30 Days till I Divorce My Husband (Estrella and Jason)

Chapter 81

Chapter 81

When Estrella realized the figure lurking in the shadows was Jason and not some apparition, she clutched at her chest with a dramatic sigh of relief. “Jesus, Jason, are you insane? Who in their right mind prowls around at this ungodly hour without sleep?”

Jason still leaned against the opposite door frame, watching Estrella. He said, “You’ve got some nerve, Estrella.”

This was his turf, but she’d had the audacity to lock him out. Last time, she’d booted him out of Waterfall Acres and had the gall to call security on him.

Everybody from their hometown to the far reaches of society knew not to mess with Jason. If someone crossed Jason, then he could hold a grudge that might last a day, a year, or hell, maybe even a lifetime.

While Thomas and Bryce buttered him up, they badmouthed him behind his back. They’d say Jason’s heart was blacker than coal, wicked through and through, and there was no need to prove it. They had taken enough flak from him over the years. Yet, this guy, somehow, always ended up on the losing end with her. Despite their clashes, Jason had even humbled himself before her on occasions – subtly, but it was there. Holly had never received such treatment.

Suppressing a yawn, Estrella taunted him, “What, you think everyone’s like you, all talk and no game?”

That was a low blow, and Jason felt it.

As Estrella turned to walk away, Jason reached out and grabbed her arm. “What do you mean? If you don’t mind your words, I will spank some sense into you!”

Estrella spun around. Her face was inches from his. “Go on, try it. But let me warn you. If I end up dead, my soul will haunt you for eternity”

She’d have starved herself rather than face him if she’d known he’d be lurking about.

With her usual feisty defiance, Estrella shrugged him off. “Whatever, Jason. I’ve got no time for this.”

Descending the stairs, she made her way to the kitchen. The household, including Marie, had long since retired for the night. Estrella didn’t have the heart to wake anyone, so she fumbled around the kitchen on her own. Her culinary skills were… lacking, to put it mildly. The can of ham remained unopened, and her attempt at slicing corned beef ended with uneven, ragged strips.

Amidst the clang and clatter of her battle with the can, Jason’s voice floated over, dripping with sarcasm. “Are you trying to wake up everyone?”

Already frazzled, Estrella spun around with a scowl. “Why are you haunting me? Can’t you


Chapter 81

find someone else to bother?”

Jason rolled his eyes. “Anyone would think you’re chopping up a body.”

With a few deft moves, Jason took over, popping open the mangled can and slicing the ham with ease, then neatly re-slicing the corned beef.

Estrella watched, with her arms crossed, making no effort to hide her amusement. “So, what is it this time? You want me to play house at the Nelson estate?”

For over two years, Jason had only sought her out under family pressure, using Drew as a go-between for their little charades.

Jason prepared the noodles without batting an eye. “You really think I’m dying to put on a show for them?”

Even the big shots couldn’t command Jason’s attention unless he felt like it.

Estrella gave him a thumbs-up, feigning admiration before teasing, “If you stop dragging me into your dramas, I’ll be impressed.”

In response, Jason stuffed a piece of raw ham into her mouth. She was about to spit it out when the flavor hit her, and she decided to swallow instead.

Soon, Jason served up the pasta in the living room. Estrella didn’t stand on ceremony, grabbing fork and digging in. Jason watched her, feigning disgust. “Ever heard of manners?”

Ignoring him, Estrella scrolled through her phone with one hand and ate pasta with the other, not giving him a second glance.

Jason snatched the phone from her, and she looked up, feigning nonchalance. “If you’re so interested, take a look.”

He rifled through her photos, videos, call logs work, work, and more work. Checking her Messenger, he found mostly business chats and frequent conversations with her mom, Jesse, and Bryce. Her contact with Korey was minimal, practically nonexistent.

Noticing that she’d pinned her parents, Jesse and Bryce, and their group chat at the top of Messenger, while he wasn’t even a blip on her radar, Jason felt a twinge of annoyance. He promptly pinned his own contact to the top of her list.

Estrella, still focused on her meal, watched Jason’s investigative frenzy. “If I knew you

were planning a raid, I would stage some juicy evidence.”

Jason’s face darkened, and he tossed the phone back at her. She caught it, saw what he’d done, and laughed openly. “Got no shame, huh?”

Jason glared. “Try removing it.”

With a smirk, Estrella removed it, and then deliberately showed it right in front of him.



Chapter 81

He stared at her. His expression was chilling. Without a word, he stood up and took her bowl of pasta.

Estrella clung to her bowl, downing the last of the broth. “I’m done anyway.”

Jason thought he could trade a bowl of noodles for a top spot on her Messenger? He clearly undervalued her.

As she hurriedly sipped the last of the broth, Jason stared at her with disdain.

Shortly after ascending the staircase, Estrella, having once again double-locked the door,

found that this time Jason had unlocked it. © NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

On the bed, Estrella was getting ready to lie down and catch some more z’s. But seeing Jason enter, her expression soured instantly. “What now? Haven’t you had enough?”

She didn’t wait for Jason to speak, reaching dismissively for her smartphone. “Fine, I’ll pin you back on Messenger, okay? Now get out. I have to visit a client at the prison tomorrow.”

Jason ignored her irritation and placed a glass of warm water and a few pills on her bedside table. “Stomach medicine.”

He set the pills down, and Estrella paused. Her gaze lingered on him.


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