Alpha King’s pregnant Ex-Luna


Deep inside the dimly lit hospital room, Lara slumped on the bed, vacant eyes staring into the abyss. Her once rosy complexion had drained away, leaving only a ghostly pallor in its wake.

Caroline, consumed by worry and anxiety, approached Lara cautiously. “Lara, my child, what happened? How did you find yourself ensnared by the merciless river?”

Lara remained silent, her expression devoid of emotion.

“Please, say something!” Caroline pleaded, desperation evident in her voice.

Yet, Lara remained motionless, lost in a haze of her own thoughts. Just as Caroline’s hope began to wane, a firm knock resonated through the room. Opening the door, she gasped at the unexpected sight before her. “M-Alpha Morris?”

Only upon hearing her mother’s words did Lara lift her gaze to the visitor at the door.

Caroline’s heart swelled with joy at the presence of Alpha Kilian. “Alpha Morris, have you come to visit Lara?” Turning towards her daughter, she continued, “Lara, look who’s here – Alpha Morris has come to see you.”

Lara fixated her gaze on the entrance, anticipation filling her eyes. “Alpha Morris, please come in,” Caroline invited, her voice trembling faintly.

Alpha Kilian cast a penetrating glance before stepping into the room.

“Alpha Morris-” Caroline began, but her words were halted by Fabian. “Mdm. Mason, Alpha Morris wishes to speak with Ms. Gareth in private.”

Caroline’s surprise morphed into scrutiny as she observed Alpha Kilian, her thoughts swirling with the understanding that men possessed an innate desire for that which eluded them. Yet, her only concern was her daughter’s well-being – the ultimate priority.

With a nod, Caroline acquiesced. “Fine.” Turning towards Lara, she gently spoke, “Darling, I will fetch you something to eat and return shortly.”

Lara remained in silence.

After acknowledging Alpha Kilian with a knowing glance, Caroline exited the room. Subsequently, Fabian followed suit, closing the door behind him, leaving Alpha Kilian and Lara alone.Belonging to NôvelDrama.Org.

Lara’s listless gaze finally flickered with a subtle change as she stared at Alpha Kilian. She knew that his visit held weight beyond mere concern. After all, she had attempted to harm his daughter.

Yet, the sight of him still kindled fantasies in her mind.

“Alpha Kilian.” Lara forced a smile, her eyes unwavering. “It has been quite some time.” Alpha Kilian approached her with an aloof demeanor, his eyes piercing through her soul.

In a solemn tone, he remarked, “Lara, I am sure you know I am not here for trivial conversation.”

Lara’s expression froze. “Alpha Kilian, have we reached a stage where you no longer bother to pretend cordiality?”

Alpha Kilian retorted, his voice tinged with a simmering rage, “Is that necessary?”

Tears welled up swiftly in Lara’s eyes. “Alpha Kilian, whether you believe me or not, I never intended to harm your daughter. I merely wished to teach her a lesson-”

“A lesson?” Alpha Kilian seethed, his gaze aflame with fury. “I cannot even bring myself to reprimand her, yet you believe it is your place to teach her a lesson?”

“It was she who spoke disrespectfully to me first.”

Alpha Kilian’s eyes darkened. “Why does she not do the same to others?”


“Lara, I have known you for far too long,” Alpha Kilian interjected.

His words plunged Lara’s heart into deep abyss. “Alpha Kilian, what are you insinuating?”

“After everything you have done behind my back, I hold no illusions about who you truly are. You cannot tolerate any challenge and seek retribution against anyone who poses a threat. But even then, I cannot fathom that you are capable of such despicable acts towards a child,” Alpha Kilian enunciated each word with unwavering conviction.

Lara stared at him, stunned. He knows.

Collecting her thoughts, she responded, “All those girls who came to the office only desired to claim you, not to work. I had to remove them, knowing their intentions towards you.”

“You could have fired them, but why resort to such unscrupulous methods? Is tarnishing someone’s reputation the only way you know?” Alpha Kilian interrogated.

After a momentary hesitation, Lara vehemently defended herself, “Only by doing so could I prevent them from pursuing you. Otherwise, they would persist in throwing themselves at you, seeking intimacy.”

“I am not as flawless as you believe,” Alpha Kilian admitted.

“But in my eyes, you are perfection incarnate.” Tears cascaded down Lara’s cheeks, her voice quivering. ‘He is so perfect that I am willing to sacrifice anything for him. I am even ready to cast aside my dignity just to be by his side. Yet, even then, I failed to win his heart.’ The raw anguish painted across Lara’s face resembled that of a child who had lost something irreplaceable. Meanwhile, Alpha Kilian’s glare intensified, filled with unspoken fury.

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