30 Days till I Divorce My Husband (Estrella and Jason)

Chapter 82

Chapter 82

Estrella thought Jason was coming over to pick up the argument where they left off, but to her surprise, he showed up with medicine-in fact, stomach medicine.

It seemed that after their spat, he had done some digging into her business trip to Silverbrook. Although he hadn’t unearthed anything about her and Korey’s fling, he did discover that she had fallen sick there.

Casting a glance at the medication on her nightstand, Estrella said in an indifferent tone, “Thanks.”

A few months back, if Jason had whipped up some late-night comfort food and brought her medicine, she might have been touched, might have clung to their plans of having a child. But now? She felt next to nothing.

Besides, it wasn’t like Jason was brimming with affection. He was just assuaging a twinge of guilt for having wronged her, for being unfaithful to their marriage. Maybe he didn’t even feel guilty. Who knew what he might want from her later on.

Jason had always been aloof, never acknowledging their relationship in public. Estrella used to brush it off. But when he waxed nostalgic about Holly in front of Korey, disregarding her, Estrella couldn’t help but take it personally.

Korey was into her, even going so far as to propose a marriage to the Dorvold family. Jason’s behavior was a blatant message to Korey that he didn’t value her, Estrella. It was as if he was deliberately riling Korey up, pushing her away. That was something Estrella couldn’t stomach. NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

If he didn’t care, he should just end it. But to deliberately give other guys a shot, to push her away – what did he treat her as?

He claimed to be bothered by Korey, yet his actions spoke a whole different story. He was almost desperate to catch her in the act of infidelity.

When Jason offered help if she felt unwell, Estrella responded, “Sure, you should get

some rest too.”

Her words were agreeable enough, but deep down, she knew better. She wouldn’t turn to him even if she was on death’s door – she never did it before, and she certainly wouldn’t

start now.

With a clunk, Jason closed the door behind him, and Estrella promptly tossed the pills he had brought into the trash can.

The next morning, as Estrella stepped out of her room, freshly prepped for the day, she bumped into Jason coming out from across the hall.


Chapter 82

With casual ease, she greeted, “Morning!”

Jason grunted a response, nodding slightly. Just then, Estrella’s phone rang – it was


She answered the call, and before she could get a word out, Bryce’s frantic voice blared through, “Estrella, where are you now? What’s going on?”

Estrella frowned, pulling the phone away from her ear. “Back at Sandalwood Oasis.”

Bryce exploded on the other end, “You hopeless case. Why’d you go back there? How many times have I told you? A lady’s gotta have some self-respect. You can’t indulge a man like my brother. You’re just letting my words go in one ear and out the other.”

Bryce’s voice was loud enough for Jason to catch the gist, so you could imagine the look on his face.

Estrella was about to retort when Jason, whose face was like a thundercloud, snatched the phone from her hand. “Bryce, life’s been too cushy for you lately?”

The moment Jason’s voice reached Bryce, he changed immediately. “Bro, I’ve been on Estrella’s case non-stop, telling her not to hold a grudge and to hustle back to Sandalwood Oasis. See, she finally listened!”

Bryce’s two-faced tactics and his rapid-fire change of tune had Jason hanging up the call abruptly. Tossing the phone back to Estrella, he remarked, “Bryce would sell you out faster than anyone.”

Estrella chuckled dryly, “No need for you to school me on who’s good to me.”

Having said her piece and noting the time, Estrella skipped breakfast at home, grabbed her keys, and made for the door.

Jason, ever so nonchalantly, offered, “I’ll give you a ride.” Without waiting for her consent, he steered her to his car.

Halfway there, he stopped to buy her breakfast, a perfect fit for someone with a delicate stomach. Estrella accepted the breakfast he pushed into her hands politely. “Thanks.” But she didn’t dive in. It wasn’t until they reached the law firm’s building that Jason reminded her to take the food with her.

“Estrella, you finally made it.” As Estrella approached the entrance, Bryce emerged from the sidelines.

Estrella quipped, “What, you hustled over here too?”

Bryce replied, concerned, “Worried you’d skip breakfast again, so I brought you some.”

The previous days at Waterfall Acres had Bryce playing chauffeur and breakfast courier since Jason was minding the company and he was just waiting for payday.


Chapter 82

Estrella shook the takeout bag in her hand. “Your brother just got me some.'”

Bryce quickly swapped meals. “Don’t bother with his lousy grub. Eat mine.”

After saying that, he stuffed a bun into his own mouth.

Noticing Bryce had brought plenty, Estrella tossed Jason’s breakfast into the nearest trash can. If it was going to leave a bad taste, he might as well not eat it either.

After the Silverbrook trip, Estrella’s patience with Jason seemed to have completely crumbled. Now, she was biding her time for the right moment.

Across the street, Jason’s car hadn’t left yet. Seeing Estrella discard the breakfast he’d bought into the trash, he hit the gas with anger, driving off.

It used to be Estrella who’d do the comforting. No matter how sullen he was, she’d always be there to soothe his temper. Now, it seemed the tables had turned. Estrella wasn’t taking his charity anymore..

At the foot of the law firm, holding a bun, she mentioned, “I’ve got to make a trip to the prison later and I’m without a ride. Can you take me?”

Bryce, munching on his own bun, agreed, “Sure thing.”

After Estrella clocked in at the firm, Bryce drove them both to the prison.

In the visiting room, Estrella faced a rather tall yet incredibly thin young man. Handing over some food, she urged, “Had breakfast yet? Eat something first.”

The boy didn’t reach for the items Estrella offered. Instead, he politely said, “Thank you, Ms. Estrella.”

Estrella had seen the boy a handful of times before, and “thank you” seemed to be the phrase he said to her most often. Every time she met with him, Estrella found it hard to picture him as a murderer, let alone one who had taken three lives.

Noticing that he was a bit guarded, Estrella didn’t press him. Instead, she said, “I took a trip to your hometown last week and gathered some community support that could work. in your favor. I wanted to see you today to remind you that on the day of the trial, even if you encounter people you’d rather not see, or get asked about the past, don’t let anger get the best of you. Just present the facts of what happened that year and your motives to the judge. Leave the rest to me; I’ll do everything in my power to help.” As she said this, Estrella couldn’t help but give the boy’s handcuffed hands a reassuring squeeze.

“I’ll do as you say, Ms. Estrella,” the boy said, looking at Estrella with resolute eyes.

They chatted a bit more, with Estrella offering words of encouragement until their meeting time was up. She then stood up from her chair

After bidding the boy farewell, Estrella turned to leave when suddenly he called out to her, “Ms. Estrella.”

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