What Your Love Felt Like-The Dragon Saga

Chapter65. Lucian’s POV- Weakness

They were looking up the Ivory Blade.

So Draco was indeed injured and Liana helped in his recovery. How touching. A lovey dovey couple.

That Mr. Joe’s narrative was clumsy and boring but I got the gist.

It made me instantly regret what I just did.

I was a mere third wheel in this royal romance. I was like a sand spec in the eye. I was an unwanted nobody.

I took one last look at the sleeping woman. She would survive a few days without anything. I had fed her the pill. I had more important things to take care of in the Dragon realm.

I needed to retrieve the Ivory Blade from Draco. He could not be allowed to posses everything. Anything that he wanted to.

I landed straight in the middle of the backyard and then went to look for our beloved king.

As expected, he was not at his office, he had gone for patrolling.

This was the perfect opportunity.

I began going through all his drawers and shelves. Though I was sure that he would not keep something as expensive as the Ivory Blade unguarded , I was trying to look for something that would give me some clue. Some clue as to where je might have hidden the rare item.

As I meticulously went through files after file, I heard footsteps coming towards the office.

Quickly I put everything back to their places but I did not have the time to get back to the guest seat. So I sat down on Draco’s chair. Not intentionally but I was not even apologetic?

” What are you doing on this chair? ”

Luckily it was just Calix, one of Draco’s pet.

” Why? You don’t like seeing me as your Boss? Or do you dare to suggest that I am unfit for this position? ”

My goal was to annoy his little head out of the office so I could peacefully carry on with my mission.

” You are unfit for that chair as long it belongs to him! ”

but all of Draco’s pets were tough nuts to crack.

He dared to slap an insult on my face. He made it personal . I too , was not going to hold back.

” Are you suggesting I get rid of Draco in order to just sit on a piece of wood and metal? ”

” That was not what I meant Lord Lucian. I meant that it was disrespectful of you to come and sit on the Dragon Lord’s chair in his absence. ”

” What is all the commotion about! ”

It was Draco. He walked in along with two others just then.

” Your pets are now teaching me manners. I thought you asked for my assistance when you came to me, I didn’t know that contract came with terms and conditions and a time frame. ”

” Lucian, you know that’s not true. ”

Draco looked at his minions with anger. I loved seeing the sorry look of betrayal in Calix’s face. It was way better than a tight slap.

” Please leave us alone. Return back to your stations! ”

He did not speak till there was only him and I.

” When did you come back Lucian. Who is staying with Liana now? ”

Shit! I didn’t think of keeping a substitute with her, before I left.

” There is no one there. I came back because I was bored! ”

I had to use all the opportunities that was there.

” What do you mean by there is no one there? You left her all alone in that state and came back? Because you were bored? Seriously Lucian? ”

Perfect. That was the perfect reaction. I had hit the bulls eye.

” Why are acting so shocked. Did you except me to baby sit a grown woman as you toured the kingdom? ”Belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

I was pushing him harder.

” Lucian, I did not order you to take Liana on the first place. You took her willingly with you and I let you because I thought that you cared about her. I thought you would look after her with full effort. ”

Was that it Draco? You thought I cared about her? Really? Such irony? Such hypocrisy?

Did you also know how I craved for your wife? Of course you did. Why did you not just leave her alone then? Why did you have to marry her of all the women when you did not even love her. Why Draco, why?

I wanted to wriggle the answers out of him but it was neither the opportunity nor the time.

I calmed my senses and shot my next arrow.

” Well Draco, don’t be ridiculous. Isn’t she your mate? How could I stoop so low as to care for my brother’s toy for his harem. I was just doing my duty. Why don’t you go check on her if you are so worried? ”

Arrow shot. I was waiting for the result.

” I will. Of course I will. But you disappointed me Lucian and you know why. ”

With that he was gone.

Target was achieved. I had the place all to myself. With his order, nobody would come to disturb me and with him gone, I could take my sweet time searching every corner.

Huh! And what was it he was lecturing me about disappointment?

If we are counting disappointments, I have a long list of them too and guess what, he, Draco featured the most number of times on that list. It was quite an achievement.

I stood up and went towards the book shelf.

I looked through those shelves when I noticed a book kept out of it’s place.

I casually picked it up to put it back. But as soon as I picked it, something cracked.

The floor just under the chair I was sitting on cracked.

I tapped on the surface to check. Then I peaked.

There was something inside.

After a few succession of taps the top layer caved in and a few engraved symbols popped up.

I had knowledge about human items. So I knew this was like a locker or safe that they used. And the empty space in front was where we needed to feed the password.

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