Alpha Nocturne's Contracted Mate

Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate Chapter 219

Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate Chapter 219

Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate by A E Randell

Chapter 219 Reinforcements

Adam and Allen’s faces were stony as the door closed to the cell, and Lexi was still fuming about Linus’s comments.

“Don’t let it get to you,” Ann said gently, “Those comments were meant to infuriate and provoke us into a reaction. Most likely so that he can claim mistreatment at our hands.” she continued with a grimace. “He’s a disgusting piece of s**t. How can an Elder hold such a high position and still live by those archaic standards? It’s people like him that make the world such a horrendous place for people with mixed heritage to live in…” She fumed before pausing and turning to Ann with a sigh of regret, “I wish you’d have let me rearrange his face just a little bit.”

Ann smiled wryly and raised an eyebrow at her as Lexi smiled half-heartedly at her.

“I would have settled for choking him until he passed out, you know…” Lexi offered as Allen looked at her with a mixture of pride and horror.

“No, you wouldn’t.” Ann laughed, “You and Maeve seem to be cut from the same cloth. You both make it incredibly hard for me to respond rationally and calmly when I have you both baying for people’s blood constantly.”

‘It’s not their blood I’m baying for… it’s mainly their balls.’ Maeve interjected with a smirk, ‘Castration is incredibly effective in softening the male’s attitude.’

‘Maeve, that’s horrific.’ Ann admonished, ‘People can change given enough reason, but you have to give them a reason to change They aren’t likely to do that if you’ve mutilated them, you’ve only given them a reason to hate you.’

‘Like I give a shit.’ Maeve snorted, ‘I’m merely saving future generations from having to deal with their bloodline’s stupidity. Stupid shouldn’t breed.’

Ann pursed her lips and turned back to Lexi with a helpless look.

“It appears I stand corrected. Maeve wants them castrated… you want their blood.” She shrugged as Lexi sniggered.

“Come on, now that’s out of the way, we need to catch up with Bartholomew and see how many people are actually attending this afternoon.” Ann grinned as Adam threw his arm around her and they made their way out of the cells.

They set a relaxed pace, chatting seriously amongst themselves about the council meeting later that day and discussing the arrangements for the planned trial on the next day.

As they turned the corner into the corridor that housed Bartholomew’s office, they could hear the distinct tone of raised voices emanating from the office’s direction.

Picking up the pace they hurried towards his door and pushed their way in, only to see Felix and Grayson involved in an intense argument whilst Bartholomew looked on with a troubled expression. The arguing paused as they turned towards the newcomers, and quickly attempted to compose themselves. “What’s going on?” Ann asked warily as they entered and shut the door behind them. “You do realize that we could hear the commotion from down the corridor?”

Both men’s faces were set in grim expressions as they bowed toward Ann and greeted her stiffly. “Our apologies, my Queen, there’s been troubling news from the border, and within our territories too, it seems,” Bartholomew explained with a troubled smile.

“News? What news?” Ann asked with a frown, her heart hammering in her chest in a painful mix of anxiety and fear.

“It seems that the rogues have launched another attack along our border. They’ve taken the town of Elwood along our shared border and sent the head of the Alpha wrapped in a pretty little box.” Felix fumed as Ann’s face fell. “It was handed to my wife over lunch by an unsuspecting Omega as it was addressed to her.”

“Is she okay?” Ann asked before rolling her eyes at her own stupidity, “I’m sorry. That was a stupid question.”

Felix grimaced as he ran his hand through his shock of hair.

“She’s a little shaken, but thankfully that’s all. She has a strong stomach.”

“That’s not all, your highness, one of the hidden containment facilities notified us of the towns close by being attacked and requested reinforcements early this morning and… well… there’s been radio silence since then.” Grayson interjected as Ann’s mind whirled with possibilities, but in her heart, she was positive that the attack at the containment facility had something to do with Narcissa.

“Have reinforcements been sent?”

“Yes, your highness, they were dispatched within half an hour of receiving the distress call. Two of our rapid response teams have been sent and will report back when they arrive.” Greyson answered stiffly as Ann paced slowly. “How far out is the site?” Adam asked with a troubled expression.

“Half a day’s travel at least.” Greyson answered quickly, “The only issue is we’re down to two rapid response teams within the capital, and releasing them to the villages on the border will leave us with a shortage of specialists and relatively unprotected here.”

“So, you’re going to leave those people to their fate and allow those f’****g rogues to take another town and kill more innocents?! For all you know there are women and children still alive within that village that need saving!” Felix argued.Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

“For all you know, we could be playing right into their hands with this! What if it’s a trap?” Greyson argued back.

“Sending the head of their Alpha is a clear message…” Felix snapped in exasperation. “Yet it was sent to your wife, and not specifically to the Alpha Queen, which tells me this is more a targeted campaign against your family…” Greyson answered.

“Originating from your borders!” Felix roared as he pounded his fist onto the table at the side of him. “The last time I checked, Commander Grayson was not responsible for when and where we dispatch our teams to,” Allen observed dryly as Greyson turned to him with an expression of fury.

“I’m probably the highest ranked Commander within the Enclave right now that has seen active duty…”

“Still doesn’t make you the Commander in Chief though, does it?” Allen quipped with a smirk, earning a snarl of anger from Greyson.

“I’m more qualified than the Consorts lapdog to make decisions,” He shot back as Alien’s face twisted into a furious snarl.

“Alright boys, put your d’**s away, okay? This isn’t going to solve anything.” Lexi snapped, looking between the two of them with disappointment.

“There lies our predicament, my Queen.” Bartholomew interjected with a sweeping gesture of his hand, “Both of these situations require our urgent attention, yet we lack the manpower and resources to respond in a timely manner to both.”

“That’s not true.” Adam said confidently, “We have multiple teams stationed at Dark Moon. I can gather my team and make my way to one of the sites.”

“Then our manpower problem is partially solved,” Bartholomew smiled.

“Adam…” Ann protested weakly, “You can’t…”

Adam turned to her and took her face in his hands as he looked down at her lovingly, “I can, and I will, my Queen. This is what being an Alpha entails and I am merely fulfilling my role as protector.”

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