White Wolf’s Curse

Chapter 2


I hate living in the middle of nowhere. I was born here and I still hate it. We spent the summer with my cousins in New York and I can’t say I loved it, but at least it was more interesting than here. Nothing cool ever happens here. It’s a ghost town most of the time. I am the most popular guy here and I don’t do shit. So that is saying a lot for the entertainment in this town. Ok, I play a lot of sports but really does that mean anything.

So I was surprised when I was sitting in the first period, senior English and a new student was introduced. She looks different from every other girl here. She has her long dark hair in a braid down her back. She is wearing worn jeans and a band shirt that I don’t recognize. Her ears have far more piercings than anyone around here. There is even one in her nose. I may be wrong but I think that is even a tattoo on her wrist.

Normally this wouldn’t be a big deal since it is the first day of school but since no one ever moves here, it is. Some of the chicks in class start to hackle her in low voices, but she just rolls her eyes. I missed what her name was but she has got my attention now. Her seat is about three behind me, but that doesn’t mean that I can’t find a way to talk to her at some point. I keep looking behind me trying to catch a peek at what she is doing and I can’t be sure but I think she looked at me a couple of times.

The girl on my right leans in and whispers. “Baby, what are you doing? Mr. Kent is going to catch you flaking off.”

I rolled my eyes this time. “Don’t call me baby. We broke up like six months ago, Kelly.”

She sits back in her seat with a little huff. Our school is just big enough to have sports and she is the head cheerleader, not because she is all that great but because no one contests her. She just bullies everyone. I play just about all the sports, it’s something to do. So, to Kelly that means that we are meant to be together. Yeah, she is boring as fuck. I dated her for like two months and I wanted to rip my hair out.

When the bell rings I wanted to hang back and see if I could talk to this girl but she hightailed it out of class like her ass was on fire. I hurried after her, but found her meeting up with some guy that I have never seen before in the hall. She linked her arm through his. He smiled at her. She didn’t smile but he did. I kind of followed them for a bit and found that we were all going to the same place, Advanced Biology. I took my seat but kept my attention on her. Her and the guy hung at the front of the class waiting for the teacher.

Dr. Martin is a great teacher, I am glad he took over this class, he at least makes it seem interesting. But he is always late for the start of class. I am pretty sure it is because he is making out with Ms. Carson. I’ve seen them on dates, they try to keep it lowkey, but they are definitely an item.

So a few girls are gushing over this guy. He looks well enough. At least as good as me. About as tall as me with light brown hair. He is fit and thin so he has that going for him. Still don’t see what the big deal is. He doesn’t look all that great. Maybe you have to be a girl to understand. I certainly don’t get it.

Dr. Martin comes in with his tie a little lopsided, his dark hair a little messier than it was this morning and rushes up to the front desk. “Alright guys, settle down. It looks like we got a couple of new students.” He points at the two standing up front. The girl that I haven’t taken my eyes off of since I took a seat. I have no idea how she is so captivating but she is. “Calab and Cassandra.”

“Cass.” The girl interrupts.

Dr. Martin smiles and nods. “Cass. Alright do you guys want to do a little introduction or we can skip it.”

Cass speaks for both of them. “We will just skip it.” She scrunches up her nose a little as if the very idea is repulsive.

He just nods. “Alright, Cass, take a seat next to Trey there. Trey raise your hand.” I am more than happy to oblige. Raising my hand. “And Calab, take a seat next to Willow. Willow, raise your hand.” She does, but is a bit hesitant. She is what we call a nerd. She just likes her books. She doesn’t care about much else. Her long red hair is usually down to hide her face. She’s cute enough but too shy for me.

I watch as she comes closer to me. She lets go of the guy and steps next to the stool beside me. She drops her bag and sits, not looking at me. She keeps watching the guy though. Like a mother hen. I say that because it looks like concern on her face, not jealousy. I look around and a bunch of girls are checking out the new guy. Willow looks like if she turns any redder she could enter the county fair.

I turn back to the girl next to me. “Hey, my name is Trey.” I put out my hand to shake.

She looks at it for a second before taking it, barely, then shaking it slightly. “Cass.” That’s it. She is back to watching the guy.

“So, where are you from?” I am trying to make conversation here.

She doesn’t look at me, she just keeps watching the guy. “San Diego.”

I wave my hand in her face, trying to get her attention. I never had to work this hard to get a girl’s attention before. “Is that your boyfriend or something?”

She looks at me like I am nuts. “No, he is not.”

I lean a little closer. “Then why do you keep staring at him?”

She groans. “He is my little brother.”

I don’t know why it happens but a big grin appears on my face. “Brother.”

She nods. “Yep, brother.”

I am still a little confused. “But why are you staring at him?”

She lets out a sigh, like she is irritated with my questions. “We have only ever gone to one school our whole lives. He is nervous being in a new school. I am just worried that he is going to get picked on or something. We had enough of that at our old school.”

“I doubt Willow would pick on him. She is more scared of her own shadow. She is probably more scared of your brother right now.” I look over and he looks like he is trying to talk to her. She is just nodding and shaking her head, not actually saying anything. “Willow is one of those shy girls. She wouldn’t hurt your brother.”

She nods. “Yeah, well what about that blond bimbo leaning close to him.”

I see Crissy, one of Kelly’s friends, leaning closer. “Her, you may want to watch out for. She will probably latch on to your brother like a life raft. She’s a cheerleader and a regular pain in the ass.”

“What do you mean latch on?”

“She is going to want to make your brother her new boyfriend.”

“My brother is only a junior.” She sits up straighter.

“So? Is he not allowed to date or something?”

“No, not that. She is just older than him.” She shakes her head.

“I don’t think Crissy cares.” I shrug.

Crissy leans over talking to him and I see him look over at his sister. She shakes her head and the brother shuts down the girl and turns away from Crissy. Wow, I have siblings but they never listen to me like that. It’s like Cass is his Yoda. The brother goes back to talking to Willow. Well, maybe he can get her out of her shell, doubt it but hey to each their own.

I try to get Cass’s attention again. “So, when did you move here?”

“Last week.” She looks away from her brother and towards the board. Dr. Martin is getting the papers together that he wants to hand out.

“How do you like it?”

She shrugs. “It’s fine I guess. New, that’s all.”

I chuckle a little. “You can be honest, it is boring.”

“Yeah, A little, but it’s cool. We just don’t know anyone.”

“Is it just you and your brother?”

She finally looks at me. Clear irritation is etched on her face. “Why do you want to know so much? Are you the welcoming committee?”

I grin. “Maybe for you, I am.”

She laughs, a light little thing and rolls her eyes. “So let me guess. You are the male Crissy.”Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

I shake my head. “No, I just find you interesting.”

She shakes her head. “Look, I am not one for competitions. I prefer to keep to myself. I have enough on my plate protecting my brothers and sister. I don’t need more shit on my plate.”

I am confused again. “Who do you need to protect your brothers and sister from?”

She looks back at me and her eyes look cold. “All of you.”

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