yank my hand from his tight grip, matching his glare with mine. Taking hold of Marco’s hand, who was just watching between me and his Dad probably wondering what was going on.

I attempt to walk past Vince but he was quick, not accepting defeat.

“I wasn’t asking you, You ask for space and I’m granting you that. But it doesn’t mean I don’t get to take care of my wife and kids. it will ease me knowing you both are safe.” He snapped, losing patient with my adamant behavior. But this is just the beginning of my resistance to his unreasonable demands.

But of all the things he said, one word struck me the most.


I’m so much hoping to disappoint him after confirming that I’m not pregnant, that will teach him not to take outrageous decision. Glaring at him with such anger, I walk out of the door to his sleek black SUV parked in front of our tiny apartment.

Vince beat me to the doorknob of the car.

“I need you to start being extra careful with everything to avoid complications.” He warns sternly, his obsession over me being pregnant is driving me crazy. I want to scream in his face telling him I’m not pregnant, but instead I took a deep calming breath. Having control of my emotions and anger.

Ignoring him I climbed into the car and pull Marco after me, using him as a divider between Vince and I. Oblivious to Vince glaring, Marco sat comfortably and excitedly between.

I watch his happy and contented face as he excitedly chatted away about his friends, which of course is Zoey and a little boy name Matteo. I could clearly see the happiness in his eyes, because for the first time his Dad is taking him to school. I know we wouldn’t hear the end of it later.

The car ride to Marco school was just ten minutes from my apartment, so it was short but I’m positive Marco enjoyed it. The car park in front of the school building, the driver came to my side and open the door for me, I get down as Marco followed immediately. He waves at me  before walking off to meet Matteo, who just arrived as well. I watch fondly as but of them Walk in the the building disappearing from my line of view.

I mentally groan when I realized there’s no barrier to keep myself from Vince clutches, I weigh my options. To go back to the car or just leave but I know for sure the later would only get me into trouble with Vince. So I just go with the first option.Belonging to NôvelDrama.Org.

“Took you long enough to get back in the car.” Vince grits, obviously aware of my thoughts to escape him. “Or where you thinking of something else?” He asks daring me to deny it.

I didn’t bother to reply him, I’m suddenly exhausted and all I want right now is just to laid down and sleep. The thought is quite tempting and alluring but I couldn’t, I’ve missed a lot of school and I badly need to catch up. A good GP is all I need to have a meaningful career.

“Just take me to school.” I sounded tired even to my own hears. I felt the weight of his stare at the side of my face, he must be observing me.

“You’re tired.” He groan, concerned about me or maybe his baby.

“I’m fine.” I snapped irritated.

It’s was silent for a few moments.

The car has turned in the direction of my University, which could be seen at a distance from where we are.

“I can just take you home and lock you in our room.” He suggested smugly. It’s infuriates me I want to smack him hard.

“And you think doing that will earn my forgiveness?” I was calm but I still boils in rage.

We drove through the gates without any of the security men stopping us for my school ID or any checks up. That has to be Vince doings.

“I’m not asking for forgiveness, because I was not wrong. You are my wife and you must give me children, I don’t know why you’re be unreasonable.”

That did it. I lost control, I lost all my patience with this infuriating man.

“Unreasonable? Unreasonable you said.” I scoffed. “You are the most unreasonable man I had ever seen, you do everything your way and gets mad when things don’t go your way. Yes I will have to get pregnant at some point but that could be much later. But no! You have to force it upon me.” I screamed out all pent up anger.

“I can’t do this right now, and please don’t show your face to me for a few days or I might just lost it.” Luckily, the car had stopped right in front of my department. I get down and walk faster than I ever before into my lecture hall, ignoring the awe gazes that followed as I came down from an expensive car.

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