Yours, Never Again

Chapter 38

Victor’s pov

Chan facetimed Eloise because he wanted to speak to Megan immediately after we landed. I didn’t show my face but I could hear all they were saying. The ride to the hotel was slow.

Megan was just yelling her daddy’s name throughout the call. It warmed my heart for real. Eloise and Chan talked too, she told him how she went to her parent’s house.

Their conversation was becoming annoying as the two of them were laughing. She does not even own a car, she probably took a taxi. I got her a car as a wedding gift, I will ask them to send it over today.

I hope this week runs out real quick, I need to make things right with Eloise.

Chan ended the call immediately after we got to the hotel, and we had a meeting right away. We dropped our things at the hotel and we freshen up because we spent almost 24 hours on the plane.

The company we were meeting sent a car to pick us up,

“You know I did research on this company,” Chan said to me.

“Anderson gave the details already,” I replied to him unbothered about what he found, I was confident enough.

“I should have said I dig some digging, that sounds deeper. If I knew the information before we left, I would have brought Anderson instead,”

I stopped in my tracks, ” What is this information?”

“This man we are going to deal with does business over drinks. ”

“Who does that? So I am going to drink that evening. Shit.”

“You can just let go of this deal.” He tried to dissuade me. I can’t have Anderson come here because he won’t meet up. It’s really hard to reserve an appointment with him and I need to strike this deal with him for the expansion of the Harts group abroad.

“I can’t man. This is important and necessary.”

“Then you talk more and drink less.” I nodded my head in approval.

We went to his office, his secretary open some secret vault then we went in. This man had some serious things going on in his secret room.

It was a club, with strippers and different rich-looking men. Who the fuck does business like this, I scan through the whole and it seemed like everyone here was suckinng up to him. Who do I expect? He is the most influential and powerful tycoon.

I noticed the security cameras in the room, which means the man was watching what was going on in the club. One man, I assume he is a bodyguard approached me and Chan, and he led us to the room where the man was. His name Luca Giovanni was boldly written on the door.

The bodyguard let only me in leaving Chan outside.

“Ciao, Mr. Hart,” The person I suppose is Mr. Giovannni said in his thick Italian accent, he sat on a cozy leather couch, I should get myself one of those. He looked so young for a forty-three-year-old man, he looked like we were age mates.

“Mr. Giovanni,” I stretched my hand to shake him and he shook my hand.

“I have got the minutes of this meeting since the papers have done the talking, let’s get this over with drinks like a real mem.”

“Sure but when are we reviewing the contract?”

“Let’s leave that till tomorrow,” He poured me a drink.


The last thing I remembered was Mr. Giovanni pouring me a drink, how did I get home? I blacked out again. I woke to my phone ringing continuously. I opened my eyes, Chan was on the balcony talking to someone.

I picked up my phone and I saw missed calls from my mom, Victoria, David, and Mrs. Hart. The weirdest part was Mrs. Hart called me. I wanted to call them back when Chan rushed inside.

“Things are really messed up, don’t pick up their calls. You haven’t kept the members of your board in check. They have connections with Giovanni.”

“What’s wrong? ” I asked him and he showed a tabloid that people at home would obviously see. I was kissing a renowned model in the picture. “What the fuck happened?”

“Giovanni sent me back here first, then he sent you after, I waited in the lobby for you. When the car that brought you arrived, I saw you come out with a model, you were drunk as fuck then she kissed you. Reporters came out of nowhere and they started taking pictures.”

I sat up on the bed, shit Eloise would have seen this. Chan continued. “I ran an investigation overnight, trust me I will collect extra money for working overtime. The board doesn’t want this deal to go through so they could change the CEO. Their idea was to make you and Giovanni fight so he won’t sign the contract then they would have a reason to weed you out. They already prepared the minutes of the meeting,”

“They made him set me up, wow, what did they offer him in return?”

“Ten percent shares of the Harts group,”

“The five of them offered two percent each, I can see why they own so few shares. Let’s corner them. I will make Giovanni give me the ten percent shares they offered him and the deal will go on as we planned.”

“How will that happen?’

“Giovanni wouldn’t do that to a married person. His principles, he respects women. We will use that to our advantage.

“Nice, that’s a smart move.”

“Anderson and I didn’t train in vain,” I stood up to go freshen up.

“Are you not going to call Eloise, to explain the situation?”

“I will when we get back home. ”

“Are you sure she would be okay with it?”

“We are running late,” I ran into the shower and I did my thing real quick, Chan went in after I came out. I dressed up real quick and I ordered a ride for us immediately when Chan finished and we headed to Giovanni’s office.All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

My mother had willed the shares like my dad wanted twenty percent for each child, the remaining twenty percent had always been for our distant family members. These family members are getting greedier but I will trim their wings.

Chan and I entered Giovanni’s office calmy, he already knew we were coming, we stayed in his office today.

“I am surprised to see you here,” He said.

“We did agree on meeting today, I am here with the contract,”

“My legal team is on there here,” He pressed a button on his table.

“Let’s chat while we wait,” He nodded. ” I am hoping we could be fast with the proceeding, mia moglie awaits me at home. She was angry with me because of the stunt you pulled on me,” I don’t know how to speak the Italian language but I mastered a few words on my way here.

“I am so sorry brother, I wasn’t aware of your marriage,” His thick Italian accent outshined his English. He called me brother, his apologies are sincere.

“It’s a recent one. I got married two days ago.” I tried to touch his emotional side before I switched things up a little. “I know you didn’t do this to me, my cousins promised you ten percent shares of our group,”

“How did you know that?” He laughed. “You are a smart man. I should do something to apologize, name anything you want.”

“The truth is that they want to remove me from the seat of the CEO if I don’t get this project. I would like you to consider your gain on this project. I will give you ten percent shares of this project and you will give me back the ten percent they offered you.”

“Deal.” He agreed now. “We are brothers now.” He stood up then beckoned to me for a hug and I stood up to give him a hug.

His lawyers came in and he signed the contract. He asked me to go back home, that he would take care of things and send me updates.

Chan and I went back to the hotel, we got our things, and headed to the airport. On our way to the airport, I saw a stall, bracelets were displayed. One of them caught my attention, I stopped the car and I got down to get one.

I asked the trader to engrave something on it, I paid and I went back to the car. We arrived home the next night.

Megan was with the maids in the house and they said Eloise didn’t come home the last night.

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