Alpha Nocturne's Contracted Mate

Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate Chapter 220

Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate Chapter 220

Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate by A E Randell

Chapter 220 Both Mates Wanting to Share Her

“Then I’ll go too!” Ann replied stubbornly as the room erupted into snorts of protest. “No, you won’t,” Adam said firmly, placing a finger over her lips as she opened her mouth to protest.

“Ann, you are the Alpha Queen, and you may be carrying the first of your line…our line…our pups.” Adam smiled down at her tenderly, “When they are born, then I will hear your arguments regarding placing yourself in harm’s way for the good of the kingdom, but until then, your safety is my priority.”

Ann scowled as she tore her gaze from his and looked to Lexi for support, but her friend held her hands up in front of her and shook her head.

“Don’t be a k*nobh*ead, Queenie. You have a kingdom to rule and t***s like Linus and Cornelius to put in their place. You can’t enact change if you and your little smut puppies are ten feet underground.”

“Some help you are,” Ann grumbled as she pushed herself away from Adam and looked between Felix and Greyson.

She was silent for a while as she mulled over the best possible outcomes for each scenario she had in her mind.

“Fine.” she said finally as she sank into a chair and massaged the bridge of her nose, “Adam and Felix, you will both go to the border town and ascertain whether or not there are any survivors. If you can save them, then do so and bring them back to the city, once the possibilities for civilian casualties are minimized, I want you to eradicate the bastards that dared to expand so brazenly in our territory.” She hissed furiously.

Adam nodded as he and Felix exchanged a significant look between themselves. “If you can figure out which one leads them, either bring him back here and interrogate him, or interrogate him and then do with him as you will. Whether he lives or dies in the end, I don’t care.” she snarled, not missing the look of displeasure on Allen’s face.

“Commander Grayson, you will choose your men from the ones available in active duty and that can respond quickly to your summons. Adam may have some men that he can spare to add to your numbers, but you’ll need to discuss that with him.” Ann continued as Allen’s look of displeasure grew.

As she looked between the four males in the room, something suddenly occurred to her. “I know that not all of you in this room have always seen eye to eye, but I do expect ALL of you to put your differences aside for the duration of these missions.” She warned in a low tone, “As much as I would prefer for each of you to sit and hash it out between you al before you depart, I also know that is not a feasible outcome so I am placing great trust in your maturity to handle these situations.”

Although it seemed to be Allen that had the greatest issues with both Felix and with Grayson, Ann was confident that both Felix and Grayson would not treat the people from Dark Moon any differently.

“Your Highness, my wife…” Felix said hesitantly, an unspoken question hanging in the air but Ann understood almost instantly.

“Don’t worry, Alpha Felix,” she said as she smiled softly, “I will take good care of her, both myself and Lexi will make sure she doesn’t spend time worrying unnecessarily.”

“Allen will remain with you at all times,” Adam said suddenly, casting a furtive glance to where his Beta stood.

Allen’s posture stiffened slightly and his jaw clenched but he said nothing, although the confusion and hurt in his eyes were almost painful to see.

“But his place is at your side in the field Adam, is it not?” Ann frowned.

“We do not have a Gamma Ann. Their job would have been to protect you in my absence…”

“Adam you’re being ridiculous, I have a whole host of Enclave Guards and I have Lexi for Goddess’ sake. Do you really think anyone is going to get past her?!” Ann protested.

“Whether I think they will or not, I will feel better entrusting the life of you and our pups to Allen’s care.” Adam reaffirmed sternly.

“You don’t even know if I’m pregnant or not yet Adam,” Ann grumbled moodily. “Your heat finished exceedingly early, my queen… it’s perfectly possible to assume…” Bartholomew began hesitantly sensing her abrupt mood change.

“It’s been less than a day.” Ann snapped.

“But still… perhaps it would be wise to schedule an appointment with the Enclave’s physician…”

“Shut up Bartholomew, you aren’t helping matters here.” Ann hissed petulantly.

Nothing had been confirmed yet and already they were treating her as if she was a fragile flower that would break at the slightest touch. It was irritating, to say the least, and her best friend’s smug smirk wasn’t helping her mood. Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

“So, it’s settled then. You will all need to make the necessary arrangements and prepare to leave first thing tomorrow morning, to allow for the travel time and organization for those stationed at Dark Moon and surrounding areas.” Ann stated abruptly, “Now, Bartholomew, any progress on the council meeting?”

“Er… yes… my Queen. It’s set to convene in just over an hour’s time. Do you not think it would be prudent to postpone it in light of recent events?”

“No Bartholomew, I do not I have a trial to schedule for tomorrow and seeing as how you all seem to think that I’m incapable of surviving without being wrapped in bubble-wrap at the barest whisper of me being pregnant, then I dread to think what you’re all going to be like once I am. So, with that in mind, I intend to have everything urgent that needs a solution done before I reach that stage.” Ann snapped wearily.

“Thank you for your time, your highness, if you’ll excuse me, I’d like to return to my wife and update heron the plans.” Felix requested with a slight bow.

“Of course, give her my regards, and do let her know that I’ll call on her tomorrow after you’ve all left.” Felix nodded before stalking past Allen, whose murderous gaze never left his back until the door closed behind him.

“I also have preparations to make, your grace. If you’ll excuse me…” Greyson said stiffly with a deep bow as Ann dismissed him.

He paused briefly as he approached Lexi, and as their eyes connected, Lexi’s stomach seemed to flip. She could feel the tension from Allen at her side, but this pull toward Greyson… it was almost as strong as the pull toward Allen. Was it really possible to have two mates? Not that she had time to explore that currently, but perhaps when things were a little calmer…

As quickly as they had connected, Greyson pulled himself away and stalked off, leaving a bitter taste of disappointment in her mouth.

Two mates… that would entail both mates wanting to share her and quite honestly, with what she knew of these two, there was no way that either of them would ever consent to that.

“Okay, so who’s hungry?” She announced brightly taking everyone by surprise, “If I’m going to have to sit through a bunch of stuffy old people arguing amongst themselves, then I am not doing it on an empty stomach.” She had a tendency to get a little touchy when she was hungry, and if anything the food would distract her from both the creeping dejection that she felt about Greysons attitude with her, but also the warmth that had suddenly spread between her legs at the thought of both Allen and Greyson taking her at the same time.

That was a dangerous thought, one that she would keep to herself for personal time. They didn’t need to know her newest fantasy., .but she would certainly enjoy thinking about it whenever she got the opportunity.

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